Monopoly is a classic board game known for taking hours to play. Although this game does involve luck, it also requires a strategic player. One strategy that may help you win is to use some clever cheating methods that the other players never have to know about. While this is not an honest way to play, it will help you have a more successful game of Monopoly. (Before you start, however, read the Warnings section below.)

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding Ways to Steal Money

  1. 1
    Be the banker to stay close to the money. Place the bank behind you so no one can reach it. This will make them give you the money first. Every so often, instead of putting the money in the bank, slip it underneath you. Then, secretly take it out, and put it in your stash of money.[1]
    • Alternatively, you could take money from another Monopoly game and slowly add it to the pile throughout the game when no one is looking. However, be sure to mark these to distinguish it between the other notes.
  2. 2
    Steal money before the game begins. If you know that you will be playing Monopoly in a few hours, get to the game box, and slip out a bill from each denomination. Then, put the game back, and keep the money to use for the game. During the game, you can add the bills to your money pile, and no one will ever know.
    • Make sure that you keep your money pile messy when you add to it, so that it is not obvious that you have an extra $500 bill. That is the bill that people may notice more easily.
  3. 3
    Take a few dollars when the other players leave the table. Any chance you have to steal a few bills from the bank, or from another player, take it. Act like you are busy on your phone, or distracted with something other than the game right after you do it to deter any suspicion.[2]
  4. 4
    Keep your money pile messy. Instead of keeping your money organized, and neatly piled by denomination, keep it all together, and out of order. It is common for players to want to keep their money nice and orderly, but if you leave it messy, it will be easier to steal some money occasionally.[3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Deceptive Tricks

  1. 1
    Quickly roll the dice. If you find an opportunity to roll the dice while the other players are talking, do not call for their attention just so they can watch you roll. Let them stay distracted, and roll the dice. Before anyone can see the numbers, move your marker wherever you want it.[4]
    • Be sure you know how many spaces you move so when your opponent asks you what you rolled, you can give them an answer that matches the spot you moved to. If a player questions your move, just keep a straight face, and keep with the lie.
  2. 2
    Conceal your Chance and Community Chest cards. Instead of showing off these cards when you draw them, act pleased with whatever card you get, and collect what amount is requested on the card, even if the card is telling you to pay. Then, quickly put the card back into the pile and move on.[5]
  3. 3
    Do not point out when you land on one of your opponent's properties. If the other players are not paying attention to their properties, or where you land, let it go unnoticed. The official rules explain that you will not have to pay if your opponent has still not noticed by the time two other people take a turn.[6]
    • Try to get the next two players to take their turn by complaining about how the game is moving too slowly. This will hopefully speed up the game so you won't have to pay!
    • Keep the owner of the property you landed on distracted. Tell that person a funny joke, or tell them a long story until the next two turns are taken.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Bending the Rules

  1. 1
    Form an alliance with another player. Before the game starts, make a deal with another player to help one another out, but do not let any of the other players know. While you cannot stay alliances the entire game, it may help you knockout other players. Here are some sneaky tricks you can practice together:
    • You and your partner should not charge each other money for landing on property you both own. You can practice this until you have bankrupted the other players.
    • You can acquisition the properties you both want by letting each other know what you want, and then as you land on those spots, you can buy and sell them to that player in hopes they do the same for you.
  2. 2
    Negotiate with other players. If you really want all of the railroads, and another player owns one of those properties, try to set up an agreement that allows you both to get the properties you want. Make a deal where if you land on a property that another player wants, you can buy it, and then sell it to them at the same cost you bought it for so long as that player does the same in return for a property you want. This may be an easy way to take the chance out of owning your desired properties.
  3. 3
    Bribe the other players. If you have your eye on a property, but do not have the funds to purchase it, try offering a real-life bribe to another player. Properties like Park Place and Boardwalk may seem like a good trade for someone looking for a free dinner or favor. So if you do not have the money to buy a property, or want to steal one from another player, try offering that person something they want outside of Monopoly as a trade.[7]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I am caught, do I get a fine or property taken from me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Monopoly has no rules about what happens when you cheat, as cheating is not supposed to be a part of the game. What happens depends on the people playing with you. Some might decide to punish you in some such way. Some might want to start the game over and make sure you are prevented from being able to cheat this time. Some people might choose to just stop the game and not play with you again, because it's no fun playing with cheaters.
  • Question
    If I have an alliance and the bloke double-crosses me, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Do everything to stop them. For example, if your friend lands on a property and does not buy it, the banker will auction it starting at $50. Bid $250 straight away and then they will know you're eager and they will overbid you and lose a bunch of money.
  • Question
    How can I always win an auction?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Bid high at an auction. Even if another player bids over you and wins the property, that player will have to pay more than it was worth. They will also owe more money if they land on the Income Tax space.


  • If someone who doesn't appreciate cheating catches you, that person may never let you be the banker again. That person also might decide not to play Monopoly or any other board game with you again.
  • One more reality check: Before you start cheating, ask yourself what you hope to accomplish. Will the thrill of victory overcome the empty feeling that inevitably accompanies a tainted victory? Do you really want to win by cheating while everyone else is playing by the rules? Is there some point you're trying to establish? Would you be proud to announce to the world that you're a cheater? Would someone be impressed with you? Think it through before you start something that could become a life-long habit.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 81 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 313,540 times.
255 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 81
Updated: April 22, 2021
Views: 313,540
Categories: Monopoly
Article SummaryX

Cheating at Monopoly is relatively easy if you’re sneaky about it. If you haven’t started the game yet, try to sneak a few extra bills into your pocket to use later. You can also offer to be the banker, which will make it much easier to take money when you pretend to exchange it. If people aren’t paying attention when you roll, just move your piece to a better square and hope no one counts. Another thing you can do if people aren’t paying attention is lie about the Chance and Community Chest cards you get. For example, if you draw one telling you to pay money, just pretend it said to take 100 from the bank and quickly put it on the bottom of the pile. For more tips, including how to negotiate a deal with another player to help you win, read on!

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