
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Classis: Hydrozoa
Subclassis: Trachylinae
Ordo: Narcomedusae
Familia: Aeginidae
Genera: Aegina Aeginodiscus Aeginopsis Aeginura Bathykorus Jubanyella Otoporpa Solmundella


Aeginidae Gegenbaur, 1857


  • Raskoff, K.A. (2010): Bathykorus bouilloni: a new genus and species of deep-sea jellyfish from the Arctic Ocean (Hydrozoa, Narcomedusae, Aeginidae). Zootaxa, 2361: 57–67. Preview PDF
  • Bouillon & Boero (2000): Synopsis of the families and genera of the Hydromedusae of the world, with a list of the worldwide species. Thalassia Salent. 24: 47–296.
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