Making sure new puppies are nursing properly is a key part of watching over a mother dog and her litter. The mother dog should be consuming a diet formulated for lactating dogs, and consuming enough liquids daily. If you notice signs of an underfed litter, such as crying or restless puppies, you should take measures to encourage the mother dog to feed her litter. If these measures do not work, you should immediately take the mother dog and her puppies to the vet.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Encouraging the Mother Dog to Nurse

  1. 1
    Create a private space for the mother and her puppies. A mother dog and her puppies need a clean, warm, and quiet place to nurse. Make sure you keep the temperature constant, and provide the mother and puppies with plenty of blankets and pillows for warmth. If possible, give the dogs a separate space in the house, partitioned by a door or gate.
  2. 2
    Do not separate the mother from her puppies. It is critical that you do not separate a new mother from her litter. The mother should be with the puppies at all times to encourage proper feeding habits and ensure the puppies receive adequate nutrition. Allow the mother time away from the puppies to defecate and urinate, but then return her to her litter.[1]
  3. 3
    Give the mother dog warm liquids. Sometimes a mother dog cannot nurse her litter because she does not have enough milk available. This can sometimes be complicated by dehydration. Try giving the mother dog warm or lukewarm water. You can also give her chicken broth, as the salt may increase her thirst.[2]
  4. 4
    Manually assist the mother dog. If it appears as though your mother dog is not nursing her puppies, as she should be, you can gently encourage her to do so. Put the puppies up toward the mother dog’s teats. Allow the puppies to nurse.[3]
  5. 5
    Visit your vet. If the mother dog is reluctant to nurse her litter, or if the puppies are exhibiting signs of malnutrition, you should set up an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. A vet can help diagnose the root of the issues, as well as help you set up a manual feeding plan for the puppies.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Identifying Signs of an Underfed Litter

  1. 1
    Make sure puppies nurse every two hours for the first week. In order for newborn puppies to receive adequate nutrition, they should be nursing approximately once every 120 minutes. Keep an eye on the puppies and monitor the litter to make sure they are nursing properly. Do not, however, get too close to the mother and her puppies as this could cause the mother to exhibit protective or defensive behavior.[4]
  2. 2
    Look out for constant crying. If your dog’s puppies are constantly crying, it could be an indicator that the puppies are not receiving enough nutrition. Keep an eye on puppies who are constantly crying, as it could be a sign they are not getting enough milk, and you might need to supplement by bottle feeding.[5]
  3. 3
    Watch for weight gain. Puppies should be rapidly gaining weight. The puppies should double in weight each week. If your dog’s puppies are not gaining weight, it could be a sign they are not consuming enough milk from their mother. In this case, you will want to supplement to ensure they are receiving proper nutrition and gaining weight.[7]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Sure Your Nursing Mother Dog Is Properly Nourished

  1. 1
    Offer the mother dog plenty of dog food. It is critical that the mother dog has access to enough food while she is nursing her puppies. Nursing mothers need to consume more calories than non-nursing dogs, and, as a result, your dog will be eating more than usual. Read the label carefully on your mother dog’s food. It should include recommended portions for a lactating mother dog.[8]
    • It is acceptable to leave a constant supply of food out for a lactating mother and allow her to eat at will, as opposed to predetermined portions at scheduled mealtimes.
  2. 2
    Feed the mother a high quality lactation diet. A nursing mother dog will need to eat a diet of easily digestible, high quality food that is formulated for lactating dogs. The dog food should contain at least 17 percent dietary fat, at least 29 percent protein, and less than 5 percent dietary fiber. This diet will support milk production and puppy growth, optimizing the nursing experience for all.[9]
    • Ask your veterinarian for dog food suggestions for your nursing dog.
  3. 3
    Give the mother dog lots of fresh water. If your dog is nursing a litter of puppies, it is important that she is hydrated at all times. A lactating dog will consume more water than she did while she was not nursing her puppies. It is important that she does so to prevent dehydration, which can cause problems for the mother and her puppies. Make sure you give the mother dog constant access to a large bowl filled with fresh water, and that you refill the bowl frequently.[10]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Can puppies nurse from another mother?
    Tom Robertson
    Tom Robertson
    Dog Breeding Specialist
    Tom Robertson is a Dog Breeding Specialist and the Owner of Prize Poodles and Doodles. With over 20 years of experience, he specializes in breeding doodles. Tom has also received additional educational training in dog grooming, boarding, and training.
    Tom Robertson
    Dog Breeding Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If you're lucky and have another dog mom at the same time, you can definitely try that. It's rare that such a mom would be able to feed the other dogs, but it happened to me before and it worked out.

About This Article

Tom Robertson
Co-authored by:
Dog Breeding Specialist
This article was co-authored by Tom Robertson. Tom Robertson is a Dog Breeding Specialist and the Owner of Prize Poodles and Doodles. With over 20 years of experience, he specializes in breeding doodles. Tom has also received additional educational training in dog grooming, boarding, and training. This article has been viewed 64,842 times.
7 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: April 13, 2022
Views: 64,842
Categories: Breeding Dogs
Article SummaryX

To encourage a mother dog to feed her litter, give them a clean, warm, and quiet place to nurse and be together. Additionally, bring the mother dog warm liquids, like warm water or chicken broth, and plenty of food to make sure she can produce enough milk. If you notice that the mother isn’t nursing her puppies at least every 2 hours during the first week, gently assist her by putting the puppies toward her teats. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to identify signs of an underfed litter, keep reading!

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