When the Cupid Shuffle comes on at parties, the dance floor is sure to fill up. The Cupid Shuffle is a song by the rapper Cupid, and it's been a party staple since it's release in 2007.[1] Not only is it a fun, addicting song, but it has its own dance that gets everyone grooving in sync. By learning the steps beforehand, you can dance confidently and skillfully as the life of the party.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Stepping to the Sides

  1. 1
    Warm up as the music starts. You’ll know what’s coming, because the song starts by repeating the words, “Cupid Shuffle.” Get to a good spot on the dance floor where you have a little bit of space to showcase your moves. Typically, this dance works best when people are lined up in rows.
    • Use the musical intro to find your groove. Shake off any self-consciousness you might have and get ready to have some fun.
  2. 2
    Take four steps to the right. Step your right foot out to the side, and then bring your left foot to meet it. You will be doing this four times total. If the dance floor is pretty crowded, you may only be able to take baby steps. If you have lots of space, feel free to take large steps.[2]
    • By watching the crowd around you and listening to the music, you will easily be able to step in the correct rhythm.
  3. 3
    Take four steps to the left. Like you did on the opposite side, you’ll be bringing your left foot out, planting it, and bringing your right foot to meet it. As long as you are moving to the left, feel free to add a little pep to your step. For example:[3]
    • Add a little hop or bounce.
    • Do a smooth slide.
    • Sway your hips to the music.
  4. 4
    Get your arms moving. There isn’t any choreography for your arms, so you can play around with this. Don’t lock your arms to your side, however, or you’ll look uncomfortable and robotic. Bring some individuality to your dance by trying any of the following:[4]
    • Snap your fingers.
    • Shimmy your shoulders.
    • Place your hands on your hips.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:


  1. 1
    Stand with your feet together. Once you’ve finished stepping to the right and the left, bring your feet back together and stand up straight. For the next move, you will be staying in one place and facing forward.
    • Make sure you have room in front of you to extend your leg.
  2. 2
    Kick your right foot out. Bring it down so that the side of your heel taps the floor in front of you. Your toes will be pointing slightly to the right, never hitting the ground.[5]
    • As your right foot comes out in front of you, your left leg will give a slight bend.
  3. 3
    Bring your right foot back to center, and tap your left heel out. Once you get comfortable with this basic step, you can really make it your own. Try giving a little jump as you switch out your feet.[6]
    • Repeat a kick on each leg, so that you kick to the front a total of four times.
    • Don’t forget to stay bouncy on bent knees, so that you don’t look stiff and uncomfortable throughout the dance.
  4. 4
    Continue to move your arms to the rhythm as your leg kicks out. Alternate which arm and leg you move. For example, when you kick out with your right leg, give your left arm a swing. When you kick your right leg, move your left arm. Here are some sweet moves to try:
    • Pop out your arm, like in a swimming stroke motion.
    • Do some forward punches, keeping your fists in front of your chest.
    • Roll your wrists to the music; this is great for crowded rooms.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Walking It By Yourself

  1. 1
    Stand with your feet hip width apart and bend your knees. Once you’ve completed all four kicks, get in this stance immediately. Just like the steps and the kicks before this, you will be alternating going from right to left, twice. Lift your heels up a bit, so most of your weight is on the balls of your feet.
    • Unlike with the kick, you won’t need much space for this move. You should still be aware of your surroundings.
  2. 2
    Swivel back and forth from right to left, with knees bent. You should be turning on the balls of your feet. Picture it as if you were getting into a running stance toward the right, then swiveling to the opposite wall and getting into a runners stance to the left. This is called “walking it out” and you can have fun with this move.[7]
    • Keep your arms bent, as they would be if you were actually running.
    • As you swivel, you can get lower and lower to the floor.
  3. 3
    Rotate your whole body a quarter turn as you’re swiveling on bent knees. In other words, you’ll be “walking it out” while slowly turning your whole body to the left. When you restart the dance from the beginning, you will be facing a different wall.[8]
    • You’ll continue to do this dance and doing a quarter turn each time, so eventually you will have made a complete circle.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it available on DVD?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
  • Question
    How can I dance at my religious school's dance without getting in trouble?
    Top Answerer
    As long as you dance appropriately without any suggestive movements, the school is likely not going to reprimand you for doing a particular dance. If your school has a strict no-touch policy, dancing independently but within a group of friends may be your best bet.

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73 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 36
Updated: October 21, 2021
Views: 352,889
Categories: Dancing
Article SummaryX

To do the Cupid Shuffle, start by taking 4 steps to the right, in time with the music. Next, take 4 steps to the right, so you end up back where you started. Kick your right foot out and tap your heel on the floor, then alternate feet for a total of 4 kicks. Finally, you’ll “walk it out,” or pivot on the ball of your feet, walking in place while slowly turning to the left. Repeat this 3 more times until you’re facing back forwards. Don’t forget to put your own creative spin on the dance moves! Keep reading for tips on adjusting the moves if you’re on a crowded dance floor!

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