List of Palestinians

The following Lists of Palestinians are lists of notable people with either a self-designation (endonym) or a foreign appellation (exonym) as "Palestinian", or who were born in the region of Palestine.

Approximately 12 million people today identify as Palestinians,[1] as defined in the Palestinian National Charter of 1968.[2]

Mandate period and after

The first list "Mandate period and after" consists of people who identify as "Palestinians" since the creation of Mandatory Palestine in 1920. The list does not include those Palestinian Jews or other Israeli citizens[3] who are native to the geographic region of Palestine, unless they self-identify as "Palestinians".[4][5]

NameFieldSpecialityPlace of birthYear of birth
Abeer Abu Ghaith Business technology entrepreneur, and social activist Jordan c. 1985
Khaled Al-HassanPolitics (Fatah)political theorist, author, Fatah & PLO leaderHaifa1928
Lila Abu LughodAcademiaprofessor, anthropology, women and gender studiesUSA1950s
Salman Abu SittaAcademiaBeersheba1938
Imad-ad-Dean AhmadAcademiaacademicUSA1948
Mai al-KailaPoliticshealth minister, ambassadorJerusalem1955
Izzat DarwazaAcademiahistorian, politician, educatorNablus1888
Samih FarsounAcademiasociologistHaifa1937
Ismail al-FaruqiAcademiaphilosopher and comparative religions professorJaffa1921
Leila FarsakhAcademiaMiddle East, politicsJordan1967
Sami HadawiAcademialand specialist and researcherJerusalem1904
Wasif JawhariyyehMusicOud composerJerusalem1897
Rashid KhalidiAcademiahistorianUSA1948
Walid KhalidiAcademiahistorianJerusalem1925
Salem Hanna KhamisAcademiaeconomic statisticianNazareth1919
Laila Al-MarayatiMedicinegynecologistUSA1962
Khaled Mardam-BeyAcademiaprogrammerJordan1968
Nur MasalhaAcademiaacademic, historian, editorGalilee1957
Joseph MassadAcademiaacademicJordan1963
Basheer NafiAcademiaacademic1952
Ali H. NayfehAcademiamathematician, mechanical engineer, physicistTulkarm1933
Sari NusseibehAcademiaphilosopher, diplomatSyria1949
Edward SaidAcademiaprofessor of comparative literature, intellectual, and Palestinian NationalistJerusalem1935
Nadia Abu El HajAcademiaprofessor, anthropologistUSA1962
Rosemarie Said ZahlanAcademiahistorianEgypt1937
Anis SayighAcademiahistorianTiberias1931
Yezid SayighAcademiahistorianUSA1955
Zuhair Al-KarmiAcademia, Natural scienceauthor, scientific programs presenter on TVDamascus1922
Hashem El-SeragMedicinedoctor and medical researcherLibya1966
Reem Kassis Literature cookbook author Jerusalem 1987
Hisham SharabiAcademiaintellectualJaffa1927
Qustandi ShomaliAcademiaprofessor, historian, critic, researcherBeit Sahour1946
Khalil SuleimanMedicinemedical doctorJenin1943
Helga Tawil SouriAcademiaprofessor, media scholar and researcher, filmmakerKuwait1969
Ahmad TeebiAcademiageneticist and dysmorphologistBeirut1949
Ali AbunimahLiteratureauthor, journalistUSA1971
Said K. AburishLiteratureauthor, journalistJerusalem1935
Susan AbulhawaLiteratureauthor, journalistKuwait1970
Mourid BarghoutiLiteraturepoetRamallah1944
Khalil BeidasLiteratureauthorNazareth1874
Huzama HabayebLiteratureauthorKuwait1965
Jamal DajaniLiteratureauthor, journalist, producerJerusalem1957
Mahmoud DarwishLiteraturepoetAl-Birwa1941
Khaled EnnasrapoetjournalistJenin1927
Najwa Kawar FarahLiteratureauthorNazareth1923
Rashida TlaibPoliticiancongresswomanUSA1976[6]
Emile HabibiLiteratureauthorHaifa1922
Bella HadidFashionmodelUSA1996[7]
Gigi HadidFashionmodelUSA1995[7]
Mohamed HadidBusinessbusinessmanNazareth1948
Suheir HammadLiteraturepoetJordan1973
Nadia HijabLiteratureauthor, journalistSyria1950s
Jabra Ibrahim JabraLiteraturepoet, novelist, translator and literary criticBethlehem1919
Emily JacirArtistprofessor, filmmakerBethlehem1975
Sabri JiryisLiteratureauthorFassuta1938
Ghassan KanafaniLiteratureauthorAcre1938
Hasan KarmiLiteraturelinguist and authorTulkarm1905
Ghada KarmiLiteratureauthorJerusalem1939
Sayed KashuaLiteratureauthor and journalistTira1975
Widad KawarLiteratureauthor and collectorTulkarm1932
Sahar KhalifaLiteraturenovelistNablus1942
Daoud KuttabLiteraturejournalist, authorJerusalem1955
Taha Muhammad AliLiteraturepoetSaffuriyya1931
Salman MasalhaLiteraturepoet, writer, essayist and translatorMaghar1953
Kamal NasserLiteraturepoet, activistGaza1925
Mohammed OmerLiteraturejournalistRafah1984
Samih al-QasimLiteraturepoetJordan1939
Nahid al-RayyisLiteraturepoetGaza1937
Abu SalmaLiteraturepoetTulkarm1906
Khalil al-SakakiniLiteratureauthorJerusalem1878
Naomi Shihab NyeLiteraturepoetUSA1952
Serene Husseini ShahidLiteratureauthor, philanthropist, researcher and collector of Palestinian costumesJerusalem1920
Khaled Abu ToamehLiteraturejournalistTulkarm1963
Fadwa ToukanLiteraturepoetNablus1917
Ibrahim TouqanLiteraturepoet, writer of the poem Mawtini, the current national anthem of IraqNablus1905
Samir El YoussefLiteraturewriter and criticLebanon1965
May ZiadehLiteratureauthorNazareth1886
Mustafa Abu AliFilmfilm director, founder of Palestinian Revolutionary Cinema, eight filmsMalha1940
Hany Abu-AssadFilmfilm directorNazareth1961
Muhammad BakriFilmfilm directorBi'ina1953
Cherien DabisFilmfilm director, writerUSA1976
Annemarie JacirFilmfilm director, writerBethlehem1974
Michel KhleifiFilmfilm director (Wedding in Galilee)Nazareth1950
Lexi AlexanderFilmfilm directorMannheim1974
Clara KhouryFilmactressHaifa1976
Makram KhouryFilmactor, first Arab to win (Israel Prize – 1987)Jerusalem1945
Rashid MasharawiFilmfilm directorGaza1962
Mai MasriFilmfilm directorBeirut1959
Elia SuleimanFilmfilm director (Divine Intervention)Nazareth1960
Hiam AbbassFilmactressNazareth1960
Anwar JibawiFilmcomedianUSA1991
Nasri Tony AtwehMusiclead singer of the band MAGIC! & singer/songwriter/record producerToronto1981
Ramzi AburedwanMusiccomposer, viola playerBethlehem1979
Charlie BisharatMusicGrammy-winning violinistUSA1963[8]
Yacoub Shaheen (fr:Yacoub Shaheen)MusicWinner of the fourth season of Arab IdolBethlehem1994[9]
Mohammed AssafMusicWinner of the second season of Arab IdolGaza1989[10]
Rim BannaMusicsinger/songwriterNazareth1966
Ammar HasanMusicsingerSalfit1976
Wissam JoubranMusiccomposer and Oud playerNazareth1983
Reem KelaniMusicsinger/composer/musicologistUK1963
Shadia MansourMusicrapper/singerUK1980s
Amal MurkusMusicsingerGalilee1970s
Mohsen SubhiMusiccomposer, arranger, oud and buzuq playerRamallah1963
DJ KhaledMusichip-hop producer, radio personality, and DJUSA1975
Simon ShaheenMusicoud and violin virtuoso, composerGalilee1955
Habib Hassan ToumaMusiccomposerNazareth1934
Fred WreckMusichip-hop producerUSA1972
Tamer NafarMusicrapper of DAM fameLod1979
Bashar MuradMusicsinger, song-writer, visual artistJerusalen1993
Sameh ZakoutMusicrapperRamle1980s
Laila Bagge WahlgrenMusicmanager and songwriterSweden1972
TaréécMusicGerman singerGermany1978
Dalal Abu AmnehMusicsinger and producerNazareth1983
DAM (band)MusicPalestinian rap groupLod1970s
Fouad AwadArttheater directorNazareth1956
Naji al-AliArtcartoonistal-Shajara1938
Iman Al Sayed Art artist Sharjah 1984
Nasr Abdel Aziz EleyanArtartistJericho1941
Mustafa Al-HallajArtartistJaffa1938
Mona HatoumArtsculptorBeirut1952
Nabil AnaniArtartistHalhoul1943
Hasan HouraniArtpainterHebron1974
Emily JacirArtpainter and photographer, artistBethlehem1970
Hanna JubranArtsculptorGalilee1952
Sliman MansourArtpainterBirzeit1947
Sama Raena AlshaibiArtphotographer, artistIraq1973
Ahlam ShibliArtphotographerGalilee1970
Jafar TukanArtarchitectJerusalem1938
Hisham ZreiqArtartist and film director (The Sons of Eialboun)Nazareth1968
Rami KashouFashionfashion designerRamallah1977
Jaffa Phonix (band)MusicbandKuwait1980s
Yousef BeidasBusinessIntra BankJerusalem1912
Munib al-MasriBusinessPADICO[11]Nablus1934
Hasib SabbaghBusinessConsolidated Contractors International CompanyTiberias1920
Naim AttallahBusinessAsprey, Quartet PublishingHaifa1931
Talal Abu-GhazalehBusinessJaffa1938
Sam BahourBusinessWest bank businessmanUSA1964
Yasser ElshantafBusinessCEO of PhoenixBird Diversity Management GmbHGaza1983
Tarab Abdul HadiPoliticsactivistJenin1910
Fu'ad NassarPolitics (PCP)co-founded National Liberation League in PalestineNazareth1914
Nabil AmrPolitics (Fatah)presidential aide and negotiator1947
Yasser ArafatPolitics (Fatah)first President of the PNACairo1929
Hakam BalawiPolitics (Fatah)former ambassador of PLO to Tunisia and AlgeriaTulkarm1939
Marwan BarghoutiPolitics (Fatah)founder of Tanzim and senior Fatah opposition figureKobar1959
Mohammed DahlanPolitics (Fatah)Head of Preventive Security Service in GazaGaza1961
Saeb ErekatPolitics (Fatah)presidential aide and senior negotiatorJerusalem1955
Qadura FaresPolitics (Fatah)PNA minister and aide of Barghouti
Rawhi FattuhPolitics (Fatah)former interim President of the PNABarqa1949
Faisal HusseiniPolitics (Fatah)former head of Jerusalem affairsBaghdad1940
Farouk KaddoumiPolitics (Fatah)former head of FatahJinsafut1931
Salah KhalafPolitics (Fatah)former top aide of ArafatJaffa1933
Ahmed QureiPolitics (Fatah)former Prime Minister of the Palestinian National AuthorityJerusalem1937
Ali Hassan SalamehPolitics (PLO)Qula1940
Nabil ShaathPolitics (Fatah)former Foreign Affairs MinisterSafed1938
Khalil al-WazirPolitics (PLO)former PLO military leader and top aideRamleh1934
Mohammad ShtayyehPolitics/Fataheconomist/academic/ministerNablus1958
Muhammad Abu TirPolitics (Hamas)Directed terrorist activities, including the attempted poisoning in the early 1990s of Israel's water supplies and the activities of Hamas's military armUmm Tuba1951
Mohammad BarghoutiPolitics (Hamas)
Mohammed DeifPolitics (Hamas)Leader of Hamas' military wing. Directly involved in terrorist attacks such as the killings of IDF soldiers, suicide bombings and kidnappings. Deemed a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the United States' Department of StateKhan Younis1965
Ismail HaniyehPolitics (Hamas)Gaza1963
Mousa Mohammed Abu MarzookPolitics (Hamas)Fundraiser for terrorist activitiesRafah1951
Ahmed al-Ja'abariPolitics (Hamas)Gaza1960
Wasfi KabhaPolitics (Hamas)Prisoners' Affairs Minister
Khaled MeshaalPolitics (Hamas)Secretary-General of HamasSilwad1956
Abdel Aziz al-RantissiPolitics (Hamas)founder and former Secretary-General of HamasYibna1947
Ahmed YassinPolitics (Hamas)founder and spiritual leaderAl-Jura1937
Mahmoud al-ZaharPolitics (Hamas)former Foreign Affairs Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, Hamas foreign ministerJerusalem1945
Salah ShehadePolitics (Hamas)leader of military wing of the Hamas organizationGaza1953
Yahya AyyashPolitics (Hamas)chief bomb maker planner of the Hadera bus station suicide bombingJerusalem1966
Bassam Abu SharifPolitics (PFLP)former spokesperson of PFLP and PLO1946
George HabashPolitics (PFLP)founder and former Secretary-General of PFLPLod1926
Abu Ali MustafaPolitics (PFLP)former Secretary-General of PFLPJenin1938
Leila KhaledPolitics (PFLP)former PFLP militant and activistHaifa1944
Ahmed SaadatPolitics (PFLP)current Secretary-General of PFLPal-Bireh1953
Riyad al-MalkiPolitics (PFLP)current Foreign Affairs Minister of PNA1955
Wadie HaddadPolitics (PFLP)former PFLP militant and founderSafed1927
Abu QatadaPoliticsal-Qaeda Muslim religious preacher and militantBethlehem1959
Abu MuthanaPoliticsspokesman for the Palestinian Army of Islam
Awni Abd al-HadiPoliticsPalestinian political figureNablus1889
Haidar Abdel-ShafiPoliticsindependent, head of Palestinian delegation to Madrid Peace Conference of 1991Gaza1919
Salah Abdel-ShafiPoliticsindependent, economist, Palestinian Ambassador to Sweden, Germany, Austria, and UNOVGaza1962
Muhammad ZaidanPoliticsPLFSyria1948
Musa AlamiPoliticsJerusalem1897
Hanan AshrawiPoliticsThird WayNablus1946
Mustafa BarghoutiPoliticsdoctor and leader of the Palestinian National InitiativeJerusalem1954
Nayef HawatmehPoliticsDFLPJordan1935
Ahmed JibrilPoliticsPFLP-GCJaffa1938
Karimeh AbbudArtphotographerShefa 'Amr1896
Nimr al-KhatibPoliticspolitical leader, HaifaHaifa1918
Jabra NicolaPoliticsTrotskyist leaderHaifa1912
Abu NidalPoliticsAbu Nidal OrganizationJaffa1937
Nahid al-RayyisPoliticsJustice Minister of the Palestinian National AuthorityGaza1937
Afif SafiehPoliticsPalestine's Ambassador to the Russian Federationjerusalem1950
Hasan TahboubPoliticsformer Head of the Supreme Islamic CouncilHebron1923
Ruhi al-KhatibPolitics (local)mayor of East Jerusalem from 1957 to 1994; titularJerusalem1914
Fahmi al-AbboushiPolitics (local)appointed mayor of Jenin in 1935Jenin1895
Hussein Al-ArajPolitics (local)former mayor of Nablus
Ramiz JaraisyPolitics (local)mayor of Nazareth1951
Omar HammayilPolitics (local)mayor of al-Bireh1976
Mohammed MilhimPolitics (local)former mayor of Halhul1929
Hadem RidaPolitics (local)mayor of Jenin
Bassam ShakaPolitics (local)former mayor of Nablus1930
Ghassan ShakaaPolitics (local)former mayor of Nablus1943
Adly YaishPolitics (local)mayor of Nablus
Adel ZawatiPolitics (local)former mayor of Jenin, Nablus, Hebron, Ruler of Yafa, RamlehNablus1920
Ahmad TibiPolitics (Israel)member of Israeli Knesset from the Ta'al party, former political advisor to Palestinian Authority President Yasser ArafatTayibe1958
Azmi BisharaPolitics (Israel)former member of Israeli Knesset, from the Balad partyNazareth1956
Jamal ZahalkaPolitics (Israel)member of Israeli Knesset, from the Balad partyKafr Qara1955
Hana SweidPolitics (Israel)member of Israeli Knesset with Hadash and mayor of EilabunEilabun1955
Tawfiq ZiadPolitics (PCP)a poet, a former mayor of Nazareth and a former Hadash member of Israeli KnessetNazareth1929
Ibrahim SarsurPolitics (Israel)Knesset member Israel from the United Arab List partyKafr Qara1959
Taleb el-SanaPolitics (Israel)Knesset member Israel from the United Arab List partyTel Arad1960
Mohammad BarakehPolitics (Israel)member of Israeli Knesset, from Hadash partyShefa-'Amr1955
Haneen ZoabiPolitics (Israel)first Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab partyNazareth1969
Rania of JordanPolitics (Foreign)Queen of Jordan, wife of King Abdullah IIKuwait1970
Alia al HusseinPolitics (Foreign)late Queen of Jordan, 3rd wife of King HusseinCairo1948
Antonio SacaPolitics (Foreign)former president of El SalvadorEl Salvador1965
Shafik HandalPolitics (Foreign)El Salvador politicianEl Salvador1930
Nayib BukelePolitics (Foreign)president of El SalvadorEl Salvador1981
Carlos Flores FacusséPolitics (Foreign)former president of HondurasHonduras1950
Said MusaPolitics (Foreign)former Prime Minister of BelizeBelize1944
Pierre de BanéPolitics (Foreign)CanadianHaifa1938
Naser KhaderPolitics (Foreign)member of the Parliament of DenmarkSyria1963
Joe HockeyPolitics (Foreign)Australian cabinet ministerAustralia1965
John H. SununuPolitics (Foreign)former Chief of Staff Pres. George H. Bush AdministrationCuba1939
John E. SununuPolitics (Foreign)Senator from New HampshireUSA1964
Huwaida ArrafPoliticsco-founder of ISMUSA1976
Mubarak AwadPoliticsadvocate of nonviolent resistanceJerusalem1943
Abdullah Yusuf AzzamReligion (Islam)Islamist scholar and activistJenin1941
Bulus FarahPoliticstrade unionistHaifa1910
Abd al-Qadir al-HusayniPoliticsnationalist leaderJerusalem1907
Archbishop Theodosios (Hanna) of SebastiaReligion (Christianity)current archbishop of Sebastia for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of JerusalemGalilee1965
Riah Abu AssalReligion (Christianity)current Anglican Bishop of JerusalemNazareth1937
Naim AteekReligion (Christianity)founder of SabeelBeit She'an1937
Elias ChacourReligion (Christianity)Archbishop of Galilee, of the Melkite Greek Catholic ChurchGalilee1939
Michel SabahReligion (Christianity)current Latin Patriarch of JerusalemNazareth1933
Munib YounanReligion (Christianity)Lutheran bishopJerusalem1950
Rifat Odeh KassisPoliticshuman rights and community activistBeit Sahour
Mitri RahebReligion (Christianity)Lutheran minister and authorBethlehem1962
Benny HinnReligion (Christianity)evangelical preacherJaffa1952
Anis ShorroshReligion (Christianity)evangelical preacher and debaterNazareth1930s
Amin al-HusayniPoliticsformer Mufti of JerusalemJerusalem1895
Ekrima Sa'id SabriReligion (Islam)former Mufti of Jerusalem
Ahmad Abu LabanReligion (Islam)Imam in DenmarkJaffa1946
Raed SalahReligion (Islam)leader of the Northern branch of the Islamic Movement1958
Sheikh Taissir TamimiReligion (Islam)Head of Islamic court in Palestinian territoriesHebron
Omar SheikaSportProfessional BoxerUSA1977
Salim TuamaSportsoccer playerLod1979
Ramsey NijemSportMMA fighter, The Ultimate Fighter: Team Lesnar vs. Team dos Santos runner upUSA1988
Walid BadirSportsoccer player, Israeli team, Captain of Hapoel Tel AvivKafr Qasim1974
Muhammad al-DurrahOther12-year-old boy shot under disputed circumstancesGaza1988
Faris OdehOtherteenage boy shot while throwing stonesGaza1985
Rana RaslanOther1999 Miss Israel contest winnerHaifa1977
Mahmoud AbbasPolitics (Fatah)President of the PNASafed1935
Tawfiq CanaanAcademicdoctor and academicBeit Jala1881
Ahmad ShukeiriPolitics (PLO)first chairman of the PLOLebanon1908
Omar BarghoutiPoliticspolitical activist and analyst PACBIQatar1964
Asma AgbariehPolitics, journalismjournalist, leader of Organization for Democratic ActionJaffa1974
Muin BseisoLiteraturePoetGaza1926
Eyad al-SarrajMedicinepsychiatrist and human rights activistBeersheba1944
Fadi ElsalameenPoliticspolitical commentator and analystUSA1983
Layla Moran Politics British Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Oxford West and Abingdon UK 1982
Michael MalarkeyFilmactor and musicianBeirut1983
May CalamawyFilmactressBahrain1986[12][13]


The second list "Pre-Mandate" consists of people with roots in the region of Palestine prior to the modern identity politics resulting from the creation of Mandatory Palestine and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. As well as native Palestinian Muslims and Christians, the list includes those Jews, Samaritans, Druze, and Dom who were native to the geographic region of Palestine. The list also include some famous names and titles as exonyms, prior to nationalism and national identity becoming commonplace in the modern era.

Chronologically or by floruit and regnal succession:

NameFieldSpecialityPlace of birthYear of Birth
Herod the GreatPoliticsKing of Judea (37–4 BCE), tried to kill JesusIdumeac.72 BCE
Salome IPoliticsQueen regnant, toparchy of Iamnia, Azotus, Phasaelis (4 BCE–c.10 CE)c.65 BCE
Philip the TetrarchPoliticsTetrarch over the northeast part of Herod's kingdom (4 BCE–34 CE)c.26 BCE
Herod ArchelausPoliticsEthnarch of Samaria, Judea, and Idumea (4 BCE–6 CE)23 BCE
Herod AntipasPoliticsTetrarch over Galilee and Perea (4 BCE – 39 CE), had John the Baptist executedbefore 20 BCE
Herod AgrippaPoliticsKing of Judea (41–44)11 BCE
Herod Agrippa IIPoliticsKing over parts of Judea (53–66)27/28 CE
Jesus[14]Religion (Judaism)Founder of Christianityc.4 BCE
Mary, mother of JesusReligion (Judaism)Mother of Jesus of Nazarethc.18 BCE
Saint JosephReligion (Judaism)Husband of Mary, legal father of Jesus1st century BCE
James, brother of JesusReligion (Judaism)Brother of Jesus, first bishop of Jerusalemearly 1st century
Saint PeterReligion (Judaism)Apostle of Jesus, primus inter pares among the Twelve Apostles1st century BCE
John the BaptistReligion (Judaism)Cousin of Jesus, known for baptising himA town in the Judaean mountainslate 1st century BCE
ElizabethReligion (Judaism)Mother of John the Baptist, aunt of Jesus1st century BCE
ZechariahReligion (Judaism)Father of John the Baptist, uncle-in-law of Jesus1st century BCE
Judas IscariotReligion (Judaism)Apostle of Jesus Christ, known for betraying Jesus
Yohanan ben ZakkaiReligion (Judaism)Jewish sage, a primary contributor to the Mishnah1st century CE
Pope EvaristusReligion (Christianity)PopeBethlehemc.50
Rabbi AkivaReligion (Judaism)Jewish scholar and tanna sageLod (Lydda)c.60
Simon bar KokhbaPoliticsLed Jewish revoltlate 1st century(?)
Aristo of PellaReligion (Christianity)Early chroniclerPellac.100
Justin MartyrReligion (Christianity)MartyrNablusc.100
Rabbi MeirReligion (Judaism)Jewish tanna sageAsia Minor2nd century
Hegesippus (chronicler)Religion (Christianity)Early chroniclerJerusalemc.110
Meleager of GadaraLiteraturePoetGadarac.120 BCE
Antiochus of AscalonAcademiaPhilosophyAscalonc.125 BCE
Judah the PrinceReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbi135
Theophilus, bishop of CaesareaReligion (Christianity)BishopCaesarea Palestinaec.150
Shimon ben LakishReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbiBosrac.200
Rav ZeiraReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbiBabyloniac.220
Rabbi JochananReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbiSepphorisc.220[15]
Saint ReparataReligion (Christianity)MartyrCaesarea Palestinaec.250
EusebiusAcademia and Religion (Christianity)"Father of Church History"Caesarea Palestinaec.263
Rabbi AssiReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbiBabyloniac.270
Saint Agapius of PalestineReligion (Christianity)MartyrGazac.270
Procopius of ScythopolisReligion (Christianity)MartyrJerusalemc.270
Romanus of CaesareaReligion (Christianity)MartyrCaesarea Palestinaec.270
Agapius of CaesareaReligion (Christianity)BishopCaesarea Palestinaec.270
Peter ApselamusReligion (Christianity)MartyrEleutheropolisc.280
Joseph of TiberiasReligion (Christianity)Christian convert from Judaism venerated as Saint Joseph of PalestineTiberiasc.285
HilarionReligion (Christianity)MonkGazac.291
Rabbi Isaac the smithReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbiGalilee3rd-4th century
Saint GeorgeReligion (Christianity)Christian martyrLyddac.300
ZayyaReligion (Christianity)Preachingc.309
Acacius of CaesareaAcademiaPhilosophy and the Arian controversyCaesarea Palestinaec.310
Epiphanius of SalamisReligion (Christianity)Church fatherEleutheropolisc.310
Cyril of JerusalemReligion (Christianity)Early Christian writingsCaesarea Palestinaec.313
Gelasius of CaesareaReligion (Christianity)BishopCaesarea Palestinaec.340
Eleazar ben PedatReligion (Judaism)Talmudic rabbic.350
Hesychius of JerusalemReligion (Christianity)Biblical exegesisJerusalemc.400
Aelia EudociaReligion (Christianity)Byzantine empress; in Jerusalem 438-39, 443-60Athensc.401
Timotheus of GazaAcademiaGrammarianGazac.460
Choricius of GazaAcademiaPhilosophyGazac.460
Aeneas of GazaAcademiaPhilosophyGazac.460
Procopius of GazaAcademiaPhilosophyGazac.465
Eutocius of AscalonAcademiaMathematicsAscalonc.480
Procopius of CaesareaAcademiaHistorianCaesarea Palaestinac.500
Dorotheus of GazaReligion (Christianity)SaintGazac.505
Vitalis of GazaReligion (Christianity)MonkGazac.550
Maximus the ConfessorReligion (Christianity)Monk, theologian, scholarc.580
Benjamin of TiberiasPoliticsTiberian leader in Jewish revolt against Heraclius7th century CE
Pope Theodore IReligion (Christianity)PopeJerusalemc.642
Stephen the SabaiteReligion (Christianity)MonkGazac.725
Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`iReligion (Islam)founder of the Shafi fiqh of Sunni IslamGazac.767
Theodorus and TheophanesReligion (Christianity)MonksJerusalemc.775
Ben NaphtaliReligion (Judaism)rabbi and MasoreteTiberias (?)(fl. c. 890-940)
Aaron ben Moses ben AsherReligion (Judaism)Jewish scribe, MasoreteTiberiasc. early 10th century
al-MuqaddasiAcademiamedieval geographerJerusalemc.946
Daniel ben AzariahReligion (Judaism)Gaon of the Land of Israel (1051–1062)11th century
Godfrey of BouillonPoliticsFirst ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099–1100)1060
ArnulfPoliticsFirst Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem (1099, 1112–1118)
Baldwin IPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1100–1118)1060s
Baldwin IIPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1118–1131)c.1075
Melisende, Queen of JerusalemPoliticsQueen of Jerusalem (1131–1153)c.1105
Ioveta of BethanyPoliticsPrincess of Jerusalem and Abbess of Bethanyc.1120
FulkPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1131–1143)Angersc. 1089/92
Baldwin IIIPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1143–1163)Jerusalem1130
AmalricPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1163–1174)1136
Baldwin IV "the Leper"PoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1174–1185)1161
Raymond III, Count of TripoliPoliticsRegent (1174-76, 1185-86)1140
SibyllaPoliticsQueen of Jerusalem (1186–1190)c.1060
Balian of IbelinPoliticsLord of Ibelin (1170–1193), surrendered Jerusalem to Saladin in 1187c.1143
Guy of LusignanPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1186–1192), lost Jerusalem to Saladin (1187)1150
Isabella IPoliticsQueen regnant of Jerusalem (1190–1205)1172
Conrad of MontferratPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1190–1192)c. 1145/47
Ibn QudamahReligion (Islam)Hanbali juristc.1147
Henry IPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1192–1197)1166
Aimery of CyprusPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1197–1205)before 1155
Humphrey IV of ToronPoliticsLeading baron in the Kingdom of JerusalemJerusalemc.1166
Angelus of JerusalemReligion (Christianity)SaintJerusalemc.1185
Maria of MontferratPoliticsQueen of Jerusalem (1205–1212)1192
John of BriennePoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1210–1225)c.1170
John of Ibelin, the Old Lord of BeirutPoliticsInfluential member of the Ibelin familyc.1179
Hugh III of CyprusPoliticsKing of Jerusalem (1268–1284)1235
Henry IIPoliticsLast King of Jerusalem (1285–1291, empty title after 1291)1270
Mujir al-Din al-'UlaymiHistory of PalestinehistorianJerusalemc.1456
Levi ibn HabibReligion (Judaism)Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1525-c.1545)c.1480
Joseph KaroReligion (Judaism)Codification of Jewish law Shulchan Aruch; Safed and BiriyyaToledo1488
Moses ben Joseph di TraniReligion (Judaism)Rabbi of Safed (1525-c.1580)15001500
Shlomo Halevi AlkabetzReligion (Judaism)Kabbalist and poet of SafedSalonicac.1500
Moshe AlshichReligion (Judaism)Rabbi and exegete, Safed1508
Moses ben Jacob CordoveroReligion (Judaism)Kabbalist, leader of mystical school in SafedSafed (?)1522
Joseph NasiPoliticsResettled Jews in Tiberias and Safed in 1561Portugal1524
Isaac LuriaLeading rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of SafedJerusalem1534
Hayyim ben Joseph VitalReligion (Judaism)Rabbi in SafedSafed1542
Israel ben Moses NajaraReligion (Judaism)Liturgical poet, exegete, rabbi of GazaSafedc.1555
Yom Tov TzahalonReligion (Judaism)Rabbi, author of responsa, at Safedc.1559
Khayr al-Din al-RamliReligion (Islam)Hanbali juristc.1585
Abraham AmigoReligion (Judaism)Rabbic.1610
Nathan of GazaReligion (Judaism)Prophet for "false messiah" Sabbatai ZeviJerusalem1643/4
Hayyim ben Jacob AbulafiaJudaism & politicsRabbi, restored the Jewish community in Tiberias (1740)Hebron1660
Moses HagizReligion (Judaism)Rabbi, activist, opponent of SabbateanismJerusalem1671
Zahir al-UmarPolitics18th century ruler of the GalileeArrabac.1690
Amram ben DiwanReligion (Judaism)Miracle-working rabbiJerusalem18th c. (d. 1782)
Ahmad Agha DuzdarPolitics19th century mayor of Jerusalem1800s
Aqil AghaPoliticsstrongman of northern PalestineGaza or Nazareth area, Sidon Eyaletc.1820
Yousef Al-KhalidiPoliticsOttoman parliament representativeJerusalemc.1829
Yosef RivlinReligion (Judaism), community leaderrabbi and head of the Central Committee of the Ashkenazi community (1863–1897)Jerusalem1836
Mariam BaouardyReligion (Christianity)Modern saint / miracleI'billin1846
Jacob ha-Cohen SekiliReligion (Judaism)Rabbi and dayan (religious judge)Tiberias1846
Ruhi KhalidiAcademicwriter, teacher, activist and politicianJerusalem1864
Ya'akov Moshe ToledanoReligion (Judaism)Chief rabbi of Cairo, Alexandria, Tel Aviv. Minister of Religion (1958–1960).Tiberias1880
Yisroel Ber OdesserReligion (Judaism)Rabbi, initiated a hasidic movementTiberiasc.1888


  1. According to Rashid Khalidi, the modern Palestinian identity encompasses the heritage of all ages from biblical times up to the Ottoman period. (Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian identity: the construction of modern national consciousness, Columbia University Press, 2009 p.18.) According to Palestinian author Walid Khalidi: "the Palestinians considered themselves to be descended not only from Arab conquerors of the seventh century but also from indigenous peoples who had lived in the country since time immemorial." ("(With reference to Palestinians in Ottoman times) Although proud of their Arab heritage and ancestry, the Palestinians considered themselves to be descended not only from Arab conquerors of the seventh century but also from indigenous peoples who had lived in the country since time immemorial, including the ancient Hebrews and the Canaanites before them. Acutely aware of the distinctiveness of Palestinian history, the Palestinians saw themselves as the heirs of its rich associations.") and according to Palestinian anthropologist Ali Qleibo: "in their customs and manners, fossils of these ancient civilizations survived until modernity—albeit modernity camouflaged under the veneer of Islam and Arabic culture." ("Throughout history a great diversity of peoples has moved into the region and made Palestine their homeland: Canaanites, Jebusites, Philistines from Crete, Anatolian and Lydian Greeks, Hebrews, Amorites, Edomites, Nabateans, Arameans, Romans, Arabs, and European crusaders, to name a few. Each of them appropriated different regions that overlapped in time and competed for sovereignty and land. Others, such as Ancient Egyptians, Hittites, Persians, Babylonians, and Mongols, were historical 'events' whose successive occupations were as ravaging as the effects of major earthquakes ... Like shooting stars, the various cultures shine for a brief moment before they fade out of official historical and cultural records of Palestine. The people, however, survive. In their customs and manners, fossils of these ancient civilizations survived until modernity—albeit modernity camouflaged under the veneer of Islam and Arabic culture."
    Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times.(Gibbons, Ann (October 30, 2000). "Jews and Arabs Share Recent Ancestry". ScienceNOW. American Academy for the Advancement of Science.. Studies cited are: M. F. Hammer, et al. (2000). "Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes" (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97 (12): 6769–6774. Bibcode:2000PNAS...97.6769H. doi:10.1073/pnas.100115997. PMC 18733. PMID 10801975. and Almut Nebel, et al. (2000). "High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews". Human Genetics. 107 (6): 630–641. doi:10.1007/s004390000426. PMID 11153918. S2CID 8136092. Another study says; "Our recent study of high-resolution microsatellite haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool." "Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim,'The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East,' American Journal of Human Genetics, November 2001; 69(5): 1095–1112. doi:10.1086/324070, PMC 1274378.)
  2. "those Arab nationals who, until 1947, normally resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or stayed there. Anyone born, after that date, of a Palestinian father—whether in Palestine or outside it—is also a Palestinian (..) the Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the creation of Israel in 1948 are considered Palestinians." "The Palestinian National Charter". Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations. Archived from the original on 9 September 2010. Retrieved 9 September 2010.
  3. "Image of a passport of a Palestinian Jew (1939)".
  4. After crushing the Bar Kokhba revolt, Roman Emperor Hadrian applied the disparaging name Syria Palæstina to the region, that was formerly known as Kingdom of Israel. That name revived the ancient name of the Pentapolis Philistia, in an attempt to suppress Jewish connection to the land. (H.H. Ben-Sasson: A History of the Jewish People, Harvard University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-674-39731-2, page 334: "In an effort to wipe out all memory of the bond between the Jews and the land, Hadrian changed the name of the province from Iudaea to Syria-Palestina, a name that became common in non-Jewish literature." - Ariel Lewin: The archaeology of Ancient Judea and Palestine. Getty Publications, 2005, ISBN 0-89236-800-4, p. 33. "It seems clear that by choosing a seemingly neutral name - one juxtaposing that of a neighboring province with the revived name of an ancient geographical entity (Palestine), already known from the writings of Herodotus - Hadrian was intending to suppress any connection between the Jewish people and that land." - 'The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered', by Peter Schäfer, ISBN 3-16-148076-7)
  5. Some scholars describe the Roman persecution of the Jews in Syria Palæstina after the Bar Kokhba revolt (135 CE) as a genocide (Totten, S.: Teaching about genocide: issues, approaches and resources. . p24) for it resulted in an extensive depopulation of Jewish communities, more so than the First Jewish–Roman War of 70 CE (Taylor, J. E. (2012-11-15). The Essenes, the Scrolls, and the Dead Sea. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199554485. Up until this date the Bar Kokhba documents indicate that towns, villages and ports where Jews lived were busy with industry and activity. Afterwards there is an eerie silence, and the archaeological record testifies to little Jewish presence until the Byzantine era, in En Gedi. This picture coheres with what we have already determined in Part I of this study, that the crucial date for what can only be described as genocide, and the devastation of Jews and Judaism within central Judea, was 135 CE and not, as usually assumed, 70 CE, despite the siege of Jerusalem and the Temple's destruction)
  6. "Thanks to Rashida Tlaib, Palestinians finally have a voice". Retrieved August 15, 2019.
  7. "Palestinian and Proud: 6 times the Hadid's embraced their roots". Retrieved August 15, 2019.
  8. "IMEU: Links: Charlie Bisharat: Violinist and recording artist". Archived from the original on 2013-04-10. Retrieved 2013-02-10.
  9. "Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem wins wildly popular 'Arab Idol' song contest". Washington Post.
  10. Palestinian public hails local hero of Arab Idol Archived 2014-11-03 at the Wayback Machine. Ma'an News Agency. 2 June 2013.
  11. "BBC World Service | Programmes | Outlook | Visiting a Palace in the West Bank".
  12. "May El Calamawy". Time Out Dubai. September 14, 2011. Archived from the original on April 3, 2022. Retrieved April 6, 2022.
  13. Calamawy, May (June 11, 2020). "Sharing My Alopecia Helped Me Set New Expectations for Myself". Glamour. Archived from the original on June 5, 2021. Retrieved June 5, 2021.

    • (2) 'The recovery of Jesus' identity as a first-century Palestinian Jew, begun with Klausner's Jesus of Nazareth and reiterated forcefully by such recent authors as Vermes and Sanders, does important conceptual work.' John S.Kloppenberg, ‘Sources, Method and Discursive Locations in the Quest for the Historical Jesus,’ in Tom Holmén, Stanley E. Porter (eds.) Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus, (4 Vols) BRILL Vol.1, 2011 pp.241-289 p.247

    • (3) Those events and that teaching would have meant much to the dozens of Palestinian Jews we call the early apostles. . . .Could any of those who were not familiar with Jesus in his native Palestine have been totally incurious about his public life and teaching, what manner of man he was that some had thought him intimately related to God and others wanted him dead.?’ Gerard S. Sloyan, Jesus: Word made flesh, Liturgical Press, 2008 p.40

    • (4) Jesus’ rejection of divorce outright would have offended practically everyone of His day. Further, Jesus’ view that the single state was a legitimate and not abnormal calling for those to whom it was given, went against prevailing views in various parts of the Roman Empire about a man's duty to marry and procreate, but nowhere more so than in His native Palestine.’ Ben Witherington 111, Women in the Ministry of Jesus: A Study of Jesus' Attitudes to Women and Their Roles As Reflected in His Earthly Life, Cambridge University Press 1987 p.125

    • (5) The earliest church was not entirely homogeneous culturally. Acts 6 indicates that almost from the beginning two groups existed.: the Hebrews and the Hellenists. Most scholars conclude that the Hebrews were primarily Aramaic-speaking Jews and native Palestinian in dress. The Hellenists were on the other hand Jews that had .. adopted Greek as their language as well as Greek dress and customs David A. Fiensy, New Testament Introduction, College Press p.167

    • (6) 'Jesus, a Jew of First-Century Palestine.' Frederick James Murphy, The religious world of Jesus: an introduction to Second Temple Palestinian Judaism, Abingdon Press1991 p.311

    • (7) 'As I examined these scenes again, I could find none where Jesus directly challenged the forces occupying his native Palestine.' Virginia Stem Owens, Looking for Jesus, Westminster John Knox Press 1999 p.250

    • (8) 'Jesus, and the message that he preached to the people of his native Palestine, was truly prophetic,' Joseph Stoutzenberger, Celebrating sacraments, St Mary’s Press, 2000 p.286

    • (9) As a man, he (Jesus) traveled throughout his native Palestine teaching the word of God (see Sermon on the Mount), healing the sick, and performing miracles.' Eric Donald Hirsch, Joseph F. Kett, James S. Trefil, The new dictionary of cultural literacy, Houghton Mifflin 2002 p.12

    • (10) 'The Bultmann era of New Testament scholarship did not encourage research into the Palestinian background of either Jesus or his movement' (citing Freyne) Morten H. Jensen, The Literary and Archaeological Sources on the Reign of Herod Antipas and its Socio-Economic Impact on Galilee, Mohr Siebeck 2010 p.5

    • (11) 'The "influence" of Sal terrae and Lux Mundi seems to have originated, as ideas, with the Palestinian Jesus.' Eric Francis Fox Bishop, Jesus of Palestine: the local background to the Gospel documents, Lutterworth Press 1955 p.73

    • (12) But of all the traditions to which Jesus and his Palestinian disciples would have been exposed, the most influential would naturally have been the Jewish.' John Davidson, The gospel of Jesus: in search of his original teachings, 2005 p.177.

    • (13) 'We can say that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew who lived during the reign of Emperor Tiberius.' Christopher Gilbert, A Complete Introduction to the Bible, Paulist Press 2009 p.187

    • (14) 'Jesus was a Palestinian Jew; Paul was a Jew of the diaspora.' William Baird, History of New Testament Research, Fortress Press, 2002 p.260

    • (15a)‘Jesus was a first-century Palestinian Jew. .His faith in God was nurtured within the context of a Jewish home and family, within the context of first-century Palestinian Judaism.’ p.30

    • (15b)'Catholic sacraments have their foundation in the preaching and teaching ministry of Jesus of Nazareth a first-century Palestinian Jew.' Gregory L. Klein, Robert A. Wolfe, Pastoral foundations of the Sacraments: a Catholic perspective, 1998 p.32

    • (16) 'Born in Bethlehem, Jesus was a Palestinian Jew,' George Kaniarakath, Jesus Christ: a Meditative Introduction, Society of St Paul, Bombay 2008

    • (17) 'Jesus, like many Palestinian Jews,..' Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Ted Cabal, The Apologetics Study Bible, 2007 p.1481 on Mark 7:35

    • (18) 'The title Kurios applied to Jesus by the Palestinian disciples', David B. Capes, Old Testament Yahweh texts in Paul's christology, Mohr Siebeck, Tuebingen 1992 p.13

    • (19) 'The reader also will notice the new beatitude generated by Palestinian Jesus culture—'Blessed is whoever is not scandalized by me' (Matt. 11.4/Luke 7.22).' Vernon Kay Robbins, The tapestry of early Christian discourse, 1996 p.140

    • (20) 'How did Jesus relate to Palestinian Judaism and how was he different from other Palestinian Jews?' Mark Allan Powell, Jesus as a figure in history, Westerminster John Knox Press, 1998 p.170

    • (21) 'Christianity was at first essentially a sect of Palestinian Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah.' Kathryn Muller Lopez, Glenn Jonas, Donald N. Penny, (eds.)Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide, Mercer University Press, 2010

    • (22)'It also appears that the Nomos tradition is limited to Patristic authors with strong Palestinian ties. Justin was a native of Shechem, while Clement, who came to Alexandria from Athens, identified his greatest teacher as a Palestinian thinker “of Hebrew origins”.’Azzan Yadin Scripture as logos: Rabbi Ishmael and the origins of midrash, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 p.175.

    • (22) 'There was another type of allegory that was familiar to the Palestinian thinkers.' Willis Allen Shotwell, The Biblical Exegesis of Justin Martyr, S.P.C.K., 1965 p.41(referring to Palestinians, Jews, pagans or others of the period of the 1st-2nd century CE)

    • (23) 'Jesus, we may assume, was by all means a Jewish patriot, but rousing his Palestinian people to throw off the Roman yoke was no part of his message. Neither had it been that of John the Baptist.'Gerard S. Sloyan, Jesus: Word Made Flesh, Liturgical Press 2009 p.23

    • (25) 'The recovery of Jesus' identity as a first-century Palestinian Jew, begun with Klausner's Jesus of Nazareth and reiterated forcefully by such recent authors as Vermes and Sanders, does important conceptual work.'John S.Kloppenberg, ‘Sources, Method and Discursive Locations in the Quest for the Historical Jesus,’ in Tom Holmén, Stanley E. Porter (eds.) Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus (4 Vols) BRILL Vol.1, 2011 pp.241-189 p.247

    • (29) 'Jesus, we may assume, was by all means a Jewish patriot, but rousing his Palestinian people to throw off the Roman yoke was no part of his message. Neither had it been that of John the Baptist.' Gerard S. Sloyan, Jesus: Word Made Flesh, Liturgical Press 2009 p.23

  14. Jeffrey L. Rubenstein (27 June 2002). Rabbinic stories. Paulist Press. p. 109. ISBN 978-0-8091-4024-4. Retrieved 2 August 2011.

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