List of flag bearers for Finland at the Olympics

This is a list of flag bearers who have represented Finland at the Olympics.[1]

Finland at the
NOCFinnish Olympic Committee (in Finnish and English)
Summer appearances
Winter appearances
Other related appearances
1906 Intercalated Games

Flag bearers carry the national flag of their country at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

#Event yearSeasonFlag bearerSport
502022WinterValtteri FilppulaIce hockey
492020SummerSatu Mäkelä-Nummela and Ari-Pekka LiukkonenShooting sports / Swimming
482018WinterJanne AhonenSki jumping
472016SummerTuuli Petäjä-SirénSailing
462014WinterEnni RukajärviSnowboarding
452012SummerHanna-Maria SeppäläSwimming
442010WinterVille PeltonenIce hockey
432008SummerJuha HirviShooting sports
422006WinterJanne LahtelaFreestyle skiing
412004SummerThomas JohansonSailing
402002WinterToni NieminenSki jumping
392000SummerOlli-Pekka KarjalainenAthletics (track and field)
381998WinterJanne AhonenSki jumping
371996SummerMikko KolehmainenCanoe racing
361994WinterMarja-Liisa KirvesniemiCross-country skiing
351992SummerHarri KoskelaGreco-Roman wrestling
341992WinterTimo BlomqvistIce hockey
331988SummerJouko SalomäkiGreco-Roman wrestling
321988WinterPertti NiittyläSpeed skating
311984SummerEsko RechardtSailing
301984WinterJorma ValtonenIce hockey
291980SummerPeter TallbergSailing
281980WinterHeikki IkolaBiathlon
271976SummerLasse VirénAthletics
261976WinterRauno MiettinenNordic combined
251972SummerIlkka NummistoCanoe racing
241972WinterJuha MietoCross-country skiing
231968SummerPentti LinnosvuoShooting sport
221968WinterVeikko KankkonenSki jumping
211964SummerEugen EkmanArtistic gymnastics
201964WinterVeikko HakulinenBiathlon[2]
191960SummerEeles LandströmAthletics
181960WinterPaavo KorhonenNordic combined
171956SummerEeles LandströmAthletics
161956EquestrianErkki EstolaEquestrian
151956WinterAntti HyvärinenSki jumping
141952SummerVäinö SuvivuoAthletics
131952WinterHeikki HasuNordic combined
121948SummerHannes SonckAthletics
111948WinterPekka VanninenCross-country skiing
101936SummerAkilles JärvinenAthletics
91936WinterSulo NurmelaCross-country skiing
81932SummerAkilles JärvinenAthletics
71932WinterOssi BlomqvistSpeed skating
61928SummerAkilles JärvinenAthletics
51928WinterEsko JärvinenNordic combined/ski jumping
41924SummerElmer NiklanderAthletics
31920SummerEmil HagelbergModern pentathlon
21912SummerEino SaastamoinenArtistic gymnastics
11908SummerBruno ZilliacusaAthletics
  • ^a Russian officials told Finland that, because they were a part of Russia at the time, they were not allowed to fly their own flag. They then refused to fly the Russian flag, but still joined the parade.[3]

See also


  1. Finland. Olympics at Sports Reference LLC. Accessed 25 October 2011.
  2. Hakulinen competed in biathlon during these Olympics, having competed in cross-country skiing in 1952, 1956 and 1960.
  3. Mallon, Bill and Buchanan, Ian. TO NO EARTHLY KING. September 1999. International Society of Olympic Historians. Accessed 27 October 2011.
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