Visors are making a serious comeback. High-profile designers are even featuring them in their runways. Visors are a functional accessory—their roots come from outdoor sports such as tennis and golf. They’re a great way to help keep the sun out of your eyes without heating up your head, but they can also be fashionable headwear. We’ve put together a list of different ways you can style a visor so you can find the perfect option for you.


Experiment with different visor styles.

  1. Visors come in a variety of styles and materials you can play around with. Find one that works best for the look you’re trying to achieve. Some visors are also more functional than others if you’re planning some outdoor activities.
    • Go with a wide-brim visor for a more fashionable look. Wear it with a sundress and help keep the sun out of your eyes without taking away from your style.[9]
    • Use a fabric sports visor for outdoor activities. If you’re planning any outdoor activities or games, go with a fabric visor that can help absorb sweat and give yourself some shade.[10]
    • Create a fun, retro look with a colored, translucent visor. Bright and colorful visors with translucent bills were all the rage back in the 80s, and they’re making a comeback.[11]
    • Hit the beach with a straw visor. Straw visors work just as well as other visors for keeping the sun’s bright rays out of your eyes, but they also add a more beachy type of vibe to your look.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: August 25, 2021
Views: 33,897
Categories: Hats