Taxonavigation: Staphylinoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Ptiliidae
Subfamilia: Acrotrichinae
Tribus: Acrotrichini
Genus: Acrotrichis
Species: Acrotrichis henrici
Synonyms (1):
A. fratercula
Acrotrichis henrici (Matthews, 1872)
Primary references
- Matthews, A. 1872. Trichopterygia illustrata et descripta. London, E.W. Janson. Full book at Internet Archive Reference page. [first availability, see p. 136]
Additional references
- Johnson, C.1975. Five species of Ptiliidae (Col.) new to Britain, and corrections to the British list of the family. Entomologist's gazette 26: 211–223. Reference page. [see p. 220]
- Sörensson, M. & Johnson, C. 2004. The first European records of the pantropical genus Bambara Vuillet, and a review of the immigrant featherwing beetles in Europe (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae). Koleopterologische rundschau 74: 287–302. abstract Reference page. [see p. 294]