It's sometimes said that you'll never know what you need to bring for a vacation until it's already too late. Planning or packing for a trip is a stressful experience sometimes, but it doesn't have to be. Going into it with a clear idea of what you'll want and need for the vacation at hand will make the planning that much easier for you.

Vacation Packing List

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Packing For a Weekend Trip

  1. 1
    Prepare a list of things to bring. A to-bring list of items can vary widely depending on the type of weekend trip you're planning. Certain things, like an extra set of clothes, are recommended across the board, while other things can be brought or left depending on the type of place you're going to. Here is a list of things to consider bringing:
    • Clothes. For a weekend trip, a fresh set of clothing should be considered necessary. You will want to feel fresh on the second and third day of being away from home, and in the case that your first set of clothes gets wet or dirty, you'll want something to fall back on. The same applies to socks and underwear. Bring heavier clothing, like a jacket, based on the forecasted weather.[1]
    • Toiletries. Toothpaste and a toothbrush should be deemed essential for your trip. If the place you're going has running water, a small vial of shampoo and conditioner should be brought along as well to ensure you're feeling fresh throughout the trip.
    • Trip entertainment. The journey to and from your location should be just as enjoyable as when you get there. This can be helped by taking along some entertainment. If you're driving, bring a few of your favourite CDs to cycle through. A good book is also recommended, particularly if you're going somewhere relaxing like a lake.
    • Trip-applicable items. A weekend vacation is often built around a certain activity. Your to-bring list should mention the specific things you'll need to perform that activity. If you're fishing, for example, you will need a rod and a bait box, among other things. Depending on where you're going, items like some mild first aid should be considered as well.
  2. 2
    Consider the weekend's activities. A weekend trip is relatively easy to outline. It's not a large amount of time, and it's usually focused on one specific activity. Try to gauge what you will need.[2] Can you think of any activities you'll most likely be doing? What are you hoping to do over the weekend? Running through the vacation in your mind's eye will give you a stronger idea what you should be bringing along with you.
    • For example, if you're going to a lake in the Summer, useful items such as bug spray and lighter fluid are recommended. Imagine the possible scenarios that relate to the environment in question, and speculate as to the things you would need.
    • If there are activities you may do but aren't sure about (like swimming, for example) it's best to bring them along anyway. A weekend trip isn't going to require much baggage to begin with, and you might feel left out if you decide not to bring something.
  3. 3
    Pack to suit the weather. Your packing should be arranged with respects to the weekend's activity and the environment it's taking place in. Because your trip will only encompass a couple of days, it's prudent to check the weather forecast for those days and plan accordingly. If there's going to be rain, the clothes you bring should reflect that. A poncho and umbrella will be sorely missed if you neglect to check the weather beforehand. In the case of sun, bringing sunglasses and sunscreen will be helpful. Cold weather demands you bring heavier clothing, like a winter parka, along for the ride. If you're somehow unsure, prepare for the worst just in case.
    • Even if your weekend trip will be spent mostly indoors, bringing an umbrella can make a major difference in the case of rain.
    • Download an app like Weatherbug for on-the-go weather forecasts.
  4. 4
    Keep possible emergencies in mind. Under the best circumstances, you won't need to use everything you bring with you on a weekend trip. In case something bad happens however, you don't want to be far from home and wishing you had brought something. This is especially true if you're going to be camping or otherwise hiking somewhere where help isn't immediately available.
    • Carry a small bit of first-aid along with your toiletries. This includes some band-aids, aloe vera and headache relievers. These will take up a negligible amount of space, and you'll be glad you brought them if it comes time to use them.
    • A set of extra socks will come in handy, especially if the weather is forecasted to be rainy. Nothing spoils a good weekend faster than wet feet.
    • Even if you're only going to be gone for a weekend, an extra set of underwear is never a bad idea.
  5. 5
    Pack lightly. For a weekend trip, you're more likely to overpack than underpack. Unless you're going camping, you won't need much to hold you over for a weekend and carrying too much stuff around will sap some of the enjoyment of travel to begin with. If you can, see how much you can minimize the amount of stuff you bring, and try to stuff it all into a backpack.[3] You don't want to skimp out on things you might miss, but optional luxuries like a hair dryer can probably be done without over a 48 hour period.
    • For a weekend trip, try to limit yourself to a single backpack forth of clothing and items. This will force you to prioritize what you need over the things you can do without. One change of top is usually all you'll need for a weekend.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Packing for a Long Vacation

  1. 1
    Make a list of things to bring. If you're having trouble thinking up all the things you'll need for your trip, go through a regular day and write down the clothing and packable items you use. This is best done a couple of weeks in advance. That way, you'll have time to remember if there's anything you may have missed.[5] You'll probably find yourself modifying the list when it comes time to actually pack. This is perfectly normal. A list should only be used as a general guideline to ensure you don't forget anything essential until it's too late.
    • Clothing. The majority of the space will be T-shirts and other tops, although you should bring at least a few sets of pants. Bring lots of socks and underwear, as they don't take up much space. An extra set of shoes is a luxury, but best done without for the sake of space.[6]
    • Toiletries. A toothbrush and toothpaste are essential. Other toiletries, like shampoo, are optional, and can be picked up at your destination. Be wary of the TSA regulations on liquids. Liquid containers can only be 100 ml max per item. Any larger liquids (like shampoo) will be confiscated, so it's better to buy small containers specifically designed for air travel.[7]
    • Electronics and entertainment. A vacation is easily improved by having a book or two to bring along. A laptop, music player and multi-use charger will all come in handy for an extended vacation. If you're travelling abroad, a digital camera (or phone with cam capabilities) will prove useful as well.[8]
    • Identification. Bank cards (including a credit card for emergency situations), photo ID and a passport are necessary to bring along whenever you're travelling abroad. Consider holding onto them in your jacket. That way, if your luggage is stolen, you'll at least have your ID. You should have some of the local cash in your wallet as well.[9]
  2. 2
    Pack suitable clothing. Clothes are arguably the most important and space-consuming thing you'll bring with you on your trip. Unlike a weekend trip, you won't be able to pack a fresh set of clothes for each day you'll be abroad. Bring along a few tops, and at least two sets of bottoms. One pair of shoes will usually be fine. If you're fashionably inclined, try to choose clothes that will be versatile and fit the other clothes you're bringing.[10] You won't have the liberty to pick and choose as you would at home, so be smart and tactical when it comes time to choosing your clothes.
    • Don't forget to bring clothing that relates directly to the activities you'll be taking part in. This could mean items as diverse as your possible destinations. If you're going to Las Vegas for example, a set of dress shoes will befit your trip to the casinos.
    • Pack your clothing into rolls to maximize on space. This will also minimize the defined creasing of regular folds in luggage.
  3. 3
    Choose clothes to suit the weather. If you have an idea how long you'll be staying abroad for, check the local weather predictions. Instead of packing to suit every possibility, you can judge from the weather forecast what you'll most likely need. Not having to provide for every possibility will free up a lot of travel space.
    • Apps like Weatherbug are available to use if you want weather updates on the go.
  4. 4
    Bring essential toiletries. Toiletries (toothpaste, a hairbrush etc.) are often taken for granted in the course of a morning routine, but you'll quickly miss them if you forget anything. Toiletries should fit into a small countertop bag. The more space-consuming toiletries you use on a regular basis, like shampoo, can be downsized easily enough. Squirt some shampoo or conditioner into a smaller container to save up on space.
    • It is important to note that certain liquids like shampoos are not permitted in carry-on bags for flights. It's a good idea to keep this in mind when you're organizing your luggage.
  5. 5
    Procure some entertainment.[11] Even the most glorious vacation is going to have its downtime. If you're going to be on the plane for a fair amount of time, some entertainment will vastly improve your experience. A fully charged music player and a couple of books are perfect. A laptop may take up a fair bit of space in your luggage, but it more than makes up for it in its uses, and it'll give you a chance to stay up to date while you're away on your vacation.
    • Entertainment is particularly important if you have children coming on the trip with you. Children have a tendency for restlessness on longer trips, and should have something available to distract themselves with in the car or plane.
  6. 6
    Pack clothing to accommodate the amount of time you'll be away. By the end of a two week vacation, every piece of clothing you'll have brought will have been used multiple times. This is perfectly okay; reusing clothing (preferably after a thorough washing) is a good way to maximize on your luggage space.[12] However, you should take care to bring more clothing depending on the length of time you'll be away.
    • Most hotels will have some kind of laundry service available to those who need their clothes cleaned. In this and most other cases, you can clean and reuse clothes for multiple days of your vacation. Bringing along a fresh set of clothes for each day of a two week vacation would be unreasonable.
  7. 7
    Purchase extra amenities at your destination. Instead of cramming everything you need into your suitcases, you can buy a new set of non-essential items when you reach your destination. Things like toiletries can be easily purchased somewhere else in the world, and most hotels will provide some sort of basic complements in the form of shampoo or toothpaste. Take a look at your baggage, and try to imagine what things you could reasonably find a matching pair of once you land. Provided the item in question is cheap enough, it may be worth the space you save.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Maximizing Your Carry Space

  1. 1
    Use suitable bags or cases.[13] The most effective way to simplify your packing is to use bags that fit the vacation. This doesn't necessarily mean the bag with the most space or the largest number of compartments. Weekend trips should suffice with a single tote or knapsack. Longer vacations should comprise a couple of suitcases, with at least one smaller bag included within the luggage itself. That way, you'll have something to carry around if you're going on walking trips once you've reached your destination.
    • Compression bags are specially designed to maximize the space therein. You might consider buying one if you travel a lot and have trouble packing the clothes you want into your current bags.[14]
    • Try to make your luggage look visually unique. A lot of travellers have very similar-looking luggage, and something as simple as a brightly-coloured sticker will make yours stand out in a baggage carousel.
  2. 2
    Roll your clothes into rolls. Seasoned travellers may debate between neatly folding clothing into luggage, or rolling them up tightly. Neat folds will spare the inevitable creases, but rolling your clothing will save up on precious space, which is arguably more important when you'll need to be carrying everything around.[15]
    • Rolling socks together is especially helpful, as it helps keep pairs of socks together.
  3. 3
    Bring versatile and universal items.[16] Versatile items may be defined as things that fulfill more than one use. Something as basic as a roll of duct tape can be used to solve a number of potential problems you may come across.[17] If you're travelling as a party, bring items that more than one of you will use, and share it. In this manner, you'll minimize the amount of stuff you need to bring, all the while maximizing the utility you're getting out of the stuff you do take with you.[18]
    • Convertible clothing, like pants that can be converted into shorts, is also recommended for this reason.
    • Shoes are very space-consuming and only serve one purpose. Unless you are bringing multiple pairs of shoes for a specific purpose (such as attending a formal event) it's best to bring a casual pair of shoes and wear them throughout your vacation.[19]
  4. 4
    Go digital. Things like books and maps are very helpful to have on a vacation, but they're going to take up an inordinate amount of space in your luggage. Wherever possible, it's best to go digital. If you're planning on reading a lot during your vacation, an e-reader will let you bring hundreds of texts with you at a minimum of space cost. If you have a smartphone, you can use that in lieu of carrying maps and print manuals.[20]
    • It's good to keep a credit card on you with at least a 1000 dollar limit in case you get into an emergency. However, you're best off keeping the local currency on you in order to save on potential transaction fees from your bank.
    • Try to minimize the amount of devices you bring. Bringing a phone with movies and music saves you having to bring items specifically intended for those purposes.[21]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What color clothing should I pack?
    Angela Rice
    Angela Rice
    Luxury Travel Specialist
    Angela Rice is a Luxury Travel Specialist and Co-Founder of Boutique Travel Advisors, a luxury travel advising business in Phoenix, Arizona. Angela specializes in consulting and curating highly customized and unique travel itineraries for clients seeking luxury, group, and multi-generational family travel. Angela studied at Arizona State University and The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business. She has prior consulting experience in accounting and business, which helps her run her business behind the scenes. Angela has been featured in The Washington Post, Reader's Digest, Travel Weekly, USA Today, Travel Market Report, Phoenix Magazine, and MSN. She is also a frequent guest on WBBM News Radio 105.9 FM's Travel Tuesday show.
    Angela Rice
    Luxury Travel Specialist
    Expert Answer
    I'd keep things simple and avoid pacing too many unique clothing items. Include a lot of black and white articles of clothing. This way, it won't always feel like you're wearing the same 3-4 items.
  • Question
    When should I start packing for a trip?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should start packing for a trip a few days before you are scheduled to leave. That way you have some time to think about anything you might be forgetting and you won't need to rush around at the last minute.
  • Question
    What should I pack if I am traveling for 2 months?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    All of the essentials, like makeup, lotion, lots of clothes, shoes, socks, etc. You need to also pack anything that you would need like maybe a coat or sun lotion.


  • If you're taking a flight, take care to look at the Airline's luggage regulations. Certain items, like shaving cream, are non-permitted, and are best left for purchase when you reach your destination.

About This Article

Angela Rice
Co-authored by:
Luxury Travel Specialist
This article was co-authored by Angela Rice. Angela Rice is a Luxury Travel Specialist and Co-Founder of Boutique Travel Advisors, a luxury travel advising business in Phoenix, Arizona. Angela specializes in consulting and curating highly customized and unique travel itineraries for clients seeking luxury, group, and multi-generational family travel. Angela studied at Arizona State University and The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business. She has prior consulting experience in accounting and business, which helps her run her business behind the scenes. Angela has been featured in The Washington Post, Reader's Digest, Travel Weekly, USA Today, Travel Market Report, Phoenix Magazine, and MSN. She is also a frequent guest on WBBM News Radio 105.9 FM's Travel Tuesday show. This article has been viewed 72,424 times.
6 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 36
Updated: February 24, 2023
Views: 72,424
Categories: Travel Packing