Hội Trí Tri
The Hội Trí Tri (會致知) or the Société d’Enseignement Mutuel du Tonkin (1892-1946) was an educational society in French colonial Tonkin.[1] It was part of the modernist movement.[2] The Association for Mutual Education was behind the short-lived Tonkin Free School (1907-1908) at 59 Hàng Đàn where Phạm Duy Tốn was one of the teachers.[3] The chairman was Nguyễn Văn Tố.
The opening of the Hội Trí Tri by the Governor-General of French Indochina Jean-Marie de Lanessan on 1 April 1892.
- David G. Marr Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945 1984 - Page 41 "The Tonkin Mutual Instruction Society, founded in 1892 by interpreters and school teachers of French, boasted regular public lectures in French, private courses, a thrice-yearly Bulletin, and sixteen affiliated committees in the northern ...Société d’Enseignement Mutuel du Tonkin"
- Gilles de Gantès, Nguyen Phuong Ngoc: Vietnam: le moment moderniste 2009 Page 223 "La Société d'enseignement mutuel du Tonkin (Hôi Tri Tri, 1892-1946), une autre version de l'action moderniste .. En 1907 le Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, dans son compte rendu des réformes de ..."
- Nguyễn Đình Hoà From the City Inside the Red River: A Cultural Memoir 1999 Page 76 "the Association for Mutual Education (Hội Trí Tri) at 59 Fan Street. ... August 22, 1907, of the same paper further revealed, on page 348, that the three elementary grades were taught ... Trần Văn Hùng, Vũ Văn Trw and Phạm Duy Tốn, the latter a scholar-publicist and father of Professor Phạm Duy-Khiem and musician Phạm Duy-Ca'n, a.k.a. Phạm Duy. On November 16, 1943, Governor-General Decoux, resident-sup ...
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