Nowadays, social media platforms are useful mediums for interpersonal communication, marketing purposes, business pursuits, and even just for fun. Unfortunately however, there are people who use it as a place to express their raw feelings which can cause many problems. But what can you, as an individual do about this? You may think that these people are not worth your time. Yes, you're right; they're not. But the world at large is. Read this article carefully to learn how to take action against social media insults.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

As the Recipient

  1. 1
    Recognize that the semi-anonymity of the internet leads some people to behave badly. Just like how people can be rude or mean in traffic, people can act this way on the internet, where faces aren't as easy to see. People may say things online that they would never say to your face.
  2. 2
    Realize what are you dealing with. The why or for what reason doesn't matter. Because the answer is simple: There are people out there who are ignored by the others or even being bullied. Social Media are probably the only place which they can put a mask over who they really are, hide their weaknesses and insult others. You can't find any of them saying the same words out of the Internet. So realize this fact and don't be mean. Instead, Try to calm down and investigate the situation by knowing the real part of it.
  3. 3
    Translate all the comments, if necessary. It's an essential to know the comments all, especially if you receive a lot of comments. Ask your admin to translate them all. It's so important to put time for this. Because you may have 10 comments of insults but 2 fan comments between. Never judge them all together when you don't understand the language.
  4. 4
    Take a break to deal with your emotions. You might feel hurt, confused, angry, sad, or any number of emotions. This is normal, and okay. Take time to process all of this, without acting. This can help you deal with the stress, so that you will be able to re-approach it later with a clearer head.
    • Try venting about the problem in person to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor. (Do not mention it online yet.)
    • Find someone whose judgment you trust, and ask them for advice in handling this. They may be able to be there with you, and help you feel less alone.
  5. 5
    Discern between comments about your actions and who you personally are. Sometimes, criticism of your work or actions can really hurt, and it may feel personal even if it's not. Wrap yourself in a fluffy blanket, sip a calming drink, and carefully analyze the comment. Is it personal, or was it something you did? Is there any validity to their criticism?
    • For example, there's a big difference between "that was a mean thing you said" and "you're a garbage loser bully who will never find true happiness."
    • Tell the difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Constructive criticism, while sometimes painfully blunt, tells you how to improve, such as "your story is a bit over-the top; it would benefit from more subtlety." Destructive criticism is not specific or meant to help you, such as "your story is a Mary Sue drama fest full of whining and unbelievable events."
  6. 6
    Never fight back. If you start hurling insults back, the admins may decide that you are just as much at fault as the aggressor is, and they may punish both of you or do nothing. It's extremely important to be a noncombatant. Don't respond, or if you must, be friendly and polite.
  7. 7
    Answer the acceptable comments politely. Some comments are made by people whose first goal is not to be hostile; they are just bad at social skills or particularly grumpy today. So answer them in a very respectful and polite way. Show them that you are open to discussion, and invite them to talk politely without hurling insults.
    • For example, "I'm concerned that you feel my edit to the wiki page was a bad one, and am open to discussion about the ideas involved."
  8. 8
    Block and report the unacceptable comments. If a commenter clearly does not mean well, and only is interested in being mean, the best thing to do is block and report. They may get banned for continuously breaking site rules. Whatever happens to them, when you block and report, you show them that they won't get a reaction from you. They'll discover that you're no fun for them, and eventually, they'll look for easier prey.
    • If you respond to trolls, other trolls may notice and decide they can get attention from you. If you feed one, five more may appear. It's best not to talk to them at all.
  9. 9
    Contact site admins. Different websites will have different policies, and may or may not intervene on your behalf. Some stress good-faith communication only, and will dole out warnings and punishment to bullies. Others take a non-intervention approach, even if it is one party antagonizing another party that is trying to make peace. Some will even overlook awful messages, such as death/rape threats or messages like "kill yourself."
    • Whether people will care depends on your situation and the website. For example, some websites consider harassment of women normal and acceptable, and will do nothing.
    • Don't blame yourself if admins don't care. It doesn't mean that your pain is any less real or important.
  10. 10
    Delete all the insults on your user page. Don't let others see the bad words in your user page. Because there are young teenagers working with the Social Media. Teenagers are easily affected by what others do or say. They're the future generation of the world, so don't let the insults teach them how to insult!
  11. 11
    Join the campaigns about dealing with insults on Social Media. Nowadays, there are many campaigns such as "Block and Report campaign" which are being created to take action against insulting, especially on Social Media. Join them and if there aren't any in your country, don't be afraid to create one.
  12. 12
    Don't overthink about the insults. realize that the person who insulted can't actually say the same words in the real world. Social Media are probably a good chance for these people to fake themselves. This never worth to put your time on thinking about. Because they are never real, but you are.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

As a Witness

  1. 1
    Understand the situation. Realize and know the fact that there are actually few people who show a complete version of themselves on Social Networks and Media. On the other hand, There are people who fake what and who they really are. Some do this by fake names, fake photos, and etc. Unfortunately, there are some who fake themselves by insulting on other user pages. The thing that probably just 1% of them do in the real world. Because in the real world, if they insult, they'll probably be judged and shamed by others. So what you have to do is knowing that they're not real, and fake people are not worth judging.
  2. 2
    Know what the comment is talking about. If you see an insult on a user page - whether your favorite celebrity, your friend or a simple e-Pal, know what is the comment about. If it's in other languages, translate. If it's talking about previous comments, read the previous comments. To do the right action, you have to know what the comment is about and decide whether you need to get involved. Sometimes It's better to back off while sometimes, you should react.
  3. 3
    Don't be part of the fight. Although usually, people insult on Social Media for no reason, There are sometimes that there's a fight between them. Never be part of it. Instead, ask the fighters to calm down and stop, even if there is a right person. Because Social Networks are not places to fight. If you stand by with one person and judge another ones, you're only adding fuel to the fire. So remember that you can not put out a fire with oil.
  4. 4
    Answer the acceptable comment - which are expressing a criticism -, politely. There may be some comments that although have insults, but are trying to express a fair criticism. It's not bad to teach others how to criticize. Some people really don't know how to remove insults when criticizing. On the other hand, there are people who were just in a bad mood. Although it's not a good excuse but it happens. What you have to do is respectfully ask them to delete their comment themselves and try to express their ideas without insulting. Tell them you understand that people may have mistakes. Do not ask them to apologize. Instead, be as polite and respectful as you can so they'll immediately regret their words and apologize themselves. If they regretted, kudos to yourself and if they didn't, ask them again. If that happened again, know that twice is enough. Simply block and report them.
  5. 5
    Block and report the people who put unacceptable comments, If you access. There are comments that the only point of them is nothing! They don't express anything but the obsession. These comments show that these people were under emotional child abuse pressure in their childhood. The only thing you can do is to block and report these people so they'll get out of Social Media and nobody gets hurt, especially teenagers.
  6. 6
    Encourage your friend to block and report bullies. Explain that trolls are like birds: if you bother to feed them, more will come.
  7. 7
    Support your friends and e-Pals. Send them friendly messages, find fun things to do together, and remind them how much you care. This positivity can help them stay grounded and mentally healthy despite the insults. Give them some good memories. It can help them get through this.
  8. 8
    Join the campaigns that deal with insults on Social Media. Some campaigns such as "Block and Report campaign" are being created to take action against insults, especially on Social Media. These campaigns will probably decrease the number of insults on Social Media. If there aren't any campaign against insults in your country, start one.
  9. 9
    Stop communicating with the people who insult. Realize that they don't even worth discussing. Because they may know that you're right, but are not going to confess. If you discuss with them, then what's your difference?
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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 17,821 times.
12 votes - 69%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 17,821
Categories: Dealing with Bullying