2004 Serbian local elections

Local elections were held in Serbia (excluding Kosovo) on 19 September and 3 October 2004, concurrently with the 2004 Vojvodina provincial election. This was the only local election cycle held while Serbia was a member of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

This was the first regular cycle of local elections held in Serbia since the fall of Slobodan Milošević in October 2000, and the voting procedure was significantly changed from the previous cycle. Under the prior system, local assembly members were elected by first-past-the-post balloting in single-member constituencies. The 2004 elections were held under a system of proportional representation with a three per cent electoral threshold. Successful lists were required to receive three per cent of all votes, not only of valid votes.

This cycle also saw the introduction of direct election for the mayors in most of Serbia's cities and municipalities (although not in the constituent municipalities of the City of Belgrade, which were exempted). Mayors were elected over two rounds, with the second round of voting taking place on 3 October 2004. The direct election of mayors was subsequently abandoned, and in future election cycles mayors were chosen by the elected members of the local assemblies.

One-third of assembly mandates were assigned to candidates from successful electoral lists in numerical order. The other two-thirds were assigned to other candidates on the same lists at the discretion of the sponsoring parties or coalitions; at least one quarter of the latter mandates were to be assigned to "members of the less represented sex on the list" (which, in practical terms, usually meant that these mandates were reserved for female candidates).[1]

For the newly restructured constituent municipalities of Niš, elections were held for mayors and for members of nine-person municipal councils (rather than municipal assemblies).

The campaign saw growth in support for both the centre-left Democratic Party and the far-right Serbian Radical Party,[2] both of which were at the time in opposition in the republican parliament.

The most closely watched election was that for mayor of Belgrade. In the second round of voting, Democratic Party candidate Nenad Bogdanović narrowly defeated Aleksandar Vučić, who was at the time a member of the Radical Party.


City of Belgrade

The Democratic Party won both the mayoral election and a plurality victory in the city assembly.

2004 City of Belgrade local election: Mayor of Belgrade
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Nenad BogdanovićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić165,56533.52234,51350.91
Aleksandar VučićSerbian Radical Party145,95929.55226,16149.09
Zoran DrakulićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica75,54815.29
Nebojša ČovićDemocratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović28,6315.80
Jasmina Mitrović MarićStrength of Serbia Movement27,5995.59
Žarko ObradovićSocialist Party of Serbia19,0623.86
Branka BošnjakG17 PlusMiroljub Labus15,4803.13
Dragan KojadinovićSerbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković8,8231.79
Slobodan VuksanovićPeople's Democratic Party7,3181.48
Valid votes493,98598.59460,67498.59
Invalid/blank votes7,0711.416,5841.41
Total votes501,056100.00467,258100.00
Registered voters/turnout1,444,30734.691,445,37732.33
Source: [3]

Bogdanović died on 27 September 2007. He was replaced on an interim basis by Zoran Alimpić, also of the Democratic Party.

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Belgrade:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić160,59432.8234
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić131,04426.7827
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica62,98712.8713
Socialist Party of Serbia27,5635.636
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus24,5115.015
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić23,6004.825
Democratic AlternativeSDP–Dr. Nebojša Čović14,9443.05
Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković10,5772.16
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović6,4671.32
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić4,1510.85
Pensioners' Party of Serbia–Radoslav Mitrović2,6720.55
Citizens' Group: Dunavski Venac Dr. Dragan Mladenović2,3270.48
People's Radical Party2,2110.45
Socialist People's PartyBranislav Ivković1,7020.35
Serbian People's Radical Party–Vladimir Stanojlović1,2970.27
Citizens' Group: Dragić Radovanović–Independent Candidate Belgrade1,2720.26
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Dr. Branko Kitanović1,0110.21
Ravna Gora Movement D.M.9150.19
Social Democratic UnionŽarko Korać8940.18
Ecological Green Party–Vukosav Bojović8730.18
Roma Social Democratic Party of Serbia Rade Ćirić7100.15
Workers Party of Yugoslavia–Petar Veličković7040.14
Citizens' Group: Gavrilo Princip6990.14
Liberals of Belgrade–Rebeka Božović6580.13
Green Party EKO–Budimir Babić5840.12
Roma Democratic Party5500.11
Citizens' Group: Branko Ćopić–A Writer5010.10
Roma Union of Serbia–Stevanović Marko4350.09
Democratic Orthodox Party-Dr. Mihailo Petković4280.09
Citizens' Group: Tešić Mikica4240.09
Union of the Greens Dr. Marija Milutinović3870.08
Citizens' Group: For Truth, Justice, and a Better Life–R. Perović2920.06
Progressive Party–Progressives–Dr. Branislav Pavlović2350.05
For a Better Belgrade–Melita Šteković2210.05
Serbian Unity Party–Milorad Stojković Stenka2180.04
Free Democratic Party–DPS–Mr. Radoslav Stevanović Dosa2060.04
Citizens' Group: Association of Foreign Currency and Dinar Savers of Serbia and Montenegro (UDŠSCG)–Ivan B. Nedeljković1980.04
Democratic Reform European Party (DRES) Nebojša Mijušković1690.03
Citizens' Group: Toađer Branka1430.03
Valid votes489,37497.70
Invalid/blank votes11,5272.30
Total votes500,901100.00
Registered voters/turnout1,444,30734.68
Source: [4]

The Democratic Alternative list did not receive three per cent of the total vote and so fell below the electoral threshold.

Municipalities of Belgrade

Municipal assembly elections were held in sixteen of Belgrade's seventeen constituent municipalities. The exception was Barajevo, where a special off-year election had taken place in 2003.[5]

The elections were generally a success for the Democratic Party, which finished first in most municipalities and ultimately attained the mayoralty in eleven. The Radicals won the mayor's offices in Zemun and Surčin, the Democratic Party of Serbia won the mayoralty in Lazarevac, and independents were chosen as mayor in Grocka and Sopot.


There was no election for the Municipal Assembly of Barajevo in 2004. The previous election had taken place in 2002, and the next took place in 2006.


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Čukarica:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić13,93928.6714
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić12,43825.5912
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović6,72613.847
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica5,65511.635
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,7045.563
Socialist Party of Serbia–Dr. Rajko Srdić2,4525.042
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,6203.332
Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković9481.95
Citizens' Group: Da na celoj opštini Čukarica bude kao na Čukarici6961.43
Citizens' Group: My Čukarica5211.07
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić3200.66
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović2850.59
Roma Union of Serbia–Zoran Dimić1580.33
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–Branislav Kitanović1490.31
Valid votes48,61198.30
Invalid/blank votes8391.70
Total votes49,450100.00
Registered voters/turnout152,94432.33
Source: [6]

Dragan Tešić of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[7]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Grocka:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić4,39421.418
Citizens' Group: Our Man–Blažo Stojanović3,28716.016
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,47412.055
Socialist Party of Serbia2,18510.654
Citizens' Group: Strength of the Citizens–Vladan Zarić1,8048.793
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,3696.672
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić1,0845.282
Serbian Renewal Movement–Dr. Vlada Pavlović1,0074.912
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8714.242
Social Democratic Party–Mihailo Barac6403.121
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus4132.01
People's Democratic Party "Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović"3111.52
"Social Democratic Party"[8]2121.03
Citizens' Group: Jugoslav Bogojević1120.55
Economic Strength of Serbia–Rajko Uzelac990.48
Citizens' Association–Grocka770.38
Citizens' Group: Miloš Lazović620.30
Civic Alliance of SerbiaGoran Svilanović580.28
Citizens' Group: Dejan Živković500.24
Liberals of Serbia170.08
Valid votes20,52697.38
Invalid/blank votes5532.62
Total votes21,079100.00
Registered voters/turnout59,85435.22
Source: [9]

Although the Radicals technically won a plurality victory, the election did not even come close to producing a clear winner, and the next four years saw several changes in the local government.

Blažo Stojanović, elected at the head of an independent list, was chosen as mayor after the election, in an alliance with the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Serbian Renewal Movement, the Strength of Serbia Movement, and the Social Democratic Party. The coalition fell apart in mid-2005, and local Radical Party leader Dragoljub Simonović became mayor at the head of a new governing alliance. In late 2005, Stojanović was able to return as mayor with a coalition including the Socialists, the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Serbian Renewal Movement, the Social Democratic Party, and Vladan Zarić's list. The Socialists and the Democratic Party withdrew their support in mid-2007, and Stojanović created a new coalition including the Radicals and Strength of Serbia Movement. One member of Strength of Serbia defected to the opposition in December 2007, leading to a period of confusion in which both the government and opposition claimed to control a majority of seats. This lasted until new local elections took place in May 2008.[10][11]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Lazarevac:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić3,45019.1113
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica3,20317.7412
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,23012.358
Socialist Party of Serbia–Slavoljub Pavlović Kolubarac2,13411.828
Citizens' Group: Milanović Slobodan1,4678.136
Serbian Renewal Movement–Dr. Vuk Drašković1,1796.534
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,1716.494
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8104.493
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić6793.763
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović4092.27
Citizens' Group: Marinković Dragan Gane2751.52
Citizens' Group: Milojko Radonjić2241.24
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović1931.07
Citizens' Group: Jeremić Mile Major1190.66
Citizens' Group: Milun Stanojević1050.58
Citizens' Group: Borivoje Petrović690.38
Citizens' Group: Milena Gajić640.35
Citizens' Group: Goran Đorđević600.33
Citizens' Group: Stanimirović Zoran Žuća600.33
New Roma Democratic Party550.30
Democratic Orthodox Party-Dr. Mihailo Petković530.29
NKPJ–Branislav Kitanović420.23
Valid votes18,05196.22
Invalid/blank votes7103.78
Total votes18,761100.00
Registered voters/turnout48,51638.67
Source: [12]

The election did not produce a clear winner. Branko Borić of the Democratic Party of Serbia was subsequently chosen as mayor.[13]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Mladenovac:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić3,18420.6212
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,04619.7312
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,81311.747
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić1,70411.047
Socialist Party of Serbia–Tihomir Tomićević1,2307.975
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić9426.104
Citizens' Group: Alliance for the Revival of Mladenovac–Predrag Čokić8835.723
Citizens' Group: United for Mladenovac7304.733
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus5373.482
Socialist People's Party–Vladan Gajić3772.44
Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković3532.29
International Party "Roma of Serbia"1420.92
League of Communists of Yugoslavia1400.91
Citizens' Group: For Mladenovac–Radosav Ivanović Džamba1130.73
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović1050.68
Roma Congress Party–Miroslav Milanović940.61
Union of the Greens–Petar Stojanović470.30
Valid votes15,44096.60
Invalid/blank votes5443.40
Total votes15,984100.00
Registered voters/turnout45,11535.43
Source: [14]

Incumbent mayor Zoran Kostić of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[15]

New Belgrade

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of New Belgrade:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić28,66938.3728
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić17,69023.6817
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica8,59711.518
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus6,1098.186
Socialist Party of Serbia4,6586.235
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić3,5124.703
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović1,5372.06
Movement for New BelgradeSPOLS8551.14
Pensioners' Party of Serbia–Milomir Obradović6950.93
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović5220.70
For a Civic SerbiaGoran Svilanović (GSSSDU)4240.57
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić3140.42
Alliance of Communists of Yugoslavia and Serbia2690.36
Dragić Radovanović, Independent Candidate Citizens' Group Belgrade2570.34
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–Branislav Kitanović2030.27
Roma Unity Party1570.21
Socialist People's Party–Branka Cvetković1450.19
Citizens' Group: For a Better Belgrade–Melita Šteković980.13
Valid votes74,71198.41
Invalid/blank votes1,2101.59
Total votes75,921100.00
Registered voters/turnout206,47036.77
Source: [16]

Incumbent mayor Željko Ožegović of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election, with the support of thirty-eight delegates.[17] Nenad Milenković was one of the DS candidates elected to the assembly. Parliamentarian Marko Đurišić received the largely honorary sixty-seventh and final position on the DS list and was not given a mandate.[18][19]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Obrenovac:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić4,81622.9214
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić4,41220.9913
Socialist Party of Serbia2,58412.308
Serbian Renewal MovementNew Serbia2,18610.406
Citizens' Association of Obrenovac1,3976.654
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,2505.954
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus9544.543
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić9364.453
DHSLiberals of Serbia–Dr. Vladan Batić5322.53
People's Democratic Party–Dr. S. Vuksanović5282.51
Citizens' Group: To Victory–Miladin Tošić4412.10
Citizens' Group: All for a Better and Fairer Obrenovac - And Right Away–G.V.2681.28
DPS Social Democracy–Dr. Vuk Obradović2591.23
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia1680.80
Party of Serbian Unity1290.61
Citizens' Group: Dudovi560.27
Roma Democratic Party510.24
New Roma Democratic Party of Serbia Z.J. Pipi480.23
Valid votes21,01597.01
Invalid/blank votes6472.99
Total votes21,662100.00
Registered voters/turnout60,11636.03
Source: [20]

Although the Radical Party technically won the election, it could not command a majority of seats in the assembly. Nebojša Ćeran of the Democratic Party was selected as mayor.[21]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Palilula:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić12,89228.6217
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić10,88324.1615
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica4,80410.666
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus4,4059.786
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,5395.643
Citizens' Group: Dunavski Venac2,4575.453
Socialist Party of Serbia2,0304.513
Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković1,5683.482
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović1,1262.50
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović5921.31
Citizens' Group: For Palilula3380.75
People's Radical Party2950.65
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić2410.53
Roma Social Democratic Party of Serbia2280.51
Ecological Green Party1700.38
Workers Party of Yugoslavia1270.28
Roma Democratic Party1210.27
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia990.22
Citizens' Group850.19
Free Democratic Party520.12
Valid votes45,05297.76
Invalid/blank votes1,0322.24
Total votes46,084100.00
Registered voters/turnout142,63132.31
Source: [22]

Danilo Bašić of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[23]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rakovica:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić9,57031.9620
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić8,45328.2318
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica4,09613.688
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,1897.315
Socialist Party of Serbia–Duśan Đaković1,5365.133
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,4564.863
Coalition for Rakovica Dr. Slobodan VuksanovićPeople's Democratic Party, Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković, Social Democracy, Roma Union of Serbia, Citizens' Association of Rakovica Straževica, Resnik Residents' Association "General Agricultural Co-operative Resnik"1,0203.412
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović9993.342
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić2750.92
Alliance of Communists of Yugoslavia and Serbia1620.54
Union of the Greens–Dr. Marija Milutinović1300.43
Socialist People's Party–Sava Ilić620.21
Valid votes29,94898.41
Invalid/blank votes4851.59
Total votes30,433100.00
Registered voters/turnout91,64233.21
Source: [24]

Bojan Milić of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[25]

Savski Venac

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Savski Venac:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić5,96238.0016
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,93518.718
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica2,30014.666
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8355.322
Socialist Party of Serbia7524.792
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus7034.482
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović4853.091
League for Savski Venac–Civic Initiative Mr. Tatjana Janić4312.75
Serbian Renewal Movement–Dr. Mirjana Panić2841.81
Civic Initiative Against Corruption–Dr. R.A. Rajs2801.78
Citizens' Group: For Savski Venac–Krstić Zdravko2591.65
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović1500.96
Citizens' Group: Gavrilo Princip1190.76
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić900.57
Citizens' Group: Cile – Senjak820.52
Progressive Party–Progressives210.13
Valid votes15,68898.33
Invalid/blank votes2661.67
Total votes15,954100.00
Registered voters/turnout43,44736.72
Source: [26]

Tomislav Đorđević of the Democratic Party was selected as mayor after the election. A member of the Democratic Party of Serbia was chosen as deputy mayor.[27]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sopot:

Citizens' Group: For the Municipality of SopotŽivorad – Žika Milosavljević2,75139.0514
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,20517.116
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,14516.256
For a Democratic MunicipalityDSS Vojislav KoštunicaSPO Vuk Drašković5738.133
Socialist Party of Serbia Veroljub – Verko Sinđelić2713.852
Democratic Alternative–Dr. Nebojša Čović2503.551
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2313.281
Citizens' Group For the Development of the Municipality of Sopot1982.81
Citizens' Group For Youth and Progress in the Municipality of Sopot1692.40
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1231.75
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić941.33
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–Branko Kitanović340.48
Valid votes7,04496.74
Invalid/blank votes2373.26
Total votes7,281100.00
Registered voters/turnout16,79943.34
Source: [28]

Incumbent mayor Živorad Milosavljević of the For the Municipality of Sopot list was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[29]

Stari Grad

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Stari Grad:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić9,96343.5427
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica3,82316.7111
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,32414.539
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,6207.085
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8763.832
Socialist Party of Serbia7443.252
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović5302.32
Citizens' Group: Neighbours for Stari Grad–Predrag Rajčević4481.96
Serbian Renewal Movement–Dr. Jovan Novak4051.77
Civic Alliance of SerbiaGoran Svilanović3801.66
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović3621.58
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić1240.54
Social Democracy–Dr. Vuk Obradović800.35
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–Branko Kitanović720.31
Socialist People's PartyBranislav Ivković650.28
Democratic Reform European Party–Nebojša Mijušković350.15
Citizens' Group: Association of Foreign Currency and Dinar Savers of Serbia and Montenegro (UDŠSCG)–Ivan B. Nedeljković290.13
Valid votes22,80097.97
Invalid/blank votes4732.03
Total votes23,273100.00
Registered voters/turnout59,87338.87
Source: [30]

Incumbent mayor Mirjana Božidarević of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election.[31] Nemanja Šarović was elected from the first position on the Radical Party's list.[32]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Surčin:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić4,29242.809
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,25722.515
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1,02210.192
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica6826.801
Socialist Party of Serbia4744.731
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović3163.151
Serbian Renewal Movement–Vuk Drašković3043.03
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1911.90
Citizens' Group: For Surčin1801.80
Citizens' Group: For Lepši and Donji Srem1101.10
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić1001.00
Citizens' Group: "Vinogradska–Donji Srem610.61
Citizens' Group: Something New380.38
Valid votes10,02797.09
Invalid/blank votes3002.91
Total votes10,327100.00
Registered voters/turnout30,62533.72
Source: [33]

Rajko Matović of the Radical Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[34] After a period of political upheaval, Vojislav Janošević of the Democratic Party became mayor in November 2005.[35][36]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Voždovac:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić14,81432.9020
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić11,01724.4615
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica6,90515.3310
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,8836.404
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2,5265.614
Socialist Party of Serbia2,4625.473
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović1,1102.46
Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković1,0472.32
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović5561.23
People's Radical Party–Duško Jelić2910.65
Civic Alliance of SerbiaSocial Democratic UnionGoran Svilanović2550.57
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić2370.53
Social Democracy–Dr. Vuk Obradović1840.41
Liberals of Serbia1290.29
Union of the Greens–Dr. Marija Milutinović1280.28
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–Branislav Kitanović1180.26
International Party "Roma" of Serbia1010.22
Socialist People's Party–Ivana Petrović860.19
Democratic Orthodox Party-Dr. Mihailo Petković810.18
Labour Party of Serbia–Dragan Ružić Kanja540.12
Citizens' Group: Association of Foreign Currency and Dinar Savers of Serbia and Montenegro (UDŠSCG)–Ivan B. Nedeljković500.11
Valid votes45,03497.72
Invalid/blank votes1,0492.28
Total votes46,083100.00
Registered voters/turnout140,90732.70
Source: [37]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Vračar:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić10,95346.7930
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica3,83916.4010
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,12513.359
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,3535.784
Socialist Party of Serbia1,1344.843
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8813.762
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović7933.392
Serbian Renewal MovementPeople's Democratic PartyNew SerbiaSlobodan VuksanovićVuk Drašković6392.73
Civic Alliance of SerbiaGoran Svilanović3571.53
Socialist People's Party–Dr. Zlata Ćetković1440.62
Union of the Greens–Dr. Marija Milutinović1310.56
Association of Foreign Currency and Dinar Savers of Serbia and Montenegro (UDŠSCG)–Ivan B. Nedeljković590.25
Valid votes23,40898.42
Invalid/blank votes3751.58
Total votes23,783100.00
Registered voters/turnout61,75638.51
Source: [38]

Incumbent mayor Milena Milošević of the Democratic Party was confirmed for another term in office after the election. Her deputy mayor was a member of the Democratic Party of Serbia.[39] Milošević was replaced by Branimir Kuzmanović on 13 June 2006.[40]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Zemun:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić18,08640.1626
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić13,36029.6719
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica4,66310.367
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,4625.473
Socialist Party of Serbia1,6283.622
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,1532.56
Serbian Renewal Movement–Dr. Ljubiša Popović9572.13
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović8871.97
New SerbiaPeople's Democratic PartyVelimir Ilić–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović3700.82
Pensioners' Party of Serbia3660.81
People's Radical Party2850.63
Workers Party of Yugoslavia2120.47
Municipal Organization of Disabled People of Zemun2040.45
Roma Democratic Party–Sevđedin Haliti Sevđa1580.35
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–Branislav Kitanović1040.23
Free Democratic Party–Mr. Radoslav Stevanović Dosa710.16
Progressive Party–Dragan Vulin650.14
Valid votes45,03198.34
Invalid/blank votes7591.66
Total votes45,790100.00
Registered voters/turnout137,76933.24
Source: [41]

Gordana Pop Lazić of the Radical Party was chosen as mayor after the election, with support from the Socialists and the Strength of Serbia Movement.[42][43] Parliamentarian Vjerica Radeta was elected as a Radical Party delegate.[44][45]

Andreja Mladenović was elected from the second position on the Democratic Party of Serbia list and served in opposition.[46][47][48]


Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Zvezdara:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić14,35435.5020
Serbian Radical PartyT. Nikolić9,32023.0513
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. V. Koštunica5,59313.838
Strength of Serbia MovementB. Karić2,7966.914
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2,0315.023
Socialist Party of Serbia1,9564.843
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. N. Čović1,3363.302
Serbian Renewal MovementZvezdara1,1972.96
People's Radical Party4191.04
Civic Alliance of SerbiaG. Svilanović3740.92
People's Democratic Party–Dr. S. Vuksanović3560.88
New SerbiaVelimir - Velja Ilić3160.78
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia–B. Kitanović1480.37
Citizens' Group: Mikica Tešić1370.34
Party "Serbian Unity"–D. Rašković1060.26
Valid votes40,43998.06
Invalid/blank votes8001.94
Total votes41,239100.00
Registered voters/turnout125,53432.85
Source: [49]

Milan Popović of the Democratic Party was chosen as mayor after the election.[50] Ljubiša Stojmirović of the Radical Party became mayor on 18 February 2005; Popović returned to office on 28 June of the same year.[51][52]

Aleksandra Tomić appeared in the eighth position on the Democratic Party of Serbia's list.[53] She did not initially receive a seat in the assembly but was given a mandate as the replacement for another party member on 18 February 2005.[54] She was appointed to the municipal council on 28 June 2005 and remained in this role until 2008.[55]


North Bačka District

Local elections were held in all three municipalities in the North Bačka District, and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians won the mayoralties in all three jurisdictions. In Subotica, the party won a narrow victory over the Democratic Party; in the two other municipalities, candidates of the party won in local alliances with the Democrats.

2004 Municipality of Subotica local election: Mayor of Subotica
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Géza Kucsera (incumbent)Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians16,66731.8925,01850.11
Oliver DulićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić8,47416.2124,90549.89
Mirko BajićCoalition: Subotica Our City6,87813.16
Radmilo TodosijevićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić5,1299.81
József MiskolcziCitizens' Group3,3226.36
Blaško GabrićCitizens' Group: Da Subotici Svane3,2166.15
Tomislav StantićG17 Plus3,0135.76
Aleksandar EvetovićStrength of Serbia Movement1,7983.44
Čaba ŠepšeiDemocratic Party of Vojvodina Hungarians1,5342.93
Edit StevanovićCoalition: "Together for VojvodinaNenad Čanak"1,1922.28
Srećko NovakovićDemocratic Party of Serbia1,0432.00
Valid votes52,26698.4249,92397.13
Invalid/blank votes8411.581,4772.87
Total votes53,107100.0051,400100.00
Registered voters/turnout127,98641.49127,98640.16
Source: [56]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Subotica:

Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians11,15821.5316
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić8,25715.9312
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić6,41412.389
Subotica Our CityMirko Bajić (Reformists of Vojvodina, Social Democratic Party, People's Democratic Party, Democratic Alternative)3,4776.715
Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina–Martin Bačić3,3516.475
"Together for VojvodinaNenad Čanak"2,7755.354
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2,6335.084
Democratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansÁgoston András2,4164.663
MogućnostJózsef Miskolczi2,3714.573
"Coalition: Da Subotici Svane"–Blaško Gabrić (Ecological Green Party, League of Communists of Yugoslavia in Serbia)1,9453.753
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1,7933.463
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica1,1152.15
Bunjevac Party–Dipl. Ing. Nikola Babić7671.48
"Coalition: Unity for Subotica"–Slobodan Vojinović (Citizens' Group, Socialist Party of Serbia, New Serbia, Party of Serbian Progress, Socialist People's Party)7651.48
"Citizens' Group: Penzioneri i Borci"–Jurković Bela6681.29
Croatian Bunjevac-Šokac Party, Blaško Temunović5811.12
Defence of Subotica–Branči4610.89
Citizens' Group: Ker–Mirko Gabrić Pićora3570.69
Citizens' Group: Movement for Peace and Civic Solidarity–Dragan Dašić2190.42
Citizens' Group: 67 Municipality of Subotica (GG 67)1540.30
Citizens' Group: Višnjevac Slobodan Žužić1490.29
Valid votes51,82697.66
Invalid/blank votes1,2412.34
Total votes53,067100.00
Registered voters/turnout127,98641.46
Source: [57]
Bačka Topola
2004 Municipality of Bačka Topola local election: Mayor of Bačka Topola
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Atila Babi (incumbent)Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić4,38734.646,15153.07
Janoš HadžiCitizens' Group: Pro Commune3,03924.005,44046.93
Bojan MandićCitizens' Group: Movement for Our Municipality2,25417.80
Milan MandićG17 Plus1,0788.51
Dr. Ferenc MajorCoalition: "Together for VojvodinaNenad Čanak"9867.79
Andraš TurčanjiDemocratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians4683.70
Ber MikšaCitizens' Group: For Ber Mikša4523.57
Valid votes12,66496.7811,59197.31
Invalid/blank votes4213.223202.69
Total votes13,085100.0011,911100.00
Registered voters/turnout31,61241.3931,61237.68
Source: [58]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bačka Topola:

Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansSándor Egeresi4,22333.0315
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,60212.536
Citizens' Group: Pro Commune for Bačka Topola–Hadži Janoš1,1448.954
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,1178.744
Coalition: "Together for VojvodinaNenad Čanak"8926.983
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus7856.143
Citizens' Group: "Movement for Our Municipality"–Bojan Mandić7455.832
Socialist Party of Serbia4753.712
Democratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansAndrás Ágoston4733.702
Democratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians–Dr. Sándor Páll3472.71
Strength of Serbia Movement Bogoljub Karić3122.44
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Šandor Lovaš2191.71
Serbian Renewal MovementSocial DemocracyPeople's Democratic Party–Milorad Savić-Mijad1981.55
Proposal of the Candidate of the Citizens' Group Stara Moravica1781.39
Proposal of the Candidate of the Citizens' Group Njegoševo770.60
Valid votes12,78797.48
Invalid/blank votes3302.52
Total votes13,117100.00
Registered voters/turnout31,61241.49
Source: [59]

Future parliamentarian Árpád Fremond appeared on the list of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, although he was not awarded a mandate on this occasion.[60][61]

Mali Iđoš
2004 Municipality of Mali Iđoš local election: Mayor of Mali Iđoš
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Ištvan Siđi (incumbent)For a European Mali Iđoš – Coalition: Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM) and Democratic Party (DS)2,29162.94
Veselin Vušurović"Socialist Party of SerbiaSlobodan Milošević"1,34937.06
Dr. István BiróSocial Democratic PartyReformists of Vojvodina
Goran BulatovićCitizens' Group: Mali Iđoš, Lovćenac, Feketić
Dragan Kaluđerović GutoSerbian Radical Party
Predrag LubardaDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica
Slavko RađenovićSocial Democracy Dr. Vuk Obradović
Miodrag StrugarStrength of Serbia Movement Bogoljub Karić
Mihalj ČordašG17 Plus
Source: [62]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Mali Iđoš:

Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansFor the Municipality of Mali IđošPál Károly1,28531.639
Citizens' Group: Farmers Association of the Municipality of Mali Iđoš–Bači Gabor56313.864
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić51312.633
"Socialist Party of SerbiaSlobodan Milošević"–Petar Pejović3368.272
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2656.522
"Strength of Serbia Movement" Bogoljub Karić2656.522
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2035.001
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1944.771
Democratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansAndrás Ágoston1513.721
Citizens' Group: Independent Candidate for the Assembly–Žadanji Peter1253.08
Coalition: Social Democracy Dr. Vuk Obradović, Social Democratic Party and Reformists of Vojvodina Mile Isakov–Rađenović Slavko882.17
Serbian Renewal Movement–Medić Nebojša751.85
Valid votes4,06397.25
Invalid/blank votes1152.75
Total votes4,178100.00
Registered voters/turnout10,67439.14
Source: [63]

South Bačka District

Elections were held in the one city (Novi Sad) and all eleven separate municipalities in the South Bačka District.

The City of Novi Sad comprises two municipalities (the City municipality of Novi Sad and Petrovaradin), although their powers are very limited relative to the city government. Unlike Belgrade, Niš, and Vranje, Novi Sad does not have directly elected municipal assemblies.

The Radical Party performed unexpectedly well in South Bačka, narrowly winning the mayoral contest in Novi Sad and also winning the mayoralties of five other municipalities. The Democratic Party and G17 won two mayoral contests apiece, a candidate of the People's Democratic Party won in Bečej, and independent candidate Branko Gajin won in Srbobran.

Novi Sad
2004 City of Novi Sad local election: Mayor of Novi Sad
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Maja GojkovićSerbian Radical Party44,01342.6560,23550.29
Borislav Novaković (incumbent)Democratic Party34,30033.2459,54049.71
Branislav PomoriškiTogether for Vojvodina8,4508.19
Đorđe BašićStrength of Serbia Movement5,2435.08
Dejan MikavicaDemocratic Party of Serbia3,9423.82
Miodrag IsakovSerbian Renewal MovementReformists of Vojvodina3,5563.45
Miloš TomićG17 Plus2,1712.10
Branislav ŠvonjaCommunity of Serbs of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina8940.87
Zoran StojanovićNew Serbia6280.61
Source: [64]

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Novi Sad:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić35,46636.0934
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić25,77226.2227
"Together for Vojvodina" (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Democratic Vojvodina, Vojvodinian Movement, Vojvodina Union–Vojvodina My Home, Union of Socialists of Vojvodina)–Mr. Branislav Pomoriški8,9999.169
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica4,9465.035
Citizens' Groups (ten different lists)[65]4,4814.56
Socialist Party of Serbia–Novi Sad3,6123.683
G17 Plus, Miroljub Labus3,3923.453
"Clean Hands of Novi SadSPORVOtpor" Miodrag Mile Isakov–Slobodan Živkucin2,9493.00
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,8862.94
SNP Svetozar Miletić–People's Democratic Party Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović1,3331.36
Democratic Alternative–Dr. Nebojša Čović1,0371.06
People's PartyMilan Paroški8010.82
Democratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansÁgoston András7310.74
New Serbia–Dr. Zoran Stojanović3790.39
Association of Serbs of Vojvodina–Dušan Salatić3420.35
Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina2570.26
To Live Normally LS, DHSS, Patriotic Party of the Diaspora2050.21
Socialist People's Party–Prof. Dr. Branislav Ivković1680.17
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Branko Kitanović1630.17
Ravna Gora Movement D.M.1490.15
Party of Serbian Unity1340.14
New Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia–Lazar Dimić760.08
Valid votes98,27898.44
Invalid/blank votes1,5621.56
Total votes99,840100.00
Registered voters/turnout266,80637.42
Source: [66]

The Radicals attained a working majority in the assembly with the support of the Socialists and the Democratic Party of Serbia (whose delegates aligned themselves with the Radicals over the objections of the party's leadership).[67]

Former mayor Milorad Mirčić, who had been defeated in 2000, was re-elected to the assembly after receiving the seventh position on the Radical Party's list. Future parliamentarian Nada Lazić, a member of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, was elected from the third position on the Together for Vojvodina list.[68][69]

2004 Municipality of Bač local election: Mayor of Bač
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Tomislav Bogunović (incumbent)Democratic Party4,21252.97
Milenko BabićFor the Revival of the Municipality of Bač3,74047.03
Miloš VukovićDemocratic Party of Serbia
Dragan MedićSerbian Radical Party
Pavle DajićG17 Plus
Source: [70]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bač:

Democratic Party2,92739.9011
Serbian Radical Party1,94826.568
Democratic Party of Serbia7149.733
Socialist Party of Serbia5327.252
G17 Plus3494.761
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[71]1962.67
Reformists of Vojvodina and Slovački Centar1892.58
Vojvodina for Everyone (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Vojvodina Coalition, Civic Alliance of Serbia, Vojvodina Green Party)1582.15
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians1552.11
Serbian Renewal Movement911.24
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić761.04
Valid votes7,33595.95
Invalid/blank votes3104.05
Total votes7,645100.00
Registered voters/turnout13,38957.10
Source: [72]
Bačka Palanka
2004 Municipality of Bačka Palanka local election: Mayor of Bačka Palanka
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dragan BozaloSerbian Radical Party4,95227.946,23351.16
Slobodan ŠkorićSocialist Party of Serbia2,71715.335,95148.84
Jovan PalalićDemocratic Party of Serbia2,64514.92
Kosta StakićDemocratic Party2,50314.12
Milutin RujevićStrength of Serbia Movement1,7339.78
Goran MiloševNew Serbia9515.37
Slobodan StojnovićSerbian Renewal Movement9115.14
Bogoljub TrkuljaCitizens' Group7404.17
Tatjana DrobacChristian Democratic Party of Serbia5733.23
Source: [73]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bačka Palanka:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić5,40930.5416
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,96716.759
Socialist Party of Serbia2,09211.816
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,5208.584
Strength of Serbia Movement Bogoljub Karić1,1726.623
Citizens' Groups other than Klub Pivničana (ten different lists)[74]1,0115.71
Serbian Renewal Movement7664.332
Citizens' Group: Klub Pivničana7354.152
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus4242.39
Reformists of Vojvodina and Slovački Centar3622.04
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina2971.68
New Serbia–Dr. Dušica Višekruna2731.54
Pensioners Party of Serbia2001.13
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansJožef Kasa1730.98
Christian Democratic Party of Serbia1260.71
Coalition for a Better Life: Miroslav Glavaš, Civic Alliance of Serbia, Slovak National Party1260.71
Vojvodina Civil Movement–Sima Jovin560.32
Valid votes17,70996.83
Invalid/blank votes5803.17
Total votes18,289100.00
Registered voters/turnout47,46038.54
Source: [75]

The municipal assembly was not properly constituted after the election, and a new local election was held in December 2005. The Radical Party won fourteen seats in the re-vote, the Democratic Party eight seats, the Socialist Party of Serbia five seats, the Strength of Serbia Movement five seats, the Democratic Party of Serbia four seats, G17 Plus four seats, and the Serbian Renewal Movement two seats.[76]

Bački Petrovac
2004 Municipality of Bački Petrovac local election: Mayor of Bački Petrovac
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Jan SaboG17 Plus1,91253.23
Pavel Zima (incumbent)Citizens' Group1,68046.77
Miloš JojićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [77]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bački Petrovac:

Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[78]1,07324.047
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić91720.547
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus75316.875
Together for VojvodinaNenad Čanak57412.864
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3908.743
Socialist Party of Serbia2946.592
Slovak National Party2876.432
Strength of Serbia Movement Bogoljub Karić1763.941
Valid votes4,46497.83
Invalid/blank votes992.17
Total votes4,563100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,12037.65
Source: [79][80]
2004 Municipality of Bečej local election: Mayor of Bečej
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Đorđe Predin BadžaPeople's Democratic Party1,87914.267,21553.31
József F. VargaCoalition: Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians and Christian Democratic European Movement3,06823.296,31946.69
Dragan Živkov DžajaSerbian Radical Party1,82813.87
Zoran SubotičkiG17 Plus1,82113.82
Sándor PállDemocratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians1,50011.39
Živan GavrilovićSocialist Party of Serbia1,2399.40
Zoran Stojšin (incumbent)Democratic Party9377.11
Šandor RepergerStrength of Serbia Movement5834.43
Đorđe TotCitizens' Group3202.43
Valid votes13,17597.6013,53498.31
Invalid/blank votes3242.402331.69
Total votes13,499100.0013,767100.00
Registered voters/turnout34,46639.1734,46639.94
Source: [81]

The People's Democratic Party merged into the Democratic Party of Serbia in late 2004; Predin did not participate in the merger but instead joined the Strength of Serbia Movement. He was defeated in a recall election in late 2005, and a new mayoral election was held the following year.[82] The latter election was won by Dušan Jovanović of the Democratic Party of Serbia.

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Bečej:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,32417.727
DZVM–Dr. Sándor Páll1,66812.725
People's Democratic Party–Đorđe Predin Badža1,65712.645
Together for Our Municipality–Kosanov Pal–Coalition: Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians and Christian Democratic European Movement1,61912.354
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,2909.844
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,1168.513
Democratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansÁgoston András9126.952
Socialist Party of Serbia–Živan Gavrilović7195.482
Together for VojvodinaNenad Čanak6374.862
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić6004.582
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica2361.80
Citizens' Group: To Protect the Rights of Workers–Dragiša Radenković1951.49
SPO–Bečej Municipal Board–Slobodan Stanojević Cobi1401.07
Valid votes13,11397.14
Invalid/blank votes3862.86
Total votes13,499100.00
Registered voters/turnout34,46639.17
Source: [83]
2004 Municipality of Beočin local election: Mayor of Beočin (second round results)
Zoran TešićSerbian Radical Party2,50152.79
Stevan GudurićSocialist People's Party2,23747.21
Source: [84]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Beočin:

Serbian Radical Party1,33623.8711
Citizens' Groups (ten different lists)[85]89215.94
Democratic Party57310.245
Socialist People's Party56510.094
Democratic Party of Serbia3746.683
G17 Plus3456.163
Strength of Serbia Movement3456.163
Roma Social Democratic Party of Serbia3085.502
Socialist Party of Serbia2815.022
New Serbia2734.882
Serbian Renewal Movement1422.54
Coalition: Christian Democratic Party of Serbia and People's Peasant Party911.63
Democratic Vojvodina–Socialdemocratic Party721.29
Valid votes5,59795.87
Invalid/blank votes2414.13
Total votes5,838100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,28147.54
Source: [86]
2004 Municipality of Srbobran local election: Mayor of Srbobran (second round results)
Branko GajinCitizens' Group: Alliance for Our Municipality of Srbobran3,60857.72
Bore KutićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,64342.28
Source: [87]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Srbobran:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,78928.889
Citizens' Groups (seven different lists)[88]1,38522.366
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić64310.383
Socialist Party of Serbia4737.642
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić4477.222
Coalition: Together for Vojvodina (LSV, DV-PSD, and DHSS)3645.882
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians3335.382
G17 Plus2373.831
Serbian Renewal Movement2033.281
Democratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians1492.41
Democratic Party of Vojvodina Hungarians1432.31
Social Democratic Party290.47
Valid votes6,19595.87
Invalid/blank votes2674.13
Total votes6,462100.00
Registered voters/turnout13,54647.70
Source: [89]
Sremski Karlovci
2004 Municipality of Sremski Karlovci local election: Mayor of Sremski Karlovci
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Milenko FilipovićCoalition: G17 PlusDSDSSSPO1,27853.29
Branislav Pop JovanovCitizens' Group: Non-Partisan Citizens of Sremski Karlovci1,12046.71
Živan ĐuragićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [90]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sremski Karlovci:

Citizens' Groups (three different lists)[91]69323.446
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić64921.966
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić37412.653
Let Karlovci Win–SNP Svetozar Miletić–Socialist Party of SerbiaPeople's Party31610.693
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica2378.022
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2337.882
"Together for Vojvodina"1816.122
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1183.991
Serbian Renewal Movement862.91
Ravna Gora Freedom Movement692.33
Valid votes2,95696.76
Invalid/blank votes993.24
Total votes3,055100.00
Registered voters/turnout7,60940.15
Source: [92]
2004 Municipality of Temerin local election: Mayor of Temerin
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Stojan TintorSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,82135.856,15553.16
Tomislav BarnaDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić2,32921.855,42346.84
Gustonj AndrašDemocratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansÁgoston András1,86217.47
Zoran SvitićSocialist Party of Serbia–Zoran Svitić9268.69
Ðuro Žiga (incumbent)Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica6436.03
Vid MaleševićStrength of Serbia Movement6426.02
Dragan MićićCoalition: G17 Plus Serbian Renewal Movement Christian Democratic Party of Serbia2312.17
Siniša MilićevićReformists of VojvodinaMile Isakov2051.92
Source: [93]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Temerin:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,65334.3312
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,72516.216
Democratic Party of Vojvodina HungariansÁgoston András1,34612.655
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians8087.593
Socialist Party of Serbia–Zoran Svitić7216.782
Citizens' Group: List for the Prosperity of the Municipality of Temerin6416.022
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić4794.502
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica3283.081
Citizens' Group: Nedeljko Ðukić2692.53
Coalition: G17 Plus SPO DHSS2212.08
Reformists of VojvodinaMile Isakov1301.22
Citizens' Group: Tera Varga Laslo1151.08
Party of Serbian Unity1121.05
Citizens' Group: Miodrag Popadić690.65
Citizens' Group: Simo Kalaba250.23
Valid votes10,64298.09
Invalid/blank votes2071.91
Total votes10,849100.00
Registered voters/turnout22,14748.99
Source: [94]

Future parliamentarian Rozália Ökrész appeared on the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians list but did not receive a mandate.[95][96]

2004 Municipality of Titel local election: Mayor of Titel (second round results)
Milivoj Petrović (incumbent)Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,73151.28
Ivana ZečevićSerbian Radical Party2,59548.72
Source: [97]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Titel:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,49627.668
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,19022.007
Citizens' Groups (seven different lists)[98]62111.482
Socialist Party of Serbia55210.213
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić4267.882
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica4227.802
Serbian Renewal Movement Dragica Radić2334.311
Together for Vojvodina1412.61
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1392.57
Social Democratic Union1212.24
Vojvodina Autonomist Movement671.24
Valid votes5,40896.18
Invalid/blank votes2153.82
Total votes5,623100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,88847.30
Source: [99]
2004 Municipality of Vrbas local election: Mayor of Vrbas
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Željko LainovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,90326.267,47153.97
Milan Stanimirović (incumbent)Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,83619.086,37246.03
Rajko Krivokapić MićoSocialist Party of Serbia1,51610.20
Miroslav AleksićPeople's Democratic Party1,4479.74
Dr. Bratislav KažićDemocratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica1,2668.52
Miodrag VukotićNew Social Democracy of Vojvodina1,0336.95
Sava ŠuvakovStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić7475.03
Dragan Marković GagoCitizens' Group6604.44
Slavko VujačićG17 PlusMiroljub Labus4352.93
Saša BajićCitizens' Group: Alone Against All4042.72
Borislav MušikićCitizens' Group: In the Interests of the Citizens, Not the Political Parties3392.28
Jelena PerkovićCitizens' Group2751.85
Valid votes14,86197.4413,84397.55
Invalid/blank votes3902.563482.45
Total votes15,251100.0014,191100.00
Registered voters/turnout36,22042.1136,27439.12
Source: [100]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Vrbas:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić4,72031.8614
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić3,25221.959
Socialist Party of Serbia1,2928.724
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica8515.742
People's Democratic Party–Blagoje Baković7835.282
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić6004.052
New Social Democracy of Vojvodina–Miodrag Vukotić5773.892
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus4713.181
Citizens' Group: Dr. Miodrag Ivanović4092.76
Reformists of Vojvodina–Dragan Marković3282.21
League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak2451.65
Citizens' Group: Ecological Movement–Citizens' Parliament2441.65
Serbian Renewal Movement2141.44
Citizens' Group: Radenko Šimun2061.39
Citizens' Group: Pensioners1721.16
Citizens' Group: Workers' List1120.76
New SerbiaCapital for the Municipality of Vrbas990.67
Social Democratic Party710.48
Citizens' Group: Dušan Jovović680.46
Civic Alliance of Serbia–Dijana Kovačević550.37
Citizens' Group: Jovan Rodić470.32
Valid votes14,81697.23
Invalid/blank votes4222.77
Total votes15,238100.00
Registered voters/turnout36,27442.01
Source: [101]
2004 Municipality of Žabalj local election: Mayor of Žabalj
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Vojislav DuvnjakSerbian Radical Party1,91128.323,06859.71
Boro MilićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić1,07215.892,07040.29
Miodrag Zlokolica MileStrength of Serbia Movement92913.77
Miodrag JanjošDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica68510.15
Zoran JakšićAlliance of Serbs of Vojvodina67810.05
Zoran Radomir KeserSerbian Renewal Movement–Vasa Zlokolica6209.19
Miloš ŠovljanskiSocialist Party of Serbia5087.53
Miroslav NinićG17 Plus3455.11
Valid votes6,74895.725,13897.37
Invalid/blank votes3024.281392.63
Total votes7,050100.005,277100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,13735.0120,13726.21
Source: [102]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Žabalj:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,40636.0412
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,05415.795
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić6229.323
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus5277.892
Serbian Renewal Movement–Vasa Zlokolica4967.432
Socialist Party of Serbia3455.172
Victory Coalition–Svetozar Panić Batika–Dragan Zlokolica (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Citizens' Group)3405.092
Alliance of Serbs of Vojvodina–Radovan Jakovljević3294.932
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica2303.451
Reformists of VojvodinaSDPMile Isakov1672.50
Citizens' Group: Pensioners831.24
Citizens' Group: Prometheus400.60
Citizens' Group: Injured Workers of the Municipality of Žabalj370.55
Valid votes6,67694.70
Invalid/blank votes3745.30
Total votes7,050100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,13735.01
Source: [103]

Srem District

Elections were held in all seven municipalities of the Srem District. In each jurisdiction, the second-round mayoral vote saw a representative of the far-right Serbian Radical Party face a candidate from a centrist party. The Radicals won in Ruma, Šid, and Stara Pazova; a Democratic Party of Serbia candidate won in Sremska Mitrovica, a G17 Plus candidate won in Irig, a Democratic Party candidate won in Pećinci, and a member of the Civic Alliance of Serbia won in Inđija.

Sremska Mitrovica
2004 Municipality of Sremska Mitrovica local election: Mayor of Sremska Mitrovica
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Zoran MiščevićDemocratic Party of Serbia11,89852.55
Milenko MakivićSerbian Radical Party10,74547.45
other candidates
Source: [104]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sremska Mitrovica:

Serbian Radical Party7,42029.5420
Democratic Party4,45117.7212
Democratic Party of Serbia3,72314.8210
Strength of Serbia Movement2,1698.636
Together for Vojvodina (League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Liberals of Serbia, Civic Alliance of Serbia, USV, Vojvodina Movement, Vojvodina Union, Democratic Vojvodina)1,6826.704
Citizens' Groups (six different lists)1,3665.44
G17 Plus1,1644.633
Coalition: Serbian Renewal MovementSocial Democracy8733.482
Socialist People's Party8323.312
Socialist Party of Serbia7833.122
New Serbia2851.13
Workers Party of Jugoslavia1570.62
PO Alliance of Serbs of Vojvodina1350.54
Coalition: Blok Communist (New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Yugoslav Communists)820.33
Valid votes25,12296.82
Invalid/blank votes8243.18
Total votes25,946100.00
Registered voters/turnout66,84538.82
Source: [105]
2004 Municipality of Inđija local election: Mayor of Inđija
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Goran Ješić (incumbent)Citizens' Group: Only the Best for Inđija9,11752.19
Ruža AvalićSerbian Radical Party8,35147.81
other candidates
Source: [106]

Ješić was a member of the Civic Alliance of Serbia in 2004. He left that party to join the Democratic Party in 2006.[107]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Inđija:

Serbian Radical Party5,45933.2915
Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[108]3,73422.778
Democratic Party1,78510.895
Socialist Party of Serbia1,1907.263
For Inđija and Progressive Villages (People's Peasant Party, Movement for Vojvodina)9515.802
Democratic Party of Serbia7834.782
Strength of Serbia Movement6423.922
G17 Plus4102.50
People's Democratic Party4042.46
Together for Vojvodina3352.04
Movement of Veterans of Serbia3282.00
Serbian Renewal Movement2361.44
New Serbia1390.85
Valid votes16,39697.05
Invalid/blank votes4992.95
Total votes16,895100.00
Registered voters/turnout38,01844.44
Source: [109]
2004 Municipality of Irig local election: Mayor of Irig
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Radovan ErcegovacG17 Plus2,27864.22
Vitomir PlužarevićSerbian Radical Party1,26935.78
other candidates
Source: [110]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Irig:

Serbian Radical Party1,02725.516
Citizens' Groups (six different lists)[111]69717.312
Democratic Party59114.683
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina47611.823
Socialist Party of Serbia3949.792
Coalition: DSSSPO2977.382
G17 Plus2837.031
Strength of Serbia Movement1754.351
Social Democratic Party862.14
Valid votes4,02688.85
Invalid/blank votes50511.15
Total votes4,531100.00
Registered voters/turnout8,88950.97
Source: [112]
2004 Municipality of Pećinci local election: Mayor of Pećinci
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Nikola Pavković (incumbent)Democratic Party2,86555.58
Lazar ČavićSerbian Radical Party2,29044.42
other candidates
Source: [113]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Pećinci:

Citizens' Groups (eight different lists)[114]1,83627.836
Serbian Radical Party1,50122.758
Democratic Party1,09016.526
Democratic Party of Serbia4857.353
Socialist Party of Serbia3865.852
Coalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and New Serbia3415.172
Strength of Serbia Movement3004.552
G17 Plus2443.701
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina1812.74
People's Peasant Party1602.43
Party of Serbian Unity731.11
Valid votes6,59795.53
Invalid/blank votes3094.47
Total votes6,906100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,26145.25
Source: [115]
2004 Municipality of Ruma local election: Mayor of Ruma
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Srđan NikolićSerbian Radical Party5,25535.348,63062.86
Snežana NikolajevićDemocratic Party1,97113.255,09837.14
Smilja LončarDemocratic Party of Serbia1,57110.56
Dragan KrstićSocialist Party of Serbia1,3338.96
Biljana MiloševićStrength of Serbia Movement9206.19
Jovica Doroškinot listed7334.93
Nebojša VitomirovićLeague of Social Democrats of Vojvodina7184.83
Slobodan Negovanovićnot listed7034.73
Stevan Mijićnot listed6034.06
Jovan Krompićnot listed5473.68
Oliver Ognjenovićnot listed5163.47
Valid votes14,87097.0113,72897.73
Invalid/blank votes4582.993192.27
Total votes15,328100.0014,047100.00
Registered voters/turnout45,60733.6145,60430.80
Source: [116][117]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Ruma:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić5,55137.3020
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,24615.098
Citizens' Groups (nine different lists)1,4479.72
Socialist Party of Serbia–Dr. Milutin Stojković1,3068.785
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica9456.353
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8475.693
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina Srem for the Municipality of Ruma–Nebojša Vitomirović5323.572
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus5173.472
New Serbia and Alliance of Serbs of Vojvodina2881.94
Coalition: Reformists of VojvodinaPeople's Peasant Party, Social Democracy and Party of Workers and Pensioners2511.69
Serbian Renewal Movement2221.49
Coalition: Patriotic Party of the Diaspora and Social Democratic Party (Socijaldemokratska Stranka)2161.45
United Peasant Party1981.33
Civic Alliance of Serbia1671.12
Coalition: Blok Komunista (NKPJ–Yugoslav Communists)1491.00
Valid votes14,88297.03
Invalid/blank votes4562.97
Total votes15,338100.00
Registered voters/turnout45,60433.63
Source: [118][119]

The Serbian Radical Party and Democratic Party of Serbia formed a coalition government after the election. Future parliamentarian Aleksandar Martinović was a member of the municipal council.[120]

In 2007, three Radical Party assembly members aligned with the opposition, which allowed the Democratic Party to form a new coalition government. Nenad Borović was chosen as president (i.e., speaker) of the assembly. This prompted a crisis in the local government, as the former administration refused to turn over the seals of government or allow the new administration access to the official premises of the municipality.[121][122] After six months of a stalemate, the Serbian government dissolved the assembly in March 2008 and appointed a provisional administration with Borović as its leader.[123] Nikolić also continued in the office of mayor pending the formation of a new government.[124][125]

2004 Municipality of Šid local election: Mayor of Šid
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Mita AvramovSerbian Radical Party5,32351.17
Ljubomir ValentirovićCitizens' Group: Healthy Serbia–Movement for Šid5,07948.83
other candidates
Source: [126]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Šid:

Serbian Radical Party3,38730.1013
Democratic Party1,93117.167
Citizens' Groups (three different lists)[127]1,55213.795
Democratic Party of Serbia8947.943
Socialist Party of Serbia7026.243
Strength of Serbia Movement6595.862
Coalition: SPONSS6255.552
G17 Plus5655.022
Socialist People's Party4514.012
Together for Vojvodina2752.44
Liberals of Serbia2121.88
Valid votes11,25396.88
Invalid/blank votes3623.12
Total votes11,615100.00
Registered voters/turnout29,77039.02
Source: [128]
Stara Pazova
2004 Municipality of Stara Pazova local election: Mayor of Stara Pazova
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Srđo KomazecSerbian Radical Party8,56656.54
Jovan Tišma (incumbent)Democratic Party6,58343.46
other candidates
Source: [129]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Stara Pazova:

Serbian Radical Party5,31331.8616
Democratic Party3,99023.9212
Democratic Party of Serbia1,82210.926
Strength of Serbia Movement1,2507.494
Socialist Party of Serbia1,1156.694
Citizens' Groups (six different lists)9785.86
G17 Plus7644.582
Coalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and New Serbia7604.562
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina5823.492
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia1040.62
Valid votes16,67897.30
Invalid/blank votes4632.70
Total votes17,141100.00
Registered voters/turnout47,38936.17
Source: [130]

West Bačka District

Elections were held in all four municipalities of the West Bačka District. The Democratic Party won the mayoralty in Sombor, the largest community, while the Socialists won in Apatin and the Radicals won in Kula and Odžaci. Subsequently, the Radical Party mayor in Kula was defeated in a recall election, and the Democratic Party won the by-election that followed.

2004 Municipality of Sombor local election: Mayor of Sombor
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dr. Jovan SlavkovićDemocratic Party[131]13,05256.94
Stevan KesejićSerbian Radical Party9,86943.06
Čedomir BackovićCitizens' Group: 25,000 Euros
Goran BulajićDemocratic Party of Serbia
Rajko Bulatovićinformation missing
Kosta DedićStrength of Serbia Movement
Zlata ĐerićNew SerbiaSocial Democracy–Revival of Serbia–"Svetozar Miletić" Movement (Affiliation: New Serbia)
Vladislav KronićG17 Plus
Marta Horvat OdriDemocratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians
Dušan PopovićSocialist Party of Serbia
Miodrag SekulićIndependent (endorsed by Serbian Renewal MovementPeople's Democratic Party)
Source: [132]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Sombor:

Serbian Radical Party6,45325.0317
Democratic Party5,58021.6415
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica2,3078.956
"Zajedno–Miodrag Sekulić, SPONDS"1,6366.345
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,4495.624
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians1,1904.613
VMDKLSVStep Forward1,1894.613
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1,1094.303
Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[133]9323.61
New Serbia Velja Ilićfor 2059203.573
Socialist Party of Serbia–Dr. Dušan Popović8733.392
Democratic Party of Vojvodina Hungarians-DSVM–Neveda Ferenc5192.01
Convention for Sombor3051.18
Pensioners' Party of Serbia–Dušan Bajić3021.17
Vojvodina Citizens' Movement–Zoran Terzin2951.14
Sombor Party of Prosperity–Dušan Radusin2701.05
For Truth and Justice, Without Deception–Petar Relić Saka: Democratic Party of Vojvodina, Party of Free Patriots, Christian Democratic Party of Serbia, Labour Party of Serbia1480.57
Democratic Centre of Serbia–Branko Svilar1300.50
Ravna Gora Movement D.M.650.25
Party of Citizens of Serbia600.23
Reformists of VojvodinaSocial Democratic Party540.21
Valid votes25,78697.23
Invalid/blank votes7342.77
Total votes26,520100.00
Registered voters/turnout77,92034.03
Source: [134]

Future parliamentarian Žika Gojković of the Serbian Renewal Movement was elected on the SPO–NDS list. Former and future parliamentarian Zlata Đerić was elected on the New Serbia list.[135][136]

2004 Municipality of Apatin local election: Mayor of Apatin
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Živorad SmiljanićSocialist Party of Serbia5,68864.32
information missing3,15535.68
Milan ŠkrbićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [137]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Apatin:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,66029.4310
Socialist Party of Serbia–Dr. Živorad Smiljanić1,95221.608
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,91221.167
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica6377.053
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2923.231
Citizens' Group: For the Municipality of Apatin–Dr. Milka Zorić2462.72
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2252.49
Roma Social Democratic Party–Antun Čonka2122.35
Citizens' Group: Roma Settlement–Petrović Josip Sepika1902.10
Pensioners' Party of Serbia–Gojko Korica1661.84
Citizens' Group: "Petar Kočić"–Đorđo Kuridža1641.81
New Serbia–Milorad Mrđa1441.59
Citizens' Group: Ratko Nikšić1121.24
Serbian Renewal MovementVuk Drašković490.54
Citizens' Group: Radmanović Đuro450.50
Citizens' Group: City Choir–Gojko Rađenović240.27
Party of Citizens of Serbia70.08
Valid votes9,03796.47
Invalid/blank votes3313.53
Total votes9,368100.00
Registered voters/turnout26,95234.76
Source: [138]
2004 Municipality of Kula local election: Mayor of Kula
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Tihomir Đuričić - TihoSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić5,61355.10
Slaviša BožovićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić4,57444.90
Svetozar BukvićCitizens' Group
Ratko MiletićSocialist Party of Serbia–Yugoslav Communists
Željko TatalovićDemocratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica
Stanko ZrakićCitizens' Group: Stanko Zrakić
Saša MaksimovićSerbian Renewal MovementOtpor Kula
Hercen Radonjić - KekaVojvodina Green Party–Hercen Radonjić Keka
Zoran PrekajacG17 PlusMiroljub Labus
Branislav VlahovićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić
Dr. Marija PopinLiberals of Serbia
Milan EgićCitizens' Group: Milan Egić
Source: [139]

Đuričić was defeated in a recall election in 2006, and a mayoral by-election was held later in that year.

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Kula:

Citizens' Groups (ten different lists)[140]3,49528.399
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,04324.7211
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,22218.058
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica6235.062
Coalition: Socialist Party of Serbia–Yugoslav Communists5164.192
Vojvodina Green Party4934.002
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus4203.412
Serbian Renewal MovementOtpor Kula3933.191
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić3002.44
Pensioners' Party of Serbia2021.64
Liberals of Serbia–Dr. Marija Popin1981.61
Coalition: Reformists of VojvodinaSocial Democratic Party–Branko Popović1471.19
Coalition: Social DemocracySocialist People's PartyLabour Party of Serbia1361.10
People's Democratic Party710.58
New Serbia510.41
Valid votes12,31096.71
Invalid/blank votes4193.29
Total votes12,729100.00
Registered voters/turnout37,36734.06
Source: [141]
2004 Municipality of Odžaci local election: Mayor of Odžaci (second round results)
Milan ĆukSerbian Radical Party4,15251.34
Predrag CvetanovićDemocratic Party3,93648.66
Source: [142]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Odžaci:

Serbian Radical Party3,06729.779
Democratic Party2,20221.377
Coalition: SPSSocial Democracy1,23311.974
Democratic Party of Serbia8598.343
Strength of Serbia Movement7757.522
Citizens' Groups (three different lists)[143]7517.292
Serbian Renewal Movement3443.341
People's Democratic Party2362.29
G17 Plus2352.28
Together for Vojvodina2252.18
Pensioners' Party of Serbia1821.77
Social Democratic Party1401.36
New Serbia540.52
Valid votes10,30396.74
Invalid/blank votes3473.26
Total votes10,650100.00
Registered voters/turnout28,56237.29
Source: [144][145]

Nišava District

Local elections were held in the City of Niš, the five constituent municipalities of Niš, and five of the six other municipalities in the Nišava District. The exception was Ražanj, where the last elections had taken place in 2002. In the constituent municipalities of Niš, elections were held for nine-member municipal councils rather than full municipal assemblies.

Smiljko Kostić of New Serbia's political coalition somewhat unexpectedly won the mayoral contest in Niš, defeating Democratic Party incumbent Goran Ćirić in the second round. It was only with difficulty that Kostić established a functional coalition government supported by the assembly, where New Serbia won only four out of sixty-one seats.

The Democratic Party won two of Niš's municipal mayoralties, and a candidate of the Serbian Renewal Movement aligned with the Democratic Party won a third. The Serbian Radical Party and the Democratic Party of Serbia split the remaining two. There was no clear pattern outside the city, where the Radicals won in Aleksinac, a local group aligned with the Strength of Serbia Movement won in Doljevac, the Socialist Party of Serbia won in Gadžin Han, an independent won in Merošina, and G17 Plus won in Svrljig. Generally, there was a trend toward membership of the local assemblies being divided among multiple parties, often with no group holding a clear advantage.

2004 City of Niš local election: Mayor of Niš
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Smiljko KostićPolitical Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić15,11523.6838,29163.63
Goran Ćirić (incumbent)Democratic PartyBoris Tadić18,64029.2121,88736.37
Dragoljub StamenkovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić8,22012.88
Branislav JovanovićG17 Plus6,77410.61
Goran IlićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica5,3568.39
Zoran BojanićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić4,6857.34
Vlastimir ĐokićSocialist Party of Serbia–Tomislav Jovanović3,6925.78
two other candidates[146]1,3422.10
Valid votes63,82497.04
Invalid/blank votes1,9462.96
Total votes65,770100.00
Registered voters/turnout220,59529.81
Source: [147]

Results of the election for the City Assembly of Niš:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić16,39226.1318
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić11,26517.9612
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica7,31011.658
G17 Plus6,48010.337
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić6,41410.227
Socialist Party of Serbia–Tomislav Jovanović4,5117.195
Citizens' Groups (nine different lists)[148]3,9856.35
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić3,3745.384
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović6361.01
Green Party4030.64
Civic Alliance of Serbia3600.57
People's Peasant Party3460.55
Roma Democratic Party3230.51
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović2900.46
Coalition: Liberals of Serbia–Serbian Truth2900.46
Green Party EKO1440.23
"Revival"–Miroslav Šolević1060.17
Party of the Serbian People1050.17
Valid votes62,73496.24
Invalid/blank votes2,4503.76
Total votes65,184100.00
Registered voters/turnout220,59529.55
Source: [149]
Crveni Krst
2004 City of Niš local election: Mayor of Crveni Krst
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dragan BojkovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić[150]1,18719.384,16561.93
Slavica TomićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić[151]1,12418.352,56038.07
Živomir JovanovićSocialist Party of Serbia[152]68811.23
Vlado DavkovskiG17 Plus–Dr. Miroljub Labus[153]6109.96
Biljana Stanić Jovanovićinformation missing5819.49
Bogoljub PopovićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica[154]5208.49
Aleksandar Radojkovićinformation missing4577.46
Goran Gojkovićinformation missing3736.09
Aleksandar Vulićinformation missing3405.55
Muharem Alijevićinformation missing1482.42
Igor Novakovićinformation missing961.57
Source: [155] The first round totals are likely provisional rather than final.

Results of the election for the Municipal Council of Crveni Krst:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,77723.552
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić1,32917.612
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić80710.691
G17 Plus–Dr. Miroljub Labus80110.611
Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[156]7039.31
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić6869.091
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica6498.601
Socialist Party of Serbia6438.521
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović951.26
Political Alliance "Movement for Niš" (Social Democratic Party (SDS), Labour Party of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia)570.76
Valid votes7,54795.45
Invalid/blank votes3604.55
Total votes7,907100.00
Registered voters/turnout28,28327.96
Source: [157]
2004 City of Niš local election: Mayor of Medijana
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dragoslav ĆirkovićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić8,21635.1513,79959.22
Vlastimir JovanovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,58515.349,50140.78
Rade Arsićinformation missing2,73411.70
Miodrag MedarDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica[158]2,56510.97
Radosav Tanaskovićinformation missing2,1919.37
Biljana ŽivkovićSocialist Party of Serbia[159]1,9238.23
Dragan StevanovićPolitical Organization for Democratic Change New SerbiaVelimir Ilić[160]1,3115.61
Ratko Đenićinformation missing8483.63
Source: [161]

Results of the election for the Municipal Council of Medijana:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić8,02833.043
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,86315.902
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica2,78211.451
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,47910.201
G17 Plus–Dr. Miroljub Labus2,44010.041
Socialist Party of Serbia2,0258.331
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić1,3095.39
Citizens' Group: Pure Democracy–Dr. Milan Višnjić5202.14
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović4141.70
Citizens' Group: Coalition for Niš–Miodrag Stanković3081.27
Political Alliance "Movement for Niš" (Social Democratic Party (SDS), Labour Party of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia)1300.54
Valid votes24,29896.65
Invalid/blank votes8433.35
Total votes25,141100.00
Registered voters/turnout80,15831.36
Source: [162]
Niška Banja
2004 City of Niš local election: Mayor of Niška Banja
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Zoran VidanovićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica[163]1,59833.992,76362.58
Aleksandar MitićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić[164]1,01721.631,65237.42
Goran ŽivkovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić[165]71815.27
Luka KostićG17 Plus[166]66114.06
Miroljub Vidojkovićinformation missing3908.29
Živorad PetkovićSocialist Party of Serbia[167]2074.40
Mirosav ŽivkovićCivic Alliance of Serbia[168]1112.36
Source: [169]

Results of the election for the Municipal Council of Niška Banja:

Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,31328.143
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić92919.912
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić83617.922
G17 Plus–Dr. Miroljub Labus59212.691
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić3607.721
Socialist Party of Serbia2174.65
Social Democratic Party–Marijana Matić1172.51
People's Peasant Party1032.21
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić891.91
Civic Alliance of Serbia511.09
Citizens' Group: Pure Democracy360.77
Political Alliance "Movement for Niš" (Social Democratic Party (SDS), Labour Party of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia)230.49
Valid votes4,66696.68
Invalid/blank votes1603.32
Total votes4,826100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,64238.17
Source: [170]
Palilula, Niš
2004 City of Niš local election: Mayor of Palilula
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Miroslav ĐorđevićSerbian Renewal Movement (endorsed by Democratic PartyBoris Tadić)[171]3,39026.007,43851.30
Milosav LukićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić[172]2,25017.267,06048.70
Milan LapčevićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,58312.14
Milica Markovićinformation missing1,53811.80
Aleksandar MilićevićG17 Plus[173]1,35310.38
Miloš Stojkovićinformation missing8586.58
Velibor PetrovićPolitical Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić[174]8016.14
Miodrag StankovićCitizens' Group: Coalition for Niš–Miodrag Stanković[175]6955.33
Miodrag MitićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić[176]3342.56
Miodrag MladenovićDemocratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović[177]2341.80
Source: [178][179]

Đorđević left the Serbian Renewal Movement in November 2007 and joined G17 Plus in March 2008.[180][181]

Results of the election for the Municipal Council of Palilula, Niš:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić3,87824.592
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3,10519.692
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1,77711.271
G17 Plus–Dr. Miroljub Labus1,76611.201
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,67110.601
Socialist Party of Serbia1,2237.751
Citizens' Groups (three different lists)[182]1,0146.43
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić9926.291
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović1971.25
Political Alliance "Movement for Niš" (Social Democratic Party (SDS), Labour Party of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia)1480.94
Valid votes15,77196.13
Invalid/blank votes6353.87
Total votes16,406100.00
Registered voters/turnout61,11626.84
Source: [183]
2004 City of Niš local election: Mayor of Pantelej
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Bratislav BlagojevićDemocratic Party[184]2,81628.235,01751.47
Nebojša LovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić[185]1,57915.834,73148.53
Vlastimir Zdravkovićinformation missing1,33813.41
Miljan JovanovićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica[186]1,12411.27
Siniša StojanovićG17 Plus[187]9709.73
Slobodan JovanovićPolitical Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić[188]7927.94
Srbislav Živićinformation missing6596.61
Ljubiša MitićCitizens' Group: Pantelej–Ljubiša Mitić6046.06
Danijela Milojićinformation missing920.92
Source: [189]

Bratislav Blagojević was expelled from the Democratic Party in June 2005 and later joined G17 Plus.[190][191]

Results of the election for the Municipal Council of Pantelej:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić2,78626.392
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,02319.162
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1,21811.541
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica1,06010.041
G17 Plus–Dr. Miroljub Labus9879.351
Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[192]9268.77
Political Organization for Democratic Change "New Serbia"–Velimir Ilić7727.311
Socialist Party of Serbia6245.911
Political Alliance "Movement for Niš" (Social Democratic Party (SDS), Labour Party of Serbia, Social Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia)860.81
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party–Dr. Nebojša Čović750.71
Valid votes10,55796.68
Invalid/blank votes3623.32
Total votes10,919100.00
Registered voters/turnout38,39628.44
Source: [193]
2004 Municipality of Aleksinac local election: Mayor of Aleksinac (second round results)
Nenad StankovićSerbian Radical Party5,88352.43
Zoran AleksićCitizens' Group: Movement for the Municipality of Aleksinac5,33847.57
Source: [194]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Aleksinac:

Serbian Radical Party4,13624.5115
Democratic Party of Serbia2,10912.508
Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[195]1,99311.816
Democratic Party1,81410.757
Socialist Party of Serbia1,77510.527
Strength of Serbia Movement1,0616.294
G17 Plus9295.513
Serbian Renewal Movement7774.603
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party5783.432
Socialist People's Party4392.60
New Serbia4272.53
People's Peasant Party2741.62
United Peasant Party2331.38
Christian Democratic Party of Serbia1390.82
People's Democratic Party1110.66
Party of the Serbian People790.47
Valid votes16,87496.10
Invalid/blank votes6843.90
Total votes17,558100.00
Registered voters/turnout46,26937.95
Source: [196][197]
2004 Municipality of Doljevac local election: Mayor of Doljevac
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Goran LjubićStrength of Serbia Movement4,81451.27
information missing4,57548.73
Goran JocićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [198][199]

Ljubić later switched his affiliation at the republican level to New Serbia. He was also the leader of a local group called "Movement for the South," which worked in alignment with the aforementioned parties.[200] There was an effort to initiate a recall vote against Ljubić in 2005, although it is not clear from online reports if the initiative made it to a vote.[201]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Doljevac:

Socialist Party of Serbia3,06630.2612
Citizens' Groups (three different lists)[202]1,99419.687
Strength of Serbia Movement1,31212.955
Serbian Radical Party1,27612.595
Social Democratic Party8138.023
Democratic Party and Serbian Renewal Movement7577.473
Democratic Party of Serbia4454.392
New Serbia2552.52
G17 Plus2142.11
Valid votes10,13296.20
Invalid/blank votes4003.80
Total votes10,532100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,00370.20
Source: [203][204]

Subsequent elections were held in Doljevac on 1 October 2006 to elect members of the municipal assembly.[205] The results do not appear to be available online. Goran Ljubić's status as mayor was not affected, and the next local assembly elections after this took place as part of the regular cycle in 2008.

Gadžin Han
2004 Municipality of Gadžin Han local election: Mayor of Gadžin Han
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Saša ĐorđevićSocialist Party of Serbia, Liberals of Serbia, and People's Peasant Party2,55352.28
Siniša GrozdanovićCitizens' Group: Zaplanje My Home2,33047.72
Dragan SretenovićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [206][207]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Gadžin Han:

Socialist Party of Serbia1,33127.4912
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[208]95219.678
Serbian Radical Party66813.806
Democratic Party of Serbia4619.524
Strength of Serbia Movement4158.574
Democratic Party2805.783
G17 Plus2625.412
Liberals of Serbia2414.982
Serbian Renewal Movement2314.772
Valid votes4,84194.55
Invalid/blank votes2795.45
Total votes5,120100.00
Registered voters/turnout9,12256.13
Source: [209][210]
2004 Municipality of Merošina local election: Mayor of Merošina
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Goran MikićCitizens' Group: Finally, a Real Man3,54452.19
information missing3,24747.81
Dejan VeljkovićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [211][212]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Merošina:

Socialist Party of Serbia2,04527.5411
Citizens' Groups (six different lists)[213]1,96726.499
Serbian Radical Party1,02313.786
Democratic Party of Serbia6328.513
Strength of Serbia Movement4806.463
Coalition: Serbian Renewal MovementChristian Democratic Party of Serbia4496.052
Democratic Party4385.902
New Serbia2643.561
G17 Plus1281.72
Valid votes7,42695.35
Invalid/blank votes3624.65
Total votes7,788100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,75866.24
Source: [214]

There were no municipal elections in Ražanj in 2004. The previous elections had taken place in 2002-03, and the next elections took place in 2006.

2004 Municipality of Svrljig local election: Mayor of Svrljig
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Saša Golubović (incumbent)G17 Plus18.713,40862.88
Radiša SavićSocialist Party of Serbia13.902,01237.12
Vlastimir MilkićMovement for Svrljig "New Serbia"12.50
Aleksandar BatanjacCitizens' Group: Sloga
Slavica BožinovićDemocratic Party
Mariola GagićCitizens' Group
Srbislav ĐorđevićSerbian Radical Party
Mašan JovanovićSerbian Renewal Movement
Zoran LazarevićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić
Milinko MarkovićDemocratic Party of Serbia
Milija MiletićUnited Peasant Party
Srboljub MilovanovićCitizens' Group
Gordon PerićCitizens' Group
Vlastimir PetrovićCitizens' Group: Radoš Božinović
Source: [215]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Svrljig:

Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[216]1,25419.408
United Peasant Party95114.716
Socialist Party of Serbia90514.006
Democratic Party of Serbia66910.354
Serbian Radical Party5698.804
Democratic Party5308.203
G17 Plus4186.473
Serbian Renewal Movement3906.033
Strength of Serbia Movement1963.03
Social Democratic Party1912.95
Party of Serbian Unity1752.71
Liberals of Serbia1271.96
Revival of Serbia891.38
Valid votes6,46498.43
Invalid/blank votes1031.57
Total votes6,567100.00
Registered voters/turnout14,71144.64
Source: [217][218]

Podunavlje District

Local elections were held in the one city (Smederevo) and the two other municipalities of the Podunavlje District. The Democratic Party won the greatest number of seats in both Smederevo and Smederevska Palanka but did not win the mayoralty in either community; independent candidate Jasna Avramović won in the former community, while Radoslav Cokić won in the latter. The Democratic Party of Serbia won in Velika Plana.

2004 Municipality of Smederevo local election: Mayor of Smederevo
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Jasna AvramovićCitizens' Group: Movement for Smederevo–Dr. Jasna Avramović11,35955.78
Dobrica JankovićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić9,00444.22
Ljubomir KapsarevG17 PlusMiroljub Labus
Slobodan Miladinović (incumbent)Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica
Zoran MišeljićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić
Dobrivoje PetrovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić
Branče StojanovićSocialist Party of Serbia
Hranislav VirijevićPeople's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović
other candidates
Source: [219][220][221]

Jasna Avramović was defeated in a recall election in 2005. A by-election to choose her successor took place in early 2006.

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Smederevo:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić5,79720.3216
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica4,31015.1112
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić4,30115.0812
Citizens' Groups (four different lists)[222]3,88113.609
Socialist Party of Serbia3,47012.1610
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić3,08710.828
Serbian Renewal Movement and Coalition: Smederevo Must Move Forward (Civic Alliance of Serbia, Democratic Alternative, Social Democratic Party)1,1043.873
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus7902.77
New SerbiaVelimir Ilić7772.72
Smederevo Democratic Party4571.60
People's Democratic Party–Dr. Slobodan Vuksanović3041.07
League of Communists of Yugoslavia in Serbia1860.65
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina640.22
Valid votes28,52895.95
Invalid/blank votes1,2044.05
Total votes29,732100.00
Registered voters/turnout94,66731.41
Source: [223][224]
Smederevska Palanka
2004 Municipality of Smederevska Palanka local election: Mayor of Smederevska Palanka (second round results)
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Radoslav CokićCoalition: Serbian Renewal MovementNew Serbia–Dr. Dušan Narić10,23560.97
Radoslav Ljubisavljević (incumbent)Democratic PartyBoris Tadić6,55139.03
Goran PirivatrićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić
other candidates
Source: [225][226][227]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Smederevska Palanka:

Democratic PartyBoris Tadić3,33819.1611
Citizens' Groups (eight different lists)[228]2,60014.934
Coalition: Serbian Renewal MovementNew Serbia–Dr. Dušan Narić2,49514.328
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,13712.277
Socialist Party of Serbia1,93111.096
Democratic Party of Serbia1,6369.395
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić1,3787.914
Democratic Centre of Serbia–Serbian Liberal Party6483.722
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus6473.712
Socialist People's Party4782.74
Christian Democratic Party of Serbia1300.75
Valid votes17,41895.97
Invalid/blank votes7314.03
Total votes18,149100.00
Registered voters/turnout46,11339.36
Source: [229][230]
Velika Plana
2004 Municipality of Velika Plana local election: Mayor of Velika Plana
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dejan ŠulkićDemocratic Party of Serbia5,76762.09
information missing3,52137.91
Slobodan MilosavljevićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [231]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Velika Plana:

Democratic Party of Serbia2,68020.839
Democratic Party2,42718.868
Socialist Party of Serbia1,92714.986
Serbian Radical Party1,89614.736
Strength of Serbia Movement9547.413
Coalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and New Serbia8466.573
Citizens' Groups (three different lists)6314.90
G17 Plus5724.452
Coalition: For Our Place (Socialist People's PartyLiberals of Serbia)4193.261
United Serbia4123.201
Party of Serbian Unity1040.81
Valid votes12,86896.30
Invalid/blank votes4943.70
Total votes13,362100.00
Registered voters/turnout38,48334.72
Source: [232]

Pomoravlje District

Elections were held in four of the six municipalities of the Pomoravlje District. The exceptions were Despotovac, which had elected a mayor and assembly members in 2002, and Ćuprija, which had done so in 2003. The newly formed United Serbia party won a significant victory in its home base of Jagodina, and independent populist Dobrivoje Budimirović (formerly of the Socialist Party of Serbia) won a first-round victory in Svilajnac. The Democratic Party won in Paraćin, and a former Democrat aligned with the Serbian Renewal Movement won the mayoral election in Rekovac.

2004 Municipality of Jagodina local election: Mayor of Jagodina
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dragan Marković PalmaUnited Serbia18,75667.01
Snežana MitrovićDemocratic Party9,23432.99
Slavoljub FilipovićSerbian Renewal Movement
Desimir MilenkovićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [233][234]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Jagodina:

United SerbiaDragan Marković Palma8,77533.7416
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić3,96915.268
Coalition: Democratic Party of Serbia and People's Democratic Party2,3318.964
Citizens' Groups (seven different lists)[235]2,2548.672
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić1,7696.803
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,5405.923
Serbian Renewal MovementSlavoljub Filipović1,3385.143
Socialist Party of Serbia1,2874.952
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić8013.08
Liberals of Serbia–Petar Jaksić5722.20
Citizens' Group–New Serbia5091.96
Social Democratic Party3681.41
Christian Democratic Party of Serbia1850.71
Socialist People's Party1320.51
Moravian League980.38
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia810.31
Valid votes26,00996.39
Invalid/blank votes9743.61
Total votes26,983100.00
Registered voters/turnout61,46743.90
Source: [236]

There were no municipal elections in Ćuprija in 2004. The previous elections had taken place in 2003, and the next elections appear to have taken place in 2008.


There were no municipal elections in Despotovac in 2004. The previous elections had taken place in 2002, and the next elections took place in 2006.

2004 Municipality of Paraćin local election: Mayor of Paraćin (second round results)
Saśa PaunovićDemocratic Party9,57658.80
Zoran StojanovićSerbian Radical Party6,71141.20
Source: [237][238]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Paraćin:

Democratic Party6,81630.5118
Serbian Radical Party3,73616.7210
Citizens' Groups (five different lists)[239]3,49315.638
G17 Plus1,8348.215
Serbian Renewal Movement1,7217.705
Strength of Serbia Movement1,3005.823
Socialist Party of Serbia1,1735.253
Democratic Party of Serbia9794.383
United Serbia6292.82
Social Democratic Party3351.50
New SerbiaPeople's Democratic Party1760.79
Republican Union1500.67
Valid votes22,34297.03
Invalid/blank votes6852.97
Total votes23,027100.00
Registered voters/turnout49,87746.17
Source: [240][241]
2004 Municipality of Rekovac local election: Mayor of Rekovac
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dr. Pavle Mijajlović (incumbent)Coalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and Citizens' Group: For Levač (Affiliation: For Levač)4,31561.52
information missing2,69938.48
Dragoslav Jovanović[242]Democratic Party
Jagoš KuburovićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [243][244]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rekovac:

Democratic Party1,68423.908
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[245]1,03814.735
Socialist Party of Serbia85812.184
Serbian Renewal Movement71710.174
Serbian Radical Party6689.483
People's Democratic Party6048.573
New Serbia3855.462
Democratic Party of Serbia3785.362
Strength of Serbia Movement2583.661
Social Democratic Party2433.451
G17 Plus2143.04
Valid votes7,04795.45
Invalid/blank votes3364.55
Total votes7,383100.00
Registered voters/turnout11,63963.43
Source: [246][247]
2004 Svilajnac municipal election: Mayor of Svilajnac
Dobrivoje BudimirovićCitizens' Group: For a Rich Municipality of Svilajnac7,12755.85
Milija Jovanović (incumbent)Democratic Party1,62412.73
Gorica GajićDemocratic Party of Serbia1,57912.37
Mića NešićG17 Plus8526.68
Branislav MarinkovićSerbian Renewal Movement–Citizen's Group: Successful People for a Successful Municipality7946.22
Radovan RadosavljevićStrength of Serbia Movement4403.45
Staniša StrainovićSocialist Party of Serbia2321.82
Ljubiša RadosavljevićPeople's Democratic Party–Democratic Movement of Romanians of Serbia1140.89
Source: [248]

Gorica Gajić was chosen as the municipality's deputy mayor after the election.[249] Budimirović won a recall election in 2007.

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Svilajnac:

Citizens' Group: For a Rich Municipality of Svilajnac4,90238.9719
Democratic Party2,21617.628
Democratic Party of Serbia1,58612.616
Coalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and Citizens' Group: Successful People for a Successful Municipality7876.263
G17 Plus7455.923
Serbian Radical Party7135.673
Socialist Party of Serbia6995.563
Strength of Serbia Movement6525.182
Coalition: NDS and Democratic Movement of Romanians of Serbia2161.72
New Serbia640.51
Valid votes12,58095.56
Invalid/blank votes5844.44
Total votes13,164100.00
Registered voters/turnout26,40049.86
Source: [250][251]

Raška District

Local elections were held in four of the five municipalities of the Raška District. The exception was Kraljevo, the capital, where the previous election had taken place in 2003.

The List for Sandžak coalition won the elections in the predominantly Bosniak municipalities of Novi Pazar and Tutin. It failed to win a majority in the Novi Pazar assembly, however, and the rival Sandžak Democratic Party was able to form a coalition administration with other parties in the assembly.

The Socialist Party of Serbia won in Raška, and an independent list led by a former Socialist won in Vrnjačka Banja.


There were no municipal elections in Kraljevo in 2004. The previous mayoral and assembly elections had taken place in 2003, the next mayoral election took place in 2006, and the next assembly elections appear to have taken place in 2008.

Novi Pazar
2004 Municipality of Novi Pazar local election: Mayor of Novi Pazar
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Sulejman UgljaninCoalition: List for Sandžak Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin (Affiliation: Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak)14,14742.8718,86352.33
Sait KačaporSDPRasim Ljajić10,62432.1917,18047.67
Fevzija MurićParty for Sandžak Dr. Fevzija Murić2,3737.19
Milan VeselinovićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,1276.45
Milutin CvetićSerbian Democratic Alliance – Coalition: DSS, Citizens' Group, SPS, SPO, NS, DA, SSJ, DHSS1,6184.90
Tarik Imamović Dip. Ing. El. Teh.Sandžak Alternative7022.13
Ruždija AguševićCitizens' Group5181.57
Dragić PavlovićStrength of Serbia Movement3531.07
Mehmed SlezovićG17 Plus2890.88
Zehnija BulićSandžak Democratic Union2500.76
Source: [252]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Novi Pazar:

Coalition: List for Sandžak Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin13,57240.9821
SDPRasim Ljajić10,76632.5117
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić2,2026.654
Party for Sandžak Dr. Fevzija Murić2,1556.513
Serbian Democratic Alliance – Coalition: DSS, Citizens' Group, SPS, SPO, NS, DA, SSJ, DHSS1,2173.672
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić9272.80
Sandžak Alternative Dr. Fadil Skrijelj7402.23
Sandžak Democratic Union–Dr. Rešad Hazirović5331.61
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus3681.11
Coalition: Srpska Sloga3030.91
Strength of Serbia Movement2680.81
Sandžak People's Movement (NPS)–Džemail Suljević670.20
Valid votes33,11897.36
Invalid/blank votes8972.64
Total votes34,015100.00
Registered voters/turnout66,06451.49
Source: [253]

Although Sulejman Ugljanin won the mayoral election, the Sandžak Democratic Party was able to form a coalition government with the Serbian Radical Party, the Party for Sandžak, and the Serbian Democratic Alliance.[254] The divided nature of the city's government led to an extremely tense political scene in the municipality. A 2006 recall election campaign against Ugljanin ended in chaos, and a new municipal assembly election was held in 2006.[255]

2004 Municipality of Raška local election: Mayor of Raška (second round results)
Bojan MilovanovićSocialist Party of Serbia5,26456.11
not listed4,11843.89
Source: [256]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Raška:

Socialist Party of Serbia2,48425.8610
Serbian Radical Party1,50615.686
Strength of Serbia Movement1,30213.555
Democratic Party1,06511.094
Democratic Party of Serbia99310.344
Liberals of Serbia5065.272
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[257]4965.161
G17 Plus4104.272
Christian Democratic Party of Serbia3403.541
Serbian Renewal Movement2872.99
New Serbia910.95
Party of Serbian Unity850.88
Patriotic Party of the Diaspora410.43
Valid votes9,60696.87
Invalid/blank votes3103.13
Total votes9,916100.00
Registered voters/turnout21,54446.03
Source: [258]
2004 Municipality of Tutin local election: Mayor of Tutin
Šemsudin KučevićList for Sandžak (Affiliation: Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak)8,58859.33
Mujo MukovićSandžak Democratic Party2,88219.91
Šerif HamzagićG17 Plus1,2268.47
Sead AdemovićStrength of Serbia Movement8205.66
Mithat EminovićPeople's Movement of Sandžak8095.59
Osman BejtovićCitizens' Group1511.04
Source: [259]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Tutin:

Coalition: List for Sandžak8,32457.7522
Sandžak Democratic Party3,10221.528
Sandžak People's Movement6814.722
G17 Plus6164.272
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić5864.072
Strength of Serbia Movement4563.161
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)2571.78
Party for Sandžak2191.52
Democratic Party of Serbia1721.19
Valid votes14,41397.84
Invalid/blank votes3182.16
Total votes14,731100.00
Registered voters/turnout26,75555.06
Source: [260]

Bajro Gegić of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak was chosen as deputy mayor after the election and served in the role for the next four years.[261]

Vrnjačka Banja
2004 Municipality of Vrnjačka Banja local election: Mayor of Vrnjačka Banja
Rodoljub DžamićCitizens' Group: We Know How6,93561.82
information missing4,28338.18
Radoslav ErdoglićSerbian Radical Party
Source: [262][263]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Vrnjačka Banja:

Citizens' Group (nine different lists)[264]3,65632.6211
Democratic Party of Serbia1,69015.086
Democratic Party1,63214.565
Serbian Radical Party1,35612.104
Socialist Party of Serbia7276.492
Serbian Renewal Movement5454.862
Socialist People's Party5354.772
G17 Plus3583.191
New Serbia3332.97
Strength of Serbia Movement3182.84
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia310.28
People's Democratic Party280.25
Valid votes11,20996.38
Invalid/blank votes4213.62
Total votes11,630100.00
Registered voters/turnout22,64251.36
Source: [265]

Šumadija District

Local elections were held in all seven of the Šumadija District's municipalities. The Serbian Renewal Movement won the mayoral contests in four jurisdictions (including Kragujevac), either on its own or in alliance with other parties. The Democratic Party won in Batočina, and a party candidate also won in Knić in alliance with the Serbian Renewal Movement. The Serbian Radical Party won in Aranđelovac, while a Democratic Party of SerbiaNew Serbia alliance won in Topola.

2004 City of Kragujevac local election: Mayor of Kragujevac
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Veroljub Stevanović VerkoTogether for Kragujevac22,03238.5932,61073.72
Dragutin RadosavljevićDemocratic PartyBoris Tadić9,85617.2611,62426.28
Slavica Đukić DejanovićSocialist Party of Serbia6,23210.92
Mileta PoskuricaSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić5,82210.20
Dragan BataveljićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić3,2885.76
Goran DavidovićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica2,8995.08
Vladan VučićevićNew Serbia2,4794.34
Dobrica MilovanovićFor Our City2,2533.95
Miroslav MarinkovićG17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,0941.92
Radiša PavlovićWorkers' Resistance5741.01
Branislav Kovačević ColeLeague for Šumadija5620.98
Source: [266]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Kragujevac:

Together for KragujevacVeroljub Verko Stevanović (Serbian Renewal Movement, Social Democracy, People's Democratic Party)16,09128.4728
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić10,53918.6518
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić7,19112.7213
Socialist Party of Serbia–Obren Ćetković Ćetko4,4857.948
Democratic Party of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica3,6766.506
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2,7504.875
For Our City–Prof. Dr. Dobrica Milovanović (Liberals of Serbia, Citizens' Group, Labour Party of Serbia)2,7384.845
New SerbiaVladan Vučićević2,1463.804
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus1,6852.98
Citizens' Group: Pensioners of Kragujevac1,0351.83
My Capital CityBranislav Kovačević Cole (League for Šumadija)7521.33
Workers' Resistance–Radiša Pavlović6871.22
Social Democratic Party (Socijaldemokratska stranka)–Dragoljub Slović Leka4090.72
Democratic AlternativeSocial Democratic Party (Socijaldemokratska partija) Dr. Nebojša Čović4080.72
Citizens' Group: I Love Kragujevac–Jevđa Jevđević2890.51
Citizens' Group: Kragujevac Resistance2850.50
Citizens' Group: Differently Equal–Milan Grbović2310.41
Citizens' Group: Na prvom mestu naše mesto–Zoran Marković - Vulkanizer1860.33
Citizens' Group: For a Better Tomorrow–Roma from Kragujevac–Nataša Nikolić1830.32
Citizens' Group: Forgotten Beloševac–Zoran Jokić1810.32
Citizens' Group: Toma Todorović1760.31
Citizens' Group: Health Is Our Greatest Asset–Mališa Varjačić1120.20
Citizens' Group: Peli Rosić - Petrovac890.16
Citizens' Group: For the Better750.13
Citizens' Group: Sloga–Milan Prokić530.09
Citizens' Group: For a Better Kragujevac and Šumadija340.06
Citizens' Group: Initiative for a Better Kragujevac320.06
Valid votes56,51897.63
Invalid/blank votes1,3732.37
Total votes57,891100.00
Registered voters/turnout145,74039.72
Source: [267]
2004 Municipality of Aranđelovac local election: Mayor of Aranđelovac (second round results)
Radosav ŠvabićSerbian Radical Party6,27254.21
Dimitrije Jovanović MitaDemocratic PartySerbian Renewal Movement5,29745.79
Source: [268]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Aranđelovac:

Serbian Radical Party3,48724.5611
Democratic Party of Serbia2,53317.848
Democratic PartySerbian Renewal Movement2,48117.478
Socialist Party of Serbia1,82712.876
Citizens' Groups (six different lists)1,0567.44
New Serbia1,0157.153
G17 Plus7935.583
Strength of Serbia Movement7054.962
New Democratic Party of Roma of Serbia2151.51
Peasant Party of Serbia880.62
Valid votes14,20096.88
Invalid/blank votes4583.12
Total votes14,658100.00
Registered voters/turnout37,83338.74
Source: [269]
2004 Municipality of Batočina local election: Mayor of Batočina
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Radiša MiloševićDemocratic Party3,22861.22
information missing2,04538.78
Vlasta KovinićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [270][271]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Batočina:

Democratic Party1,58727.1010
Coalition: SPO, NS, and League for Šumadija96416.466
Serbian Radical Party73712.595
Democratic Party of Serbia67211.484
Strength of Serbia Movement4107.003
Socialist Party of Serbia3916.682
Coalition: United Serbia, DHSS, GSS2955.042
Citizens' Group: Salvation for the Municipality of Batočina2654.532
G17 Plus2394.08
Ravna Gora Movement1732.95
Socialist People's Party1232.10
Valid votes5,85696.28
Invalid/blank votes2263.72
Total votes6,082100.00
Registered voters/turnout10,26759.24
Source: [272][273]
2004 Municipality of Knić local election: Mayor of Knić
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Bratislav NikolićCoalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and New Serbia3,20654.95
information missing2,62845.05
Mileta MarinkovićSerbian Radical Party
other candidates
Source: [274][275]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Knić:

Citizens' Groups (three different lists)[276]1,50525.358
Coalition: Serbian Renewal Movement and New Serbia1,00116.866
Democratic Party of Serbia80813.615
Democratic Party77813.104
Socialist Party of Serbia66211.154
Serbian Radical Party62910.593
Strength of Serbia Movement3095.202
G17 Plus2454.131
Valid votes5,93795.56
Invalid/blank votes2764.44
Total votes6,213100.00
Registered voters/turnout12,82248.46
Source: [277][278]
2004 Municipality of Lapovo local election: Mayor of Lapovo
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dragan ZlatkovićSerbian Renewal Movement93625.682,38972.95
Borivoje JelenkovićDemocratic Party64217.6188627.05
Zlatko RadićSerbian Radical Party60316.54
Dragan MikićCitizens' Group: For Lapovo38410.53
Dragan PetkovićSocialist Party of Serbia2827.74
Miroslav JovanovićStrength of Serbia Movement1714.69
Ratomir KojanicDemocratic Party of Serbia1634.47
Dragutin DostanićLiberals of Serbia–Movement for Lapovo1443.95
Miladin DžinovićG17 Plus1022.80
Veroljub MilojkovićCitizens' Group: Revival of Lapovo892.44
Sašimir GajićParty of Serbian Unity711.95
Dragan LazarevićCitizens' Group: Delom na Videlo581.59
Source: [279]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Lapovo:

Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić71719.776
Serbian Renewal Movement68618.916
Democratic PartyBoris Tadić62517.235
Socialist Party of Serbia–Ljutica Krstić39410.863
Citizens' Group: For Lapovo–Dragan Mikić3609.933
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica3349.213
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić2105.792
Liberals of Serbia–Prešić Radoslav Rade1303.581
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus952.62
Party of Serbian Unity–Prof. Ljubiša Gajić762.10
Valid votes3,62796.77
Invalid/blank votes1213.23
Total votes3,748100.00
Registered voters/turnout7,16152.34
Source: [280]
2004 Municipality of Rača local election: Mayor of Rača
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Dragan StevanovićSerbian Renewal MovementDemocratic Party (Affiliation: Democratic Party)1,94839.432,63453.35
Dragan Mijatović DragančeSocialist Party of Serbia–OO Rača1,09622.182,30346.65
Radoslav ZdravkovićDemocratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica80416.27
Mileta RadovanovićStrength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić4609.31
Verica KarićSerbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić3707.49
Nebojša PavlovićG17 PlusMiroljub Labus2635.32
Source: [281]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Rača:

Serbian Renewal MovementDemocratic Party1,89938.4413
Socialist Party of Serbia–Dragan Mijatović Draganče78815.955
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica64112.984
Strength of Serbia MovementBogoljub Karić4669.433
Serbian Radical PartyTomislav Nikolić4058.203
G17 PlusMiroljub Labus2755.572
New SerbiaVelja Ilić1994.031
Citizens' Group: Party for Undecided Voters–Budimir Milenković1412.85
Citizens' Group: Young Farmers–Slađan Milanović Karabaš1082.19
Citizens' Group: Milorad Petrović180.36
Valid votes4,94097.40
Invalid/blank votes1322.60
Total votes5,072100.00
Registered voters/turnout10,61047.80
Source: [282]
2004 Municipality of Topola local election: Mayor of Topola (first round results)
Dragan JovanovićNew SerbiaDemocratic Party of Serbia (Affiliation: New Serbia)5,33456.04
all other candidates (combined total)4,18543.96
Dušan MladenovićSerbian Radical Party
Source: [283][284]

Results of the election for the Municipal Assembly of Topola:

Coalition: Democratic Party of Serbia and New Serbia4,41246.1320
Democratic Party1,44515.116
Serbian Radical Party8859.254
Strength of Serbia Movement6917.233
Citizens' Groups (two different lists)[285]6306.593
Socialist Party of Serbia5926.193
Serbian Renewal Movement3383.531
G17 Plus3113.251
Christian Democratic Party of Serbia1901.99
Valid votes9,56497.23
Invalid/blank votes2722.77
Total votes9,836100.00
Registered voters/turnout19,80049.68
Source: [286][287]


  1. ZAKON O LOKALNIM IZBORIMA, Lokalni Izbori 2004, B92, accessed 29 May 2021.
  2. "SRS i DS vode u Srbiji i u Beogradu", B92, 16 September 2004, accessed 19 May 2021.
  3. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 27 (20 September 2004), p. 2; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 29 (4 October 2004), p. 1.
  4. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 27 (20 September 2004), p. 2; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 11. There is a discrepancy between these sources on the total number of votes cast. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  5. HRONOLOGIJA LOKALNIH IZBORA U SRBIJI, Lokalni Izbori 2004, B92, accessed 30 May 2021.
  6. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 5; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 46. The former source includes an obvious error in the number of valid votes cast. The two sources also have differing numbers of total votes casts; the latter source is here taken as definitive.
  7. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 34 (29 November 2004), p. 8.
  8. This party was known in Serbian by the name, "Socijaldemokratska Stranka." It is not to be confused with the Social Democratic Party, which also contested the 2004 election in Grocka; the latter party was known in Serbian by the name, "Socijaldemokratska Partija." Both names translate into English as "Social Democratic Party."
  9. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 5; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 36 (21 December 2004), p. 46; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 41.
  10. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 36 (21 December 2004), p. 47.
  11. M.T. Kovačević, "Grocka: Za 15 godina 11 predsednika opštine", Novosti, 19 February 2016, accessed 28 May 2021.
  12. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 6; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 36 (21 December 2004), p. 46.
  13. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 34 (29 November 2004), p. 11.
  14. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 6.
  15. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 31 (8 November 2004), p. 15.
  16. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 3.
  17. "Željko Ožegović, novi-stari predsednik Novog Beogradac", Glas javnosti, 17 November 2004, accessed 26 May 2021.
  18. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 34 (29 November 2004), p. 1.
  19. Скупштина општине, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-12-10. Retrieved 2022-09-19.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Municipality of New Belgrade, accessed 18 September 2022.
  20. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 29 (4 October 2004), p. 2.
  21. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 35 (15 December 2004), p. 17.
  22. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 27 (20 September 2004), p. 3.
  23. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 31 (8 November 2004), p. 2.
  24. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 4.
  25. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 31 (8 November 2004), p. 4.
  26. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 4; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 43-44. There is an eighteen-vote discrepancy between these sources on the total number of votes received by the five citizens' group lists. Unfortunately, the latter source does not indicate the vote totals received by these lists individually; from a review of the numbers, the most likely explanation is that the League for Savski Venac received 431 votes, rather than 413 listed in the former source.
  27. "Savski venac dobio predsednika", Glas javnosti, 11 November 2004, accessed 27 May 2021.
  28. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 6; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; p. 45.
  29. "Живорад Милосављевић", Municipality of Sopot, accessed 5 May 2021.
  30. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 27 (20 September 2004), p. 4.
  31. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 31 (8 November 2004), p. 6.
  32. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 24 (8 September 2004), p. 88.
  33. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 7.
  34. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 32 (11 November 2004), p. 43.
  35. "Policija vlada Surčinom", Novosti, 28 November 2005, accessed 9 September 2021.
  36. "MUP pomaže promeni vlasti u Surčinu", 16 December 2005, accessed 9 September 2021.
  37. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 27 (20 September 2004), p. 3.
  38. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), pp. 1–2.
  39. "Milena Milošević ponovo predsednik SO Vračar", Glas javnosti, 8 November 2004, accessed 25 May 2021.
  40. Branimir Kuzmanović, Democratic Party, accessed 10 September 2021.
  41. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 3.
  42. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 32 (11 November 2004), p. 4.
  43. "Gordana Pop-Lazić predsednik SO Zemun" [sic], B92, 4 November 2004. Pop-Lazić's position is misidentified in the title, but not in the main body of the article.
  44. She received the fifth position on her party's list. See Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 24 (8 September 2004), p. 47.
  45. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 32 (11 November 2004), p. 3.
  46. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 24 (8 September 2004), p. 49.
  47. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 32 (11 November 2004), p. 3.
  48. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, pp. 88-89.
  49. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 28 (21 September 2004), p. 2; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 41. There is a discrepancy between these sources on the number of votes received by the Democratic Party and the total number of votes cast. The latter source is taken as definitive.
  50. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 33 (23 November 2004), p. 13.
  51. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 49 Number 4 (10 March 2005), p. 25.
  52. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 49 Number 16 (11 July 2005), p. 6.
  53. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 24 (8 September 2004), p. 40.
  54. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 49 Number (10 March 2005), p. 25.
  55. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 49 Number 16 (11 July 2005), p. 6.
  56. Službeni List (Opštine Subotica), Volume 40 Number 39 (8 September 2004), pp. 19-20; Službeni List (Opštine Subotica), Volume 40 Number 45 (26 September 2004), p. 2; Službeni List (Opštine Subotica), Volume 40 Number 47 (4 October 2004), p. 2.
  57. Službeni List (Opštine Subotica), Volume 40 Number 43 (20 September 2004), pp. 1-3.
  58. Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Topola), Volume 36 Number 13 (21 October 2004), p. 166.
  59. Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Topola), Volume 36 Number 13 (21 October 2004), pp. 169-170.
  60. He appeared in the nineteenth position. See Službeni List (Opštine Bačka Topola), Volume 36 Number 7 (8 September 2004), p. 85.
  61. Službeni (Opštine Bačka Topola), Volume 36 Number 13 (21 October 2004), pp. 14-16.
  62. Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 35 Number 6 (7 September 2004), pp. 57-58; Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 35 Number 7 (20 September 2004), p. 81; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  63. Službeni List (Opštine Mali Iđoš), Volume 35 Number 7 (20 September 2004), pp. 81-82; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 11, 47.
  64. Nužda demokratskog zagrljaja, Vreme, 23 September 2004, accessed 17 July 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  65. The lists were "Ecological Movement–Citizens' Parliament–Nikola Aleksić", "Sava Vojnović", "Non-Party Determined 'Prosperity'–Radomir Ćirilović", "Community of Serbs of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina–Branislav Švonja", "Basarić Jovan", "Guaranteed Security of the Hungarian Minority–Pap Ferenc", "Person with a Disability Ilija Srebro", "Association of Individual Natural Gas Consumers Aleksandar Pavkov", "Lukić Radovan", and "Economic Strength of Serbia–Branko Dragaš". None of the lists crossed the electoral threshold.
  66. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 63-64; Izbori za odbornike u skupštini grada Novog Sada, "Izbori 2004". Archived from the original on 2004-09-16. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City Electoral Commission of Novi Sad, 16 September 2004, accessed 23 July 2021.
  67. Dragan Gmizić, "Toma Zlo, Rade Tenkista i ostali...", Vreme, 15 February 2007, accessed 20 July 2021.
  68. Izbori za odbornike u skupštini grada Novog Sada, "Izbori za odbornike u skup tini grada Novog Sada". Archived from the original on 27 August 2004. Retrieved 7 August 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Novi Sad City Election Commission, accessed 12 July 2021.
  69. ODBORNICI I ODBORNICKE GRUPE "Grad - Novi Sad (Official site of Novi Sad)". Archived from the original on 1 March 2005. Retrieved 7 August 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Novi Sad, accessed 2 July 2021.
  70. "U Baču pet kandidata za predsjednika Općine", Hrvatska Riječ, 10 September 2004, accessed 11 July 2021; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine, Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 11 July 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  71. The lists were Economic Strength of Serbia and "Malbaša Branko". Neither list crossed the electoral threshold.
  72. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 61; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2021-07-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 11 July 2021.
  73. Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15, Number 1969 (Bačka Palanka, October 2004), p. 3 [the first round results are copied in this source]; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  74. The lists were "Jovan Boškić", "Damir Ivančić", "Selim Advijaj", "Tihomir Rajber Titika", "Municipal Organization of Women", "Dule Malešević–Dule Foto", "Dragan Banjac", "SNP 'Svetozar Miletić'", "Zajednica Srba", "Srebro Marinko". None of the lists crossed the electoral threshold.
  75. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 61-62; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2021-07-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 11 July 2021; Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15, Number 1969 (Bačka Palanka, October 2004), p. 3 [the vote totals of all lists that won seats are copied in this source].
  76. "SRS osvojila najviše glasova u Bačkoj Palanci", Mondo, 19 December 2005, accessed 12 July 2021.
  77. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-07-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 25 July 2021. Jojić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 16.
  78. According to the results posted by the Center for Free Elections and Democracy, the "For Change" won three seats, "Kulpina for the Municipality of Bački Petrovac" won two seats, and a citizens' group called the "Social Democratic Party–Dr. Jan Ribović" won two seats. The Ecological Movement "Maglić" did not cross the electoral threshold.
  79. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 62; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-07-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 25 July 2021.
  80. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 32.
  81. Sources: Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 40 Number 5 (10 September 2004), p. 27; Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 40 Number 7 (20 September 2004), p. 3; Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 40 Number 8 (7 October 2004), p. 3.
  82. "Policija češlja poslovanje", Glas javnosti, 21 June 2006, accessed 28 July 2021.
  83. Službeni List (Opštine Bečej), Volume 40 Number 7 (20 September 2004), pp. 1-2.
  84. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-07-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 25 July 2021.
  85. The lists were "For the Municipality of Beočin", "Borko Prolić", "Lug", "Mr. Vujić Stevan", "Vasilije Milutinović", "Veseljko Kojadinović", "Savo Kosančić", "Dragoljub Simić", "Branislav Repić", and "Jovica Jandrić". None of the lists crossed the electoral threshold.
  86. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 62; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-07-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 September 2007, accessed 28 July 2021.
  87. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004 "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 27 September 2007, accessed 11 July 2021.
  88. The lists "For a Better Srbobran" and "Alliance for the Municipality of Srbobran" each won three mandates. The "Sindikat", "Živko Kurjački", "Milovan Mušicki", "Fair–Rade Atlagić", and "For Our Srbobrban" lists did not win any mandates.
  89. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 64; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004 "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 27 September 2007, accessed 11 July 2021.
  90. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 27 September 2007, accessed 14 July 2021. Đuragić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 16.
  91. Branislav Pop Jovanov's list "Oj Karlovci Moji" won three seats, as did the list, "For Karlovci – Kalanić". The "Gornji Kraj" list did not win any mandates.
  92. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 64-65; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 27 September 2007, accessed 14 July 2021.
  93. Službeni List (Opštine Temerin), Volume 37 Number 12 (26 October 2004), pp. 6-7.
  94. Službeni List (Opštine Temerin), Volume 37 Number 12 (26 October 2004), p. 2; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 65.
  95. She appeared in the twenty-fourth position. See Službeni List (Opštine Temerin), Volume 37 Number 6 (9 September 2004), p. 15.
  96. Službeni List (Opštine Temerin), Volume 37 Number 12 (26 October 2004), pp. 2-4.
  97. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-08-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 25 July 2021.
  98. The "Zdenko Babić" list won two mandates. The "'Realno'–Dragoje Bagić", "Dr. Boro Vujasin", "Dušan Banika", "Zoran Vujović", "Jovan Jovanović" and "Božo Tegeltija" lists all failed to cross the electoral threshold.
  99. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 13, 65; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2021-08-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 July 2007, accessed 25 July 2021.
  100. Službeni List (Opštine Vrbas), Volume 40 Number 9 (9 October 2004), pp. 1-2.
  101. РЕЗУЛТАТИ - Локални и покрајински избори 2004. (Резултати избора за одборнике Скупштине општине Врбас), Municipality of Vrbas, accessed 4 August 2021; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 63. As the former is the more detailed source, it is taken as definitive.
  102. Službeni List (Opštine Žabalj), Volume 34 Number 10 (20 September 2004), pp. 3-4; Službeni List (Opštine Źabalj), Volume 34 Number 11 (4 October 2004), p. 2.
  103. Službeni List (Opštine Žabalj), Volume 34 Number 10 (20 September 2004), pp. 1-2.
  104. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The fact that Makivić was Miščević's second round opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  105. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 67-68.
  106. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The fact that Avalić was Ješić's second round opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  107. Goran Ješić, istinomer.rs, accessed 2 September 2023.
  108. One of the lists, "Only the Best for Inđija," won all eight seats. See Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 134.
  109. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 66.
  110. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The fact that Avalić was Ješić's second round opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  111. One of the lists, "Movement for the Municipality – Bata Lezak," won both seats. See Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 136.
  112. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 66-67.
  113. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The fact that Čavić was Pavković's second round opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  114. Four of the lists won mandates. The "Đura Trudić" list won three mandates, while the "Pantic Živorad - Luki," "Vanstranački," and "Our List" lists won one mandate each. See Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 254.
  115. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 67.
  116. "Vesti" Archived 2005-03-14 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Ruma, accessed 25 August 2023.
  117. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, pp. 294-295.
  118. "Vesti" Archived 2005-03-14 at the Wayback Machine, Municipality of Ruma, accessed 25 August 2023.
  119. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 67.
  120. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 294.
  121. Dragan Todorović, "Vlast i pečati", Vreme, 22 November 2007, accessed 6 April 2021.
  122. J. Slatinac, "Tuča u Gradskoj kući u Rumi", Politika, 9 October 2007, accessed 6 April 2021.
  123. "Grad nepovratno izgubio pola godine", Danas, 24 March 2008, accessed 6 April 2021.
  124. "Grad nepovratno izgubio pola godine", Danas, 24 March 2008, accessed 19 December 2022.
  125. "Vanredni izbori za Skupštinu opštine Ruma 9. novembra", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 14 August 2008, accessed 19 December 2022.
  126. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The fact that Valentinović was Avramov's second round opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  127. All five mandates were won by the list "Healthy Serbia–Movement for Šid." See Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 304.
  128. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 68.
  129. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The fact that Tišma was Komazec's second round opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  130. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; 2004 Local Elections, Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia, pp. 13, 68.
  131. Also supported by the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians. See "Šest kandidata uz nove najave", Hrvatska Riječ, 27 August 2004, accessed 25 February 2022.
  132. "Za sebe, stranku ili grad?", soinfo.org, 26 August 2004, accessed 25 February 2022; "Šest kandida ta uz nove najave", Hrvatska Riječ, 27 August 2004, accessed 25 February 2022; Uređene liste, soinfo.org, 8 September 2004, accessed 25 February 2022; "Izborno rešavanje", soinfo.org, 1 October 2004, accessed 26 February 2004; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  133. The lists were "Čonoplja–Dušan Pejin", "Monoštor for the Future–Snežana Periškić", "Private Entrepreneurs", and "Ilija Mirković"
  134. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 59-60; Uređene liste, soinfo.org, 8 September 2004, accessed 25 February 2022.
  135. "Sva skupštinska imena", soinfo.org, 8 October 2004, accessed 25 February 2022.
  136. Odbornici, "Zvanična internet prezentacija Opštine Sombor". Archived from the original on 2007-06-23. Retrieved 2022-03-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 23 June 2007, accessed 12 February 2022.
  137. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. Škrbić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 16. The fact that he did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  138. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 58.
  139. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Božović's identity as the candidate defeated in the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), p. 16; the full list of candidates appears at PARLAMENTARNI I POKRAJINSKI IZBORI (2004), sivac.net, accessed 25 February 2022.
  140. The lists were "All for Sivac", "Kula Is My City", "For Solidarity, Justice and Freedom-Kula", "List for Ruski Krstur, "Serbian People's Movement–Svetozar Miletić", "I Am Voting for Kruščić", "For Our Lipar", "Kula-It Will Be Better–Stanko Zrakić", "Best for Crvenka", and "Economic Power of Serbia–Branko Dragaš".
  141. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 58-59; PARLAMENTARNI I POKRAJINSKI IZBORI (2004), sivac.net, accessed 25 February 2022.
  142. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. Cvetanović's identity as the candidate defeated in the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), p. 16.
  143. The list "No Politics–Business as Soon as Possible" won two seats. The other lists did not win any seats.
  144. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 12, 59.
  145. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 240.
  146. The two other candidates were Ljubivoje Slavković (Citizens' Group: For Niš) and Sima Radulović (Citizens' Group: League for Niš). The Serbian government's official report on the 2004 local elections does not break down the individual vote totals received by Slavković and Radulović. The City of Niš's website provided the following preliminary totals: Slaković 688 votes (1.13%), Radulović 557 votes (0.92%).
  147. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021 [preliminary results for the first round]; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 230 [final results for the first round].
  148. The city of Niš's provisional totals for the citizens' group lists were as follows: "Pure Democracy" 875 votes (1.48%), "Coalition for Niš" 730 votes (1.23%), "League for Niš" 556 votes (0.94%), "Zoran Isailović" 465 votes (0.78%), "For a Better Tomorrow–Slavoljub Nikolić" 242 votes (0.41%), "Miroljub Stanković" 239 votes (0.40%), "Medoševac–Slobodan Panajotović" 185 votes (0.31%), "Selo Malča–Dragan Pantelić" 122 votes (0.21%), "Black Road–Petar Jovanović" 107 votes (0.18%).
  149. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021 [preliminary results]; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 225-227 [final results].
  150. "Bojkoviću potvrdjen novi mandat", Južne vesti, 7 July 2008, accessed 23 December 2021.
  151. СКУПШТИНА ГРАДА НИША, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-01-03. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, accessed 1 January 2022.
  152. "Četvorka za Niške socijaliste sa Miletom Ilićem na čelu", Niški Portal, 19 March 2016, accessed 1 January 2022.
  153. "Konačni podaci RIK o broju mandata", B92, Izbori 2003, accessed 1 January 2022.
  154. "Nije cilj da se obogatimo", Glas javnosti, 17 August 2004, accessed 1 January 2022.
  155. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The first round totals are likely provisional rather than final.
  156. The city of Niš's provisional totals for the citizens' group lists were as follows: "Crveni Krst" 300 (4.61%), "Pure Democracy–Dr. Milan Višnjić" 176 (2.70%), "Veselinović Slobodan" 76 (1.17%). This source does not provide totals for the "Coalition for Niš-Miodrag Stanković" list, which also contested the election.
  157. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021 [preliminary results]; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 99-100 [final results].
  158. "Do Tvrđave i džamije pešice", Glas javnosti, 18 August 2004, accessed 2 January 2022.
  159. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 2 January 2022. Živković is the lead candidate on the Socialist list for the Medijana council.
  160. "Čistka u niškom odboru Nove Srbije", Glas javnosti, 18 January 2006, accessed 2 January 2022.
  161. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  162. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 100.
  163. "Zoran Vidanović", Jużne vesti, 9 April 2016, accessed 23 December 2021.
  164. "Mitić: O gradonačelniku nakon 20. maja", Južne vesti, 16 May 2012, accessed 3 January 2022.
  165. M. Smiljković, "Radikali preuzeli vlast u Banji", Blic, 21 January 2009, accessed 3 January 2022.
  166. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 21. јануара и 8. фебрауара 2007. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (2 Г17 плус - Млађан Динкић), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 3 January 2022.
  167. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (ЛИСТЕ КАНДИДАТА ЗА ВЕЋНИКЕ ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ НИШКА БАЊА), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021.
  168. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (ЛИСТЕ КАНДИДАТА ЗА ВЕЋНИКЕ ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ НИШКА БАЊА), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021.
  169. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  170. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 100. There are discrepancies between these sources as to the number of votes received by G17 Plus and "Pure Democracy." The latter source is taken as definitive. The former source also erroneously indicates that the Socialist Party won a seat.
  171. "Prelazak u G17 plus?", Danas, 28 November 2007, accessed 3 January 2022.
  172. "Još im samo sale fale", Glas javnosti, 21 October 2005, accessed 3 January 2022.
  173. "Većnici čekaju gradonačelnika", Glas javnosti, 14 December 2004, accessed 3 January 20211.
  174. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (Листа кандидата за одборнике СГ Ниш: Политичка организација за демократске промене "Нова Србија" - Велимир Илић), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 3 January 2022.
  175. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (ЛИСТЕ КАНДИДАТА ЗА ВЕЋНИКЕ ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ ПАЛИЛУЛА), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021.
  176. "Politička kriza u Nišu", Južne vesti, 29 June 2010, accessed 3 January 2022.
  177. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (ЛИСТЕ КАНДИДАТА ЗА ВЕЋНИКЕ ГРАДСКЕ ОПШТИНЕ ПАЛИЛУЛА), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021.
  178. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  179. The first-round totals are likely provisional.
  180. "Prelazak u G17 plus?", Danas, 28 November 2007, accessed 3 January 2022.
  181. Toma Todorović, "'Preletači' našli nova gnezda", Politika, 26 March 2008, accessed 3 January 2022.
  182. The city of Niš's provisional totals for the citizens' group lists were as follows: "Coalition for Niš–Miodrag Stanković" 372 (2.72%), "Pure Democracy–Dr. Milan Višnjić" 254 (1.86%), "Perspective" 78 (0.57%).
  183. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021 [preliminary results]; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 100-101 [final results].
  184. "Demokratska Čistka", Glas javnosti, 15 August 2005, accessed 3 January 2022.
  185. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (Листе кандидата за одборнике СГ Ниш: СРПСКА РАДИКАЛНА СТРАНКА – ТОМИСЛАВ НИКОЛИЋ), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021.
  186. "Zapela saradnja Veća sa gradonačelnikom", Glas javnosti, 27 July 2005, accessed 3 January 2022.
  187. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004 (Листа кандидата за одборнике СГ Ниш: Политичка странка Г 17 Плус), "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021.
  188. "Kao na tajnoj večeri", Glas javnosti, 1 October 2005, accessed 3 January 2022.
  189. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021; ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. The first-round totals are likely provisional.
  190. "Demokratska Čistka", Glas javnosti, 15 August 2005, accessed 3 January 2022.
  191. M. Smiljković, "Niški političari hrle u G17 plus", Blic, 27 March 2008, accessed 3 January 2022.
  192. The city of Niš's provisional totals for the citizens' group lists were as follows: "Pantelej–Ljubiša Mitić" 463 (4.91%), "Pure Democracy–Dr. Milan Višnjić" 156 (1.65%), "Selo Malča–Dragan Pantelić" " 59 (0.63%), "Tsar Konstantin–Branislav Jocić" 57 (0.60%).
  193. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ 2004, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2021-12-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), City of Niš, 22 November 2004, accessed 23 December 2021 [preliminary results]; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 101 [final results].
  194. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), p. 16. The latter source provides the identity of Stanković's opponent.
  195. Zoran Aleksić's "Movement for the Municipality of Aleksinac" list won six seats in the local assembly; the other three lists did not win any seats.
  196. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 101.
  197. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 32.
  198. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  199. Jocić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 24. The fact that he did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  200. "Goran Ljubić", Južne vesti, 18 December 2005, accessed 4 January 2022.
  201. "Goran Ljubić", Južne vesti, 13 March 2016, accessed 4 January 2022.
  202. The list "For a Better Tomorrow" won three mandates, and the list "Dragan Pekar - Stefi" won two. The remaining list did not win any mandates.
  203. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 102.
  204. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 126.
  205. "Lokalni izbori u sedam opština", B92, 4 August 2006, accessed 9 September 2022.
  206. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; "Saša Đorđević", Južne vesti, 12 December 2015, accessed 4 January 2022.
  207. Jocić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 24.
  208. The lists were "Zaplanje My Home," which won five seats, and "Nebojša Živković," which won three seats.
  209. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 101-102.
  210. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 128.
  211. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  212. Veljković's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 24. The fact that he did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  213. The lists included "For the Development of the Municipality of Merošina," which won five seats, "Finally, a Real Man," which won two seats, and "Dr. Slobodan Tončić," which also won two seats. Three other lists did not win any seats.
  214. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 102.
  215. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; "SVRLJIG I SVRLJIŠKI VLADARI", kcsvrljig.rs, 29 September 2007, accessed 4 January 2002.
  216. The lists included "Coalition for Svrljig 'Dr. Vlastimir Milkić'," which won four seats, "Radoš Božinović," which won two seats, and "Sloga," which won two seats. One other list did not win any seats.
  217. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 16, 102-103.
  218. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 338.
  219. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  220. Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2022-10-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 September 2007, accessed 24 October 2022.
  221. "Starosedeoci i dođoši", Glas javnosti, 19 August 2004, accessed 15 October 2022. Petrović's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15, Number 1882 (Smederevo, September 2004), p. 7.
  222. The lists were the "Movement for Smederevo–Dr. Jasna Avramović" (which won six seats), the "Smederevo Union" (which won three seats), the "People's Movement of the Municipality of Smederevo", and the "Movement for Vranovo".
  223. Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2022-10-24.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 29 September 2007, accessed 24 October 2022.
  224. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 75.
  225. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  226. Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2008-01-20. Retrieved 2022-10-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 20 January 2008, accessed 24 October 2022.
  227. Pirivatrić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1883 (Smederevsak Palanka, September 2004), p. 1.
  228. The lists included "Dragoslav Miličić" and the "Movement for a Democratic Revival," both of which won two seats. Other lists included "We Know and We Can," the "Municipal Organization 'Pensioners'," "Tradition into the Future," "Dragan Joković," "Miodrag Talijan," and one other citizens' initiative group.
  229. Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2008-01-20. Retrieved 2022-10-27.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 20 January 2008, accessed 24 October 2022.
  230. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 75-76.
  231. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021. Milosavljević's identity as Šulkić's Radical Party opponent is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1884 (August 2004), p. 1. The fact that Milosavljević did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  232. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 75.
  233. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; "Dragan Marković pobedio u Jagodini", B92, 4 October 2004, accessed 8 September 2004; Njegoš Manojlović, "odgovornost politi~kih stranaka", Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 2005, accessed 8 September 2022.
  234. Milenković's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 21.
  235. There were a total of eight Citizens' Group lists that contested the election. These were the "Association of Citizens for a Rich Jagodina" (which won two mandates), "Vojislav Nikolić Konto", "Lawyer Miroslav Jovanović", "Jovan Stojanović Joca", "From Donji and Gornji Račnik", "Đorđević Žikvo Žile", "Association of Citizens: Together for Jagodina", and "Association of Citizens" Economic Revival". One of these groups contested the election in an alliance with New Serbia and is therefore listed on a separate row. Available sources do not indicate which group this was.
  236. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 82; Lokalni Izbori u Srbiji 2004, "Rezultati izbora po opstinama". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2022-09-07.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Center for Free Elections and Democracy, 27 September 2007, accessed 7 September 2022.
  237. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  238. Stojanović's identity as the candidate defeated in the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), p. 16.
  239. The lists included the "Movement for the Village and the City," which won eight mandates.
  240. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 83.
  241. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 250.
  242. Jovanović may have been Mijajlović's second-round opponent; the information available online does not clarify this point.
  243. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; "Ambicija i sujeta razjedaju odbore", Glas javnosti, 4 September 2004, accessed 10 September 2022.
  244. Kuburović's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 21. The fact that Kuburović did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  245. The lists included "Together for Levač," which won five seats.
  246. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 83.
  247. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 292.
  248. Lokalni izbori 2004 - Za gradonačelnika Svilajnca, www.svilajnac001.co.rs, accessed 28 April 2017.
  249. "Nisam dobila opštinski stan", Glas javnosti, 6 April 2005, accessed 21 January 2021.
  250. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 83.
  251. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 337.
  252. Službeni list (Opštine Novi Pazar), Volume 11 Number 15 (27 December 2004), p. 2.
  253. Službeni List (Opštine Novi Pazar), Volume 11 Number 12 (23 September 2004), p. 2.
  254. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 232.
  255. "Novi izbori za odbornike u opštini Novi Pazar", Glas javnosti, 11 July 2006, accessed 24 December 2022.
  256. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  257. One of the citizens' groups was simply named "Raška"; this list won a single seat. See Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 288.
  258. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 15, 95-96.
  259. "KUČEVIĆ GRADONAČELNIK TUTINA U PRVOM KRUGU", bosnjaci.net, 22 September 2004, accessed 27 September 2022. An official source provides a slightly different number of total votes but does not provide the breakdown of votes for each candidate. See ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "REPUBLICKI ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKU - Republike Srbije". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  260. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 15, 96.
  261. BAJRO GEGIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 5 February 2017.
  262. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2022-05-25.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  263. Erdoglić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 23. The fact that he did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  264. Rodoljub Džamić's "We Know How" list won seven seats and so won a plurality victory in the election. The "Novoselac" list won two seats, and the "League for Vrnjačka Banja" and "Vrnjčanin Society–Radojica Đurđević" lists won one seat apiece. See Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 288.
  265. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 15, 94.
  266. "Gradska izborna komisija saopštila konačne rezultate lokalnih izbora u Kragujevcu", Archived 2004-10-26 at the Wayback Machine, Glas Kragujevca, 20 September 2004, accessed 11 March 2022; "Veroljub Stevanović i zvanično izabran za gradonačelnika Kragujevca", Archived 2004-10-10 at the Wayback Machine, Glas Kragujevca, 5 October 2004, accessed 11 March 2022.
  267. "Gradska izborna komisija saopštila konačne rezultate lokalnih izbora u Kragujevcu", Archived 2004-10-26 at the Wayback Machine, Glas Kragujevca, 20 September 2004, accessed 11 March 2022; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 80. There is a discrepancy between these sources as to the number of votes received by New Serbia; the latter source is taken as definitive.
  268. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., Archived 2010-10-03 at the Wayback Machine, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; Jovanović's identity as the candidate defeated in the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), p. 15.
  269. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 79.
  270. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., Archived 2010-10-03 at the Wayback Machine, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  271. Kovinić's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 20. The fact that Kovinić did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  272. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 79-80.
  273. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 36.
  274. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., Archived 2010-10-03 at the Wayback Machine, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021.
  275. Marinković's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 20. The fact that she did not make it to the second round is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1956 (September 2004), pp. 16-17.
  276. The lists included "To Move Along," which won five seats, and "Gružanski Forum," which won three seats. One other list did not win any seats.
  277. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 80.
  278. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 148.
  279. Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 10 Number 5 (22 September 2004), pp. 10-12, 28; Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 10 Number 6 (4 October 2004), p. 3.
  280. Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Lapovo), Volume 10 Number 5 (22 September 2004), p. 27; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 80.
  281. Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rača), 2004 Number 4 (8 September 2004), p. 12, 28; Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rača), 2004 Number Number 6 (21 September 2004), p. 3; Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rača), 2004 Number 7 (4 October 2004), p. 1.
  282. Službeni Glasnik (Opštine Rača), 2004 Number 6 (21 September 2004), p. 2; Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 80-81.
  283. ЛОКАЛНИ ИЗБОРИ: Председници општина и градова, изабрани на локалним изборима, 2004., Archived 2010-10-03 at the Wayback Machine, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 3 October 2010, accessed 12 July 2021; DRAGAN JOVANOVIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 4 April 2022.
  284. Mladenović's identity as the Radical Party's candidate is confirmed in Velika Srbija [Serbian Radical Party publication], Volume 15 Number 1838 (September 2004), p. 20.
  285. One of the lists was "For Topola–There is Hope," which won three seats. The other list did not win any seats.
  286. Lokalni Izbori – Republika Srbija; Lokalni Izbori 2004; Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Serbia; pp. 14, 81.
  287. Direktorijum lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji, Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), September 2005, p. 344.
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