Elementary school is very different from middle school. You have more teachers, more classes, and more responsibility. People expect you to act more like an adult than a child. This makes preteens everywhere nervous. They are afraid they might mess up, get lost, or do something wrong.

This article will show you how to avoid being nervous about starting middle school for the very first time. The more you know about how to cope, the less nervous you will be. You will feel more prepared and laid back, and that's a wonderful thing. Follow these steps to insure you won't be nervous.


  1. 1
    Attend the open house or orientation. Some schools let their new students attend an open house which lets you meet your future teachers, know exactly where your classrooms are, and open houses also show the students how to come prepared on the first day of school. You will most likely also get your schedule this day.[1]
  2. 2
    Talk to your friends. Call your friends from your previous year of school to ask which classes they're in, and hope you have one friend in each of your classes with you, so you know whether you'll be alone in a particular class or not, on the first day.
  3. 3
    Talk to an older sibling about middle school, if you don't have anyone else to talk to. Students who have experienced middle school will remember what it was like to be nervous when they were starting middle school. They can help you, and give you tips they wish they would have known. Listening to someone tell you "It's okay, I have been there" will make you feel less nervous.
  4. 4
    Start thinking about the best things that could happen to you on your first day. Don't think about the bad things that could happen because, then they could happen & get you more nervous.
  5. 5
    Understand that teachers will be there to help you. They know that it's your first time at middle school, and they will help you figure out where you need to go. They won't shout at you if you show up late because you couldn't find your classroom. Lots of kids do it. Remember that you can ask any teacher for directions.[2]
  6. 6
    Remember that you have friends to talk to at school, and if you have had a bad past with some people and want to be friends with them, just talk to them and forget about the past. Think of the future.
  7. 7
    Relax. You're not the first person to be nervous or feel weird. You have your friends that might feel that way too, just share your feelings with some of your friends and compare your feelings with theirs. Chances are, they won't be too different.
  8. 8
    Start going to sleep a bit early when it's the night before the first day of school. Just think of it as any other night you have to go to sleep early so you can get a good rest.[3]
  9. 9
    Make sure you have your things ready for school the night before so you won't be late. Tons of preteens worry they will be late. Don't. Just have your things ready.[4]
  10. 10
    Think about how you felt when you started elementary school. You were probably just as worried are you are now. Now that you are done with elementary school, you know there was nothing to be worried about. Think to yourself "I CAN do this"! You have done it before, and now it's time to do it again. Think, you could be giving someone advice on how to not be nervous about starting middle school.
  11. 11
    Note reminders. Write down reminders for things that you can quickly forget, such as your locker combination (write it down when your teacher gives it to you), the room number of your classrooms, your class period/bell schedule and your lunchtime. Also, try to memorize your schedule before the first day comes around. Keep it on hand (along with a map) if you forget something on your schedule throughout the school day.[5]
  12. 12
    Ask questions. Some students are too shy to ask a teacher a question. But, if you don't ask, it will only make matters worse. Especially talk to a teacher or somebody you know passing through the hallway if you get lost.
  13. 13
    Observe everyone else. All the other students in your grade are nervous too. Don't think of yourself as alone on this topic, everyone is thinking like you.
  14. 14
    Say Hi! It's the easiest and most straightforward way to make friends.[6]
  15. Advertisement


  • Don't give in. If you feel unsure about trying something new because you feel it will have more of a negative conclusion than positive, don't do it.
  • Accept. If you try to be friends with someone and they turn you down, don't try any harder. It will just make more people, not like you.
  • A lot of students start slacking off around middle school. This is a bad habit to take into high school.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 24 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 34,169 times.
150 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 24
Updated: May 26, 2021
Views: 34,169