Sautéing mushrooms allows them to caramelize and develop their flavor and texture. You can sauté mushrooms dry for a roasted taste, or cook them in butter and garlic. Stir the mushrooms throughout the process to make sure they're cooked throughout. When you're finished cooking your mushrooms, you can flavor them and add them to other foods.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Beginning the Sautéing Process

  1. 1
    Clean your mushrooms. Before sautéing your mushroom, clean them thoroughly. This will remove any potential contaminants. Mushrooms should be cleaned one at a time.[1]
    • Wipe each mushroom with a damp paper towel. Then, lightly rinse your mushrooms.
    • Make sure to dry mushrooms immediately after rinsing them. Use a dry paper towel and dry them one by one. You don't want to cook mushrooms that are still damp.
  2. 2
    Decide whether to add oil or butter. You can add a light amount of butter or oil to your skillet to cook the mushrooms. Most people use butter or oil to keep the mushrooms from sticking, but mushrooms do release oil when cooked. If you want, you can do what's called a dry sauté.[2]
    • In a dry sauté, you would just add your mushrooms to the skillet without any oil. Sautéing mushrooms dry can produce a more roasted flavor. It also lowers the fat and calorie content.
  3. 3
    Cut your mushrooms. If your mushrooms did not come pre-cut, you should cut them before sautéing them. Mushrooms will cook best when cut into thin slices. Use a knife to trim a corner from each end of the mushroom. Then, cut each mushroom into halves or quarters. You should be left with two to four thin slices of mushrooms. Repeat until all your mushrooms are cut into slices.[3]
    • The size of your slices depends on personal preference and the dish you're making. If you want chunkier mushrooms, choose halves. If you'd prefer thinner ones, choose quarters.
  4. 4
    Choose the right pan. You will need a large pan to cook mushrooms. The mushrooms should be spread over the pan without any mushrooms overlapping. Overlapped mushrooms will not cook evenly. Select a pan that's big enough to comfortably fit all your mushrooms.[4]
    • If you have one, go for a skillet or sauté pan. These tend to have a big surface area.
    • If you can't fit all your mushrooms in one pan, you may have to cook them in batches.
  5. 5
    Add the oil or butter, if you're using it. Briefly heat a small amount of oil or butter over medium-high heat. As mushrooms produce oil when cooked, only one to two teaspoons of butter or oil is necessary. Mushrooms also absorb excess butter and oil, so too much could give them a soggy taste and texture.[5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Completing the Sautéing Process

  1. 1
    Add the mushrooms when the oil is ready. When the oil or butter is ready, it will shimmer slightly or produce bubbles. At this point, you can add the mushrooms to the pan.[6]
    • Make sure to spread the mushrooms on the pan. You do not want your mushrooms to overlap, as this will affect the evenness of the cooking.
    • If cooking dry, just heat the pan for a few minutes over medium-high heat and then add the mushrooms.[7]
  2. 2
    Stir the mushrooms throughout the cooking process. Make sure to stir the mushrooms continually as they cook. You want to make sure they cook evenly. Use a spoon or spatula to occasionally turn the mushrooms.[8]
    • Make sure to keep the mushrooms from overlapping as you cook them.
  3. 3
    Cook the mushrooms until tender. When they're getting close to done, the mushrooms will begin to release oil. You should see some liquid at the bottom of the pan. The mushrooms will also look slightly shiny from the moisture released.[9]
    • When done, the mushrooms will have a light brown color and be tender. Usually, it takes between four and five minutes to cook mushrooms.[10]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Using Sautéed Mushrooms

  1. 1
    Make bistro style sautéed mushrooms. You will need to sauté three cups of mushrooms to cook them bistro style. Then, stir in 1/3 cup of dry red wine or sherry, a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, and two teaspoons of thyme. For three minutes, allow the mushrooms to simmer in this sauce. Then, add salt and pepper to taste.[11]
  2. 2
    Sauté mushrooms with vegetables. You can add sauté mushrooms with vegetables. This can be used in a filling for dishes like quesadillas. It can also be used as a side dish on its own.[12]
    • Onions and sweet peppers tend to go well with mushrooms.
    • If you want to serve your sautéed mushrooms with onions, sauté your onions separately and mix together when both the mushrooms and onions are finished.
  3. 3
    Add the mushrooms to other foods. Bistro style mushrooms, or mushrooms sautéed with other herbs and flavors, can be used as an addition to other foods. You can place them over meats, like steak and pork chops. You can also add sautéed mushrooms to an omelet or pasta dish such as spaghetti.[13]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you bring out the flavor of mushrooms?
    Vanna Tran
    Vanna Tran
    Experienced Cook
    Vanna Tran is a home cook who started cooking with her mother at a very young age. She has catered events and hosted pop-up dinners in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 5 years.
    Vanna Tran
    Experienced Cook
    Expert Answer
    Mushrooms have a lot of flavor by themselves, but a little bit of salt can help bring out more of their natural flavor. For more of an Asian flare, though, add soy sauce, mirin, and white pepper. For a savory dish, grab some thyme!
  • Question
    How long will cooked mushrooms stay good in the fridge?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Properly stored, cooked mushrooms will last for 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator. To maximize the shelf life of cooked mushrooms for safety and quality, refrigerate the mushrooms in shallow airtight containers or resealable plastic bags.
  • Question
    What can I use in place of soy sauce?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You might try coconut aminos. It is a common soy sauce substitute that tastes about the same. Check ingredients for allergens. Coconut aminos are usually gluten free.

About This Article

Co-authored by:
Vanna Tran
Experienced Cook
This article was co-authored by Vanna Tran, a trusted member of wikiHow's volunteer community. Vanna Tran is a home cook who started cooking with her mother at a very young age. She has catered events and hosted pop-up dinners in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 5 years. This article has been viewed 186,952 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 15
Updated: September 27, 2021
Views: 186,952
Categories: Mushrooms
Article SummaryX

To saute mushrooms, start by cutting them up into thin slices if they're not already. Then, heat a small amount of butter or oil in a large pan on the stovetop over medium-high heat. Once the oil or butter is shimmering, add the slices of mushrooms to the pan so they're in an even layer. Stir the mushrooms continuously while they cook. After 4-5 minutes, or once the mushrooms are tender, transfer them to a plate and serve. To learn some dishes you can use your sautéed mushrooms in, keep reading!

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