Rogaland (Storting constituency)

Rogaland is one of the 19 multi-member constituencies of the Storting, the national legislature of Norway. The constituency was established in 1921 following the introduction of proportional representation for elections to the Storting. It is conterminous with the county of Rogaland. The constituency currently elects 13 of the 169 members of the Storting using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2021 parliamentary election it had 333,475 registered electors.

for the Storting
Outline map
Location of Rogaland within Norway
Population482,645 (2021)[1]
Electorate333,475 (2021)
Area9,377 km2 (2021)[2]
Current constituency
  • 13 (2013–present)
  • 12 (2005–2013)
  • 10 (1953–2005)
  • 5 (1921–1953)
Members of the Storting[3]
Created from
  • Dalene
  • Hesbø and Hafrsfjord
  • Jæderen
  • Karmsund
  • Ryfylke

Electoral system

Rogaland currently elects 13 of the 169 members of the Storting using the open[lower-alpha 1] party-list proportional representation electoral system.[7][8] Constituency seats are allocated by the County Electoral Committee using the Modified Sainte-Laguë method.[9][10] Compensatory seats (seats at large) are calculated based on the national vote and are allocated by the National Electoral Committee using the Modified Sainte-Laguë method at the constituency level (one for each constituency).[9] Only parties that reach the 4% national threshold compete for compensatory seats.[11][12]

Election results


R / RV / FMS
Socialist Left
Sp / Bp / L

Votes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %Seats

(Excludes compensatory seats. Figures in italics represent joint lists.)


Results of the 2021 parliamentary election held on 13 September 2021:[13]

Conservative PartyH61,99223.95%404
Labour PartyAp57,96922.39%303
Progress PartyFrP43,38216.76%202
Centre PartySp26,95510.41%202
Christian Democratic PartyKrF20,8598.06%101
Socialist Left PartySV13,2615.12%101
Red PartyR9,6203.72%011
Liberal PartyV9,1063.52%000
Green PartyMDG6,1522.38%000
Democrats in Norway2,6341.02%000
Industry and Business PartyINP1,6460.64%000
The ChristiansPDK1,4000.54%000
Pensioners' PartyPP1,3270.51%000
Center Party9110.35%000
Health Party5000.19%000
Capitalist Party4240.16%000
People's Action No to More Road TollsFNB3160.12%000
Alliance - Alternative for Norway2120.08%000
Pirate Party of Norway2020.08%000
Valid Votes258,868100.00%13114
Blank Votes1,6030.61%
Rejected Votes – Other4200.16%
Total Polled260,89178.23%
Registered Electors333,475

The following candidates were elected:[14] Olaug Bollestad (KrF); Tina Bru (H); Ingrid Fiskaa (SV); Margret Hagerup (H); Terje Halleland (FrP); Lisa Marie Ness Klungland (Sp); Mímir Kristjánsson (R); Tove Elise Madland (Ap); Geir Pollestad (Sp); Torstein Tvedt Solberg (Ap); Roy Steffensen (FrP); Sveinung Stensland (H); Aleksander Stokkebø (H); and Hadia Tajik (Ap).


Results of the 2017 parliamentary election held on 11 September 2017:[15]

Conservative PartyH72,20128.75%404
Labour PartyAp56,34022.44%404
Progress PartyFrP49,45119.69%303
Christian Democratic PartyKrF21,0928.40%101
Centre PartySp18,8977.53%101
Socialist Left PartySV9,8953.94%011
Liberal PartyV8,8513.52%000
Green PartyMDG6,4442.57%000
Red PartyR2,8951.15%000
The ChristiansPDK1,2560.50%000
Pensioners' PartyPP1,2260.49%000
Capitalist Party6440.26%000
Health Party5300.21%000
Pirate Party of Norway4440.18%000
Coastal PartyKP2480.10%000
Democrats in Norway2400.10%000
The Alliance2310.09%000
Party of Values1480.06%000
Communist Party of NorwayK750.03%000
Valid Votes251,108100.00%13114
Blank Votes1,4400.57%
Rejected Votes – Other4140.16%
Total Polled252,96278.76%
Registered Electors321,163

The following candidates were elected:[16] Olaug Bollestad (KrF); Tina Bru (H); Margret Hagerup (H); Terje Halleland (FrP); Øystein Langholm Hansen (Ap); Bent Høie (H); Solveig Horne (FrP); Solfrid Lerbrekk (SV); Hege Haukeland Liadal (Ap); Geir Pollestad (Sp); Torstein Tvedt Solberg (Ap); Roy Steffensen (FrP); Sveinung Stensland (H); and Hadia Tajik (Ap).


Results of the 2013 parliamentary election held on 8 and 9 September 2013:[17]

Conservative PartyH72,47030.12%404
Labour PartyAp54,46222.64%303
Progress PartyFrP45,08218.74%303
Christian Democratic PartyKrF25,58510.63%202
Centre PartySp12,6215.25%101
Liberal PartyV10,8274.50%011
Socialist Left PartySV7,9083.29%000
Green PartyMDG5,2672.19%000
The ChristiansPDK2,2960.95%000
Pensioners' PartyPP1,1910.50%000
Red PartyR1,0600.44%000
Pirate Party of Norway8650.36%000
Christian Unity PartyKSP3510.15%000
Liberal People's PartyDLF2260.09%000
Coastal PartyKP2020.08%000
Democrats in Norway1150.05%000
Communist Party of NorwayK670.03%000
Valid Votes240,595100.00%13114
Blank Votes8460.35%
Rejected Votes – Other1950.08%
Total Polled241,63678.20%
Registered Electors308,988

The following candidates were elected:[18] Olaug Bollestad (KrF); Tina Bru (H); Bent Høie (H); Solveig Horne (FrP); Arve Kambe (H); Hege Haukeland Liadal (Ap); Siri A. Meling (H); Iselin Nybø (V); Geir Pollestad (Sp); Torstein Tvedt Solberg (Ap); Roy Steffensen (FrP); Eirin Kristin Sund (Ap); Bente Thorsen (FrP); and Geir Toskedal (KrF).


Results of the 2009 parliamentary election held on 13 and 14 September 2009:[19]

Progress PartyFrP60,03026.46%404
Labour PartyAp59,14526.07%303
Conservative PartyH44,28919.52%303
Christian Democratic PartyKrF25,54111.26%101
Centre PartySp13,1445.79%101
Socialist Left PartySV10,6094.68%011
Liberal PartyV10,0534.43%000
Pensioners' PartyPP1,3860.61%000
Red PartyR9080.40%000
Christian Unity PartyKSP6870.30%000
Green PartyMDG5710.25%000
Coastal PartyKP2230.10%000
Democrats in Norway1280.06%000
Liberal People's PartyDLF1220.05%000
Communist Party of NorwayK610.03%000
Valid Votes226,897100.00%12113
Blank Votes9820.43%
Rejected Votes – Other1800.08%
Total Polled228,05976.99%
Registered Electors296,220

The following candidates were elected:[20] Bent Høie (H); Solveig Horne (FrP); Dagfinn Høybråten (KrF); Arve Kambe (H);Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa (Sp); Hallgeir H. Langeland (SV); Siri A. Meling (H); Tore Nordtun (Ap); Torfinn Opheim (Ap); Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FrP); Eirin Kristin Sund (Ap); Bente Thorsen (FrP); and Øyvind Vaksdal (FrP).


Results of the 2005 parliamentary election held on 11 and 12 September 2005:[21][22]

Progress PartyFrP56,99526.09%303
Labour PartyAp53,73624.60%303
Conservative PartyH33,40215.29%202
Christian Democratic PartyKrF26,61312.18%112
Liberal PartyV15,3707.04%101
Centre PartySp13,7646.30%101
Socialist Left PartySV13,7596.30%101
Coastal PartyKP1,2130.56%000
Red Electoral AllianceRV1,0700.49%000
Pensioners' PartyPP8580.39%000
Christian Unity PartyKSP6510.30%000
Abortion Opponents' List4680.21%000
Green PartyMDG2870.13%000
Reform Party540.02%000
Valid Votes218,454100.00%12113
Blank Votes6530.30%
Rejected Votes – Other2480.11%
Total Polled219,35577.63%
Registered Electors282,562

The following candidates were elected:[23] Bent Høie (H); Solveig Horne (FrP); Dagfinn Høybråten (KrF); Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa (Sp); Gunnar Kvassheim (V); Hallgeir H. Langeland (SV); Tore Nordtun (Ap); Torfinn Opheim (Ap); Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FrP); Eirin Kristin Sund (Ap); Bjørg Tørresdal (KrF); Øyvind Vaksdal (FrP); and Finn Martin Vallersnes (H).


Results of the 2001 parliamentary election held on 9 and 10 September 2001:[21][22]

Conservative PartyH46,91822.67%303
Christian Democratic PartyKrF39,29418.99%202
Progress PartyFrP37,65018.19%202
Labour PartyAp36,85717.81%202
Socialist Left PartySV18,1878.79%101
Centre PartySp10,5165.08%011
Liberal PartyV9,9004.78%000
Coastal PartyKP2,2851.10%000
The Political PartyDPP1,5660.76%000
Red Electoral AllianceRV1,1790.57%000
Christian Unity PartyKSP1,0700.52%000
Popular Action No to More Tolls6920.33%000
Fatherland PartyFLP3120.15%000
Green PartyMDG2650.13%000
Norwegian People's PartyNFP1500.07%000
Communist Party of NorwayK940.05%000
Valid Votes206,935100.00%10111
Rejected Votes6700.32%
Total Polled207,60577.07%
Registered Electors269,371

The following candidates were elected:[24] Bent Høie (H); Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa (Sp); Hallgeir H. Langeland (SV); Siri A. Meling (H); Tore Nordtun (Ap); Jan Simonsen (FrP); Oddbjørg Ausdal Starrfelt (Ap); Einar Steensnæs (KrF); Bjørg Tørresdal (KrF); Øyvind Vaksdal (FrP); and Finn Martin Vallersnes (H).


Results of the 1997 parliamentary election held on 15 September 1997:[25][26][27]

Labour PartyAp57,38627.65%303
Christian Democratic PartyKrF41,09919.80%202
Progress PartyFrP38,57518.59%202
Conservative PartyH29,89214.40%202
Centre PartySp15,6007.52%101
Liberal PartyV11,6485.61%011
Socialist Left PartySV8,2974.00%011
Red Electoral AllianceRV1,8940.91%000
Pensioners' PartyPP1,4810.71%000
Christian Conservative PartyKKP4760.23%000
Fatherland PartyFLP4410.21%000
Green PartyMDG3130.15%000
Natural Law Party1360.07%000
Communist Party of NorwayK720.03%000
Valid Votes207,556100.00%10212
Rejected Votes6180.30%
Total Polled208,17480.19%
Registered Electors259,599

The following candidates were elected:[28] Jan Johnsen (H); Hilde Frafjord Johnson (KrF); Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa (Sp); Gunnar Kvassheim (V); Hallgeir H. Langeland (SV); Tore Nordtun (Ap); Jan Petter Rasmussen (Ap); Jan Simonsen (FrP); Oddbjørg Ausdal Starrfelt (Ap); Einar Steensnæs (KrF); Inger Stolt-Nielsen (H); and Øyvind Vaksdal (FrP).


Results of the 1993 parliamentary election held on 12 and 13 September 1993:[29][30][31]

Labour PartyAp57,03729.29%303
Centre PartySp34,96417.95%202
Conservative PartyH31,85616.36%202
Christian Democratic PartyKrF27,90914.33%202
Progress PartyFrP15,5547.99%101
Socialist Left PartySV12,1566.24%011
Liberal PartyV8,9604.60%000
Pensioners' PartyPP2,2281.14%000
Fatherland PartyFLP2,0181.04%000
Christian Conservative PartyKKP7130.37%000
New Future Coalition PartySNF6400.33%000
Red Electoral AllianceRV4780.25%000
Green PartyMDG2250.12%000
Valid Votes194,738100.00%10111
Rejected Votes4850.25%
Total Polled195,22378.26%
Registered Electors249,445

The following candidates were elected:[32] Unn Aarrestad (Sp); Gunnar Fatland (H); Hilde Frafjord Johnson (KrF); Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa (Sp); Eilef A. Meland (SV); Tore Nordtun (Ap); Magnar Sætre (Ap); Jan Simonsen (FrP); Oddbjørg Ausdal Starrfelt (Ap); Einar Steensnæs (KrF); and Thorhild Widvey (H).


Results of the 1989 parliamentary election held on 10 and 11 September 1989:[33][34][35][36]

Labour PartyAp53,83226.68%303
Conservative PartyH44,82122.21%213
Progress PartyFrP31,07215.40%202
Christian Democratic PartyKrF29,52814.63%112
Centre PartySp15,3407.60%101
Socialist Left PartySV14,5527.21%101
Liberal PartyV10,4525.18%000
Stop ImmigrationSI1,0540.52%000
County Lists for Environment and SolidarityFMS5710.28%000
Green PartyMDG5710.28%000
Valid Votes201,793100.00%10212
Rejected Votes2900.14%
Total Polled202,08385.01%
Registered Electors237,729

The following candidates were elected:[37] Gunnar Berge (Ap); Petter Bjørheim (FrP); Gunnar Fatland (H); Sverre Mauritzen (H); Eilef A. Meland (SV); Gunn Vigdis Olsen-Hagen (Ap); Borghild Røyseland (KrF); Magnar Sætre (Ap); Jan Simonsen (FrP); John S. Tveit (KrF); Ole Gabriel Ueland (Sp); and Thorhild Widvey (H).


Results of the 1985 parliamentary election held on 8 and 9 September 1985:[38][39][40][41]

Conservative PartyH59,52431.38%4
Labour PartyAp58,70230.94%3
Christian Democratic PartyKrF27,85714.68%2
Centre PartySp14,1017.43%1
Progress PartyFrP11,4036.01%0
Liberal PartyV9,7865.16%0
Socialist Left PartySV6,5453.45%0
Liberal People's PartyDLF1,2370.65%0
Red Electoral AllianceRV3650.19%0
Communist Party of NorwayK1570.08%0
Free Elected Representatives260.01%0
Valid Votes189,703100.00%10
Rejected Votes2180.11%
Total Polled189,92184.44%
Registered Electors224,907

The following candidates were elected:[42] Gunnar Berge (Ap); Gunnar Fatland (H); Hans Frette (Ap); Marit Løvvig (H); Sverre Mauritzen (H); Gunn Vigdis Olsen-Hagen (Ap); Borghild Røyseland (KrF); Lars Storhaug (H); John S. Tveit (KrF); and Ole Gabriel Ueland (Sp).


Results of the 1981 parliamentary election held on 13 and 14 September 1981:[43][44][45][46]

Conservative PartyH59,99733.74%3
Labour PartyAp48,12127.07%3
Christian Democratic PartyKrF27,90215.69%2
Progress PartyFrP14,2278.00%1
Centre PartySp12,6397.11%1
Liberal PartyV6,6143.72%0
Socialist Left PartySV6,0613.41%0
Liberal People's PartyDLF1,3260.75%0
Red Electoral AllianceRV5760.32%0
Communist Party of NorwayK2390.13%0
Plebiscite Party610.03%0
Free Elected Representatives330.02%0
Valid Votes177,796100.00%10
Rejected Votes1650.09%
Total Polled177,96183.97%
Registered Electors211,924

The following candidates were elected:[47] Jakob Aano (KrF); Gunnar Berge (Ap); Claus Egil Feyling (H); Hans Frette (Ap); Knut Haus (KrF); Marit Løvvig (H); Sverre Mauritzen (H); Jens Marcussen (FrP); Gunn Vigdis Olsen-Hagen (Ap); and Ole Gabriel Ueland (Sp).


Results of the 1977 parliamentary election held on 11 and 12 September 1977:[48][49][50][51]

Labour PartyAp49,90731.57%4
Conservative PartyH41,18626.05%3
Christian Democratic PartyKrF33,52121.20%2
Centre PartySp12,8768.14%1
Progress PartyFrP5,3223.37%0
New People's PartyDNF5,3213.37%0
Socialist Left PartySV5,1713.27%0
Liberal PartyV3,7182.35%0
Red Electoral AllianceRV4440.28%0
Single Person's Party2280.14%0
Communist Party of NorwayK2260.14%0
Norwegian Democratic Party1290.08%0
Free Elected Representatives530.03%0
Valid Votes158,102100.00%10
Rejected Votes1940.12%
Total Polled158,29683.18%
Registered Electors190,296

The following candidates were elected:[52] Jakob Aano (KrF); Gunnar Berge (Ap); Claus Egil Feyling (H); Hans Frette (Ap); Knut Haus (KrF); Geirmund Ihle (Ap); Kristin Kverneland Lønningdal (H); Marit Løvvig (H); Gunn Vigdis Olsen-Hagen (Ap); and Ole Gabriel Ueland (Sp).


Results of the 1973 parliamentary election held on 9 and 10 September 1973:[53][54][55][56]

Labour PartyAp38,04126.64%3
Christian Democratic PartyKrF29,84920.90%2
Conservative PartyH20,94414.67%2
Centre PartySp16,69311.69%1
Socialist Electoral LeagueSV11,7408.22%1
Anders Lange's PartyALP11,2407.87%1
New People's PartyDNF8,7186.11%0
Liberal PartyV4,6723.27%0
Norwegian Democratic Party2800.20%0
Red Electoral AllianceRV2780.19%0
Single Person's Party2420.17%0
Women's Free Elected Representatives900.06%0
Valid Votes142,787100.00%10
Rejected Votes2050.14%
Total Polled142,99280.13%
Registered Electors178,456

The following candidates were elected:[57] Jakob Aano (KrF); Karl Aasland (Sp); Gunnar Berge (Ap); Edvard Magnus Edvardsen (Ap); Erling Erland (ALP); Berge Furre (SV); Knut Haus (KrF); Geirmund Ihle (Ap); Kristin Kverneland Lønningdal (H); and Lauritz Bernhard Sirevaag (H).


Results of the 1969 parliamentary election held on 7 and 8 September 1969:[58][59][60][61]

Labour PartyAp48,64934.83%4
Christian Democratic PartyKrF26,71619.13%2
Conservative PartyH23,84817.07%2
Liberal PartyV19,30113.82%1
Centre PartySp16,70011.96%1
Socialist People's PartySF3,3092.37%0
Communist Party of NorwayK7740.55%0
Norwegian Democratic Party3870.28%0
Valid Votes139,684100.00%10
Rejected Votes2340.17%
Total Polled139,91883.03%
Registered Electors168,510

The following candidates were elected:[62] Jakob Aano (KrF); Karl Aasland (Sp); Gunnar Berge (Ap); Karl J. Brommeland (KrF); Edvard Magnus Edvardsen (Ap); Egil Endresen (H); Ingvar Lars Helle (V); Geirmund Ihle (Ap); Peder P. Næsheim (Ap); and Lauritz Bernhard Sirevaag (H).


Results of the 1965 parliamentary election held on 12 and 13 September 1965:[63][64][65][66]

Labour PartyAp43,02032.58%3
Conservative PartyH23,51017.80%2
Liberal PartyV23,39417.72%2
Christian Democratic PartyKrF20,89515.82%2
Centre PartySp15,05311.40%1
Socialist People's PartySF5,1123.87%0
Communist Party of NorwayK8760.66%0
Norwegian Democratic Party1940.15%0
Valid Votes132,054100.00%10
Rejected Votes3940.30%
Total Polled132,44885.56%
Registered Electors154,798

The following candidates were elected:[67] Jakob Aano (KrF); Karl J. Brommeland (KrF); Edvard Magnus Edvardsen (Ap); Egil Endresen (H); Ingolv Helland (V); Gunnar Fredrik Hellesen (H); Sunniva Hakestad Møller (Ap); Peder P. Næsheim (Ap); Inga Lovise Tusvik (V); and Bjarne Undheim (Sp).


Results of the 1961 parliamentary election held on 11 September 1961:[68][69][70][71]

Labour PartyAp41,99536.08%3
Conservative PartyH20,55617.66%2
Liberal PartyV20,14217.31%2
Christian Democratic PartyKrF18,84316.19%2
Centre PartySp12,92411.10%1
Communist Party of NorwayK1,9221.65%0
Wild Votes10.00%0
Valid Votes116,383100.00%10
Rejected Votes6140.52%
Total Polled116,99778.71%
Registered Electors148,651

The following candidates were elected:[69][72] Ole Bergesen (H), 20,538 votes; Kjell Bondevik (KrF), 18,842 votes; Karl J. Brommeland (KrF), 18,840 votes; Trond Hegna (Ap), 41,991 votes; Ingolv Helland (V), 20,130 votes; Gunnar Fredrik Hellesen (H), 20,555 votes; Sunniva Hakestad Møller (Ap), 41,983 votes; Lars Ramndal (V), 20,127 votes; Jakob Martinus Remseth (Ap), 41,992 votes; and Bjarne Undheim (Sp), 12,913 votes.


Results of the 1957 parliamentary election held on 7 October 1957:[73][74][75][76]

Labour PartyAp41,22036.72%3
Liberal PartyV20,70018.44%2
Christian Democratic PartyKrF18,06016.09%2
Conservative PartyH17,97116.01%2
Farmers' PartyBp12,38211.03%1
Communist Party of NorwayK1,9161.71%0
Valid Votes112,249100.00%10
Rejected Votes4550.40%
Total Polled112,70477.47%
Registered Electors145,480

The following candidates were elected:[77] Ole Bergesen (H); Kjell Bondevik (KrF); Karl J. Brommeland (KrF); Trond Hegna (Ap); Paul Ingebretsen (V); Peter Torleivson Molaug (H); Sunniva Hakestad Møller (Ap); Lars Ramndal (V); Jakob Martinus Remseth (Ap); and Lars Elisæus Vatnaland (Bp).


Results of the 1953 parliamentary election held on 12 October 1953:[78][79][80]

Labour PartyAp40,54436.18%3
Liberal PartyV19,83817.70%2
Christian Democratic PartyKrF18,10516.15%2
Conservative PartyH17,66615.76%2
Farmers' PartyBp13,17811.76%1
Communist Party of NorwayK2,7442.45%0
Wild Votes10.00%0
Valid Votes112,076100.00%10
Rejected Votes5180.46%
Total Polled112,59479.97%
Registered Electors140,803

The following candidates were elected:[81] Ole Bergesen (H); Kjell Bondevik (KrF); Trond Hegna (Ap); Ivar Kristiansen Hognestad (Ap); Paul Ingebretsen (V); Peter Torleivson Molaug (H); Lars Ramndal (V); Jakob Martinus Remseth (Ap); Lars Elisæus Vatnaland (Bp); and Endre Kristian Vestvik (KrF).


Results of the 1949 parliamentary election held on 10 October 1949:[82][83]

Labour PartyAp19,90028.82%2
Conservative Party and Farmers' PartyH-Bp19,09727.66%1
Liberal PartyV17,71125.65%1
Christian Democratic PartyKrF10,40615.07%1
Communist Party of NorwayK1,2181.76%0
Society PartySamfp7161.04%0
Valid Votes69,048100.00%5
Rejected Votes4530.65%
Total Polled69,50180.20%
Registered Electors86,663

The following candidates were elected:[84] Kjell Bondevik (KrF); Ivar Kristiansen Hognestad (Ap); Lars Ramndal (V); Jakob Martinus Remseth (Ap); and Lars Elisæus Vatnaland (H-Bp).


Results of the 1945 parliamentary election held on 8 October 1945:[85][86]

PartyPartyList Alliance
Labour PartyAp16,73729.12%216,73729.12%2
Liberal PartyV15,60327.15%215,60327.15%1
Farmers' PartyBp8,76715.25%115,71127.34%2
Conservative PartyH6,94712.09%0
Christian Democratic PartyKrF7,16012.46%07,16012.46%0
Communist Party of NorwayK2,2623.94%02,2623.94%0
Valid Votes57,476100.00%557,473100.00%5
Rejected Votes3690.64%
Total Polled57,84574.84%
Registered Electors77,294

As the list alliance was entitled to more seats contesting as an alliance than it was contesting as individual parties, the distribution of seats was as list alliance votes.[85] The H-Bp list alliance's additional seat was allocated to the Conservative Party.[85]

The following candidates were elected:[87] Ivar Kristiansen Hognestad (Ap); Lars Ramndal (V); Jakob Martinus Remseth (Ap); Lars Elisæus Vatnaland (Bp); and Torkell Vinje (H).


Results of the 1936 parliamentary election held on 19 October 1936:[88][89]

PartyPartyList Alliance
Liberal PartyV18,62635.05%218,62635.05%2
Conservative PartyH11,70722.03%122,26539.38%2
Farmers' PartyBp10,56919.89%1
Labour PartyAp9,89818.62%19,89818.62%1
Society PartySamfp1,8693.52%01,8693.52%0
Nasjonal SamlingNS4780.90%04780.90%0
Valid Votes53,147100.00%553,136100.00%5
Rejected Votes2510.47%
Total Polled53,39884.60%
Registered Electors63,115

As the list alliance was not entitled to more seats contesting as an alliance than it was contesting as individual parties, the distribution of seats was as party votes.[88]

The following candidates were elected:[88] Kristian Edland (V); Ivar Kristiansen Hognestad (Ap); Karl K. Kleppe (V); Nils Martinsen Kverneland (Bp); and Torkell Vinje (H).


Results of the 1933 parliamentary election held on 16 October 1933:[90][91]

PartyPartyList Alliance
Liberal PartyV13,08929.53%215,84535.75%2
Rogaland Liberal LeftLV2,7576.22%0
Farmers' PartyBp12,87929.06%112,87929.06%1
Labour PartyAp8,46519.10%18,46519.10%1
Conservative PartyH6,93315.64%16,93315.64%1
Communist Party of NorwayK1950.44%01950.44%0
Valid Votes44,318100.00%544,317100.00%5
Rejected Votes2810.63%
Total Polled44,59976.25%
Registered Electors58,493

As the list alliance was not entitled to more seats contesting as an alliance than it was contesting as individual parties, the distribution of seats was as party votes.[90]

The following candidates were elected:[90] Kristian Edland (V); Ivar Kristiansen Hognestad (Ap); Karl K. Kleppe (V); Nils Martinsen Kverneland (Bp); and Torkell Vinje (H).


Results of the 1930 parliamentary election held on 20 October 1930:[92][93]

Liberal PartyV16,44837.12%2
Farmers' PartyBp14,35132.39%2
Conservative Party and Free-minded Liberal PartyH-FV7,92717.89%1
Labour PartyAp5,38112.15%0
Communist Party of NorwayK1990.45%0
Valid Votes44,306100.00%5
Rejected Votes2090.47%
Total Polled44,51580.70%
Registered Electors55,161

The following candidates were elected:[92] Hans Aarstad (V); Karl K. Kleppe (V); Nils Martinsen Kverneland (Bp); Otto Georg Jahn Reimers (Bp); and Torkell Vinje (H-FV).


Results of the 1927 parliamentary election held on 17 October 1927:[94][95]

Liberal PartyV11,28334.00%2
Farmers' PartyBp11,06133.33%2
Labour PartyAp5,73617.28%1
Conservative Party and Free-minded Liberal PartyH-FV5,10715.39%0
Valid Votes33,187100.00%5
Rejected Votes3310.99%
Total Polled33,51862.59%
Registered Electors53,551

The following candidates were elected:[94] Hans Aarstad (V); Emil Aase (Ap); Karl K. Kleppe (V); Nils Martinsen Kverneland (Bp); and Otto Georg Jahn Reimers (Bp).


Results of the 1924 parliamentary election held on 21 October 1924:[96][97]

Liberal PartyV15,13847.86%3
Conservative Party and Free-minded Liberal PartyH-FV6,53220.65%1
Farmers' PartyBp6,44920.39%1
Labour PartyAp2,0586.51%0
Social Democratic Labour Party of NorwayS1,2163.84%0
Communist Party of NorwayK2350.74%0
Wild Votes10.00%0
Valid Votes31,629100.00%5
Rejected Votes3671.15%
Total Polled31,99662.52%
Registered Electors51,177

The following candidates were elected:[96] Hans Aarstad (V); Jacob Kristensen Austbø (V); Jakob Svendsen Gimre (H-FV); Karl K. Kleppe (V); and Nils Martinsen Kverneland (Bp).


Results of the 1921 parliamentary election held on 24 October 1921:[98][99]

Liberal PartyV15,39350.03%3
Norwegian Farmers' AssociationL7,35523.90%1
Conservative Party and Moderate PartyH-M4,22413.73%1
Labour PartyAp2,2877.43%0
Social Democratic Labour Party of NorwayS1,4984.87%0
Wild Votes120.04%0
Valid Votes30,769100.00%5
Rejected Votes3311.06%
Total Polled31,10060.67%
Registered Electors51,261

The following candidates were elected:[98] Hans Aarstad (V); Torjus Larsen Gard (V); Jakob Svendsen Gimre (H-M); Karl K. Kleppe (V); and Otto Georg Jahn Reimers (L).


  1. Although technically elections to the Storting have open lists, they are in effect closed lists as a majority of those voting for a party must make changes to the lists for the changes to take effect, which has never happened since the introduction of proportional representation in 1921, and as result candidates are elected in the order submitted by the party.[4][5][6]


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