Someone is claiming to be an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Naturally, you want to make sure it is a legitimate visit not only for your personal safety but so you aren't giving information to someone looking to do harm or fall prey to a scam. Start at step one to learn how to best identify an imposter or real FBI agent.


  1. 1
    Don't open the door. If you are at home leave the door firmly shut and locked whenever possible. Unless it is a matter of life and death or they have a warrant the agent should have no problem waiting while you verify some things.
  2. 2
    Observe through the window or peephole. Take a look at how they're dressed and how they carry themselves. If there's not a window nearby you can open the door a crack or leave the chain on if you feel safe to do so. Note that while most agents will dress nicely they will not always be in suits and ties. They might dress business casual or casual. However, if they're overly casual or wearing dirty/rumpled clothing you may want to take notice.
  3. 3
    Ask to see their badge. Real agents will have already shown their badge but ask to see it again if they've put it away. Real agents will usually not hand their badge over, so you'll have to inspect at a distance.
  4. 4
    Inspect the badge and ID card. There are a couple things you should look for.
    • Look at the photo and make sure it matches the agent standing in front of you.
    • Be sure the badge says Federal Bureau of Investigation at the top. Fake badges will often abbreviate to FBI.
    • Make sure the badge is completely gold and has Department of Justice on the bottom. The agent will usually have two. One in the wallet and another independent one sometimes worn on the waist.
  5. 5
    Ask the agent for his badge number. He/she should give you this number and let you match it with the number on the photo ID.
  6. 6
    Do not let them push you. Most real agents will not bully or push you unless it's a matter of life and death. Keep them outside and take your time. Try not to purposefully delay them but take as much time as you need to feel safe.
  7. 7
    Call your local police station. If at any point you feel unsafe or unsure call your local police station and ask for them to send an officer out or to verify that the person you're talking to is really FBI.
    • If you feel that you are in danger, call 911.
  8. 8
    Contact your local FBI field office. This is another option. They will be able to verify whether you're talking to a real agent and they're there on official business.
  9. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if the person is contacting you through text and sends a picture of their badge?
    Kaeden Martin-Graves
    Kaeden Martin-Graves
    Community Answer
    Don't fall for it. Call the field office to verify that that is really them. Check for the full wording of "Federal Bureau of Investigation". If it does not say that and it says FBI, don't text back. Call the police or the FBI. Impersonating and FBI agent is federal crime.


  • Never give money or personal information (social security number, credit card/bank information) to anyone claiming to be a federal agent, especially over the phone. It is a scam!

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 55,001 times.
18 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: November 1, 2020
Views: 55,001
Categories: Law Enforcement