UFO sightings in Australia

This is a list of sightings of alleged UFOs in Australia.

Pre 1900

  • In 1868, an alderman in Parramatta, New South Wales Frederick Birmingham spotted what he described as an ark, more appropriate for traversing the water, floating in the sky before landing in Parramatta Park.[1]



  • 19 January 1966, a farmer from Tully, Queensland reported seeing a large saucer shaped object, as well as a so-called "nest" of reeds in the swamp where the UFO was spotted.[3]


  • The Valentich Disappearance occurred on 21 October 1978, when 20-year-old Frederick Valentich disappeared while piloting a small Cessna 182 aircraft over Bass Strait to King Island (Tasmania). Described as a "flying saucer enthusiast", Valentich informed Melbourne air traffic control he was being accompanied by an unknown aircraft.


  • On 21 January 1988 a family reported seeing a UFO while traveling across the Nullarbor Plain in South Australia. The family described the object as a "big glowing ball".[4]


See also


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