Croissants are yummy as a breakfast or snack, but you may not have the time to enjoy your pastry while it’s still fresh and warm. Whether you just made your pastries at home or picked them up from the store, it only takes a few minutes to store and heat up your croissants so they taste delicious.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Storing Croissants at Room Temperature

  1. 1
    Wrap your croissants in foil and leave them on the counter for 2 days. Fold the foil gently while you wrap the croissant, as you don’t want to break or damage the flaky crust on your pastry. Leave the wrapped croissant on your counter or in your pantry for up to 2 days if you plan on eating it soon.[1]
    • Try to keep your croissants at room temperature, and away from direct sunlight or other kinds of heat.
    • If you don’t have any foil on hand, you can also use a small plastic bag or some plastic wrap. What matters most is that your croissants are completely wrapped and that no air gets in.
  2. 2
    Preheat your oven to 365 °F (185 °C) when you’re ready to eat your croissant. Set your oven temperature a few minutes before you plan on enjoying your pastry. You don’t have to set the temperature very high since you’re just reheating the croissant.[2]
  3. 3
    Heat your croissants in the oven for 3 minutes. Unwrap the foil and place your pastries on a baking tray. Slide them in the oven for around 3 minutes, then let them cool off. At this point, your croissant will be fresh, warm, and ready to eat![3]
    • This is a great way to freshen up croissants that are a little stale.

    Tip: If you plan on eating your croissants within the week, wrap them in foil, plastic wrap, or a small plastic bag, then place them in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.[4] To reheat them, remove the wrapping, then stick them in the oven for 3 minutes at 365 °F (185 °C).[5]

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Freezing Your Croissants

  1. 1
    Cover each croissant in plastic wrap. Rip off a section of plastic wrap and cover all the pastries you don’t plan on eating right away. Since croissants are pretty delicate, the plastic wrap helps provide an extra layer of protection.[6]
    • You can also use aluminum foil for this.
  2. 2
    Store the croissants in an airtight plastic bag. Stack the croissants in the bag without cramming them all together. If needed, use more than 1 bag to store your leftover pastries.[7]
  3. 3
    Label your croissants and store them in the freezer for 1-2 months. Write in marker or use a piece of masking tape to label the bag with the current date. Place the bagged croissants in the freezer, and remember to use them within a month or so.[8]
    • You can keep your croissants in the freezer for longer, but they won’t taste very fresh after 2 months.
  4. 4
    Set your oven to 365 °F (185 °C) to defrost the croissants. Take your bagged croissants out of the freezer, then preheat your oven in preparation. Choose a low temperature for your oven, as you’re trying to defrost the croissants instead of bake them.[9]
  5. 5
    Bake the croissants for 3-4 minutes before enjoying them. Peel away the plastic wrap from your pastries, then slip them onto a baking tray. Place your croissants in the oven, giving them about 3 minutes to heat up before removing the tray from the oven again. At this point, you can enjoy your fresh, reheated croissants![10]
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Things You’ll Need

Storing Croissants at Room Temperature

  • Foil
  • Baking tray

Freezing Your Croissants

  • Plastic wrap
  • Airtight plastic bag
  • Baking tray

About This Article

Janice Tieperman
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Janice is a professional and creative writer who has worked at wikiHow since 2019. With both a B.A. and M.A. in English from East Stroudsburg University, she has a passion for writing a wide variety of content for anyone and everyone. In her free time, you can find her working on a new crochet pattern, listening to true crime podcasts, or tackling a new creative writing project. This article has been viewed 37,116 times.
6 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: July 12, 2020
Views: 37,116