
Fonio, also sometimes called findi or acha, is the term for two cultivated grasses in the genus Digitaria that are notable crops in parts of West Africa.[1] They are millets with small grains.[1]

White fonio in Tambacounda Region of southern Senegal

Fonio is a nutritious food with a favorable taste.[1][2] It is consumed mainly in West African countries, where it is also cultivated.[1][2] The global fonio market was estimated at 721,400 tonnes in 2020.[3] Guinea annually produces the most fonio in the world, accounting for over 75% of the world's production in 2019.[4] The name fonio (borrowed into English from French) is from Wolof foño.[5]

Winnowing fonio in Kédougou, Senegal
Acha (fonio)


White fonio

White fonio, Digitaria exilis, also called "hungry rice" by Europeans, is the most common of a diverse group of wild and domesticated Digitaria species that are harvested in the savannas of West Africa.[1] Fonio has the smallest seeds of all species of millet.[1] It has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security,[6] foster rural development, and support sustainable use of the land.[1]

Nutritious, gluten-free, and high in dietary fiber,[1][2][7] fonio is one of the world's fastest-growing cereals, reaching maturity in as little as six to eight weeks.[1] The grains are used to make porridge, couscous, bread, and beer.[1]

Black fonio

Black fonio, D. iburua, also known as iburu, is a similar crop grown in several countries of West Africa, particularly Nigeria, Togo, and Benin.[1] Like white fonio, it is nutritious, fast-growing, and has the benefit of maturing before other grains, allowing for harvest during the "hungry season."[8] However, it contains considerably more protein compared to D. exilis.

Black fonio is mostly cultivated in rural communities and is rarely sold commercially, even in West African cities.[8]

Cultivation and processing

Fonio grows in dry climates without irrigation, and is unlikely to be a successful crop in humid regions.[1] It is planted in light (sandy to stony) soils, and will grow in poor soil.[9] The growth cycle ranges from 70–130 days, depending on variety.[10] Fonio has C4 carbon fixation, like many other grasses. They are medium in height.[11] The ploidy level for the species range from diploid (2n), tetraploid (4n), to hexaploid (6n).[12]

Fonio is labor-intensive to harvest and process. Men and boys use sickles to cut down the fonio, which women then gather into sheaves and set out to dry.[13] Then it is threshed by spreading it on straw mats or tarps, typically by women using their feet. The grains are then washed by hand.[7]

The small grains make husk removal difficult and time-consuming.[1] Traditional methods include pounding it in a mortar with sand, and then separating the grains and sand,[14] or "popping" it over a flame and then pounding it, which yields a toasted-color grain (a technique used among the Akposso).[1] The invention of a simple fonio husking machine offers an easier mechanical way to dehusk.[15]

Commercialization outside of Africa

Fonio has been relatively unknown outside the African continent until recently, when companies in Europe and the United States began to import the grain from West Africa, often citing its ecological and nutritional benefits in their marketing.[16]

United States

In the United States, Yolélé Foods, led by Senegalese-American chef Pierre Thiam, started importing and selling fonio in 2017. Thiam hopes introduce Americans to the grain while simultaneously supporting sustainable and traditional agriculture in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Senegal. What is considered to be a peasant's food in West Africa is now sold in luxury grocery stores in the United States.[17]

However, Thiam positions his project as part of a larger movement to elevate the economic power of African farmers, who for centuries have been suppressed by Western hegemony in the global food system.[17]

A bag of Yolélé Foods' fonio, which was purchased from a luxury American supermarket

European Union

In December 2018, the European Commission approved commercialization of fonio as a novel food in the European Union, after submission by the Italian company Obà Food to manufacture and market new food products. These products include fonio pasta, revealing a desire to change fonio to be more recognizable to the European palate.[18][19][20]

Since this initial approval, fonio has gradually become more popular and more accessible in Europe. By 2021, the EU was importing 422 metric tonnes (465.2 tons) of fonio, a significant increase from the 172 metric tonnes (189.6 tons) imported in 2016.[21]

See also


  1. Fonio (Acha). In: Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I: Grains, Chapter 3, US National Academies Press. 1996. doi:10.17226/2305. ISBN 978-0-309-04990-0. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  2. Levinson, Jessica (1 September 2018). "Whole grains: Fonio". Today's Dietitian. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  3. "2022 Fonio global market overview today". Tridge.
  4. "Fonio global production and top producing countries". Tridge. Retrieved 28 December 2021.
  5. Seignobos, Christian; Tourneux, Henry (2002). Le Nord-Cameroun à travers ses mots: Dictionnaire de termes anciens et modernes: Province de l'extrême-nord (in French). Karthala Editions. p. 107. ISBN 2845862458.
  6. "'Fonio just grows naturally': Could ancient indigenous crops ensure food security for Africa?". 7 July 2022.
  7. Heil, Emily (17 December 2019). "Is fonio the new quinoa? One chef hopes the tiny West African grain will be". Washington Post. Retrieved 21 December 2019.
  8. "Black Fonio - Arca del Gusto". Slow Food Foundation. Retrieved 27 February 2023.
  9. "Cultivation / The plant - Fonio (Digitaria exilis)". 2019. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  10. "The plant - Fonio (Digitaria exilis)". 2019. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  11. Haq, N (1995). Fonio (Digitaria exilis and Digitaria iburua). London: Chapman & Hall. pp. 2–6.
  12. Adoukonou-Sagbadja, H.; Schubert, V.; Dansi, A.; Jovtchev, G.; Meister, A.; Pistrick, K.; Akpagana, K.; Friedt, W. (2 July 2007). "Flow cytometric analysis reveals different nuclear DNA contents in cultivated Fonio (Digitaria spp.) and some wild relatives from West-Africa". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 267 (1–4): 163–176. doi:10.1007/s00606-007-0552-z. ISSN 0378-2697. S2CID 11184023.
  13. "Postharvest technologies - Fonio (Digitaria exilis)". Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  14. "Traditional processing / Postharvest technologies - Fonio (Digitaria exilis)". 2019. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  15. "Postharvest mechanization / Processing - Fonio (Digitaria exilis)". 2019. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  16. Hunt, Maria C. (6 July 2023). "Could an ancient, climate-friendly crop be the future of beer?" via The Guardian.
  17. le Cam, Morgane. "Fonio, the 'seed of the universe' that could revolutionise African agriculture - Geneva Solutions". Retrieved 28 February 2023.
  18. "Fonio: EU Novel Food Approval". Official Journal of the European Union. European Commission. 18 December 2018.
  19. Michail, Niamh (18 June 2018). "Italian firm Obà brings Fonio to Europe". Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  20. Southey, Flora (4 November 2019). "'You cannot find fonio pasta elsewhere in the world': Obà Food claims industry first with gluten-free ancient grain". Retrieved 28 February 2023.
  21. "The European market potential for fonio | CBI". Retrieved 20 April 2023.

Further reading

  • "Fonio: an African cereal crop". CIRAD. Retrieved 21 April 2021.
  • Portères, R. (1976). "African cereals: eleusine, fonio, black fonio, teff, Brachiaria, Paspalum, Pennisetum and African rice". In Harlan, J.R.; De Wet, J.M.J.; Stemler, A.B.L. (eds.). Origins of African plant domestication. The Hague: Mouton. pp. 409–452.

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