2017 World Russian Draughts Championship

The 2017 World Draughts-64 Championship held in Saint Peterburg, Russia. 64 players from Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America competed in the tournament, which started on October 20, 2017, and ended on October 28, 2017. The tournament was played in hotel «Moscow». The winning prize for the tournament was about three million rubles (about US$52,000). At the same time, the Women's World Draughts Championship was held. Championship played in classic (at the Russian draughts), rapid (at the Brazilian draughts) and blitz (at the Russian draughts) formats.

Classic program

Rules and regulations

In the first stage participants played Swiss-system tournament with 8 rounds. To define the places with equal points used of Buchholz system. The first 16 participated in the final. The final was in the play-off form. Two points were given for each win, one point for each draw, no points for each loss. Players from 17 to 64 played additionally Swiss-system tournament with 2 rounds.

The final classification is based on the total points obtained. If two or more players have the same total points to define the places:

1. Number of points scored by all competitors (Buchholz coefficient)

2. Number of points scored by opponents, excluding the lowest result (reduced Solkof coefficient)

3. Match up to the first victory with a shorter time controls: a classic game — 5’+3” till the end of the game for each participant.

Preliminary stage

GMI — international grandmaster

MI — international master

MF — master FMJD

Place Name Country Title Rating Points Buchholz coeff. Reduced Solkof coeff.
1. Vladimir Egorov  Russia GMI 2496 11 80
2. Damir Rysaev  Russia MI 2335 11 79 72(-1)
3. Andrus Kibartas  Lithuania GMI 2419 11 79 71(-1)
4. Arunas Norvaisas  Lithuania GMI 2416 11 76 70(-1)
5. Domantas Norkus  Lithuania MI 2341 11 76 69(-1)
6. Mirat Zhekeev  Kazakhstan GMI 2375 11 73
7. Igor Mikhalchenko  Belarus GMI 2458 11 72
8. Gavril Kolesov  Russia GMI 2481 11 69
9. Sergey Belosheev  Russia GMI 2500 11 67
10. Nikolai Guliaev  Russia MF 2359 11 66
11. Oleg Dashkov  Russia GMI 2476 10 77
12. Ion Dosca  Moldova GMI 2433 10 74
13. Dmitriy Tsinman  Russia GMI 2475 10 70
14. Vladyslav Mazur  Ukraine GMI 2383 10 69
15. Michael Semyaniuk  Belarus MI 2368 10 67
16. Vladyslav Antonovich  Ukraine MI 2261 10 66
17. Andrei Valyuk  Belarus GMI 2495 9 78
18. Arno Uutma  Estonia GMI 2301 9 76
19. Vladimir Skrabov  Russia GMI 2495 9 75
20. Nicolay Struchkov  Russia GMI 2447 9 74 66(-1) 58(-2) 50(-3) 42(-4)
21. Aliaksei Kunitsa  Belarus MI 2241 9 74 66(-1) 58(-2) 50(-3) 41(-4)
22. Genadij Shapiro  Germany GMI 2369 9 71
23. Denis Shkatula  Ukraine MI 2379 9 70
24. Vilius Aleknavicius  Lithuania MI 2306 9 67 63(-1)
25. Andrei Gnelitskii  Russia MI 2331 9 67 62(-1)
26. Madalitso Thomu Juma  Malawi 2100 9 67 60(-1)
27. Aleksandr Burov  Russia GMI 2404 9 64
28. Denis Dudco  Moldova MI 2425 9 62
29. Eugeny Kondrachenko  Belarus GMI 2398 8 74
30. Alisher Artikov  Uzbekistan GMI 2245 8 73
31. Samandar Kalanov  Uzbekistan GMI 2311 8 71 65(-1)
32. Martins Junkurens  Latvia MF 2243 8 71 64(-1)
33. Dmitrii Lond  Russia 2243 8 68 64(-1)
34. Dmitrii Melnikov  Russia MI 2313 8 68 62(-1)
35. Marcelo Francisco  Brazil MI 2154 8 65
36. Farhad Arslanov  Turkmenistan MF 2138 8 64 60(-1)
37. Ruslan Pescherov  Russia MI 2327 8 64 59(-1)
38. Choisuren Burmaa  Mongolia 2100 8 61
39. Lukanga Mambwe  Zambia 2130 8 60
40. Alexander Bleicher  Germany MF 2214 8 59
41. Diogenes Chong  Jamaica 2100 8 51
42. Anton Van Berkel  Netherlands 2117 7 63 57(-1) 51(-2)
43. Mwamba Richard Muganza  Democratic Republic of the Congo GMI 2167 7 63 57(-1) 50(-2)
44. Ed Pergament  United States 2100 7 58
45. Aslan Aslanli  Azerbaijan MI 2283 7 56
46. Patrick Umala  Uganda 2100 7 55
47. Sudian Suckram  Jamaica 1900 7 54 51(-1)
48. Wayne Alphonso Reid  Jamaica 2100 7 54 50(-1)
49. Stepan Kovalenko  Kazakhstan 2082 7 52
50. Clifford Tsamba  Zimbabwe 2125 6 62 58(-1)
51. Krzysztof Juszczak  Poland 2137 6 62 56(-1)
52. Dan Isabirye  Uganda MF 2171 6 58
53. Jerve Muangu  Republic of the Congo MF 2085 6 52
54. David Khabuliani  Georgia 2100 6 51
55. Frank Laurent  France MF 2134 6 47 47(-1) 43(-2) 37(-3) 31(-4) 24(-5) 17(-6)
56. Ephrame Demissie Woldegeorgis  Ethiopia 2100 6 47 47(-1) 43(-2) 37(-3) 31(-4) 24(-5) 16(-6)
57. Bogdan Yanev  Bulgaria MF 2071 6 42 42(-1) 39(-2)
58. Bekele Getachew Temtime  Ethiopia 2100 6 42 42(-1) 38(-2)
59. Edijs Novickis  Malta MF 2179 5 52
60. Celso Cipriano  Mozambique 2100 4 59
61. Nshan Alaverdyan  Armenia 2100 4 57
62. Yuri Goldshtein  Israel 2085 4 52
63. Horacio Lourenco  Mozambique 2100 3 43
64. Timofey Fagbemiro  Nigeria 2004 0 51


1-8 places
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
1 Russia Vladimir Egorov112
8 Russia Gavril Kolesov110
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
2 Belarus Igor Mikhalchenko112
7 Russia Damir Rysaev110
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
3 Lithuania Andrus Kibartas112
6 Kazakhstan Mirat Zhekeev112
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
4 Lithuania Arunas Norvaisas12
5 Lithuania Domantas Norkus10
9-16 places
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
9 Russia Sergey Belosheev12
16 Ukraine Vladyslav Antonovich10
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
10 Russia Nikolai Guliaev10
15 Belarus Michael Semyaniuk12
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
11 Russia Oleg Dashkov12
14 Ukraine Vladyslav Mazur10
Place Name Classic Rapid Blitz
12 Moldova Ion Dosca110
13 Russia Dmitriy Tsinman112


For 1-4 places
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Vladimir Egorov10
Belarus Igor Mikhalchenko12
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Lithuania Andrus Kibartas12
Lithuania Arunas Norvaisas10
For 5-8 places
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Damir Rysaev10
Russia Gavril Kolesov12
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Lithuania Domantas Norkus110
Kazakhstan Mirat Zhekeev112
For 9-12 places
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Sergey Belosheev12
Belarus Michael Semyaniuk10
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Oleg Dashkov110
Russia Dmitriy Tsinman112
For 13-16 places
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Nikolai Guliaev112
Ukraine Vladyslav Antonovich110
Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Moldova Ion Dosca112
Ukraine Vladyslav Mazur110


Match for 1 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Lithuania Andrus Kibartas10
Belarus Igor Mikhalchenko12

Match for 3 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Vladimir Egorov2
Lithuania Arunas Norvaisas0

Match for 5 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Kazakhstan Mirat Zhekeev0
Russia Gavril Kolesov2

Match for 7 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Damir Rysaev10
Lithuania Domantas Norkus12

Match for 9 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Sergey Belosheev110
Russia Dmitriy Tsinman112

Match for 11 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Oleg Dashkov2
Belarus Michael Semyaniuk0

Match for 13 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Russia Nikolai Guliaev10
Moldova Ion Dosca12

Match for 15 place

Name Classic Rapid Blitz
Ukraine Vladyslav Mazur12
Ukraine Vladyslav Antonovich10

Final standing

Place Name Country
1. Igor Mikhalchenko  Belarus
2. Andrus Kibartas  Lithuania
3. Vladimir Egorov  Russia
4. Arunas Norvaisas  Lithuania
5. Gavril Kolesov  Russia
6. Mirat Zhekeev  Kazakhstan
7. Domantas Norkus  Lithuania
8. Damir Rysaev  Russia
9. Dmitriy Tsinman  Russia
10. Sergey Belosheev  Russia
11. Oleg Dashkov  Russia
12. Michael Semyaniuk  Belarus
13. Ion Dosca  Moldova
14. Nikolai Guliaev  Russia
15. Vladyslav Mazur  Ukraine
16. Vladyslav Antonovich  Ukraine
17. Andrei Valyuk  Belarus
18. Vladimir Skrabov  Russia
19. Aliaksei Kunitsa  Belarus
20. Denis Dudco  Moldova
21. Samandar Kalanov  Uzbekistan
22. Nicolay Struchkov  Russia
23. Denis Shkatula  Ukraine
24. Vilius Aleknavicius  Lithuania
25. Andrei Gnelitskii  Russia
26. Aleksandr Burov  Russia
27. Eugeny Kondrachenko  Belarus
28. Alisher Artikov  Uzbekistan
29. Martins Junkurens  Latvia
30. Marcelo Francisco  Brazil
31. Arno Uutma  Estonia
32. Genadij Shapiro  Germany
33. Madalitso Thomu Juma  Malawi
34. Dmitrii Lond  Russia
35. Dmitrii Melnikov  Russia
36. Farhad Arslanov  Turkmenistan
37. Ruslan Pescherov  Russia
38. Lukanga Mambwe  Zambia
39. Alexander Bleicher  Germany
40. Mwamba Richard Muganza  Democratic Republic of the Congo
41. Patrick Umala  Uganda
42. Dan Isabirye  Uganda
43. Anton Van Berkel  Netherlands
44. Aslan Aslanli  Azerbaijan
45. Wayne Alphonso Reid  Jamaica
46. Clifford Tsamba  Zimbabwe
47. Choisuren Burmaa  Mongolia
48. Diogenes Chong  Jamaica
49. Ed Pergament  United States
50. Sudian Suckram  Jamaica
51. Krzysztof Juszczak  Poland
52. Jerve Muangu  Republic of the Congo
53. David Khabuliani  Georgia
54. Frank Laurent  France
55. Bogdan Yanev  Bulgaria
56. Bekele Getachew Temtime  Ethiopia
57. Stepan Kovalenko  Kazakhstan
58. Ephrame Demissie Woldegeorgis  Ethiopia
59. Edijs Novickis  Malta
60. Nshan Alaverdyan  Armenia
61. Celso Cipriano  Mozambique
62. Yuri Goldshtein  Israel
63. Horacio Lourenco  Mozambique
64. Timofey Fagbemiro  Nigeria

Rapid program

In the first stage participants played Swiss-system tournament with 9 rounds at Brazilian draughts. The first 4 participated in the semifinal and final.

The classification is based on the total points obtained. If two or more players had the same total points, the following was used to decide the placings:

1. Number of points scored by opponents, excluding the lowest result (reduced Solkof coefficient)

2. Number of points scored by all competitors (Buchholz coefficient)

There were 72 participants from 43 countries.

Time control: 7’+5” till the end of the game for each participant.


Place Name Country
1. Igor Mikhalchenko  Belarus
2. Gavril Kolesov  Russia
3. Sergey Belosheev  Russia

Blitz program

In the first stage participants played Swiss-system tournament with 9 rounds at Russian version draughts. The first 4 participated in the semifinal and final.

The classification is based on the total points obtained. If two or more players will have same total points to define the places:

1. Number of points scored by all competitors (Buchholz coefficient)

2. Number of points scored by opponents, excluding the lowest result (reduced Solkof coefficient)

There were 74 participants from 43 countries.

Time control: 3’+2” till the end of the game for each participant.


Place Name Country
1. Gavril Kolesov  Russia
2. Igor Mikhalchenko  Belarus
3. Oleg Dashkov  Russia
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