Alexey Semenovich Bashkuev (1983–), Russian paleontologist.
русский: Алексей Семенович Башкуев
- Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya st. 123, Moscow 117997, Russia.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 0 taxon names authored by Alexey Semenovich Bashkuev
(List may be incomplete)
- Bashkuev, A.S. 2011. The earliest Mesopsychidae and revision of the family Mesopanorpodidae (Mecoptera). ZooKeys 130: 263–279. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.130.1611
. Reference page.
- Liu, S-L., Shih, C-K., Bashkuev, A. & Ren, D. 2016. New Jurassic Hangingflies (Insecta: Mecoptera: Bittacidae) from Inner Mongolia, China. Zootaxa 4067(1): 65–78. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4067.1.5. Reference page.
- Kopylov, D.S., Rasnitsyn, A.P., Aristov, D.S., Bashkuev, A.S., Bazhenova, N.V., Dmitriev, V.Yu., Gorochov, A.V., Ignatov, M.S., Ivanov, V.D., Khramov, A.V., Legalov, A.A., Lukashevich, E.D., Mamontov, Yu.S., Melnitsky, S.I., Ogłaza, B., Ponomarenko, A.G., Prokin, A.A., Ryzhkova, O.V., Shmakov, A.S., Sinitshenkova, N.D., Solodovnikov, A.Yu., Strelnikova, O.D., Sukacheva, I.D., Uliakhin, A.V., Vasilenko, D.V., Wegierek, P., Yan E.V. & Zmarzły, M. 2020. The Khasurty Fossil Insect Lagerstätte. Paleontological Journal 54(11): 1221–1394. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030120110027
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Yan, E.V., Beutel, R.G., Lawrence, J.F., Yavorskaya, M.I., Hörnschemeyer, T., Pohl, H., Vassilenko, D.V., Bashkuev, A.S. & Ponomarenko, A.G. 2020. Archaeomalthus-(Coleoptera, Archostemata) a ‘ghost adult’ of Micromalthidae from Upper Permian deposits of Siberia? Historical Biology 32(8): 1019–1027. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2018.1561672
. Plazi. Reference page.
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