Well, you have not had your period for too long yet, and the last time you had it you sat around feeling miserable and leaky. You have a sleepover with your best friends tonight and you do not want to miss it, but you are a little scared to go. It is natural, and there are no reasons you have to miss the fun!


  1. 1
    Pack many tampons and pads. Even though you may not use tampons/pads (whichever one you don't use), it is good to have some if you might need them. Even though you probably won't need all that many, it's always good to pack more than you think you need.[1]
  2. 2
    Ask your friend for supplies. If your friend has already had her period, she'll probably have supplies. If she has not gotten hers yet, it might be more awkward, but depending on your friendship, you might still confide in her. Also, the host's mom may have tampons or pads if you ask her.
  3. 3
    Wear something comfortable. Sometimes wearing tighter jeans makes you feel uncomfortable, so wear what suits you on your period. Sometimes a long shirt can make you feel more secure about it, too.
  4. 4
    Cover up your period stains. If your period leaks through your pants, take a sweater or jacket that you can tie around your waist. Sometimes it can make you feel safer about your period, too. Do not bring good jackets or sweaters though, bring an old jacket, and make sure it is not ruined.
  5. 5
    Bring some extra clothes. If you have an accident or a heavy flow, this might make you feel more comfortable about going.
  6. 6
    Be prepared for menstrual cramps. If you have menstrual cramps make sure to pack some Advil, Tylenol, or whatever works best for you so you can make sure to feel comfortable and have a good time.[2]
  7. 7
    Don't think or worry too much about your period. You probably will not have an accident or a heavy flow, but make sure to take a shower before you go, and even at the sleepover to avoid smelling or chafing.
  8. 8
    Be considerate as a guest. When changing your tampon or pad at a friends, here are some tips to make it less awkward:[3]
    • If you use pads, ripping the pad out of your panties can be loud too, so you can try changing it after you pee, when you flush. This works fine, unless your flow is heavy enough that you're going to bleed after you flush.
    • Don't flush your tampons or pads! They will clog the toilet, and that wouldn't be fun. Also, your secret will be out! Simply dispose it in the trash can.
    • To dispose of your tampons or pads, wrap them up in the wrapper from the new one you have put in. You can wrap it in toilet paper and dispose it in the trash. If you feel nervous putting them in someone else's garbage bin, bring a plastic bag with you and put them in it. Hide it with your stuff to throw away when you get back home.
    • Wash your hands. There are germs, so make sure no parts of your body may get infected just because you didn't wash your hands.[4]
    • When you leave the bathroom, take a quick look around to make sure there isn't any blood on the floor or toilet seat. If there is, clean it with toilet paper.
  9. 9
    Confide in someone you trust. If you are comfortable, it's always a good idea to tell your best friends mom or even your best friend. This way, they could tell you if you leak through your clothes or even if you bled onto the floor in the bathroom without noticing.
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  • If you do not tell your friend or her mom if anything bad happens, you could bleed on their furniture.
  • If the host is a close friend, just talk to her about it and tell her you will probably want to take a quick shower in the morning.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 33 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 161,190 times.
146 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 33
Updated: March 10, 2022
Views: 161,190
Categories: Menstruation | Sleep Overs