Sri Gowthami Degree and PG College

Sri Gowthami Degree and PG College is a pioneering Under graduate and Post Graduate College at Darsi in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, South India. It is the first college among the group of Sri Gowthami Educational Institutions (SGEIs) in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh State, established by the educationalist and social activist, Kanumarla Gunda Reddy in the year 2000. It is being managed and run by Sri Gowthami Urban and Rural Integrated Development and Educational Society (SGURID&ES, 412/2000).

Sri Gowthami Educational Institutions (SGEIs)
Sri Gowthami Degree & PG College
Motto"Lead to wisdom, knowledge and development"
TypeAutonomous, Co-education, Arts & Science, Technical and Training Colleges (College/ITI)
ChairmanSri. Kanumarla Gunda Reddy, M. A; M. Phil (KGR)
Podili Road, Darsi 522 001, India
, , ,
15.7667°N 79.6833°E / 15.7667; 79.6833
CampusSuburban and Rural
Sri Gowthami Degree and PG College is located in Andhra Pradesh
Sri Gowthami Degree and PG College
Location in Andhra Pradesh, India
Main College

A Fleeting Historical Portrayal of SGEIs

Sri Gowthami Educational Institutions are being run under "SGURID & ES". The first institution of SGEIs was started in 2000; "Sri Gowthami Junior College" at Darsi in Prakasam district with few rural villages’ students. Later responding to the civic need, SGURID & ES extended its institutional services to further elaboration of establishing Sri Gowthami Degree College in 2005. Understanding the lack of training colleges or institutions for the teaching and educationalist postulants of Darsi and surrounding Mandals, it started "Sri Gowthami College of Education" in 2006, followed by in the year 2010 started Post Graduate College "Sri Gowthami PG College" and in the succeeding year in 2011, SGEIs started PG Course in Mathematics. In 2012, SGEI it started "Sri Gowthami Junior & Degree College" at Erragondapalem, Prakasam district, AP. In the year 2013 "Sri Gowthami Degree Colleges" at Santhanuthalapadu and Donakonda and it also upgraded to PG Education in M.Sc. Statistics and M.Com. too and thus it offers all subjects in B. A, B.Com. and B.Sc. and in PG courses in both English and Telugu Medium of instruction. It also runs three ITI colleges at Darsi, Kanigiri and Podili for the technical and professional skill-development of the aspirant youths. The society also provides free education to the poorest of the poor and handicapped children of all castes especially the SC/ST students and participates in social/voluntary services too. Besides the on campus and regular courses, it also take-up distant studies and courses in all UG and PG standards.[1]

Affiliations, Academic and Extra-Academic Status

SGEIs Chairman Sri. Gunda Reddy hands over cash cheque to the Minister towards Chief Minister's Disaster Relief Fund

Sri Gowthami Educational Institutions are affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur [2] and Board of Intermediate Education primarily. And its professional, skill development and technical institutions and colleges are affiliated to National Council for Technical Education (NCTE), Bangalore, APSCHE, Hyderabad, SCERT, DGET (NCVT) Govt. of India and both are also recognized by the respective affiliations of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India (Board of Intermediate Education etc.)

Besides molding national level standardized and capacitated professionals in rural areas,[3] the SGEIs also creates skilled and nation-building professionals with Social Responsibility and National Integration through its NSS,[4] Voluntary social services, Campaigns, Blood donations, Health Camps, Disaster Relief Supports and all injured from the campus itself. It also conducts Yoga, Meditation, observation of socially important days, participation and conducting of all kinds of sports items in and off-campuses, state/national level competitions too.


SGEI Colleges and Courses

S. NoName of the InstitutionYear EstdCoursesLocation
1Sri Gowthami Junior College2000IntermediatePodiliRoad, Darsi,
2Sri Gowthami Degree & PG College2005B.Sc, B.Com. and B.APodiliRoad, Darsi,
3Sri Gowthami College of Education2007B.Ed (All Methodologies)Podili Road, Darsi
4Sri Gowthami D.Ed. College2012D.Ed (TTC)Podili Road, Darsi
5Sri Gowthami Junior College2012IntermediateYerragondapalem
6Sri Gowthami Degree College2012B.Sc., B.Com. and B.AYerragondapalem
7Sri Gowthami Degree College2013B.Sc. and B.ComSanthanuthalapadu
8Sri Gowthami Degree College2014B.Com. and B.ADonakonda
9KGR ITI2009Electrician & Diesel MechanicPodili Road, Darsi
10Tilak ITI2009Electrician & Diesel MechanicChimakurthi
11Sri Gowthami ITI2012Draftsman (Civil) & ElectricianThripuranthakam
12Universal ITI2009Draftsman (Civil) & ElectricianYerragondapalem
13KGR ITI2009Draftsman (Civil) & ElectricianCumbum
14KGR ITI2012Draftsman (Civil) & ElectricianBesthavaripeta
15Universal Degree College2013B.Sc. and B.Com.Yerragondapalem

Infrastructural facilities

Main Campus where there three colleges situated is of a total 4 acres land comprising about 2, 13,000 Sq.fts. built area, open land and ground with play and sports’ paces for both men and women. There is also a Department of Physical Education which organizes coaching camps and training in major sports and games items.


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