Provinces of Turkey

Turkey is divided into 81 provinces (Turkish: il). Each province is divided into a number of districts (ilçe). Each provincial government is seated in the central district (merkez ilçe). For non-metropolitan municipality designated provinces, the central district bears the name of the province (e.g. the city/district of Rize is the central district of Rize Province).

Provinces of Turkey
Türkiye'nin İlleri (Turkish)
CategoryUnitary state
LocationRepublic of Turkey
Number81 Provinces
Populations84,660 (Tunceli) – 15,519,267 (Istanbul)
Areas850 km2 (327 sq mi) (Yalova) – 38,260 km2 (14,771 sq mi) (Konya)
  • Provincial government, National government

Each province is administered by an appointed governor (vali) from the Ministry of the Interior.

List of provinces

Below is a list of the 81 provinces of Turkey, sorted according to their license plate codes. Initially, the order of the codes matched the alphabetical order of the province names. After Zonguldak (code 67), the ordering is not alphabetical, but in the order of the creation of provinces, as these provinces were created more recently and thus their plate numbers were assigned after the initial set of codes had been assigned.

Provinces of the Republic of Turkey
Name Area (km2) Population (2000 census) Population (2019-2020 estimate)[1]
01 Adana 14,045.56 1,854,270 2,237,940
02 Adıyaman 7,606.16 623,811 626,465
03 Afyonkarahisar 14,718.63 812,416 729,483
04 Ağrı 11,498.67 528,744 536,199
05 Amasya 5,703.78 365,231 337,800
06 Ankara 25,401.94 4,007,860 5,639,076
07 Antalya 20,790.56 1,719,751 2,511,700
08 Artvin 7,367.10 191,934 170,875
09 Aydın 7,904.43 950,757 1,110,972
10 Balıkesir 14,472.73 1,076,347 1,228,650
11 Bilecik 4,306.77 194,326 219,427
12 Bingöl 8,253.51 253,739 279,812
13 Bitlis 7,094.50 388,678 348,115
14 Bolu 8,323.39 270,654 316,126
15 Burdur 7,134.95 256,803 270,796
16 Bursa 10,886.38 2,125,140 3,056,120
17 Çanakkale 9,950.43 464,975 542,157
18 Çankırı 7,491.89 270,355 195,789
19 Çorum 12,796.21 597,065 530,864
20 Denizli 11,804.19 950,757 1,037,208
21 Diyarbakır 15,204.01 1,362,708 1,756,353
22 Edirne 6,097.91 402,606 413,903
23 Elazığ 9,281.45 569,616 591,098
24 Erzincan 11,727.55 316,841 234,747
25 Erzurum 25,330.90 937,389 762,062
26 Eskişehir 13,902.03 706,009 887,475
27 Gaziantep 6,844.84 1,285,249 2,069,364
28 Giresun 6,831.58 523,819 448,400
29 Gümüşhane 6,437.01 186,953 164,521
30 Hakkâri 7,178.88 236,581 280,991
31 Hatay 5,831.36 1,253,726 1,628,894
32 Isparta 8,871.08 513,681 444,914
33 Mersin 15,512.25 1,651,400 1,840,425
34 Istanbul 5,315.33 10,018,735 15,519,267
35 İzmir 12,015.61 3,370,866 4,367,251
36 Kars 10,139.09 325,016 285,410
37 Kastamonu 13,157.98 375,476 379,405
38 Kayseri 17,109.33 1,060,432 1,407,409
39 Kırklareli 6,299.78 328,461 361,836
40 Kırşehir 6,530.32 253,239 242,938
41 Kocaeli 3,625.29 1,206,085 2,033,441
42 Konya 40,813.52 2,192,166 2,232,374
43 Kütahya 12,013.57 656,903 579,257
44 Malatya 12,102.70 853,658 800,165
45 Manisa 13,228.50 1,260,169 1,440,611
46 Kahramanmaraş 14,456.74 1,002,384 1,154,102
47 Mardin 8,806.04 705,098 838,778
48 Muğla 12,949.21 715,328 1,000,773
49 Muş 8,067.16 453,654 408,809
50 Nevşehir 5,391.64 309,914 303,010
51 Niğde 7,365.29 348,081 362,861
52 Ordu 5,952.49 887,765 754,198
53 Rize 3,921.98 365,938 343,212
54 Sakarya 4,880.19 756,168 1,029,650
55 Samsun 9,364.10 1,209,137 1,348,542
56 Siirt 5,473.29 263,676 330,280
57 Sinop 5,816.55 225,574 218,243
58 Sivas 28,567.34 755,091 638,956
59 Tekirdağ 6,342.30 623,591 1,055,412
60 Tokat 10,072.62 828,027 612,747
61 Trabzon 4,664.04 975,137 808,974
62 Tunceli 7,685.66 93,584 84,660
63 Şanlıurfa 19,336.21 1,443,422 2,073,614
64 Uşak 5,363.09 322,313 370,509
65 Van 19,414.14 877,524 1,136,757
66 Yozgat 14,074.09 682,919 421,200
67 Zonguldak 3,309.86 615,599 596,053
68 Aksaray 7,965.51 396,084 416,567
69 Bayburt 3,739.08 97,358 84,843
70 Karaman 8,868.90 243,210 253,279
71 Kırıkkale 4,569.76 383,508 283,017
72 Batman 4,659.21 456,734 608,659
73 Şırnak 7,151.57 353,197 529,615
74 Bartın 2,080.36 184,178 198,249
75 Ardahan 4,967.63 133,756 97,319
76 Iğdır 3,587.81 168,634 199,442
77 Yalova 850.46 168,593 270,976
78 Karabük 4,108.80 225,102 248,958
79 Kilis 1,427.76 114,724 142,490
80 Osmaniye 3,195.99 458,782 538,759
81 Düzce 2,592.95 314,266 392,166


The province's ISO code suffix number, the first two digits of the vehicle registration plates of Turkey, and the first digits of the postal codes in Turkey are the same. The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes are different.

Name ISO 3166-2 NUTS Phone prefix
Adana TR-01 TR621 322
Adıyaman TR-02 TRC12 416
Afyonkarahisar TR-03 TR332 272
Ağrı TR-04 TRA21 472
Aksaray TR-68 TR712 382
Amasya TR-05 TR834 358
Ankara TR-06 TR510 312
Antalya TR-07 TR611 242
Ardahan TR-75 TRA24 478
Artvin TR-08 TR905 466
Aydın TR-09 TR321 256
Balıkesir TR-10 TR221 266
Bartın TR-74 TR813 378
Batman TR-72 TRC32 488
Bayburt TR-69 TRA13 458
Bilecik TR-11 TR413 228
Bingöl TR-12 TRB13 426
Bitlis TR-13 TRB23 434
Bolu TR-14 TR424 374
Burdur TR-15 TR613 248
Bursa TR-16 TR411 224
Çanakkale TR-17 TR222 286
Çankırı TR-18 TR822 376
Çorum TR-19 TR833 364
Denizli TR-20 TR322 258
Diyarbakır TR-21 TRC22 412
Düzce TR-81 TR423 380
Edirne TR-22 TR212 284
Elazığ TR-23 TRB12 424
Erzincan TR-24 TRA12 446
Erzurum TR-25 TRA11 442
Eskisehir TR-26 TR412 222
Gaziantep TR-27 TRC11 342
Giresun TR-28 TR903 454
Gümüşhane TR-29 TR906 456
Hakkari TR-30 TRB24 438
Hatay TR-31 TR631 326
Iğdır TR-76 TRA23 476
Isparta TR-32 TR612 246
Istanbul-I (Thrace) TR-34 TR100 212
Istanbul-II (Anatolia) TR-34 TR100 216
İzmir TR-35 TR310 232
Kahramanmaraş TR-46 TR632 344
Karabük TR-78 TR812 370
Karaman TR-70 TR522 338
Kars TR-36 TRA22 474
Kastamonu TR-37 TR821 366
Kayseri TR-38 TR721 352
Kilis TR-79 TRC13 348
Kırıkkale TR-71 TR711 318
Kırklareli TR-39 TR213 288
Kırşehir TR-40 TR715 386
Kocaeli (İzmit) TR-41 TR421 262
Konya TR-42 TR521 332
Kütahya TR-43 TR333 274
Malatya TR-44 TRB11 422
Manisa TR-45 TR331 236
Mardin TR-47 TRC31 482
Mersin TR-33 TR622 324
Muğla TR-48 TR323 252
Muş TR-49 TRB22 436
Nevşehir TR-50 TR714 384
Niğde TR-51 TR713 388
Ordu TR-52 TR902 452
Osmaniye TR-80 TR633 328
Rize TR-53 TR904 464
Sakarya (Adapazarı) TR-54 TR422 264
Samsun TR-55 TR831 362
Şanlıurfa TR-63 TRC21 414
Siirt TR-56 TRC34 484
Sinop TR-57 TR823 368
Sivas TR-58 TRC33 346
Şırnak TR-73 TR722 486
Tekirdağ TR-59 TR211 282
Tokat TR-60 TR832 356
Trabzon TR-61 TR901 462
Tunceli TR-62 TRB14 428
Uşak TR-64 TR334 276
Van TR-65 TRB21 432
Yalova TR-77 TR425 226
Yozgat TR-66 TR723 354
Zonguldak TR-67 TR811 372

Defunct provinces

A 1927 map of the provinces of Turkey which was published before the alphabet reform

See also


  1. "İllerin aldığı, verdiği göç, net göç ve net göç hızı, 1980-2018" [Provincial in-migration, out-migration, net migration, rate of net migration, 1980-2018] (in English and Turkish). Turkish Statistical Institute. Retrieved March 6, 2019.
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