2012 in Russia

Events from the year 2012 in the Russia


  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s
  • 2020s
See also:







  • May 7 – Putin was inaugurated as President
  • May 8 – Medvedev appointed as Prime Minister and later he became leader of the United Russia Party
  • May 21 – new cabinet was formed.



  • July – The Russian foreign agent law bill is introduced by legislators from the governing United Russia party.
  • July 20 – The Russian foreign agent law is signed into law by President Vladimir Putin. The law requires non-profit organizations that receive foreign donations and engage in "political activity" to register and declare themselves as foreign agents
  • Stavropol region has a ban on hijabs in schools. the first of its kind imposed by a region in the Russian federation. The ruling was upheld by Russia's Supreme Court in July 2013.[6][7][8]

Notable deaths





See also


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