2014 Australia Day Honours

The 2014 Australia Day Honours were announced on 26 January 2014 by the Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce.

The Australia Day Honours are the first of the two major annual honours lists, announced on Australia Day (26 January), with the other being the Queen's Birthday Honours which are announced on the second Monday in June.

Order of Australia

Companion of the Order of Australia (AC)

Order of Australia (Civil) ribbon

General Division


Professor Samuel Frank Berkovic AM For eminent service to biomedical research in the field of epilepsy genetics as a leading academic and clinician, to the study of neurology on a national and international level, and as an ambassador for Australian medical science education.
Professor Edward Byrne AOFor eminent service to tertiary education, particularly through leadership and governance roles with Monash University, to biomedical teaching and research, as a scientist and academic mentor, and as a contributor to improved global health.
Timothy Vincent Fairfax AMFor eminent service to business and to the community, as an advocate for philanthropy and as a major supporter of the visual arts, to the promotion of higher education opportunities, and to rural and regional development programs.
Professor Bruce Harold McKellarFor eminent service to science, particularly the study of theoretical physics, as an academic, educator and researcher, through seminal contributions to scientific development organisations, and as an author and mentor.
Geoffrey RushFor eminent service to the arts as a theatre performer, motion picture actor and film producer, as a role model and mentor for aspiring artists, and through support for, and promotion of, the Australian arts industry.
Her Honour the Hon Sally Thomas AM For eminent service to the people of the Northern Territory, particularly to the judiciary and social justice, to the advancement of women in the legal profession, to youth, and to the promotion and development of tertiary education.
Dr YunupinguFor eminent service to the performing arts as a musician and songwriter, to the advancement of education and social justice for Indigenous people, and as an advocate for cultural exchange and understanding.
Order of Australia (Military) ribbon

Military Division


Air Force Air Marshal Mark Donald Binskin AO Air Marshal Binskin is the consummate military professional who has provided eminent leadership in the fields of air power, people management and strategic reform. His relentless enthusiasm and astute command traits have delivered exceptional advances in the joint capability of the Australian Defence Force. His achievements are testament to 36 years of unswerving dedication, steadfast commitment and inspirational leadership.

General Division


Stephanie Ann Alexander OAMFor distinguished service to education through the design and establishment of schools-based learning programs promoting improved food and eating choices for children, and as an author.
Professor Christine Constance BennettFor distinguished service to medicine and healthcare leadership, as a clinician, researcher and educator, particularly in the fields of child and family health and social policy.
Professor Anthony Roland Blackshield For distinguished service to the law as an academic, to legal education and scholarship, as a contributor to leading professional publications, and as an author and commentator.
Dr Richard John BrennanFor distinguished service to the international community through seminal contributions to humanitarian health, emergency medicine, and disaster response organisations, particularly in developing nations.
Dr Andrew Arnold BurbidgeFor distinguished service to the environment as a conservation biologist, to sustainable management practices, and to the preservation of endangered flora and fauna.
Robert Ian Campbell PSMFor distinguished service to public administration through innovative policy development, reform and administration at the national level, particularly the provision of services for veterans and their families.
Professor David Stephen CelermajerFor distinguished service to medicine in the field of cardiology, as a clinician and researcher, to improved medical diagnostic methods, and to the promotion of heart health, particularly in children and young adults.
Professor Michael John Cousins AMFor distinguished service to medicine through specialised tertiary curriculum development, as a researcher and advocate for reform and human rights in the field of pain, and as an author and mentor.
Virginia Louise Cox AMFor distinguished service to architecture as a practitioner, through executive roles with international professional organisations, and to architectural education and heritage conservation.
Professor Michael Matthew DaubeFor distinguished service to medicine, particularly in the area of public health policy and reform, through advisory roles with leading national and international organisations, and to youth.
Robert de Castella MBEFor distinguished service to the community through programs promoting children's health and fitness, as a supporter and mentor of young Indigenous men and women, and to marathon running.
Dimity Ann Dornan AMFor distinguished service to the international community, particularly through the establishment of health care and clinical training programs to prevent and treat hearing loss in babies and young children.
Emeritus Professor Ronald Charles DuncanFor distinguished service to international relations as a leading economist, and through innovative economic policy development to raise living standards in Papua New Guinea and Pacific Island nations.
The Honourable Michael Rueben EganFor distinguished service to the Parliament of New South Wales through a range of senior ministerial roles, to tertiary education administration and medical research, and to the community.
Dr Penelope Ruth FlettFor distinguished service to aged persons through significant contributions to improve care and support services, to education, and to the community of Western Australia.
Louis Fleyfel OAMFor distinguished service to the Lebanese community in Australia, to the identification and implementation of bilateral trade and investment opportunities, and to philanthropy.
The Honourable Justice Robert William GottersonFor distinguished service to the judiciary and to the law, to legal education, administration and professional standards through a range of senior roles, and to the community of Queensland.
Dr John Michael GrillFor distinguished service to engineering, and to business, to the minerals, energy and power supply industries, and as a supporter of advanced education and training.
Richard Anthony Johnson MBEFor distinguished service to architecture, particularly the design of iconic Australian public buildings, to the visual arts and the museum and galleries sector, and to professional associations.
Dr Murray Chilvers KempFor distinguished service to education as an economic theorist and academic, to international trade, through contributions to leading professional publications, and as a mentor.
Dr Andrew Nicholas LiverisFor distinguished service to international business through senior roles with multinational organisations, as a supporter of Australia-US educational and cultural relations, and to the community.
Keiran James McNamara †For distinguished service to public administration in Western Australia, to natural resource management and environmental protection policy reform and implementation, and to the community.
Professor Geofferey Norman MastersFor distinguished service to education research, to the formulation of a national curriculum and performance reporting mechanisms, and to improved educational outcomes for young people.
Dr Susan Denise MeekFor distinguished service to science, to the development and implementation of policy for science and research, particularly gene technology regulation, and through leadership roles with professional organisations.
Peter Neil MullerFor distinguished service to architecture, to the adaptation and preservation of Indigenous design and construction, and to the integration of the built and environmental landscape.
Dr Sadanandan E K NambiarFor distinguished service to science, particularly in the field of sustainable productivity and management of forests, as a researcher and author, and as a role model for young scientists.
Professor Peter W G NewmanFor distinguished service to science education as an academic and researcher, through contributions to urban design and transport sustainability, and to the community.
Robert Ian Oatley BEMFor distinguished service to the Australian wine and tourism industries, to yacht racing, and to the community as a supporter of medical research and visual arts organisations.
Professor Rosemary Joan OwensFor distinguished service to the law, particularly to legal education as an academic and administrator, to national and international employment and labour organisations, and to women.
Professor Stephen John ParkerFor distinguished service to tertiary education through administrative, academic and representational roles, and as a leader in the growth and development of the University of Canberra.
Scientia Professor Deo Karan PrasadFor distinguished service to architecture, particularly in the field of sustainable urban design, as an academic and researcher, and to the solar renewable energy sector.
Kaye Elizabeth SchofieldFor distinguished service to vocational and adult education and training, as a researcher and commentator, through contributions to policy development and regulation, and to the community.
John SinclairFor distinguished service to conservation and the environment, through advocacy and leadership roles with a range of organisations, and to natural resource management and protection.
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Preston SkilbeckFor distinguished service to tertiary education as an administrator, researcher and author, and through significant contributions to curriculum development and policy formation, both nationally and internationally.
The Honourable Jonathan Donald StanhopeFor distinguished service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory through leadership roles, to the advancement of human rights and social justice, and to economic development.
Professor Susan Patricia StreetFor distinguished service to the performing arts, particularly to dance education at a tertiary level, as a teacher and administrator, to professional organisations, and as a mentor.
Professor John Francis ThompsonFor distinguished service to medicine in the field of oncology research, particularly melanoma, to national and international professional organisations, and to medical education.
Professor Charles David ThrosbyFor distinguished service to the community as a leading cultural economist, to the promotion and preservation of Australian arts and heritage, and to tertiary education.
Jacqueline Ruth WeaverFor distinguished service to the performing arts as an actor and entertainer, as a supporter of social welfare organisations, and as a role model and mentor to young performers.
Associate Professor Edward Thomas WilkesFor distinguished service to the Indigenous community as a leading researcher in the area of public health and welfare, to youth in Western Australia, and to the provision of legal support services.

Military Division


Navy Rear Admiral Trevor Norman Jones AM CSC RAN Rear Admiral Jones has distinguished himself as an extremely motivated officer, whose personable manner and highly developed leadership style has profoundly influenced workforce management outcomes, general cultural reform, and the development of critical financial and capability governance controls. His achievements bring him enormous credit and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Defence Force.
Air ForceAir Vice-Marshal Gavin Neil Davies CSCAir Vice-Marshal Davies is the epitome of professionalism who has distinguished himself through exceptional leadership in shaping the Royal Australian Air Force of the future; advancing Air Force's relationship with the United States military; and deftly managing change to deliver Air Force's contribution to the Strategic Reform Program. His extraordinary achievements have brought great credit on himself and the Royal Australian Air Force, and are in the finest traditions of the Australian Defence Force.

General Division


Recipient Citation
Peter Charles Achterstratt For significant service to public administration through financial management and governance roles, and to the community.
Dr Vikija Andersons RFD For significant service to medicine as an ophthalmologist and surgeon.
Donald Allen Baxter For significant service to the community as an advocate for people affected by and living with HIV/AIDS.
Ian John Blandthorn For significant service to workforce training and development in the retail, wholesale and personal services industries.
Paul Damien Bongiorno For significant service to the print and broadcast media as a journalist, political commentator and editor.
Sarina Jann Bratton For significant service to tourism, particularly the cruise ship industry, and to business.
Dr Brenton Thomas Broadstock For significant service to music as a composer, educator and mentor.
John Gilbert Brogden For significant service to the community through representational roles with social welfare organisations, particularly Lifeline, to the business and financial sectors, and to the Parliament of New South Wales.
Garry Browne For significant service to the community as a supporter of a range of social welfare, youth, Jewish and environmental organisations, and to business.
James Bruce For significant service to the arts in South Australia, and to the community as a supporter of youth and cultural associations.
John Bryson For significant service to Australian literature, particularly as an author, through contributions to Indigenous youth, and to the community.
Timothy Gerard Bugg For significant service to the law, particularly through executive roles with professional legal organisations, and to the community.
Judith Marion Bundy For significant service to public education through governance and advocacy roles, and to the community of South Australia.
Sue-Ellen Bussell For significant service to industrial relations, as a supporter of women in business, and to the aviation sector.
Professor Phyllis Noemi Butow For significant service to medicine in the field of psychology, as an academic, researcher and author, and to professional organisations.
Andrew Chisholm Cameron For significant service to the visual and dramatic arts through administrative roles.
Sue Campbell-Lloyd For significant service to public health through the promotion of immunisation programs.
Joseph Chakman For significant service to optometry and public health, particularly through policy reform.
Susan Lyndsay Charlton For significant service to the community of South Australia through a range of philanthropic and charitable organisations, and to physiotherapy.
Julian Reginald Clarke For significant service to the Australian print media, and to the community through cultural, health care and economic development organisations.
Sister Pauline Marcella Coll For significant service to the Catholic Church in Australia, and as an advocate for the protection of women and children, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.
Andrew Clive Collett For significant service to the law, as a supporter of Indigenous legal rights, and through contributions to professional organisations.
Carol Lyn Cooke For significant service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games, and through fundraising and representational roles with charitable healthcare organisations.
Dr Carol Cox For significant service to medicine in rural and remote areas as a general practitioner, to education, and to professional medical organisations.
David Charles Crombie For significant service to the meat and livestock industry, and as a supporter of social welfare, primary producer and sporting organisations.
Trevor Egon Danos For significant service to the community through contributions to a range of scientific, education, government, legal and charitable associations.
The Reverend Father Walter Anthony Dethlefs For significant service to youth through a range of advocacy, social justice and welfare roles, and to the community of Brisbane.
The Reverend Father Kevin Joseph Dillon For significant service to the Catholic Church in Australia, to health and social welfare support services, and to veterans.
Brian John Doyle For significant service to the community through roles with philanthropic, education and health research organisations, and to the law.
Emeritus Professor John Ross Egerton For significant service to the livestock industry, particularly the eradication of infectious disease, and to education.
The Reverend Father Michael John Elligate For significant service to the Catholic Church in Australia, to the promotion of ethics in research, and to the community.
Allan Gordon Ezzy APM For significant service to local government in New South Wales, and to the community through law enforcement, church and service organisations.
Paul Clement Fensom For significant service to education as principal of a range of schools, to educational development, and as a mentor.
Professor Ruth Fincher For significant service to education, particularly geography and urban studies, and to national and international geographic associations.
Dr Graham Francis Fleming For significant service to medicine in rural South Australia, and as an advocate in the field of mental health and suicide prevention.
Ian John Folder For significant service to the agricultural sector, particularly horticulture, through the production and development of natural insecticide plants.
Robyn Mary Gaspari For significant service to the community, particularly women, and as a supporter of charitable, youth and social welfare organisations.
Robert Alexander Gell For significant service to conservation, to the protection of coastal and marine environments, and to the community.
Emeritus Professor Andrew Leigh Gilbert For significant service to pharmacy as an educator, researcher and administrator, and to professional organisations.
The HonourablePeter Ross Gray For significant service to the judiciary through the Federal Court of Australia, to legal education, and as a mentor.
Dr Mark Edward Gryst For significant service to dentistry through a range of clinical, research and educational roles, and to professional organisations.
David Capp Hall For significant service to the community as a supporter of a range of church, charitable and social welfare groups, and to business.
Anwar Harb For significant service to the Lebanese community in Australia, particularly to multicultural journalism, and as a supporter of interfaith dialogue.
Bruce Harris For significant service to the performing arts through a range of administrative roles, and to youth.
Dr Stewart Alfred Hart For significant service to medicine as a clinician, particularly in the area of breast cancer research, and to community health organisations.
Bruce Charles Hartnett For significant service to the community through the Australia Day Committee in Victoria, and to education and industrial relations.
Nancye Lee Hayes OAM For significant service to the performing arts, particularly musical theatre, as an actor, choreographer and director.
Kenneth Francis Healey For significant service to the performing arts as an educator, and as a mentor to emerging playwrights.
Ivan Heazlewood For significant service to primary industry, particularly sheep breeding, showing and judging.
Dr Harry Hemley For significant service to medicine through delivering health care to the homeless, and as a general practitioner.
Michael Gordon Hewitson For significant service to education, to the Anglican Church in Australia, and to the community of Unley.
Miriam Joyce High For significant service to people with disabilities, and to the community.
Dr Vernon Barton Hill For significant service to rehabilitation medicine and spinal injuries.
Dr Terence Joseph Hillman For significant service to environmental science in the field of limnology.
Dr Anne Kathleen Hoggett For significant service to environmental research and conservation.
Winthrop Professor Cashel D'arcy Holman For significant service to medicine in the field of epidemiology and public health.
Kim Allan Horne For significant service to the mining sector through a range of executive roles.
Alma Joyce Hudson For significant service to the community through the recording and preservation of Indigenous languages, and to education.
Douglas Egerton Humann For significant service to conservation and the environment.
Gregory Phillip Hutchinson For significant service to the community, to philanthropy, and to business and social enterprise.
Peter John Jopling QC For significant service to the law in Victoria, and to the community.
Peter George Kaye For significant service to youth, and to the community.
The Honourable Justice Stephen William Kaye For significant service to the law and to the judiciary, particularly in the area of Indigenous social justice and cultural awareness.
John Desmond Kelleher PSM For significant service to the community, particularly as a forensic specialist in the field of fire and explosion investigation.
Robert William Kelly For significant service to the performing and visual arts in Queensland through a range of roles, and to the law.
Narelle Anne Kennedy For significant service to business in Australia through a range of policy development and advisory roles.
Associate Professor Richard William King For significant service to medicine as a clinician, educator and administrator, particularly in the areas of health policy development.
Philip Leslie Laffer For significant service to the Australian wine industry as a winemaker, and to trade, marketing, and research and development programs.
Dawn Lawrie For significant service to public administration, particularly as an advocate for social inclusion, and to the Parliament of the Northern Territory.
Colin Campbell McDonald For significant service to tennis as an administrator, to cricket as a player, and to the community.
Professor John David McLaren For significant service to education, particularly the humanities and social sciences, as an academic, mentor and teacher.
Kevin Peter McLintock For significant service to the Australian wine industry through a range of executive roles.
David Charles McMicken For significant service to the performing arts, particularly through the development of Indigenous dance.
Barbara Jean McPhee For significant service to physiotherapy as a practitioner in occupational health, and as an author.
Geoffrey Alan McPherson For significant service to the multicultural community of the Australian Capital Territory through the provision of refugee assistance programs.
Tony Mack For significant service to the performing arts, particularly theatre for children and youth.
The HonourableDr Francis Leslie Madill For significant service to the Parliament of Tasmania, to medicine as a general practitioner, and to the community.
David Allan Maloney For significant service to the visual and performing arts, and to the law, particularly in the natural resources sector.
Steven Anthony Mark For significant service to the law, to legal regulation, social justice and Indigenous rights, and to the community.
Professor Glenn Mark Marshall For significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric oncology.
Ian Martin For significant service to the Wayside Chapel, to business, and to the community.
Elizabeth Anne Mazzei For significant service to nursing through a range of professional and voluntary organisations, and to the community.
Dr David Roy Mills For significant service to science in the field of applied physics, particularly solar energy research and development.
Kieran Modra OAM For significant service to sport as an athlete representing Australia at Paralympic Games, and to people who are blind or have low vision.
Professor Rob Moodie For significant service to medicine through HIV/AIDS research, and through leadership roles in population health and disease prevention programs.
Emeritus Professor Graham Lindsay Morrison For significant service to science in the field of applied physics, particularly renewable energy and solar thermal technologies.
Dr Robin Moncrieff Morrow For significant service to children's literature, and through leadership roles with a range of professional associations.
Dr Brian Keith Morton For significant service to medicine as a general practitioner, and to a range of professional medical organisations.
Didier Marcel Murcia For significant service to the international community through support for the provision of medical and educational resources in Tanzania.
The HonourableMichael John Murray QC For significant service to the judiciary, to law reform and education, and to the community.
Peter Thomas Myers For significant service to sports medicine and orthopaedic surgery.
Paula Nagel For significant service to higher education in South Australia, to the arts, and to the community.
Timothy Maxwell Newth For significant service to the performing arts, particularly through the development of Indigenous dance.
Dr Julia Catherine Newton-Howes For significant service to the international community through executive roles with aid organisations, and to women.
Dr Ian Andrew Nicholson For significant service to medicine in the field of cardiac surgery, and through volunteer outreach programs in the Pacific and Africa.
Janice Kaye Nitschke For significant service to librarianship in South Australia, and to the community.
Professor Ian Eric North For significant service to the visual arts as a photographer, curator and educator.
Dr Michael Anthony Nugent For significant service to dentistry as an orthodontic surgeon, mentor and consultant, and to international dental programs.
Dr Conall O'Connell For significant service to public administration and governance, and to Australia's agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors.
Francis Creagh O'Connor For significant service to cricket through a range of international and domestic governance roles.
Vicki Susan O'Halloran For significant service to people with a disability through roles with a range of organisations, and to the community.
Professor John Harvey Olver For significant service to medicine, particularly the treatment and rehabilitation of acquired brain injuries.
Associate Professor John Herbert Overton OAM, RFD For significant service to medicine, particularly in the area of anaesthesia, through clinical, administration and advisory roles, and to professional organisations.
Associate Professor Carolyn Denton Palmer For significant service to the community, particularly to people who are blind or have low vision.
Norma Evelyn Pearce For significant service to people with a disability, and to the community of Mansfield.
Cheryl Elizabeth "Shelly" Peers For significant service to primary education, particularly science, to curriculum development, and to professional organisations.
Andrew Michael Penfold For significant service to the Indigenous community, particularly through the provision of educational programs for students.
Dr Lee-Anne Elizabeth Perry For significant service to secondary education as a principal, to curriculum development, and to professional educational associations.
Adele Deirdre Rice For significant service to secondary education, and to the refugee and migrant community, particularly through the provision of specialist learning and settlement programs.
Dr William Daniel "Bill" Roberts For significant service to the community through roles in health administration and as a general practitioner.
Margaret Amelia Rodgers For significant service to the Anglican Church of Australia through governance and representational roles, and to ecumenical affairs.
Professor David Keith Round For significant service to business and commerce, particularly in the areas of competition policy and market regulation.
Phillip Kenneth Ruthven For significant service to business and commerce, and to the community.
Arnold Desmond Saint For significant service to the community of South Australia through roles with a range of aged care, education and sporting organisations.
David Harry Savage For significant service to international relations through roles in development aid, human rights abuse and war crime investigations, and peacekeeping.
Robert Russell Savage For significant service to business, particularly the profession of accountancy through a range of roles, and to the community.
Dr Heather York Schnagl For significant service to education as a school principal, and through roles with professional organisations.
Dr Moira Jean Scollay For significant service to vocational education and training, and to public sector management reform.
Andrew Paul Sheahan For significant service to secondary education as a teacher, and through roles with sporting, charitable and community organisations.
Bernard Smith For significant service to science and technology, and to the community of Tallangatta.
Ian William Smith For significant service to aviation through promotional and development roles, to the air show industry, and to the community.
Dr Paul Douglas Stalley For significant service to medicine, particularly the treatment of bone and soft tissue cancers.
Frederika Elsje "Freddie" Steen For significant service to the refugee and migrant community as a supporter and advocate.
William George "Bill" Stefaniak RFD For significant service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory through a range of elected, appointed and voluntary roles.
William John Storer For significant service to the visual arts, particularly through the development of regional and community museums.
Major Sumner For significant service to the Indigenous community of South Australia through contributions to health, social welfare, youth and cultural heritage organisations.
The HonourableDr Ross Alan Sundberg QC For significant service to the law as a judge, reporter and educator
Dr Ross Lindsay Tellam For significant service to science through research roles in the field of livestock productivity and sustainability.
Liesl Tesch For significant service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games, and through the promotion and facilitation of sport for people with disabilities.
Professor Alexander "Ross" Thomas For significant service to education through the study and advancement of educational administration.
Patrick Alan Thomas MBE For significant service to music, particularly as a conductor and broadcaster.
David Wemyss Tillett For significant service to the sport of sailing.
Andrew Arnold Tink For significant service to the Parliament of New South Wales, to local history, and to the law.
Dr Phillip Gregory Truskett For significant service to medicine, particularly the development and practice of surgery.
Dr Lyle Vail For significant service to environmental research and conservation.
Peter Nicholas V'Landys For significant service to horseracing through a range of executive roles.
Richard Tresillian Walsh For significant service to primary industry through the agricultural show movement in South Australia, and to the community.
Professor Catherine Anne Warner For significant service to the law, particularly in the areas of legal education and reform, and to the community.
Dr Guy Wilkie Warren OAM For significant service to the visual arts as a painter, teacher, mentor and competition judge.
Dr James Edwin Watts For significant service to primary industry, particularly wool production.
Leslie Robert Wielinga For significant service to the public sector through the development and administration of roads and infrastructure.
Dr David Morgan Williams For significant service to the community of the Illawarra region.
Dr Philip Laurence Williams For significant service to business as an economist, and to the community.
Dr Peter Martin Winterton For significant service to youth through a range of child protection roles, and to medicine.
Dr Barbara Ann Woodward For significant service to international relations through business and charitable organisations.
Murray Lewis Yaxley † For significant service to community health through support for medical research, and to education.
Her Honour Mary Anne Yeats For significant service to the law, particularly Indigenous justice.
Professor Graeme Paul Young For significant service to medicine through a range of research, clinical and academic roles, particularly in the area of gastrointestinal health.
Klaus Zimmerman For significant service to aged persons through executive roles with support organisations.

Military Division


Branch Recipient Citation
Navy Captain Michael James Rothwell RAN For exceptional performance of duty as Director Information, Communication and Technology Capability Coordination in the Chief Information Officer Group, and as Amphibious and Afloat Support Group Capability Manager.
Commodore Andrew John Smith RAN For exceptional service as a senior logistics officer in Navy, Joint Operations Command, United States Joint Staff and the Defence Materiel Organisation, between 2002 and 2012.
Army Brigadier Paul Thomas Blood For exceptional service as Commander of the 5th Brigade
Colonel Leonard Basil Brennan For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in the field of health support as Director Health, Headquarters Joint Operations Command; Director Army Health; and Senior Medical Officer, Combined Team Uruzgan.
Colonel Natasha Anne Fox CSC For exceptional performance of duty as Chief of Staff, Headquarters Joint Task Force 633 on Operation SLIPPER from June 2012 to January 2013.
Lieutenant Colonel Jason Mitchell Logue For exceptional service in the areas of Military Public Affairs and Information Operations for the Australian Defence Force, particularly as Senior Military Public Affairs Officer in Headquarters Joint Operations Command.
Colonel Kevin Charles Packham CSM For exceptional performance of duty in the field of Defence Logistics and as Director of Operations and Training Area Management.
Major General the Honourable Justice Richard Ross Tracey RFD For exceptional service in the field of military law, as a consultant for the Director of Army Legal Services, and as Judge Advocate General of the Australian Defence Force.
Air Force Air Commodore Anthony Patrick Grady For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in Air Combat Development.
Air Vice-Marshal Neil Campbell Hart For exceptional service as Commander Air Combat Group and Head Joint Capability Coordination Division.
Air Commodore Terence John Saunder For exceptional service in the fields of commercial contracting and technical airworthiness regulatory reform.

General Division


Recipient Citation
Vera Lillian Abell For service to the community, coordinating charitable donations.
Douglas Andrew Adam For service to the community of Taroom.
Dr Ghayath Al-Shelh For service to the community of the Bankstown region, particularly youth.
Michael James Anderson For service to sport as a Gold Medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Margaret Mary Andrews For service to the Catholic Church in Australia through a range of marriage education programs.
Gwenyth Ethel Anning For service to the community of Peaceful Bay.
Wayne Richard Anthoney For service to Indigenous Australians, and to the performing arts.
Dr Trevor George Appleton † For service to education through the teaching and promotion of chemistry.
Rory Edward Argyle For service to the community, and to the law
Christopher John Arthur For service to conservation and the environment.
Kathleen Joy Ashton For service to the community through drug and alcohol support services.
Robert Barry Asquith For service to the community through the promotion of local events and projects.
Edward George "Ted" Atchison For service to the community of the Hunter Valley through service and sporting organisations.
Michael Christopher Auprince For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Brenda Aynsley For service to the information and communications technology sector.
Dr Ian James Baguley For service to medicine, particularly brain injury rehabilitation.
Marjorie May Bailey For service to the community through contributions to music organisations.
Peter Andrew Baines For service to international humanitarian aid in Thailand.
Gladys Bak For service to veterans and their families.
Robert Richard Bak
Joseph Nicholas Bakhash For service to the community of Cloncurry.
Dr Pratish Chandra Bandopadhayay For service to the Bengali and Nepalese community.
Ronald Frederick Barker For service to cultural heritage, particularly the history of fire services.
Dr Ramzi Barnouti For service to the community through a range of multicultural and health organisations.
The Reverend Trevor Phillips Barrett For service to the community through roles within the adult education sector.
John Robert Barwick For service to the community, particularly through the Uniting Church in Australia.
Thomas John Bascombe For service to the community of the Eyre Peninsula.
Ryley Douglas Batt For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Luigi Bazzani For service to the food and wine tourism industry.
Andrew Garth Beadle For service to the civil aviation industry, particularly air traffic management.
Julian John Beaumont For service to the arts, and to health and care of the aged community.
Dr Jurriaan Jan Beek For service to medicine, and to the community.
Mathew Anthony Belcher For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Charles Frederic Belford For service to the community of Western Australia.
Eric John Beautel For service to the community of Caboolture.
Beverley Narelle Bird For service to music, and to the community of Albany.
M Shirley Bishop For service to the community of Gympie.
Dorothy May Blacker For service to the community of Cobar.
Robert McChristie Blacklow For service to the arts through the production of fine furniture and marquetry.
Allan William Bligh For service to general aviation.
Ian Henry Bock For service to the arts through a range of photographic associations, and to the community.
Norman Bodinnar For service to the community of Nyah West.
Bruce John Bolam For service to the community of Bathurst.
Christopher Adam Bond For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Michael James Bourke For service to the community of Trafalgar.
Peter William Boyer For service to conservation and the environment, particularly in the field of climate science.
Jennifer Anne Bradbury For service to nursing, and to the Goulburn Valley community.
Jane Kristine Bridges For service to education through support for Indigenous needs within the Catholic education system.
Carole Anne Broadhead For service to the Sapphire Coast community, and to charitable organisations.
Dr Belinda Jane Brown For service to medicine in the field of breast cancer treatment.
Elsie May Brown For service to the community, particularly through charitable and church organisations.
Dr James Boyner Brown For service to medical education, and to the community.
Gillian Jayne Brownhill For service to the conservation of Australian fauna.
Anthony Malcolm Bruce For service to veterans and their families, and to the community.
William Francis Buckle For service to the motor vehicle industry as a designer and retailer
Rhonda Suzanne Burchmore For service to the performing arts, and to the community.
Leonie Ruth Burgess For service to highland dancing.
John Burke For service to athletics.
Donald Hamish Cameron For service to the entertainment industry.
Cate Natalie Campbell For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Peter McEachern Campbell For service to yachting as a journalist.
Guido Canale BEM For service to the Italian community.
Maureen Louise Capp For service to the community of Melbourne, particularly through advocacy roles for residents.
John Robert Carlyon For service to the welfare of veterans and their families.
Cameron Michael Carr For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games
Eric Ronald Carrigan For service to the community, particularly to people with a disability.
Caroline Mary Carroll For service to the community, particularly to persons raised in institutional or other out-of-home care.
David Burleigh Carter For service to veterans and their families.
Kelly Anne Cartwright For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Peter "Clary" Castrission For service to international relations through providing educational opportunities to people in India.
Dr Graham William Cato For service to community health, and to surf lifesaving.
John Victor Chandler For service to local government, and to the City of Stonnington
Christopher Tony Chant For service to the community of Albury through a range of community organisations.
Andrew Lachlan Chapman For service to the arts as a photographer.
Clifford Lawrence Chapman For service to veterans, and to the community.
Michael Donald Chapman For service to music as a songwriter, producer and teacher.
Neville Donald Charlton For service to the community of the Central Coast.
Keith Chenhall For service to the community of Traralgon.
Doreen Gladys Cherry For service to the community of the North Shore.
Dean Nelson Chaflin For service to marine and maritime art.
Neville John Clark MC For service to education.
Christine Helen Clausen For service to the community through creative support for charitable and health organisations.
Jacob Peter Clear For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Susan Cleary PSM For service to civil liberties advocacy, and to the Glebe community.
Marie Edith Clements For service to the community, particularly through a range of health and disability support organisations.
Blake John Cochrane For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Brenda Joyce Cochrane For service to the preservation of the marine environment.
Ellie Victoria Cole For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Maureen Margaret Colgan For service to the community through a range of organisations.
John Cook For service to people with Meniere's disease, and to people with vision impairments.
Noele Rosemary Cook For service to the community, particularly through advancement of the status of women.
Philip William Cooper For service to the insurance industry, and to the Scouting movement.
Amy Patricia Cordwell For service to the community of Yandina.
Temple Beverley Cornish For service to the Uniting Church in Australia, and to the community of Orange.
Alicia Jayne Coutts For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Geoffrey Bruce Cramer For service to the recreational fishing industry in Victoria.
Helen Creagh For service to the community of Mundaring.
Douglas Norman Cremer For service to the arts as an administrator.
Howard Mackay Croker For service to the sport of rowing.
Kevin Charles Croker For service to the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
Ellen Iris Cuff For service to the blind and those with low vision.
Donald Maxwell Culley For service to the community of Buderim.
Christine Cumpsty For service to youth through the Scouting movement.
Ken Cunningham For service to the community of Balaklava.
Michael John Curry For service to veterans.
Kay Danes For service to the community through promoting social justice and human rights.
James Edmund Davern For service to television as a writer, director and producer.
Honey Davey For service to the community, particularly to women and youth, through social welfare programs.
Gael Davies For service to the arts, and to the community.
Dr Margaret Davies For service to science in the field of herpetology.
Meg Davoren-Honey For service to the visual arts, and to the community.
Andrew John Dawes For service to athletics as a wheelchair track and road coach.
Nicholas Grant Dean For service to sport, particularly athletes with a disability.
Ronald Edward "Ron" De Cruz For service to the community of Christmas Island.
Kevin James Deem For service to the community of Bundaberg through sports administration.
Raelene Denham For service to the community through St John Ambulance.
Richard Alan Dent For service to people with a disability.
Jack Andrew Dickenson For service to the community of Eden.
Richard William "Bill" Dixon † For service to the community of north western Sydney.
Peter John Doak For service to sport, and to the community of Geelong.
Barbara Frances "Babs" Donaldson For service to the community of the Riverina.
Neil Kirkwan Donaldson For service to Australian rules football in Western Australia.
Joseph D'Onofrio For service to the sport of fencing.
James William Dougherty For service to surf lifesaving, and to the community.
Paul Dovico For service to accountancy, and to the community.
Katherine Rose Downie For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
John Henry Dowse For service to the welfare of the aged through a range of health initiatives.
Wendy Margaret Drowley For service to the performing arts.
Robert William Duncan For service to business and commerce, and to the community.
Lucinda Joanne Dunn For service to the performing arts through ballet.
Glenn Dwarte For service to the community of Illawarra through philanthropic works.
Katia Mary Dwarte For service to the community of Illawarra through philanthropic works.
Jillian Isobel Dwyer For service to the arts as a voluntary guide and administrator
Edith Helen Edmonds For service to the community through the arts.
Elizabeth Ann Edwards For service to veterans.
Pastor Mark Llewelyn Edwards For service to the church, and to the community of Ipswich.
Alan George Eley AFSM For service to the community of Echuca.
Robyn Yvonne Elkington For service to youth.
Maddison Gae Elliott For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Margaret Glendon Ellis For service to the community of Kyogle.
Brittany Joyce Elmslie For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Dr Imad Mark Eltenn For service to the community, and to dentistry.
David John Epper For service to children affected by the autism spectrum, and to the community.
Nazim Erdem For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Timothy John Erickson For service to race walking.
Kevin Francis Erwin For service to social welfare through the provision of humanitarian aid in Vietnam.
E Doug Evans For service to the communities of Wangaratta and Yarrawonga Mulwala.
Wayne Henry Evans For service to the law, and to the community of the Mid-North Coast.
Kenneth William Falconer For service to the community of Doncaster.
William Geoffrey Falkenberg For service to primary industry through executive roles with apiculture associations.
Adrian Brett Farquharson For service to youth, and to the community.
Ann Shirley Ferguson For service to local government, and to the community.
Colin Latham Ferguson For service to the community.
Kendall Murray Ferguson For service to the community of Putty.
Reginald John "Reg" Ferguson For service to the community of Dubbo.
Adrian Giacomo Fini For service to the arts in Western Australia.
Daniel Gerard Fitzgibbon For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Jane Christina Flemming For service to athletics, and to the community.
Dolace Frances Ford † For service to the community as an advocate for animal rights.
Joann Helen Formosa For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Winston Fraser For service to the community through service groups.
Dr Christopher Moses Fredericks For service to dentistry, particularly in rural and remote areas.
Jacqueline Rose Freney For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Esther Gayle Frenkiel For service to the Jewish community.
Katherine Jean Fullagar For service to netball in New South Wales.
Patricia Vincent Galligan For service to the community through service groups.
Walter Henry George For service to the community, particularly as a budgerigar breeder and judge.
Adrian Gibson For service to the arts, to agriculture, and to the Parliament of Australia.
Averil Hope Gibson † For service to the community of the Blue Mountains, and to infant health in remote areas.
John Peter Gillett For service to the community of the Eurobodalla Shire.
Leonard Eric Glastnbury For service to the community, particularly through Meals on Wheels.
Barbara Godwin For service to education, and to the Anglican Church in Australia.
Lucy "Norma" Gordon For service to the community, particularly through floral art organisations.
Albert Green For service to athletes with a disability.
Colin Charles Green For service to education in Victoria.
Joan Margaret Green For service to the community, particularly through the heritage and conservation of historic properties.
Dr Darryl John Gregor For service to ophthalmology, and to education.
Fay Ellen Griffin For service to the community, particularly through the provision of financial support programs.
Carol Fleur Grigg For service to families affected by Aspergers syndrome.
Jacob Israel Gringlas For service to the Jewish community, and to education, particularly through philanthropic works.
The Reverend David Arthur Groves For service to international relations, and to the Baptist Union of Australia
Norma Grubb For service to the community of Benalla through a range of organisations.
Radhey Shyam Gupta For service to the arts through classical Indian music.
William Rawson Gye For service to the community of Scotland Island.
Matthew Anthony Haanappel For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Barry Albert Hall For service to the community as an entertainer and radio announcer.
Brenden John Hall For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Professor Ruth Milne Hall For service to science in the field of microbiology.
Virginia Hall For service to the community of Townsville through a range of volunteer organisations.
Susan Joy Halmagyi † For service to conservation and the environment.
David Elliott Ham For service to education, and to the community through voluntary roles.
Vicki Dorothy Hamilton For service to the community through support for people with asbestos-related diseases.
Suzanne Laura Hampel For service to the community through the promotion of understanding and tolerance.
Merridee June Hardinge For service to the community of Hobsons Bay
Dr Peter William Harries For service to the media industry as a television entertainer and producer, and to the community.
Raymond Brian Harrington For service to primary industry, particularly in the development of agricultural machinery
Andrew John Harrison For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Spencer Wallace Harvey For service to the community, and to education.
Courtney Robert Hawke For service to the community of Orange, particularly through a range of arts organisations.
Dr Timothy Francis Hawkes For service to education, and to professional organisations.
Anthony John Hay For service to local government, and to the community.
Marjory Jean Hayes For service to the community of the Wynnum region.
Andrew Stewart Hegh For service to the construction industry, and to the community of Mount Isa.
Margaret Anne Hemmings For service to the community of Chapman.
Leonie Catherine Hempton For service to the community through music.
Neville James Henderson For service to youth, and to the community of western Sydney.
Stanley Charles Henke For service to the communities of Minyip, Rupanyup and Murtoa.
Christina Karen Hindhaugh For service to the community of Balmoral, and to women in agriculture.
Edna Joan Hindle For service to the community of Theodore.
Rosanna Russell Hindmarsh For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory.
Valerie Hobson For service to the community through the preservation of the history of the Western Australian shearing industry
Alan Hodge † For service to the communities of Table Top and Albury
Todd Hodgetts For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
John Robert Holt For service to sport, particularly through surf lifesaving, ironman and triathlon competitions and administration.
William Patrick Hopkins For service to industrial relations, and to the community.
Olga Horak For service to the Jewish community.
Rachel Anne Hore For service to the community through choral music.
Major James Charlton Horton (Retired) For service to veterans and their families.
Joshua Anthony Hose For service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Dr John Roland Howes For service to education, and to the community.
John Donald Howie For service to the community of Mansfield.
George William Hudson For service to the community of Bicheno.
Rupert Osman Hudson For service to the community, and to rugby league football.
Harold John HuntFor service to Indigenous communities in New South Wales.
Carmel Margaret HurstFor service to aged care, particularly through innovative housing programs.
John Graeme IngramFor service to the refugee community.
Betty Margaret IrelandFor service to nursing, and to the community of Balmain.
Thomas Eric JacobFor service to the community through philanthropic contributions to a range of organisations.
John Quentin JeffriesFor service to the community, particularly to people with a disability.
Iain Valjean JensenFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Ronald Geoffrey JohansonFor service to the arts, particularly as a cinematographer and film director.
Felicity Jane JohnsonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
James Edward JohnstonFor service to the community of East Gippsland through a range of organisations.
Richard Raymond JohnstonFor service to the sport of rugby league football as a referee and as an administrator.
Robin William JonesFor service to veterans.
William Rex JoryFor service to journalism, and to the community of South Australia.
Gregory Michael Joseph ASMFor service to the community of Moonta.
Robert Alan JoskeFor service to the entertainment and sports industries.
Roslyn Mary JoslinFor service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory.
Associate Professor Marie Rose JoyceFor service to psychology as an educator and practitioner, to the disadvantaged and homeless, and to refugees.
Christopher Peter KeatingFor service to the welfare of veterans and their families.
John Anthony KeeffeFor service to motor sports, and to the community.
Earl KelaherFor service to the welfare of veterans and their families, and to the community of Liverpool.
Noel Trevor KelkFor service to the community through the surf lifesaving movement.
Leo KellerFor service to the arts, particularly choral music.
Maureen Anne KellyFor service to Indigenous communities in Western Australia.
David Neil KempeFor service to the community, and to cricket.
Paul John KennedyFor service to conservation and the environment.
The Reverend Father Kevin KerleyFor service to the international community through humanitarian roles in Papua New Guinea.
Andrew Patrick KerrFor service to the community, and to water polo.
Associate Professor James Forrester KingFor service to medicine, particularly in the field of perinatal epidemiology.
Paul Arthur KingFor service to the community of Inverell through a range of social welfare programs.
Annamaria Eva KinnonFor service to the arts as an administrator and benefactor.
Cameron James KissFor service to the international community through a range of humanitarian assistance roles.
Elmer KnobelFor service to the community of Moree.
Cheryl Jane KoenigFor service to people with disabilities, their families and carers.
Kay Frances KolskyFor service to hockey, particularly as a coach and mentor.
Judith Ann KranenFor service to veterans and their families.
Yolane Nicole KuklaFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Terence Francis LaneFor service to the arts, particularly fine and decorative art.
William Man-Chick LauFor service to the Chinese community in Victoria.
Christopher Jebaratnam LawtonFor service to the Sri Lankan community.
Carmen LazarFor service to the Assyrian community.
Lester William LeamanFor service to the community through the Scouting movement, and to men's health programs.
Colin James LeeFor service to the community of the Ballina region.
Heather LeeFor service to athletics through masters race walking, and to the community.
Colonel John Hamilton Lee RFD, ED (Retired)For service to veterans, and to the community of Mentone.
Associate Professor L Slade LeeFor service to science, particularly biological research.
Nellie LeeFor service to the community of Bellingen through church, social welfare and veterans organisations.
Pieter Diedrich Leeflang PSMFor service to the Dutch community of Western Australia.
Jason Peter LeesFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Irene Gloria LeightonFor service to the communities of Bowden and Brompton.
David Frederick LeonardFor service to the community of Nundle.
Joyce Elaine LeslieFor service to the community of the Onkaparinga Valley.
Matthew John LevyFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
David Lithgow LewisFor service to people with a disability, particularly through international aid programs.
David James LiddiardFor service to Indigenous youth, sporting and employment programs.
Dr John LindseyFor service to medicine as a consultant physician.
Fay Lorraine LinnettFor service to the community of Ivanhoe.
Dr Peter David LivingstoneFor service to medicine as an anaesthetist.
Fred LizzioFor service to the communities of Babinda and Innisfail.
William James LlewellynFor service to the community of Ballarat.
Kristina Ellen LloydFor service to education.
Barbara Fay LongFor service to netball.
Felicity Anne LordFor service to the community through the promotion of equal opportunities for women.
David John Lovell†For service to local government in Tasmania.
June Elizabeth LuptonFor service to the community of Rosebery.
Kevin Charles Lupton
Marjory Janet McCormackFor service to the community of Leeton.
The Reverend Dr Timothy Ross McCowanFor service to the community through interfaith programs.
Maree Carol McDermottFor service to the community of Western Sydney, particularly through social welfare organisations.
Anthony James McEnearneyFor service to the community through social welfare organisations.
John Francis McEvoyFor service to education, and to the community of Wodonga.
Geoffrey William McGearyFor service to tourism.
Ronald Neil McGlincheyFor service to the community of Boulia Shire, and to local government.
Ronald William McGrathFor service to veterans.
Daniel William McGurganFor service to the community of Cadell.
Douglas James McIntyreFor service to the transport industry, and to the community.
Lucille Mildred McKennaFor service to nursing in New South Wales, and to local government.
Ron McLeanFor service to journalism as an editor, and to the community.
Scott Matthew McPheeFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Duncan John McPhersonFor service to harness racing, and to community health organisations.
Jack Nguyen MaFor service to the Chinese community of Victoria.
Andrew Henry MackenzieFor service to the community of Marysville, to the arts, and to the preservation of local history.
Jill MadewFor service to the community of Adaminaby.
Lyn MageeFor service to people with a disability, and to the community.
Richard William MagnusFor service to the Jewish community, and to the catering industry.
The Reverend Father Peter Desmond MaherFor service to religion, and to the community through a range of programs promoting acceptance and diversity.
Stephen Andrew ManosFor service to the Greek community.
David Michael ManziFor service to the community of the Blue Mountains.
Mary Gertrude MarleyFor service to hockey as an administrator.
Loretta Josephine MarronFor service to community health.
Luke Leonard MarsdenFor service to medicine in the field of podiatry.
Peter MartinFor service to veterans and their families, and to the community of the Echuca region.
Noel MaughanFor service to the Parliament of Victoria, to agriculture, and to rural health.
Lynette Joan MayoFor service to the community of the Mid North Coast.
Cody MeakinFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Dr Paul Andrew MeesFor service to public transport and urban planning as an academic and advocate for creating sustainable cities.
Peter MercerFor service to local government, and to the community of Colac-Otway.
Lyndey Shirley MilanFor service to hospitality, particularly the food and wine industry, and to the community.
Dr Janis Ann MilburnFor service to education, and to veterans and their families.
Dr Brian David MillsFor service to higher education, and to the community.
Jim MilloyFor service to the community of Morawa, and to Australian rules football.
John Joseph MoranFor service to the community through involvement in charitable organisations.
Andrew "Drew" MorphettFor service to sport as a radio and television commentator, broadcaster and presenter.
Stephanie MortonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Ailsa MoyleFor service to the arts in the community of Innisfail.
Judith MuirFor service to the environment and to tourism in the Mornington Peninsula area.
Bernadine MulhollandFor service to community health as a physiotherapist.
Reginald Schilling MunchenbergFor service to the community of Truro and district through a range of historical, community and agricultural organisations.
George Robert MunroFor service to sport through administrative and coaching roles with basketball and wrestling organisations.
Peter Murray MurtonFor service to information technology, and to the community.
Leslie John NankervisFor service to athletics, particularly through coaching roles.
Rex NankervisFor service to the community of Benalla.
Carolyn Gwen NasserFor service to people with a disability in Queensland.
The Reverend Father John Lawrence NeillFor service to education, and to the Catholic Church in Australia.
Janette Elizabeth NeilsonFor service to local government, and to the community of the Bega Valley.
Dr Romney Adair NewmanFor service to medicine as a physician, and to the community.
Benaiah Thomas NewtonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Tay Van NguyenFor service to veterans and their families.
David Aron NicholasFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Angelo Lambrinos NotarasFor service to the Greek community, particularly through the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.
Bryan NyeFor service to the rail transport industry, and to the business sector.
William Andrew OakleyFor service to the community through voluntary roles with youth, service and recreational organisations.
Barry John O'BrienFor service to the community through a variety of charitable organisations, and to the media industry.
Robert John O'NeillFor service to social welfare, to the disadvantaged, and to the community.
Rodney Stephen O'ReaganFor service to the welfare of veterans and their families, and to military history.
Alan William OuldFor service to the community of Benalla.
Nathan James OutteridgeFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Anthony Scott Oxford ASMFor service to the community, particularly through St John Ambulance Victoria.
Dr David Alan ParkerFor service to dentistry.
Desmond Reece ParkerFor service to the media, and to the community.
Gwen ParkerFor service to the community of Glen Innes.
Michael Ronald ParslowFor service to tennis.
Andrew Bruce PasterfieldFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Dr Noel John PattersonFor service to the advancement of the chiropractic profession.
William PayneFor service to the community through reform of radio communications regulation.
Philip Lucas PeachFor service to business and commerce as a designer and manufacturer.
Sally PearsonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Denis PercyFor service to the community, and to recognition of international policing.
William Alex PewtressFor service to cricket.
Robert Samuel PhillipsFor service to the community, particularly through commemoration of the Rats of Tobruk.
John Kenneth PocheeFor service to music as a jazz musician.
Dr James Byrne PollittFor service to medicine as a general practitioner, and to the community.
David Peter PoolFor service to the community, and to emergency services.
Dr Susan Jennifer PowellFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Thomas Stephen PowerFor service to the Irish community, particularly through commemoration of the Great Irish Famine.
Ken Preiss†For service to conservation and the environment, and to the community.
Pastor Grahame Edward PricterFor service to the Scouting movement, and to the Uniting Church.
William Ross PullingFor service to veterans and their families.
Associate Professor Geoffrey Grant QuailFor service to medicine, particularly through dentistry.
Ronald James QuintonFor service to the horseracing industry.
George Baseem RabieFor service to the Penrith community.
Marie Veronica RadfordFor service to Catholic education, and to the community.
Professor George Ramsey-StewartFor service to surgical education.
Michael RandallFor service to disadvantaged youth.
Antonio RandazzoFor service to business, and to the community.
Giuseppe "Joe" Randazzo
Garry ReedFor service to sport in the Willunga region.
Anne ReidFor service to the Jewish community of Sydney.
David Arthur ReidFor service to the promotion of bushwalking, and to the community.
Leonie ReidFor service to people in Perth with a disability.
Maree Anne RennieFor service to the education of deaf children, particularly those with additional needs, and to their families.
James Michael ReyneFor service to the performing arts as a singer/songwriter, and through support for a range of charitable organisations.
Patricia Loris RichardsonFor service to women, and to the community of Nambucca Heads.
Marie Therese RileyFor service to the community, particularly as a historian and author.
Kevin Peter RioloFor service to rugby league football.
Lieutenant Commander Ronald Keith Robb RAN (Retired)For service to the Baptist Church in New South Wales, particularly as an archivist.
Kevin Lewis RobertsFor service to the community, particularly through Rotary International.
Shirley Anne Roberts
John Ormiston RobertsonFor service to the performing arts as a producer and mentor.
Babara Irene RobinsonFor service to the community as an advocate for human rights.
Raymond Keith RochowFor service to the community through sporting, child and aged care organisations.
Josephine Ann RogersFor service to Australian rules football.
Murray John RogersFor service to sports administration, and to the community of Ipswich.
Antonio RosaFor service to the Australian-Italian community of Brisbane.
John Kenneth RossFor service to local government, and to the community.
Warren Eric RosserFor service to judo.
Craig Ernest RossiterFor service to veterans and their families.
Patricia Elsie RubenachFor service to the communities of Fingal and Hobart.
Jennie RussellFor service to women's affairs, and to the community.
Susan "Sue" SackerFor service to people with a mental illness, to local government, and to the community of Manly.
Shirley Porter SampsonFor service to the community through a range of organisations.
Robert SchofieldFor service to the community, particularly through local government.
John Lewis SchumannFor service to music, and to the veteran community.
Jean Farley ScottFor service to the community, and to local government.
Ryan ScottFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Joseph James Seddon†For service to surf lifesaving.
Kenneth Ian SemmlerFor service to the community, and to education through the Lutheran Church of Australia.
Michael ShapiroFor service to the community of Rose Bay.
Warren James SharpeFor service to engineering, and to the community.
Roderick James ShearingFor service to geography.
Peter Anthony SheedyFor service to engineering, particularly in the field of non-destructive testing.
Alan Frederick Sherlock OBEFor service to the Scouting movement, and to the community.
Paul Anthony ShermanFor service to the arts as a poet and playwright, and to education.
Lindsay Ronald ShowyinFor service to the manufacturing industry, and to professional associations.
Zita Wilton SidawayFor service to the community, particularly women's affairs.
Noela Mary SikoraFor service to the community.
Robert Charles SimFor service to the community through a range of organisations.
Kumarasamy SivakumarFor service to education.
Lilly Anne SkurnikFor service to the community, particularly those with low vision.
Thomas David SlingsbyFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Michael Harvey SmeeFor service to education, and to the community.
Ann Valerie SmithFor service to the community through the mental health sector.
David William SmithFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Tate Aaron Smith
Margaret Patricia SnodgrassFor service to the community of Willoughby.
Janet Somerville-CollieFor service to the community of Western Sydney.
Father William Terrence "Terry" SoutherwoodFor service to the Catholic Church in Tasmania, and as an author of historical and religious publications.
David William SpethmanFor service to local military history.
Margaret Ann SpinksFor service to the community of Hunters Hill.
Shirley StanburyFor service to music, and to the community of Busselton.
Robert James StanleyFor service to motor sport.
Jean Sudan St ClairFor service to nursing, and to the community of Goondiwindi.
Philip Andrew StenhouseFor service to the community through youth support programs.
Allan Barry StephenFor service to the blind, and to people with low vision.
The Honourable Tom StephensFor service to Indigenous affairs, and to the Parliament of Western Australia.
Brian Malcolm StevensonFor service to the community.
Geoffrey StewartFor service to the mining industry.
Murray Scott StewartFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Norman Valentine St Leon AEFor service to aviation, and to the community.
Rosemary StockleyFor service to the welfare of veterans and their families.
Dr Oskar Günther StünznerFor service to the livestock industry in Samoa and the Pacific region.
Mark Raymond SutherlandFor service to the community of Marysville, particularly after the 2009 Victorian fires.
John Clive SymondsFor service to the community of Wynyard.
Geoffrey Leonard TamblynFor service to cricket.
Pieta Anne ThorntonFor service to victims and witnesses of crime.
Ray Douglas TitusFor service to the media as a sports photographer.
Dale Robert TollidayFor service to the community through the provision of social welfare services.
Catriona Bowen TonaciaFor service to mental health through programs to address post-traumatic stress disorder.
Dr Christine Ellen Tracey-PatteFor service to women's affairs.
Dennis Robert TriggFor service to the community of Lake Macquarie.
Dr John Charles VanceFor service to the blind, and to people with low vision.
John VinallFor service to the community of Gippsland.
Dr Peter Robert WakefordFor service to medicine, and to the community.
Helen Marion WalkerFor service to people with disabilities.
Kathryn WalkerFor service to early childhood education.
Dr Richard Howell WalkeyFor service to medicine as a General Practitioner, and to the community.
Dorothy Elizabeth WardFor service to the community, particularly through the Country Women's Association of Victoria.
Ian Charles WatersFor service to youth through the Scouting movement.
Prudence Elise WattFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Associate Professor Bruce Philip WaxmanFor service to medicine as an administrator, educator and clinician.
Robert Travers "Bob" WeaverFor service to the community, particularly through nursing in mental health and disability services.
David WellsFor service to the preservation of cricket history.
Max WellsFor service to surfing, and to the community.
Susan Elizabeth WhelanFor service to local government, and to the community of the Queanbeyan region.
Michael WhiteFor service to the community of Wellington.
Sian Alexandra WhiteFor service to international relations, particularly through tuberculosis prevention programs in the Pacific region.
Raymond WhitingFor service to the community of Gerringong.
Beverley Joy WildFor service to the communities of Woodford and Peachester.
Ivan George Wild
Annabelle Josephine WilliamsFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Leon Roy Williams AFSMFor service to the community of Shepparton.
Gary Austin WilsonFor service to the community, particularly through Toastmasters International.
Jim WilsonFor service to the community of Glen Innes.
Tamara WinikoffFor service to the visual arts.
John WinterbottomFor service to the community as an historian.
Francis Wi Yuong WongFor service to business, and to the community.
Helen Josephine WoodFor service to swimming through technical roles.
Irene Pohleng WoodFor service to community health.
Paul James WorthingtonFor service to the arts.
Dorothy Yuen YiuFor service to the Chinese community through the support of cancer patients and carers.
Edward Roy YoungFor service to the community, particularly as an advocate of human rights for gay and lesbian people.
Gordon YulineFor service to the Indigenous community.

Military Division


Branch Recipient Citation
Navy Chief Petty Officer Raymond John Beasy CSM For meritorious service in the field of Naval Gunnery and Seamanship.
Commander Lewis Patrick Gaha RAN For meritorious service as the Navy Reserve Career Manager, Elections Liaison Officer for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, Director of Navy Ministerial Coordination, and Director of Navy Reputation Management.
Army Warrant Officer Class One Ian Albert D'arcy For meritorious service as Regimental Sergeant Major of 9th Battalion, the Royal Queensland Regiment, 8th/9th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, and the Mentoring Task Force Four in Afghanistan 2012.
Warrant Officer Class One Matthew John Dingley For meritorious service to the Australian Army in a variety of personnel management and force structure modernisation roles.
Major Peter Morton Green For meritorious service as Regimental Sergeant Major of the Incident Response Regiment, the 8th Combat Engineer Regiment, and the 16th Aviation Brigade.
Major Jason Ross Gregson For meritorious performance of duty as Operations Officer, 138th Signal Squadron, Officer-in-Charge of Force Protection, and Instructor in Advanced Training Wing of the Defence Force School of Signals.
Warrant Officer Class Two Jason Glenn Stafford For meritorious performance of duty as an Army Physical Training Instructor at the Royal Military College, and Manager Physical Training and Wing Sergeant Major to Trainee Rehabilitation Wing, School of Military Engineering.
Air Force Warrant Officer Brenton Alan Bell For meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force in leadership and safety
Group Captain Carl Frederick Schiller CSM For meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force in Reserve development and management.

Meritorious Service


Public Service Medal (PSM)

Public Service Medal ribbon
Branch Recipient
Australian Public Service David Edward Banham
Dr Raymond Paul Canterford
Ms Kim Louise Clarke †
Ms Tania Joy Constable
Tony Robert Cook
Ms Rebecca Mary Cross
Dr Rhondda Gay Dickson
Dr Nicholas Gerrit Hartland
Ian Robert McKenzie
Dr Anthony Joseph McLeod
Ms Susan Lee Page
Dr Simon Pelling
Terance John Price
Anthony James Slatyer
New South Wales
Public Service
James Eugene Baldwin
Christopher John Crawford
Dr Robert Creese
David John Evans
Ms Heather Gray
Mrs Rosemary Anne Hailstone
Ted Hoare
Christopher Denton Leach
Robert Mulas
Ross Henry O'Shea
Mrs Rhondda Gai Vassallo
Public Service
John Bennie
Ms Lynette Kaye Brown
Gregory Bruce Byrne
Bruce Thomas Colcott OAM
Garry Philip Ellis
Mrs Beverley Ann Garratt
Dr Rosemary Ann Lester
John Nimon Mooney
Dr Eugenie Mary Tuck OAM
Public Service
Professor Michael Ian Cleary
Dale Robert Dickson
Dr Richard John Eden
Peter James Rourke
Dr Catherine Yelland
Western Australian
Public Service
Ms Elisabeth Harris
William Albert Preston
Ian Trevor Smith
South Australian
Public Service
Ms Pauline Mary Barnett
Barry Alan Goldtein
Mrs Pamela June Martin
Public Service
Peter Rex Conway
Northern Territory
Public Service
Francis Gerard McGuiness
Dr Lorna Faye Melville AM

Australian Police Medal (APM)

Australian Police Medal ribbon
Branch Recipient
Australian Federal PoliceDetective Sergeant Therese Lauren Barnicoat
Superintendent Brad Barton
Assistant Commissioner Michael James Outram
New South Wales Police ForceSergeant Glenn Roy Griffiths
Inspector Lynette Kaesler
Detective Inspector John Maricic
Detective Sergeant Andrew Paul Marks
Sergeant Robert Peter Minns
Detective Inspector Christopher Raymond Olen
Sergeant Karen Mercia Owen
Detective Superintendent Wayne George Starling
Inspector Richard Paul Steinborn
Victoria PoliceSenior Sergeant Gregory John Davies
Sergeant David John Dimsey
Commander Douglas John Fryer
Superintendent Brett Page Guerin
Assistant Commissioner Tracy Linford
Sergeant Deryn Caroline Ricardo
Queensland PoliceSergeant Kate Amelia Bailey
Sergeant Dimitrios (Jim) Bellos
Assistant Commissioner Robert William Gee
Detective Senior Sergeant Kelly Harvey
Senior Sergeant Erwin Hoffmann
Inspector Ian Andrew Thompson
Western Australia PoliceSuperintendent Craig Robert Donaldson
Inspector Paul Gervase La Spina
Detective Inspector Kylie Maree Whiteley
South Australia PoliceDetective Senior Sergeant Joanne Sharman
Detective Chief Inspector Stephen John Taylor
Senior Constable First Class Peter John Thompson
Tasmania PoliceInspector Glenn Anthony Lathey
Constable First Class Roderick Lee Warrington
Northern Territory PoliceDetective Superintendent Tony James Fuller
Detective Senior Sergeant Peter John Schiller

Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM)

Australian Fire Service Medal ribbon
State Recipient
New South Wales Jennifer Gail Butt
Gerrard Anthony "Gerry" Byrne
Gregory Fredericks
William Arthur King
Sean McArdle
Charles Leslie May
Noel Waldo Scales
Graham John White
Christopher Wilhelm
Peter Edward Williams
Victoria David John Gerrard
Tony Lovick
David Andrew Nugent
Andrew Bernard O'Connell
Peter Andrew Schmidt
Michael Patrick Whitty
Queensland Ian Aubrey Ames
Kenneth Beasley
Wally Gordon Gray
Alan Gregory Jorgensen
Peta Louise Miller-Rose
Phillip Karl Paff
Western Australia Brian Peter Landers
Gregory Alan Mair
Noel Raymond Plowman
South Australia Yvette Lee Dowling
Richard Peter Gray
Michael John Morgan
Joseph William Tilley
Tasmania Hugh William Jones
Trevor Leslie Kingston
Rodney James Moore
Australian Capital Territory Philip Ronald Canham
Northern Territory Trevor Michael "Terry" Trewin

Ambulance Service Medal (ASM)

Ambulance Service Medal ribbon
State Recipient
New South Wales Stan Harrold
Murray Anthony Traynor BM
Victoria Ralf Harries
Grant Alan Hocking
Sandra Mai Loats
Peter William Phillips
Queensland Lachlan Edward Parker
Keith James Smith
Western Australia Peter Montgomery
Ashley Gerard Morris
Peter Stuart Wood
South Australia Robert James Elliott
Tasmania Leigh Maxwell Higgins ESM
Gregory Roy Knowles
Jack van Dalen

Emergency Services Medal (ESM)

Emergency Services Medal ribbon
Branch Recipient
New South Wales Emergency ServicesGina Marie Mammone
Raymond Bruce Willett
Victoria Emergency ServicesMartin Stephen Forber
Stanley Oliver Hendy
Queensland Emergency ServicesAnthony John Fenner
Margaret Ann Garbutt
Wayne Derek Preeedy
Western Australia Emergency ServicesMerrilyn May Hide
John Murray Iffla
South Australia Emergency ServicesJohn Edge
Theresa Esther Purvis
Tasmanian Emergency ServicesPaul Branch
Harold Deverell
Susan Jane Powell
Northern Territory Emergency ServicesMichelle Thomas

Gallantry, Distinguished and Conspicuous Service


Medal for Gallantry (MG)

Medal for Gallantry ribbon
Branch Recipient Citation
Army Corporal Michael Patrick Chalk In the Tangi Valley, Afghanistan, Corporal Chalk's partnered patrol came under effective machine gun, sniper and small arms fire from an enemy force occupying dominating terrain. Corporal Chalk risked his life time and again by moving through open ground and enemy fire to support Afghan National Army soldiers, restoring order and confidence. His actions helped regain the initiative and undoubtedly saved lives.
Sergeant 'J' Following an improvised explosive device explosion in a compound in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, Sergeant J cleared safe paths to two casualties using only his bare hands and a mine prodder. He continued to clear and evacuate other members of the patrol to safety, discovering additional devices, recovering mission essential equipment and gathering intelligence. His actions undoubtedly saved lives. Sergeant J's gallantry in the most hazardous circumstances was of the highest order and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Australian Army and the Australian Defence Force.

Commendation for Gallantry

Commendation for Gallantry ribbon
Army Corporal Anthony Patrick ClarkeFor acts of gallantry in action while commanding a high risk search team in the 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment Task Group, in Khas Uruzgan, Afghanistan, on 2 September 2012.
Private JFor acts of gallantry in action while on operations with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Private LFor acts of gallantry in action while on operations with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.

Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC and Bar)

Distinguished Service Cross & Bar ribbon
ArmyLieutenant Colonel IFor distinguished command and leadership in warlike operations as Commanding Officer of Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.

Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

Distinguished Service Cross ribbon
ArmyMajor KFor distinguished command and leadership in warlike operations as an Officer Commanding with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.

Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Distinguished Service Medal ribbon
ArmyCaptain AFor distinguished leadership in warlike operations as an Officer Commanding with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Major Gregory John ColtonFor distinguished leaders hip in warlike operations as Officer Commanding Mentoring Team Charlie, 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment Task Group on Operation SLIPPER from June to November 2012.
Major GFor distinguished leadership in warlike operations as an Officer Commanding with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Captain Anthony William HarrisFor distinguished leadership in warlike operations as mobile advisory group commander in Mentoring Team Charlie, 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment Task Group on Operation SLIPPER from June to November 2012.
Colonel Benjamin Nicholas James AM For distinguished leadership in warlike operations as part of Combined Team Uruzgan on Operation SLIPPER.
Sergeant KFor distinguished leadership in warlike operations as a patrol commander with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Major LFor distinguished leadership in warlike operations as an Officer Commanding and as the Executive Officer with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Captain NFor distinguished leadership in warlike operations as a platoon commander with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.

Commendation for Distinguished Service

Commendation for Distinguished Service ribbon
NavyCommander John Stavridis RANFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as Commanding Officer HMAS Anzac on Operation SLIPPER from June 2012 to January 2013.
ArmyCorporal Steven Patrick CourtFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as the second-in-command of an infantry section in 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment Task Group in Khas Uruzgan, Afghanistan, in August 2012.
Lieutenant Colonel Brendan Patrick CoxFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as Chief of Staff of the 205th Corps Coalition Advisory Team on Operation SLIPPER from March to September 2012.
Brigadier Dianne Maree Gallasch AM CSCFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as Director General Transition and Redeployment on Operation SLIPPER from January to December 2012.
Lieutenant Colonel James Andrew HammettFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as the Chief of Staff, Headquarters Combined Team Uruzgan on Operation SLIPPER from January to October 2012.
Captain NFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as an Officer-in-Charge with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Lance Corporal Errol John ParsonsFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as an Engineer Search Brick Commander, Mentoring Task Force 4, in Afghanistan from January to July 2012.
Major RFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as an Officer Commanding with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith VC MGFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as a patrol commander with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Lieutenant Colonel SFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as an Officer Commanding with the Special Operations Task Group, and as a Special Operations Forces Staff Officer on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan.
Major Phillip WhiteheadFor distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as Officer Commanding the 4th Brigade Operational Mentoring Liaison Team on Operation SLIPPER from January to June 2012.
Air Force Air Commodore Christopher James Sawade CSC For distinguished performance of duty in warlike operations as Deputy Commander Joint Task Force 633 on Operation SLIPPER from March to November 2012.

Bar to the Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC and Bar)

Conspicuous Service Cross and Bar ribbon
NavyCommander Jan Elizabeth Noonan CSC RANFor outstanding achievement as Deputy Director Navy Category Management (Warfare).

Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC)

Conspicuous Service Cross ribbon
NavyLieutenant Commander Richard John Foster RANRFor outstanding achievement as Project Officer at Training Authority-Aviation and the development of the Aviation Support Category training package.
Commander Lawrence Harry Stubbs RANRFor outstanding devotion to duty as Project Manager Fleet Regulatory Review Implementation Team in Fleet Command.
ArmyLieutenant Colonel David Anthony BishopFor outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Grade One Legal at Headquarters Joint Operations Command.
Lieutenant Colonel Glen Jeffrey BraithwaiteFor outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Grade One-Base Support in the Directorate of Logistics-Army.
Lieutenant Colonel David Lindsay GarsideFor outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Grade One Joint Effects Plans at Headquarters Joint Operations Command.
Sergeant JFor distinguished achievement and contribution to facilities management with the 2nd Commando Regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel Amanda Alice JohnstonFor outstanding achievement as a staff officer within Modernisation and Strategic Plans Division of Army Headquarters.
Lieutenant Colonel David Anthony LynchFor outstanding achievement in support of the fielding of the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter from 2002 to 2012.
Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Noel OrchardFor outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Grade One Workforce Reform within Personnel Branch-Army Headquarters.
Air ForceWing Commander Karen Elizabeth AshworthFor outstanding achievement in strategic personnel reform of the Royal Australian Air Force.
Squadron Leader Anthony Mark KayFor outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Force Generation, Headquarters Number 84 Wing.
Squadron Leader Phillip Scott Mackie CSMFor outstanding devotion to duty as leader of the Propulsions Integrated Project Team within the Airlift Systems Program Office in support of operational capability.
Wing Commander Colin Edward O'neilFor outstanding achievement as Deputy-Director for Air Mobility, Capability Development Group.

Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM)

Conspicuous Service Medal ribbon
NavyPetty Officer Philip Eric AndrewFor meritorious achievement as supervisor of the Circuit Card Assembly Test and Repair Facility-Fleet Support Unit West, and as an Electronics Technician in the rectification of defects on Collins Class Submarines and Surface Ships.
Petty Officer Mitch Ryan AtkinsFor meritorious achievement as Marine Technician Instructor at the Training Unit, Anzac Ship Support Centre; developing the computer-based Anzac-class frigate Platform Training System for training Anzac class Marine Technicians.
Chief Petty Officer James David BishopFor meritorious devotion to duty as Senior Technical Officer in ASSAIL SIX.
Leading Seaman Lauren Elizabeth KingFor meritorious achievement as a Recruit School Instructor in HMAS Cerberus.
Warrant Officer Shannon Leigh LockeFor meritorious devotion to duty as Hydrographic Surveying Category Manager at the Directorate of Navy Category Management, Director General Navy People.
Commander Michael Samuel Oborn RANFor meritorious achievement as the Executive Officer, HMAS Cerberus.
Chief Petty Officer Steven David PatersonFor meritorious devotion to duty as Chief Petty Officer Marine Technician in charge of propulsion systems in HMAS Warramunga while it was assigned to the Training Task Group.
ArmyLieutenant Colonel John Terence BouloukosFor meritorious achievement as the Staff Officer Grade Two Sustainment within the Directorate of Logistics-Army.
Corporal Rohan James CowleyFor meritorious achievement as Communications and Information Systems Detachment Commander for the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Project 2012.
Chaplain John Anthony CrosbyFor meritorious devotion to duty as Chaplain of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment.
Warrant Officer Class Two Paul Ronald DabinetFor meritorious achievement as Manager Company Operations, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, while serving in the Modernisation and Strategic Plans-Army.
Warrant Officer Class Two Paul Ashley DehnertFor meritorious achievement as Reconnaissance Warrant Officer for Tactics Wing, School of Infantry.
Sergeant Timothy Edwards GrayFor meritorious achievement as a Corporal Transport Supervisor in the 1st Combat Service Support Battalion and contribution to transport capability in the 1st Brigade.
Colonel Russell John MaddalenaFor meritorious achievement as Director of Operational Plans in Headquarters Joint Operations Command.
Major John Francis PearseFor meritorious achievement as Officer Commanding A Squadron (Victorian Mounted Rifles), 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Lighthorse Regiment.
Warrant Officer Class Two Melinda Ann PriceFor meritorious achievement as Chief Clerk of the 6th Brigade (Combat Support and Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Group).
Warrant Officer Class Two Graham Kenneth Roberts For meritorious devotion to duty as Psychology Liaison Officer, Defence Force Recruiting.
Warrant Officer Class One Clint William Robertson For meritorious achievement as Artificer Sergeant Major of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment and the 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry).
Sergeant SFor meritorious achievement and contribution to a specialist capability at the Special Air Service Regiment.
Major Peter Nathan ScottFor meritorious achievement as the Personnel Operations and Personnel Plans Major at Headquarters 1st Division.
Air ForceFlight Sergeant Sean Alan BellFor meritorious devotion to duty as a senior non-commissioned officer and Ground Systems Technical Lead for Project AIR5376 Phase 2 Stage 3 at Tactical Fighter Systems Program Office.
Sergeant Ewan Gordon EadieFor meritorious achievement as Unit and Facility Security Manager at Number 1 Squadron during the introduction to service of the F/A-18F Super Hornet.
Squadron Leader Jason Malu EasthopeFor meritorious achievement as Plans Officer Number 81 Wing Headquarters and as a tactical leader within Number 81 Wing.
Warrant Officer Michelle Patricia FoleyFor meritorious devotion to duty as Amberley Detachment Warrant Officer at Number 1 Combat Communications Squadron.
Flight Lieutenant David John SavinaFor meritorious achievement as Instructor at Surveillance and Control Training Unit.
Sergeant Donovan SilverwoodFor meritorious achievement as the Training Manager with in Project CORONIS, Electronic Systems Division, Defence Materiel Organisation.
Sergeant Leeton Bruce WebbFor meritorious achievement as Senior Non-Commissioned Officer and Instructor at the Royal Australian Air Force School of Technical Training.

Meritorious Unit Citation

Meritorious Unit Citation
ArmyForce Communications Unit, Australian Defence ForceFor sustained outstanding service in warlike operations through the provision of communications support to the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia from 15 March 1992 to 7 October 1993.


  1. "Companion (AC) in the General Division of the Order of Australia" (PDF). Website of the Governor General of Australia. Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 26 January 2014.
  2. "Companion (AC) in the Military Division of the Order of Australia" (PDF). Website of the Governor General of Australia. Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 January 2014. Retrieved 26 January 2014.
  3. "Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order of Australia" (PDF). Website of the Governor General of Australia. Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 January 2014. Retrieved 27 January 2014.
  4. "Officer (AO) in the Military Division of the Order of Australia" (PDF). Website of the Governor General of Australia. Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat. Retrieved 26 January 2014.
  5. Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia (A-L)
    Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia (M-Z)
  6. Member (AM) in the Military Division of the Order of Australia
  7. Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division (A-E) Archived 2017-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
    Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division (F-L)
    Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division (M-R)
    Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division (S-Z)
  8. Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the Military Division
  9. Meritorious Service
  10. "Gallantry, Distinguished and Conspicuous Service" (PDF). Website of the Governor General of Australia. Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 January 2014. Retrieved 26 January 2014.
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