Moomin comic strips

Moomin (Swedish: Mumin / Mumintrollen; Finnish: Muumipeikko) is a comic strip created by Tove Jansson, and followed up by Lars Jansson, featuring their Moomin family of characters. The first comic strip, entitled Mumintrollet och jordens undergång (Moomintroll and The End of The World) was a short-lived project for the children's section of the Finland-Swedish leftist newspaper Ny Tid. It was written between 1947 and 1948, at the request of the editor, a friend of Jansson's, Atos Wirtanen. The series was published with two new strips weekly, and was mainly an adaptation of Comet in Moominland. The series has been reprinted in book form under the name Jorden går under (The World is Ending) by the newspaper.

Moomin comic strips
Author(s)Tove Jansson
Lars Jansson
Current status/scheduleEnded
Launch date1947
Syndicate(s)Ny Tid
Evening News
Publisher(s)Associated Newspapers
Genre(s)Humor, Satire

The main series of Moomin comic strips were made directly for the British market: they were spread by the British Associated Newspapers comic strip syndicate and the original publisher was the Evening News newspaper. The series originally appeared in newspapers from 1954 to 1975. At its peak, Moomin appeared in over 40 countries and about 120 papers, with over 20 million readers daily, making it the most successful Finnish comic strip ever published. Tove and Lars Jansson received the Finnish Comic Strip Association's "Puupää-hattu" award in 1980.

In the 1990s, a comic book version of Moomin was produced in Scandinavia after Dennis Livson and Lars Jansson's Moomin animated series was shown on television. The Janssons had no involvement in these comic books. However, in the wake of the comic book's success, two new Moomin comic strips were launched under the artistic and content oversight of Lars and his daughter, Sophia Jansson-Zambra. Sophia now provides sole oversight for the strips.[1] The original comic strip stories made by Tove Jansson and Lars Jansson has had adaptations including Moomin (1990) anime series and the 2014 animated film based on Moomin on the Riviera comic strip story.


The comic strip was born, when Charles Sutton, the leader of the Associated Newspapers syndicate contacted Tove Jansson. Jannson's first Moomin books Comet in Moominland (1946) and Finn Family Moomintroll (1948) had already been translated to English and had been successful in the United Kingdom. In a letter to Jansson in January 1952, Sutton asked if she was willing to transfer the Moomins to comic strip format:

It has come to my mind, that your "Moomin" family could make an interesting comic strip, which would not necessarily be aimed at children. It is obvious that the Moomin family appeals to children, but we think these wonderful creatures could be used in comic strip form to satirise our so-called civilised lifestyle.

At the time, Tove Jansson had already had experience in drawing Moomin comic strips. She had already published a long comic strip story Mumintrollet och jordens undergång in the Finland-Swedish Ny Tid newspaper in 1947, which was loosely based on her book Comet in Moominland. The comic strip attracted strong criticism from the left-wing readers of the newspaper, who thought the Moomins were too bourgeois, and the newspaper did not order any more comic strips from Jansson. After Sutton's offer, Jansson made a seven-year contract to draw Moomin comic strips in June 1952. Before the comic was published, Jansson developed the strip together with the comic press of Associated Newspapers, and particularly Charles Sutton guided the artist in great detail. For a time, the syndicate sought a separate writer for the strip, but in the end, the decision was that Jansson would both write and draw the strip herself.

The newspaper that would publish the Moomin comic strip ended up being Evening News, part of the Associated Newspapers syndicate, which was the largest afternoon newspaper at the time, with a circulation of 12 million. The comic strip Moomin was first published in the newspaper on 20 September 1954. Sutton had organised a very prominent advertisement campaign to support the start of the new comic strip. The strip was quickly sold to other countries, particularly the Nordic countries. In Finland, the strip started on 21 April 1955 in Ilta-Sanomat, the largest afternoon newspaper in the country. In the same year, the strip also started in the Swedish-language local newspapers Västra Nyland and Vasabladet, and in 1957 in Åbo Underrättelser. Most newspapers publishing the Moomin comic strip were European, but it was also published in more distant places. In North America, it was finally sold to the Canadian Toronto Daily Star, but in the United States, no newspaper worthy of note accepted it on its pages.

List of comic strip stories

The strip was divided into episodes, each with distinct titles and storylines.

NumberEnglish nameSwedish name[2][3]Finnish nameCreator(s)Year of appearancePublication notes
0.Moomintroll and the End of the WorldMumintrollet och jordens undergångMuumipeikko ja maailmanloppuToveJuly 2, 1948Originally published in Ny Tid.
1.Moomin and the BrigandsMumintrolletMuumipeikkoToveJuly 7, 1954Originally published in The Evening News. Reprinted in Drawn & Quarterly's Moomin Vol.1 (2006) ISBN 9781894937801
2.Moomin and Family LifeMuminfamiljenMuumiperheToveJanuary 19, 1955
3.Moomin on the RivieraMumin på Rivieran
Familjen lever högt
Muumiperhe RivierallaToveFebruary 23, 1955
4.Moomin's Desert IslandDen ensliga önYksinäinen saariToveMarch 16, 1955
5.Moomin's Winter FolliesDen farliga vinternVaarallinen talviToveJune 8, 1955Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol.2 (2007) ISBN 9781897299197
6.Moominmamma's MaidLåtsaslekKuvitteluleikkiToveFebruary 22, 1956
7.Moomin Builds a HouseMumin bygger ett hus
Att bygga ett hus
TalonrakennusToveApril 25, 1956
8.Moomin Begins a New LifeMumin börjar ett nytt liv
Vi börjar ett nytt liv
Aloitamme uuden elämänToveMay 30, 1956
9.Moomin Falls in LoveMumin blir kär
Mumintrollet blir förälskat
Muumipeikko rakastuuToveJuly 18, 1956Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol.3 (2008) ISBN 9781897299555
10.Moomin Valley Turns JungleMumindalen blir djungel
Vi bor i en djungel
ViidakkoelämääToveSeptember 5, 1956
11.Moomin and the MartiansMumin och marsmänniskorna
Mumintrollet och marsinnevånarna
Muumipeikko ja marsilaisetToveFebruary 27, 1957
12.Moomin and the SeaMumin och havet
Muminfamiljen och havet
Muumiperhe ja meriToveMarch 13, 1957
13.Club Life in Moomin ValleyFöreningsliv i Mumindalen
Yhdistyselämää MuumilaaksossaToveApril 24, 1957
14.Moomin Goes Wild WestMumintrollet i vilda västern
Mumin i Vilda Västern
Muumipeikko villissä lännessäTove/LarsMay 1, 1957Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol.4 (2009) ISBN 9781897299784
15.Snorkmaiden Goes RococoSnorkfröken i rokoko
Snorkfröken i Rococo
Niiskuneiti rokokoossaTove/LarsJanuary 22, 1958
16.Conscientious MoominMumin och medborgarkänslan
Mumin blir social
Muumipeikko ja velvollisuudentuntoTove/LarsFebruary 12, 1958
17.Moomin and the CometMumin och kometenMuumipeikko ja pyrstötähtiTove/LarsApril 9, 1958
18.Moomin and the Golden TailMumin och den gyllene svansen
Den gyllene svansen
Muumipeikko ja kultainen häntäToveMay 7, 1958
19.Moomin WinterMuminvinterMuumitalviTove/LarsJanuary 21, 1959Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol.5 (2010)ISBN 9781897299944
20.Moomin under SailMumin till sjössMuumipeikko merilläTove/LarsFebruary 11, 1959
21.Fuddler's CourtshipKlåttdjurets frieriHosulin kosintaTove/LarsMarch 18, 1959
22.Moomin's LampMumins lampaMuumin lamppuLarsFebruary 3, 1960Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol. 6 (2011) ISBN 9781770460423
23.Moomin and the RailwayMumin och järnvägenMuumipeikko ja rautatieLars1960
24.Moominpappa and the SpiesMuminpappa och spionernaMuumipappa ja vakoojatLars1960
25.Moomin and the CircusMumin och cirkusenMuumipeikko ja sirkusLars1960
26.Moomin the ColonistMumin NybyggarenMuumit uudisasukkainaLars1961Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol. 7 (2012) ISBN 9781770460621
27.Moomin and the ScoutsMumin och scouternaMuumipeikko ja partiolaisetLars1961
28.Moomin and the FarmMumin brukar jordenMuumipeikko maanviljelijänäLars1961
29.Moomin and the GoldfieldsMumin och guldgrävarnaMuumipeikko kullankaivajanaLars1961
30.Moomin Family RobinsonRobinson MuminRobinson MuumiLars1962Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol. 8 (2013) ISBN 9781770461215
31.Artists in Moomin ValleyMumin och konstenMuumipeikko ja taideLars1962
32.Sniff's Holiday CampSniff's badortNipsun kylpyläLars1962
33.The Inspector's NephewPolismästarens brorsonPoliisimestarin veljenpoikaLars1962
34.Damsel in DistressDam i dilemmaNeitonen ahdingossaLars1963Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol.9 (2014) ISBN 9781770461574
35.Fuddler and Married LifeKnappar och äktenskapNappeja ja avioliittojaLars1963
36.Sniff's Sport ShopSniff's sportshop
Sniffs sportaffär
Nipsun urheiluliikeLars1963
37.Mymble's DiamondMymlans diamantMymmelin timanttiLars1963
38.Moomin and the VampireMumin och vampyrenMuumit ja vampyyriLars1964Originally published in London's The Evening News. Reprinted in D&Q's Moomin Vol.10 (August 2015) ISBN 9781770462021
39.Moomin and the TVMumin och TVMuumipeikko ja televisioLars1964
40.The Underdeveloped MoominsDe underutvecklade mumintrollenAlikehittyneet muumitLars1964
41.Moomin and Aunt JaneMumin och mosterMuumipeikko ja tätiLars1964
42.Moomin and the National ParkMumin och naturparkenMuumit ja luonnonpuistoLars1965Originally published in London's The Evening News.
43.Moomin and the Good Old DaysMumin och den Gamla Goda Tiden
Den gamla goda tiden
Muumipeikko ja vanhat hyvät ajatLars1965
44.Moomin's PetHundliv i MumindalenKoiranelämää MuumilaaksossaLars1965
45.Moomin the Private EyeMumin detektivenMuumisalapoliisiLars1966
46.Spring in Moomin ValleyVårkänslorKevättunteitaLars1966
47.Moomin Rescues a PrincessMumin räddar en prinsessaMuumipeikko pelastaa prinsessanLars1966
48.Moomin and Agent 008 ½Mumin och agent 008½Muumipeikko ja agentti 008 ½Lars1966
49.Moomin Lives DangerouslyMumin lever farligtMuumipeikon vaarallinen elämäLars1967
50.Moomins in TorrellorcaMumin på TorrelorcaMuumit TorrelorcallaLars1967
51.Snorkmaiden Crashes SocietySnorkfröken i societetenNiiskuneiti seurapiireissäLars1967
52.Moomins in Ancient GreeceRedan de gamla grekernaJo muinaiset kreikkalaisetLars1967
53.Sniff Goes GoodSniff blir godNipsu parantaa tapansaLars1968Originally published in several newspapers (but not London's The Evening News).
54.Moomin the JournalistRedaktör MuminMuumipeikko toimittajanaLars1968
55.Moomin and the OrphansMumin och de föräldralösaMuumipeikko ja orpolapsetLars1968
56.Sir MoominRiddar MuminRitarimuumiLars1969
57.Horsey MoominMumin till hästMuumipeikko ratsaillaLars1969
58.Moomin and the MermaidMumin och sjöjungfrunMuumipeikko ja merenneitoLars1969
59.Emancipated MoominsMisans återkomstMiskan paluuLars1970
60.Moomin and the RadicalsMumin och RadikalernaMuumipeikko ja radikaalitLars1970
61.Moomin ChristmasMumin-JulMuumijouluLars1970
62.Moomin in Ancient EgyptMumin i EgyptenMuumipeikko EgyptissäLars1971
63.Sniff Falls in LoveSniff blir kärNipsu rakastuuLars1971
64.Moomin EngagementMumin förlovar sigMuumipeikon kihlausLars1971
65.Moomin and the Flying DutchmanMumin och den flygande HolländarenMuumipeikko ja Lentävä hollantilainenLars1972
66.Snorkmaiden the SeerSnorkfröken blir synskNiiskuneidistä tulee ennustajaLars1972
67.Moomin and the BeachMumin och badstrandenMuumipeikko ja uimarantaLars1973
68.Moomin Gets RichMumin blir rikMuumipeikko rikastuuLars1973
69.Moomin and the GuruMumin och GurunMuumipeikko ja guruLars1973
70.Moominpappa and Old AgeMuminpappan på ålderns brantMuumipappa vanhuuden porteillaLars1974
71.Moomin in BattleBatalj i MumindalenTaistelu MuumilaaksostaLars1974
72.Moomin in Neander ValleyMumin i NeanderdalenMuumipeikko NeanderthalissaLars1974
73.Moomin and the Ten Piggy BanksMumin och de tio sparbössornaMuumipeikko ja kymmenen säästöporsastaLars1975


The comic strips are currently being republished in a set of hardback books, in original publication order, by Canadian publisher Drawn & Quarterly. The first five volumes collect the Tove and Tove/Lars strips, and are titled Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip. The sixth and subsequent volumes collects Lars' strips, and are titled Moomin: The Complete Lars Jansson Comic Strip.


The Moomin (1990) anime series featured several episodes, which are loose adaptations based on comic strip stories, while several characters from comic strips are featured in the anime series as well. The second season, known as sequel anime series Delightful Moomin Family: Adventure Diary (楽しいムーミン一家 冒険日記, Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka: Bōken Nikki) in Japan, has also several episodes based on the comic strip stories more rather than original novels made by Tove Jansson. Notably, few episodes featured time traveling with the time machine, that has accidentally created by Moominpapa. Both of seasons' episodes are directed by Hiroshi Saitô and Masayuki Kojima.

Animated film

The 2014 traditional animated comedy film directed by Xavier Picard and produced by Hanna Hemilä, is based on the Moomin on the Riviera comic strip story and has been first released on 10 October 2014 in Finland to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Tove Jansson's birth.[4][5] The film is heavily faithful to the original comic strip story, while it features some elements from other comic strip stories and adds several characters who didn't appear in the original story to the film such as Little My and Snufkin.[6]


  1. "NY tid - Arkiv". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2007-09-27. (in Swedish)
  2. Zépé's Virtuelles Muminforschungszentrum (in German)
  3. Juhani Tolvanen: Muumisisarukset. Tove ja Lars Jansson – Muumipeikko-sarjakuvan tarina. WSOY 2000. ISBN 951-0-23633-0. (in Finnish)
  4. "Moomins on the Riviera - About the Film". Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  5. "Glamour on koitua Muumien kohtaloksi Rivieralla". 29 May 2013. Archived from the original on 16 October 2014. Retrieved 1 July 2014.(in Finnish)
  6. "Moomins on the Riviera - Characters". Retrieved 28 April 2014.
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