British Sign Language (BSL) is an officially recognised language in the United Kingdom (UK). It is primarily used by the Deaf Community. However, it's becoming increasingly more popular for those who are hearing who want to learn and use the language themselves. This article will teach you how to sign some simple colours in BSL. Different regions within the UK may use different signs. These are the most widely known versions.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Getting Started

  1. 1
    Determine your dominant hand. Your dominant hand is your movement hand. Your dominant hand does the majority of the action during your signing. Your non-dominant hand is known as your base hand and will act as a base for the signs you make.

    Note: There may be signs that do not use both hands. If this is the case, always make sure you are using your dominant hand when only one hand is needed.

  2. 2
    Understand the importance of non-manual features when signing[1] . Non-manual features are necessary for creating meaning and tone to your signs. Without these features, there is no tone when signing. As there are many signs with multiple different meanings, non-manual features are essential if you want people to understand you. Non-manual features include:
    • lip patterns
    • facial movements
    • movement of the body
    • eye pattern

    Note: Sign Language is visual, and does not include any speech, so Non Manual Features are an asset to you maintaining conversation.

  3. 3
    Learn how to use your signing space.[2] Your "signing space" is the area where you sign. It is usually a square/rectangular space that originates from your head, and goes to your bellybutton. Your sign space should be roughly shoulder width apart from each direction your body moves in [3] . .
    • Your sign space is used to help you represent areas, people, objects or anything else you are describing. You place these objects within your sign space.
      • For example; you would place the person you were describing, then describe their hair colour using your sign space and associated signs.
      • Imagine you are holding a picture frame or mirror in front of you. Or pretend you are presenting on a laptop camera. This is your sign space.}}

    Note: Your eyes should always move with your sign space [4] .

  4. 4
    Know the difference between BSL and SSE [5] [6] . If you are using British Sign Language, you need to know the correct grammar rules. These are Time -- Manner -- Place. SSE, or Sign Supported English uses the same signs, but in the style of grammar used in Standard British English.
    • Makaton is different to both BSL and SSE [7] . These signs are not the same as British Sign Language and are used completely differently, not by the Deaf Community.
      • Instead, these are signs created and used to support those with Special Needs and/or Disabilities and speech is always used [8] .

    If you want to learn more, there are courses you can take to learn more about the use of Makaton and why it's different to BSL and SSE.

  5. 5
    Remember that different regions may use different signs for the same colour[9] . Just like in English, BSL has dialects, and this means that there are a variety of signs that have been created to mean the same colour [10] .
    • Most Deaf people are aware of this and know the majority of these variations.
      • Never be afraid to ask a person if they sign something differently to how you've learnt. You won't have learnt incorrectly.

    Tip: It's good to know a variety yourself, just in case someone signs a colour in a different way. It's a great way to learn about Deaf Culture, too.

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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Signing the Colours of the Rainbow

  1. 1
    Sign the colour red. To sign the colour "red"[11] :
    • Start with the index finger of your dominant hand touching the middle of your bottom lip.
    • Move your finger away from your lip while simultaneously bending it into a hook position.
    • Hold it for a second, then release your hand down.
    • Mouth "red" as you complete the sign.

    Keep your other fingers bent into a fist. Keep your arm facing towards you at a 90-degree angle while carrying out this sign.

  2. 2
    Know the sign for the colour orange[12] . To sign the colour "orange":
    • Bring your dominant hand to the side of your cheek.
    • Squeeze your fingers in and out of a fist twice.
    • Mouth the word "orange" as you sign this colour.

    Tip: Imagine you are actually squeezing the fruit orange to master this sign.

  3. 3
    Learn the different signs for the colour yellow. There are many variations of this sign, that have been made in different regions of the UK. You do not need to learn them all. To sign the colour "yellow":
    • With both hands[13] :
      • Sign the letter "'Y'".
        • Put your non-dominant or base hand into a 90-degree angle or V shape.
        • Then, move your index finger from your dominant hand from the crease between your thumb and index finger down to your wrist.
      • Repeat the movement twice, to imply both syllables in the colour "yellow".
      • Mouth the word "yellow" simultaneously.
    • With one hand [14] :
      • Place your dominant hand next to your cheek.
      • Slightly bend your hand so that it is a moon shape.
      • Rotate this hand back and forth a few times while mouthing "yellow".

    Note: There are multiple other sign variations for the colour yellow. Check out this link for alternative signs.

  4. 4
    Understand the varied signs for the colour green. Green has many variations, due to the nature of what the colour describes. Like grass, for example. Here are a few ways to sign the colour green:
    • To sign "green" with one hand[15] :
      • Place your dominant hand close to your chin.
      • Bend your knuckles slightly, but not so they are touching the palm of your hand. (Don't close your hand into a fist.)
      • Shake your hand side to side a few times, while mouthing "green".
      • You can also do this sign by your collarbone[16] .
    • To sign "green" with both hands[17] [18] :
      • Rest your non-dominant arm or base arm at a 90-degree angle by your stomach.
      • Stroke your dominant hand upwards on your base arm. You can have your wrist facing either way as you do this.
      • Mouth the colour "green" while signing.
      • You can also rub the nails of your dominant hand on the back of your hand a few times to sign this colour[19] .

    To view other ways to sign the colour "green", click here.

  5. 5
    Know the sign for the colour blue. To sign "blue"[20] :
    • Lay your non-dominant wrist with your palm facing upwards.
    • Rub your index and middle finger of your dominant hand on your wrist - where the veins are, in circular motions.
    • Mouth "blue" while signing.

    Tip: You use all your fingers on your wrist or on the palm of your hand if this is easier for you[21] .

  6. 6
    Learn the varied signs for the colour purple. There are many variations of the sign for the colour purple, over twenty-two, in fact! This is due to dialects and the progression of the language over time. There is no need to know every sign, but here are the most commonly used signs.
    • Using both hands[22] :
      • Sign the letter '"P"'.
        • With your non-dominant hand, place all your fingers in a fist.
        • Rotate your wrist so it faces side-on.
        • Point your index finger upwards, keeping your wrist in the same position.
        • Place the index finger and thumb of your [Determine Your Dominant Hand|dominant hand]] into a "pinching" position.
        • Place this onto your non-dominant index finger so they touch.
      • Flick the index finger of your [Determine Your Dominant Hand|dominant hand]] twice and mouth "purple" while doing so to complete this sign.
    • Using one hand[23] :
      • Hold your [Determine Your Dominant Hand|dominant hand]] in front of your face, with your wrist facing side-on.
      • Wiggle your fingers while simultaneously moving your arm downwards until it reaches your chin.
      • Mouth "purple" while signing at the same time.

    Tip: To see more ways to sign the colour "purple", click here.

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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Learning Signs for Other Colours

  1. 1
    Learn how to sign the colour pink. Pink is one of the few signs that doesn't have many variations. Below you'll find a simple, well-known way to sign the colour "pink"[24] :
    • Take your pointer/index finger of your dominant hand.
    • Touch this to the side of your nose. Ensure this is the same side as the hand you are using.
    • Mouth "pink" while completing your sign.
  2. 2
    Know both signs for the colour brown. Like other colours, brown has some variated signs. However, there are only a few. The most common two versions are detailed below.
    • Version 1[25] :
      • Lift your non-dominant arm upright, so that your wrist lines up with your eyes. Your arm should be slightly bent at the elbow.
      • Put your fingers in a fist.
      • Using the palm of dominant hand, rub your elbow in circular motions
      • Mouth "brown" while doing this motion.
    • Version 2 [26] :
      • Tilt your non-dominant arm horizontally, at chest level.
      • Slightly bend your knuckles on your dominant hand.
      • Slide your fingertips from the elbow to your wrist in a fast motion.
      • Mouth "brown" simultaneously.

    Tip: To see a less commonly used, one-handed sign for the colour "brown", click here.

  3. 3
    Learn the sign for the colour black. Unlike most colours, the sign for black is universal around the majority of the UK.
    • To sign the colour "black"[27] :
      • Make a fist with your dominant hand.
      • Slide your fist down the side of your face, while mouthing "black" simultaneously.

    Note: Some areas have their thumb out during this sign, but this is optional[28] .

  4. 4
    Learn the sign for the colour grey. This is another sign that is pretty universal across the UK, and is easy to learn.
    • To sign the colour "grey":
      • Sign the letter G
        • Place both hands into a vertical fist.
        • Place these on top of each other. Your base hand should be at the bottom.
      • Point the pinky finger of your dominant hand outwards,
      • Mouth "grey" while moving your dominant hand in circular motions.

    Tip: Imagine you are grinding some salt/pepper while completing this sign.

  5. 5
    Know the sign for the colour white. There are many variations of the sign for the colour white. Here is the most commonly used/known version.[29] :
    • Use your dominant hand for this sign.
    • Touch your pointer/index finger and thumb together, making a teardrop shape.
    • Place this on your collarbone and pull outwards. You can separate your finger and thumb simultaneously.
    • Mouth "white" while completing this movement.

    to learn other variations of this sign, click here

  6. 6
    Start learning the sign for the colour gold[30] . This is a super simple and fun sign to learn!
    • To sign the colour "gold":
      • Sign the letter G
        • Place both hands into a vertical fist.
        • Place these on top of each other. Your base hand should be at the bottom.
      • Pull both hands away, opening your fists at the same time. You should mouth "gold" while doing this motion.
  7. 7
    Learn the sign for the colour silver[31] . This is another fun simple and sign to learn and use!
    • To sign the colour "silver":
      • Sign the letter S
        • Hook the pinky finger of your dominant hand to the pinky of your non-dominant/base hand.
      • Pull both hands away, opening your fists at the same time. You should mouth "silver" while doing this motion.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Learning How to Sign Shades of Colours

  1. 1
    Begin learning how to sign "light"[32] . To sign "light", e.g. "light brown", follow these simple steps.
    • Start with both arms horizontally, at chest height. They should be overlapping from the elbow to the wrist.
    • Bring both arms up, at a 90-degree angle, slowly, until they reach the full vertical position.
    • Mouth "light" simultaneously.

    Did you know? This sign is the same sign as the sign for "day".

  2. 2
    Know how to sign "dark"[33] .To sign "dark", e.g. "dark blue", follow these simple steps
    • Start with both arms at a vertical 90 degree angle, shoulder width apart.
    • Bring both arms down, slowly, until flat/horizontal.
    • Mouth "dark" as you sign this.

    Did you know? This sign is the same sign as the sign for "night".

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About This Article

Co-authored by:
Annabel Barker
Signature Level 2 Award in British Sign Language
This article was co-authored by Annabel Barker, a trusted member of wikiHow's volunteer community. Annabel Barker has been using British Sign Language for over 14 years to communicate with peers and teachers at various schools and disability programs. She has earned the Signature Level 2 Award in British Sign Language, which required her to practice with Deaf adults and children, and demonstrate skills and confidence in producing, conversing in, and understanding BSL. This article has been viewed 2,297 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: December 4, 2022
Views: 2,297
Categories: Sign Language