
Excessivism is an art movement. In 2015 American artist and curator Kaloust Guedel introduced it to the world[1] with an exhibition titled Excessivist Initiative.[2][3][4][5] The review of the exhibition[6] written by art critic and curator Shana Nys Dambrot, titled "Excessivism: Irony, Imbalance and a New Rococo" was published in the Huffington Post.[6] Its early adopters go back to late 20th century.[7][8][9]


Kaloust Guedel, Art work representing excessivism group, 2014.

Excessivism is a reflection, examination, or investigation of every aspect of life in excessive state with particular consideration of areas that have real and consequential effect on members of society. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, economics, politics and psychology. Its economic criticism is a commentary on economic materialism, and the desire to acquire material goods beyond one's needs.[6]

Excessivism depicts the excessive use of resources in an exaggerated way using two- or three-dimensional visual creations, written or spoken words, or in any other medium. It aims to reflect, examine, or investigate the capitalist system, devoid of aesthetic, legal, commercial, ethical, moral, racial, or religious considerations.[3][10]


The inaugural exhibition of Excessivism took place in LA Artcore Brewery Annex gallery with the title "Excessivist Initiative".[3] And the Excessivism Manifesto was published in Downtown News weekly in September 2015.[11][12] According to an art critic Shana Nys Dambrot, the idea was conceived in the studio of the founder based on his personal realizations of his relationship as a consumer with the capitalist environment.[6] Excessivism was introduced to the Los Angeles art scene in November 2014 in the Red Pipe gallery in an exhibition titled Excess The New Norm. It was curated by art critic, publisher and curator Mat Gleason.[13]

The inaugural exhibition included works by Brett Baker, Christophe Baudson, Andrew Dadson, Ian Davenport, Jonas Etter, Kaloust Guedel, Don Harger, Zhu Jinshi, Fabian Marcacio, Roxy Paine, Scott Richter, Samvel Saghatelian, Elizabeth Sheppell, Michael Toenges, Michael Villarreal, Danh Vō, Cullen Washington, Jr., Brigid Watson, Leslie Wayne, Ai Weiwei and Zadik Zadikian.[4]

By 2019, Excessivism expanded beyond visual forms to include fashion and music.[14][15][16][17]


  • Fashion Thinking: Creative Approaches to the Design Process, by Fiona Dieffenbacher, 2021 [18]
  • Adidas Originas by Ji Won Choi Releases Second Collection, Adidas News, July 17, 2019[19]
  • Art As Commodities As Art, Inbal Strauss, June 14, 1019[20]
  • A Dude Aikes, "Nothing Lasts... 'Forever Bicycles' Sculpture Departs Austin, Texas", May 23, 2019[21]
  • Paraphernalia: Material Agency and Musical Excess", Larry Goves Bath Spa Composers, January 7, 2019[22]
  • Excessivism, Ranch Soil: music released September 28, 2019[16]
  • Excessivism, Krolik: music released October 10, 2018[23]
  • The journey of the most controversial Chinese Artist and Activist – Ai Weiwei, DoerLife, by Rukshana K [24]
  • Ethically Chic: Designer Ji Won Choi Gets Deep About Sustainable Fashion, Hong Kong Tatler, by Isabel Wong, May 31, 2018[25]
  • Week 2 - AOTW 2 - Ai Weiwei, Art 110, by Salim Qafaiti, October 1, 2017 [26]
  • Artists on the Cutting Edge, by Addison Fach, December 1, 2017[27]
  • Art & Museum, Pg. 48, Autumn 2017[28]
  • Ji Won Choi "Shows with Adidas for London Fashion Week Presentation", Snobette, February 17, 2019[29]
  • Emerging Designer Ji Won Choi: Between Excessivism and Sustainable Fashion, The Fashionatlas, by Lidia La Rocca, 28 September 2017[30]
  • Vogue, "This Parsons x Kering Empowering Imagination Finalist Is Tackling the Excesses of Overconsumption Head On", May 8, 2017, by Nicole Phelps[31]
  • 'EXCESSIVISM: A Visual Representation of Over-Consumption,[32] by MORGAN STUART NOVEMBER 26, 2017
  • 'Medium, "Artists on the Cutting Edge",[33]
  • HiSoUR, "Excessivism, Art Element Society"[34]
  • Diversions LA, February 8, 2017, by Genie Davis[35]
  • "La Pietra Dialogues", Ai Weiwei.Libero: A Contemporary Revolutionary, by Nana Apraku, Sep. 26, 2016[36]
  • Artcopyblog, Kaloust Guedel's Excessivism and the Rise of Donald Trump", by Brenda Haroutunian, JUNE 26, 2016[37]
  • WideWalls Magazine, "Excessivism – A Phenomenon Every Art Collector Should Know", by Angie Kordic, January 2016[38]
  • weebly, Week 2 – AOTW 2 – Ai Weiwei, June 10, 2017[26]
  • SUSTAINABILITY vs EXCESSIVISM", Fauve Penketh, 2017[39]
  • Your Observer, "Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Used More Than 400,000 Legos to Create His Piece Focused on the Chinese Zodiac", by Brynn Mechem[40]
  • Lolo the Donkey and the Avant-Garde That Never Was: Part 1, by Kevin Buist, March 30, 2016[41]
  • Asbarez, (Armenian), by Ani Tadevosyan, January 13, 2016[42]
  • Gallereo Magazine, "The Newest Art Movement You've Never Heard Of", Nov. 20, 2015[43]
  • CaliforniaNewswire, New Art Movement, Excessivism, Is a Commentary on Economic Materialism, Nov. 02, 2015[44]
  • Downtown News, Excessivism Manifesto, September 28, 2015, page 10
  • Kaloust Guedel: Excessivist Initiative, Curate LA, Oct., 2015[45]
  • Excessivism: Irony, Imbalance and a New Rococo. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 2015-10-12.[46]
  • Picasso And The Chess Player, by Larry Witham, 2013[47]


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  10. The Official Site of Excessivism – A 21st Century Movement|url = http://excessivism.com/
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  13. "Red Pipe Gallery: Kaloust Guedel: Excess The New Norm". ArtSlant. Archived from the original on 24 November 2016. Retrieved 14 October 2015.
  14. Emerging designer Ji Won Choi: between Excessivism and sustainable fashion https://www.thefashionatlas.com/en/atlas_en/emerging-designer-ji-won-choi-sustainable-fashion.php
  15. Larry Goves: Paraphernalia: material agency and musical excess, Bath Spa Composers, January 07, 2019 https://bathspacomposers.james-saunders.com/?p=107 Archived 2019-12-08 at the Wayback Machine
  16. "Excessivism, by Ranch Soil".
  18. Dieffenbacher, Fiona (10 December 2020). Fashion Thinking: Creative Approaches to the Design Process. ISBN 9781350082762.
  19. "Adidas Originals by Ji Won Choi releases second collection". 17 July 2019.
  20. https://www.york.ac.uk/media/crems/Art%20as%20Commodities%20Programme.pdf
  21. "Nothing Lasts… "Forever Bicycles" Sculpture Departs Austin, Texas". 23 May 2019.
  22. "Larry Goves: Paraphernalia: Material agency and musical excess (Sonic Materialities Lab). Wednesday 23 January, 12-2pm (CM.107). – CREATIVE SOUND FORUM". Archived from the original on 2019-12-08. Retrieved 2019-09-19.
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  25. "Ethically Chic: Designer Ji Won Choi Gets Deep About Sustainable Fashion".
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  27. "Artists on the Cutting Edge". December 2017.
  28. "Art and Museum - Autumn 2017 by Family Office Magazine - Issuu".
  29. "Ji Won Choi Shows with Adidas for London Fashion Week Presentation". 17 February 2019.
  30. "Emerging designer Ji Won Choi between Excessivism and sustainable fashion". 28 September 2017.
  31. "This Parsons x Kering Empowering Imagination Finalist is Tackling the Excesses of Overconsumption Head on". 9 May 2017.
  32. "A Visual Representation of Over-Consumption by Designer Ji Won Choi". 26 November 2017.
  33. https://medium.com/@1111Arts/artists-on-the-cutting-edge-b6f537a3441d by Addison Fach, December 01, 2017
  34. "Excessivism". 21 January 2018.
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  36. "AI Weiwei.Libero: A Contemporary Revolutionary – LPD Blog". Archived from the original on 2020-09-19. Retrieved 2020-01-03.
  37. Brenda Haroutunian (2016-06-26). "Kaloust Guedel'S Excessivism And Trump'S Rise To Power". Artcopyblog.com. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  38. Angie Kordic. "Excessivism – A Phenomenon Every Art Collector Should Know | WideWalls". Widewalls.ch. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  39. https://fauvepenketh.wixsite.com/fauve
  40. "Ringling Museum's newest exhibit brings Legos to life | Arts and Entertainment". 14 November 2019.
  41. "Lolo the Donkey and the Avant-Garde That Never Was: Part 1 – Michigan Quarterly Review".
  42. armenianeditor (2016-01-13). "Նոր Ուղղութիւն Արուեստում՝ Պարտադրում Է Ժամանակակից Մարդը | Asbarez – Armenian". Asbarez. Archived from the original on 2017-07-05. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  43. "The Newest Art Movement You've Never Heard Of". Gallereo.com. 2015-11-20. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  44. Christopher Simmons (2015-11-02). "New Art Movement, Excessivism, is a Commentary on Economic Materialism". California Newswire. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  45. "Kaloust Guedel: Excessivist Initiative at LA Artcore Brewery Annex".
  46. Shana Nys Dambrot (2015-09-23). "Excessivism: Irony, Imbalance and a New Rococo | HuffPost". Huffingtonpost.com. Retrieved 2017-06-12.
  47. Witham, Larry (2013). Picasso and the Chess Player: Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, and the Battle for the Soul of Modern Art. ISBN 9781611683493.
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