1951 in Brazil
Events in the year 1951 in Brazil.
1951 in Brazil |
Flag |
![]() 21 stars (1889–1960) |
Timeline of Brazilian history |
Second Brazilian Republic |
Year of Constitution: 1946 |
Federal government
- President:
- Marshal Eurico Gaspar Dutra (until 30 January)
- Getúlio Vargas (from 31 January)
- Vice President:
- Nereu Ramos (until 30 January)
- Café Filho (from 31 January)
- Alagoas:
- Silvestre Pericles (until 31 January)
- Arnon de Mello (from 31 January)
- Amazonas:
- Leopoldo da Silva Amorim Neves (until 31 January)
- Álvaro Botelho Maia (from 31 January)
- Bahia:
- Otávio Mangabeira (until 31 January)
- Régis Pacheco (from 31 January)
- Ceará:
- Faustino de Albuquerque (until 31 January)
- Raul Barbosa (from 31 January)
- Espírito Santo:
- Carlos Fernando Monteiro Lindenberg (until 31 January)
- Jones dos Santos Neves (from 31 January)
- Goiás:
- Hosanah Guimarães (until 31 January)
- Pedro Ludovico Teixeira (from 31 January)
- Maranhão:
- Sebastião Archer (until 31 January)
- Traiaú Rodrigues Moreira (from 31 January)
- Mato Grosso:
- Jari Gomes (until 31 January)
- Fernando Corrêa da Costa (from 31 January)
- Minas Gerais:
- Milton Soares Campos (until 31 January)
- Juscelino Kubitschek (from 31 January)
- Pará:
- Alberto Engelhard (until 25 January: )
- Waldir Bouhid (25 January-27 January)
- Arnaldo Lobo (27 January-9 February)
- Abel Nunes de Figueiredo (9 February-20 February)
- Zacarias de Assumpção (from 20 February)
- Paraíba:
- Osvaldo Trigueiro (until 31 January)
- José Américo de Almeida (from 31 January)
- Paraná:
- Moisés Lupion (until 31 January)
- Bento Munhoz da Rocha Neto (from 31 January)
- Pernambuco:
- Alexandre Barbosa Lima Sobrinho (until 31 January)
- Agamenon Magalhães (from 31 January)
- Piauí:
- José da Rocha Furtado (until 31 January)
- Pedro Freitas (from 31 January)
- Rio de Janeiro:
- Macedo Soares (until 31 January)
- Amaral Peixoto (from 31 January)
- Rio Grande do Norte:
- José Augusto Varela (until 31 January)
- Jerônimo Dix-Sept Rosado (31 January-16 July)
- Silvio Piza Pedrosa (from 16 July)
- Rio Grande do Sul:
- Walter Só Jobim (till 31 January)
- Ernesto Dornelles (from 31 January)
- Santa Catarina:
- Aderbal Ramos da Silva (until 31 January)
- Irineu Bornhausen (from 31 January)
- São Paulo:
- Ademar de Barros (until 31 January)
- Lucas Nogueira Garcez (from 31 January)
- Sergipe:
- Jose Rollemberg (until 31 January)
- João Dantas Martins dos Reis (31 January-17 February)
- Edélzio Vieira de Melo (17 February-12 March)
- Arnaldo Rollemberg Garcez (from 12 March)
Vice governors
- Alagoas:
- Francisco de Menezes Pimentel (until 31 January)
- Antônio Guedes de Miranda (from 31 January)
- Ceará: Stênio Gomes da Silva
- Espírito Santo:
- José Rodrigues Sette (until 31 January)
- Francisco Alves Ataíde (from 31 January)
- Goiás: Jonas Ferreira Alves Duarte (from 31 January)
- Maranhão:
- Saturnino Bello (until 31 January)
- Renato Bayma Archer da Silva (from 31 January)
- Mato Grosso: João Leite de Barros (from 31 January)
- Minas Gerais:
- José Ribeiro Pena (until 31 January)
- Clóvis Salgado da Gama (from 31 January)
- Paraíba:
- José Targino Pereira da Costa (until 31 January)
- João Fernandes de Lima (from 31 January)
- Piauí:
- Osvaldo da Costa e Silva (until 31 January)
- Tertuliano Milton Brandão (from 31 January)
- Rio de Janeiro: Tarcísio Miranda (from 31 January)
- Rio Grande do Norte:
- Tomaz Salustino (until 31 January)
- Sylvio Pedroza (31 January-16 July)
- Vacant (from 16 July)
- São Paulo:
- Luís Gonzaga Novelli Júnior (until 31 January)
- Erlindo Salzano (from 31 January)
- Sergipe: Edelzio Vieira de Melo (from 31 January)
- date unknown
- The Brazilian Medical Association is founded.[1]
- The Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing is founded in São Paulo.[2]
- 18 January: Getúlio Vargas is proclaimed president-elect by the Superior Electoral Court.[3]
- 13 January: Getúlio Vargas assumes his second term as the 17th President of Brazil, this time elected by direct vote.[4]
- Unknown Date: Clarice Lispector returns from London with her husband, Maury Gurgel Valente, following a miscarriage.[5]
- 12 June: Última Hora, a tabloid newspaper, is founded by Samuel Wainer and personally endorsed by President Vargas.[6]
- 3 July: President Getúlio Vargas signs the Afonso Arinos Law, which prohibits racial discrimination in Brazil.[7]
- 12 July: A Linhas Aéreas Paulistas plane collides with a tree located 3 kilometers from the runway at the Aracaju airport, killing 32 passengers and crew.[8][9]
Arts and culture
- Ștefan Baciu - Analiza cuvântului dor
- Agüenta Firme, Isidoro, directed by Luiz de Barros.
- Aí Vem o Barão, directed by Watson Macedo, starring Oscarito, José Lewgoy and Eliana.
- Amazon Symphony, directed by Anelio Latini, starring Almirante.
- Quando a Noite Acaba, starring Tônia Carrero.
- O Saci, directed by Rodolfo Nanni, starring Paulo Matozinho.[10]
- 2 January:
- Lula Ferreira, professional basketball coach
- Waldir Peres, footballer (died 2017)
- 9 April: Sérgio Rezende, filmmaker
- 29 April: Vinicius Cantuária, jazz musician
- 12 July: Carlos Minc, geographer, environmentalist and politician[11]
- 13 August: Beto Guedes, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
- 14 August: Rita Segato (in Argentina), anthropologist, feminist and academic[12]
- 20 October: José Gomes Temporão, doctor and politician[13]
- 2 August: Joseph Franz Seraph Lutzenberger, German-born architect and artist (born 1882)
- 13 November: Walter de Souza Goulart, footballer (born 1912)
- "Brazilian doctor takes office as the new president of the World Medical Association", 21 October 2011 Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine. Accessed 13 August 2014
- ESPM official website
- "Proclamados eleitos os srs. Getulio Vargas e Cafe Filho" (página 3 do 1° caderno), Folha da Manhã (19 de janeiro de 1951).
- "Assume hoje à tarde a presidencia da Republica o sr. Getulio Vargas" (primeira página do 1° caderno), Folha da Manhã (31 de janeiro de 1951).
- Edilberto Coutinho, Criaturas de papel, p. 170
- Tulchin, Joseph S.; Espach, Ralph H. (17 August 2000). Combating Corruption in Latin America. Woodrow Wilson Center Press. p. 178. ISBN 978-1-930365-01-8. Retrieved 28 August 2012.
- "Constitui contravenção penal a prática de atos resultantes de preconceitos de raça ou côr" (página 6 do único caderno), Jornal do Brasil (5 de julho de 1951).
- "Perecem 32 pessoas num desastre de aviação" (primeira página do 1° caderno), Folha da Manhã (13 de julho de 1951).
- Jornal do Brasil (13 July 1951). "Espatifou-se contra o solo um avião da LAP". Ano LXI, número 160, páginas 1 e 7. Retrieved 15 July 2012.
- "Saci comemora 60 anos | revistapontocom". Archived from the original on 2014-02-01. Retrieved 2014-08-13.
- "Planalto confirma Carlos Minc como novo ministro do Meio Ambiente" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2008-05-25.
- "Rita Segato" (in Spanish). CGA. December 2014. Archived from the original on 23 December 2018. Retrieved 9 September 2018.
- (in Portuguese) Biography of José Gomes Temporão at the Ministry of Health official website
See also

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