Chemins de fer disparus de l'Amérique
Les compagnies de chemins de fer défunts de l'Amérique du Nord (regroupant le Canada et les États-Unis) sont nombreuses, pouvant représenter quelques kilomètres de voies comme des milliers. La présente liste présente les chemins de fer non actifs.
Chemins de fer du passé

Locomotive du chemin de fer Atlantique & Saint-Laurent

Locomotive du Grand Tronc en 1859
- Algoma Central (AC)
- Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF)
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O)
- Bangor and Aroostook Railroad (BAR)
- Boston and Maine Corporation (BM)
- Burlington Northern Railroad (BN)
- Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR)
- Central Vermont (CV)
- Chemin de fer Intercolonial (IRC)
- Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (CO)
- Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad (CBQR)
- Conrail (CR)
- Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway (DGH&M)
- Grand Tronc (GT)
- Great Northern Railway (GNR)
- Great Northern Railway of Canada (GNRC)
- Hudson Bay Railway (HBR). Est devenue Chemin de fer de la Baie d'Hudson (HBRY)
- Illinois Central Railroad (IC)
- Louisville and Nashville Railroad (LN)
- Maine Central MCR)
- National Transcontinental Railway (NTR)
- New York Central (NYC)
- New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad (NH)
- Northern Pacific Railway (NPR)
- Northern Railway of Canada (NRC)
- Penn Central (PC)
- Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR)
- Prince Edward Island Railway (PEIR)
- Quebec and Lake St-John Railway (QLSJR)
- Quebec Central Railway (QCR)
- Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa & Occidental Railway (QMO&OR)
- Seaboard Air Line Railroad (SAL)
- Southern Pacific Transportation Company (SP)
- Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway (SPSR)
- Standstead Shefford and Chambly Railroad (SS&C)
- Texas and New Orleans Railroad (TNO)
- Waterloo and Magog Railway (W&M)
Voir aussi
- Portail du chemin de fer en Amérique du Nord
- Portail du Canada
- Portail des États-Unis
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