This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger. Amy Bobinger has been a writer and editor at wikiHow since 2017. She especially enjoys writing articles that help people overcome interpersonal hurdles but frequently covers a variety of subjects, including health and wellness, spirituality, gardening, and more. Amy graduated with a B.A. in English Lit from Mississippi College in 2011 and now lives in her hometown with her husband and two young sons.
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Being 11 is such a unique age! Chances are, you're just moving up to middle school, and you're probably feeling a lot more independent these days—but you're not quite grown up all the way, either. That's ok! The best way to make the most out of being 11 is to really embrace it and have fun being exactly who you are.
Celebrate what makes you unique.
Embrace whatever it is that makes you special. You might have a cool talent or hobby, for example, or you might know a lot about something that other people don't. Embracing that will help you have more self-confidence, so you can really love yourself for who you are.[1] X Research source
- For instance, what makes you unique might be your quirky sense of humor, your in-depth knowledge of sea turtles, or your ability to sing without opening your mouth.
- It's okay if you don't know what this is yet. It takes a long time for some people, and it can even change over time! Try picking something you're interested in, then learn as much as you can about it to see if it's something you want to stick with.
Try out a new look, if you want.
Start playing around with your personal style. Your tween years are the perfect time to start experimenting with your hair, your clothes, and maybe even makeup if you want to wear it (and your parents are cool with the idea). Figuring out your personal style is an important part of figuring out where you fit in the world. Also, it's totally normal to try on a few different looks before you find what feels true to you, so don't feel like you have to pick a style and stick to it.[2] X Research source
- Want to cut your hair super-short? Go for it! Want to wear a button-down shirt one day and a tattered rock-and-roll shirt the next? You do you!
- If you do start wearing makeup, keep it light and natural-looking at first—maybe just a little primer, foundation, concealer, blush, mascara, and nude lipstick, for instance. And remember to wash it off before you go to bed at night![3] X Research source
Don't change yourself too much to fit in.
Find friends who like you for who you are. It's really normal to want to be part of the crowd, so don't feel bad if you suddenly find yourself caring what other people think about you. Making little changes to your style or picking up some of your friends' interests isn't that big of a deal. However, it's still important to be true to yourself, no matter what. If you start feeling pressured to change things that are a big part of who you are, like your personality or your values, take a step back and think about whether it's really worth it.[4] X Research source
- For instance, if school is usually important to you, but your friends keep telling you to skip homework to hang out with them, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself! If they keep doing it, you might want to look for friends who care about their grades, too.
- Similarly, if you really love comic books, you don't have to give them up just because someone else thinks they aren't cool. Having your own interests is part of what makes you special!
Be prepared for your body to go through some changes.
Expect puberty to begin soon, if it hasn't already. Puberty might not sound like much fun, but understanding what your body is going through can help make these changes easier. One important thing to remember is that this happens differently for everyone, so try not to compare yourself to other people through the process. Also, it can help to talk to someone you trust, like your parents, about what you're going through. For example, you might notice things like:[5] X Trustworthy Source National Health Service (UK) Public healthcare system of the UK Go to source
- New body hair
- Changes in your body odor
- Body growth and development
- Acne breakouts
- Feeling suddenly emotional or angry
- The start of your period (if you're female)
Find a new hobby.
Have fun by learning something new. Hobbies are a great way to express yourself. Try to find something you're interested in, even if you only spend a few minutes a day on it. If you enjoy it, keep practicing—the better you get at your hobby, the more likely you'll be to stick with it.
- Do what you love. Some fun hobbies include singing, dancing, drawing, taking photos, making movies, or playing an instrument.
- If you love plants, you might take up gardening. If you love to read, consider starting a book club with your friends![6] X Research source
Spend plenty of time playing.
Find ways to have fun every day! Remember, even though you're pretty grown up now that you're 11, you're still a kid at heart! Spend time playing outside or with your friends—things like playing sports, climbing trees, and building or crafting things can be a lot of fun! You might also do things like:[7] X Research source
- Play board games or cards
- Do a science project
- Make slime[8] X Research source
- Build a fort
- Teach your pet a new trick
- Explore nature
Find creative ways to be active.
Spend at least a few minutes a day doing something physical. It's really important to stay active, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to "work out" in a traditional way. There are plenty of ways you can get your body moving in a way that will still seem fun! Try to spend at least an hour a day doing something like:[9] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source
- Playing a sport
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Ride bikes or skateboards (remember to wear pads and a helmet!)
- Having a water balloon fight
- Playing tag around your neighborhood
- Setting up an obstacle course
Practice new recipes in the kitchen.
Cooking is a great way to have fun while helping your family. There's nothing better than cooking a meal that you helped prepare, and your tween years are the perfect time to get involved in the kitchen! Think of a recipe you want to try, then ask your parents to buy the ingredients for you. Then, prepare the meal yourself—but remember, it's totally fine to ask for help when you need it, like if you need to lift a heavy, hot pot or you're not sure how to turn on the blender.[10] X Research source
- Some easy meals to prepare include spaghetti, tacos, breakfast for dinner, sloppy joes, or a big salad.
- It can also be fun to bake up a sweet treat for your whole family!
Do odd jobs to earn your own money.
Start to be responsible for handling your spending money. While you're not quite old enough for a "real" job, this is a great time to start finding ways to earn your own money. That will give you a chance to learn how to save, how to budget for things you want, and even how to buy gifts for the people you love.[11] X Research source
- Try babysitting, doing yard work, walking dogs, or doing extra chores around your home or your neighbors' home.
- You can also start your own business by selling homemade jewelry, baked treats, clothes, or art.
Don't overdo the screen time.
Set a limit on how much TV and phone time you get each day. You've probably heard this a million times, but getting too much screen time really isn't great for you. Experts actually suggest that you get no more than 2 hours of screen time a day.[12] X Research source Everyone's needs are different, though, so talk to your parents about what you think is a fair amount for you.[13] X Research source
- One of the biggest problems with screen time is that it affects how much you can be present in your own life. Playing video games and chatting with your friends is fine in limited amounts, but now that you're 11, take responsibility for enjoying what's happening around you.
Volunteer your time to help others.
Give some of your free time to help those in need. Volunteering is an incredible way to learn more about the world around you. You might just be amazed at how many people don't have some of the things you take for granted. There are usually tons of places that need an extra hand. In your community, try checking for opportunities with:
- Schools
- Churches
- Community centers
- Assisted living centers
- Camps
- Animal shelters
Make time for your family.
Don't let all that fun get in the way of family time. Between school, friends, and hobbies, family can start to get pushed to the side a little. However, your family loves you, so keep working on having a close bond, even if you get super busy![14] X Research source
- One of the best ways to do this is to encourage your family to eat meals together. That gives you all a chance to share what happened during your day, how you're feeling, and anything else important that's going on.
- You might also try setting aside a certain family night, like making every Tuesday "Family Movie Night" or "Family Game Night."
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