Sabre (dinghy)

The Sabre Dinghy is a class single-handed sailboat that is 12'4" or 3.76 m long. The boat was designed in 1974 by Rex Fettell, who also designed the Minnow. As of 2017 over 2,000 sail numbers have been issued.

At Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club
Hull weight41 kg (90 lb)
LOA3.7 m (12 ft)

In the 2012 Australian National Titles, there were 130 boats on the start line, making it one of the largest national championships to be held that year of any class boat in Australia. The first national championships were held at Lake Cootharaba in Queensland in 1979.

The boat is built in either fibreglass or as a composite (timber deck and fibreglass hull) or plywood by the stitch and glue method and weighs in at minimum of 41 kg (90 lbs).

The rig is simple and easily handled but still provides exciting performance in a breeze.

Being easy to sail and suited to all sailors of varying abilities, it is popular both with learners and the less physically strong sailors who find more powerful boats like the Laser overpowering.

In Australia the Sabre is sailed in over 36 clubs in the state of Victoria, where it is one of the most active supporters of Victorian Yachting Council activities. The fleets in Victoria are at Albert Park Yacht Club, Albert Sailing Club, Altona Yacht Club, Apollo Bay Sailing Club, Ballarat Yacht Club, Beaumaris Yacht Club, Bendigo Yacht Club, Black Rock Yacht Club, Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron, Cairn Curran Sailing Club, Carrum Sailing Club, Chelsea Yacht Club, Colac Yacht Club, Corio Bay Sailing Club, Cowes Yacht Club, Davey's Bay Yacht Club, Elwood Sailing Club, Flinders Yacht Club, Frankston Yacht Club, Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club, Hampton Sailing Club, Indented Head Yacht Club, Lake Boga Yacht Club, Latrobe Valley Yacht Club, Lysterfield Sailing Club, McCrae Yacht Club, Mordialloc Sailing Club, Mt Martha Yacht Club, Parkdale Yacht Club, Portarlington Sailing Club, Rye Yacht Club, Safety Beach Sailing Club, Somers Yacht Club, Sugarloaf Sailing Club, Westernport Yacht Club and Williamstown Sailing Club.

Small fleets in South Australia are centred on the Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club, Wallaroo Sailing Club and Port River Sailing Club.

Western Australia has strong fleets sailing out of Maylands Yacht Club, Perth Dinghy Sailing Club and Royal Perth Yacht Club.

Tasmania has fleets sailing out of Burnie Yacht Club, Deviot Sailing Club, Lindisfarne Sailing Club, Midway Point Yacht Club, Montrose Bay Yacht Club and Wynyard.

The boat is also well represented in New South Wales with Connells Point Sailing Club,Kogarah Bay Sailing Club Richmond River Sailing Club, Woollahra Sailing Club, St George Sailing Club, Twofold Bay YC and Wallagoot Lake Boat Club

Queensland has fleets at Maroochy Sailing Club and the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. Tweed Valley Sailing Club (NSW) has a growing fleet. Sabre's can be found at Cleveland Yacht Club, Tin Can Bay Yacht Club, Southport Yacht Club and Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club. In the past Cleveland Yacht Club has had many boats and even held the national championships in 2002, but interest in the boat has dropped off and now Maroochy Sailing Club and Royal Qld Yacht Squadron have the two largest fleets.

Australian Capital Territory sail out of the YMCA Sailing Club Canberra.

Sabre Dinghy National Champions
YearNational ChampionBoat #Ladies ChampionBoat #Venue
2022Alan Riley2094Susan Hextell2022Canberra Yacht Club ACT
2021Event not held due to coronavirus pandemic
2020Alan Riley2094Lauren Keil2091Wallaroo Sailing Club SA
2019Alan Riley2094Lauren Keil2091Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Qld
2018Scott Olson2059Megan de Lange2089Perth Dinghy Sailing Club WA
2017Jon Holroyd1778Susannah Gillam2039Black Rock Vic
2016Craig McPhee1832Lauren Keil1691Derwent Sailing Squadron Tas
2015Mark Soulsby2030Laura Baker1773Adelaide Sailing Club SA
2014Scott Olson1897Laura Baker1773Perth Dinghy Sailing Club WA
2013Peter Hackett1932Susan Hextell1724Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Qld
2012Chris Dance1778Laura Baker1773Blairgowrie Vic
2011Chris Dance1778Laura Baker1773Brighton-Seacliffe SA
2010Callum Burns1743Fiona Martin1590Bellerive Tas
2009Alex Newman1769Fiona McCulloch1776Safety Beach Vic
2008John Gratton1698Fiona McCulloch1596Brighton-Seacliffe SA
2007Wayne Bates1610Fiona McCulloch1596Cleveland Qld
2006Wayne Bates1610Maree Early1613Lindisfarne Tas
2005Alan Riley1564Fiona McCulloch1596Twofold Bay NSW
2004Wayne Bates1610Maree Early1613Blairgowrie Vic
2003Wayne Bates1610Maree Early1613Brighton-Seacliffe SA
2002Michael Johnson1596Maree Early1613Cleveland Qld
2001Michael Johnson1596Maree Early1613Lindisfarne Tas
2000Damien Pound1565Krystal Weir1233Toukley NSW
1999Arthur Brett1552Faye Mckenzie298Black Rock Vic
1998Nick Mouat1283Jacinta Baker1345Largs Bay SA
1997Richard Kingsmill1319Maree Early1437Runaway Bay Qld
1996Nick Mouat1283Not AwardedLindisfarne Tas
1995Andrew Sayle1287Maree Early1267Gippsland Lakes Vic
1994Jon Holroyd1432Katie Holroyd1287Speers Pt NSW
1993Paul Phillips1426Laura Baker1091Brighton-Seacliffe SA
1992John Lurie1432Nicole Gibson850Kingston Tas
1991Scott Glanville1267Lee Ives1283Lake Boga Vic
1990Leigh Glanville1267Nicole Gibson632Rye Vic
1989Owen McMahon400Lee Ives1254Largs Bay SA
1988Lee Ives1254Lee Ives1254Lindisfarne Tas
1987Paul Richards944Lee Ives1191Gippsland Lakes Vic
1986Wayne Bates1144Jeni Lidgett969Lake Cairn Curren Vic
1985Wayne Bates1144Jeni Lidgett969Brighton-Seacliffe SA
1984Alex Howard943Jane Purbrick1120Lake Boga Vic
1983Paul Chodziesner777Jane Purbrick851Botany Bay NSW
1982Andrew Lechte777Jane Purbrick851Largs Bay SA
1981Stuart Wallace855Jenny Theisz542Blairgowrie Vic
1980Peter Anderson800Lisa Donald788Lake Wallagoot NSW
1979Peter Anderson800Not AwardedLake Cootharaba Qld
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