M30 motorway (Hungary)

The M30 motorway (Hungarian: M30-as autópálya) is a Hungarian motorway that connects the M3 motorway to the Slovak R4 expressway near the border town of Tornyosnémeti via Miskolc, forming part of European routes E71 and E79. The first section opened to the public in 2002, and reached the border area in October 2021.[1][2]

M30 motorway shield
M30 motorway
M30-as autópálya
Part of Via Carpathia
Map key - blue in use Map key - lightblue under construction Map key - green planned
Map key - grey other highways
M30-as autópálya Miskolc-dél lehajtó előtt.jpg
M30 near Miskolc
Route information
Part of E71 / E79
Length86.8 km (53.9 mi)
Major junctions
From M3 near Emőd
Major intersections
  • 302 near Emőd
  • 35 near Nyékládháza
  • 304 in Miskolc-dél
  • 37 in Miskolc-kelet
  • 306 in Miskolc-észak
  • 39 in Encs
R4 border with  Slovakia
Major citiesMiskolc
Highway system
  • Roads in Hungary

Road is considered as part of planned Via Carpathia from the Baltic coast to Sofia. It follows the route of main road 3.

Openings timeline

  • Mezőcsát; M3 – Emőd (6 km): 2002
  • Emőd – Nyékládháza (8 km): 2003
  • Nyékládháza – Miskolc-east (15 km): 2004.12.
  • Tornyosnémeti – Slovakia border (1.7 km): 2018.01.16.
  • Miskolc-east – Tornyosnémeti (56.8 km): 2021.10.26.

Junctions, exits and rest area

  • The route is full length motorway. The maximum speed limit is 130km/h, with (2x2 lane road with stop lane).
km Destinations Route Notes
0 Interchange M30-M3 interchange M3
Connection to M3 motorway, towards to Budapest or Nyíregyháza, Debrecen
The southern terminus of European routes E71/E79
6 Exit Emőd 302
12 Rest area Hejőkeresztúri pihenőhely Rest area:
14 Exit Nyékládháza, Tiszaújváros 35
21 Exit Sajópetri, Kistokaj 3603
24 Exit Miskolc-dél 304 Southern bypass to Miskolc
26 Bridge Sajó (Bridge)
27 Bridge Bridge over Railway Line 80 (Budapest-Sátoraljaújhely)
29 Exit Miskolc-kelet, Sátoraljaújhely 3
Eastern connection to Miskolc. The northern terminus of European routes E79
31 Exit Miskolc-észak 306 Northern bypass to Miskolc
39 Exit Szikszó 3
50 Exit Kázsmárk, Halmaj 2624
Rest area Abaúj pihenőhely Rest area
63 Exit Forró, Encs 39
70 Rest area Aba Sámuel pihenőhely Rest area
73 Exit Garadna 2627
Rest area Szent Erzsébet pihenőhely Rest area
85 Exit Tornyosnémeti 3
86 Border control Tornyosnémeti (H) – Milhosť (SK) border crossing
R4 expressway → to Košice, Slovakia Slovakia


The operation and maintenance of the road by Hungarian Public Road Nonprofit Pte Ltd Co. This activity is provided by these highway engineers.

  • near Emőd (M3), kilometre trench 151
  • near Encs, kilometre trench 63 (under construction)


Hungarian system has 2 main type in terms of salary:

1, time-based fee vignettes (E-matrica); with a validity of either 10 days (3500 HUF), 1 month (4780 HUF) or 1 year (42980 HUF).[3]

2, county vignettes (Megyei matrica); the highway can be used instead of the national sticker with the following county stickers:

Type of county vignetteAvailable section
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County full length (0 km – 86 km)

European Route(s)

Name Route
86 kmSlovakia Rýchlostná cesta R4 junction (0)

See also


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