Elena Dmitrievna Lukashevich (1964–), Russian palaeoentomologist.
русский: Елена Дмитриевна Лукашевич
- Borissiak Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya st., 123, Moscow 117647, Russia
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 6 taxon names authored by Elena Dmitrievna Lukashevich
(List may be incomplete)
- Shcherbakov, D.E., Lukashevich, E.D. & Blagoderov, V.A. 1995. Triassic Diptera and initial radiation of the order. International Journal of Dipterological Research 6(2): 75–115. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D. & Shcherbakov, D.E. 1999. A new Triassic family of Diptera from Australia. Pp. 81–89. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Palaeoentomological Conference, Moscow 1998. AMB project, Bratislava. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D., Huang, D.-Y. & Lin, Q.-B. 2006. Rare families of lower Diptera (Hennigmatidae, Blephariceridae, Perissommatidae) from the Jurassic of China. Studia dipterologica 13: 127–143.
- Lukashevich, E.D. 2008. [Ptychopteridae (Insecta: Diptera): History of its study and limits of the family]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 2008(1): 68–77. (in Russian). PDF. [English translation: Paleontological Journal 42(1): 66–74. DOI: 10.1007/s11492-008-1011-1
. PDF.] Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D., Przhiboro, A.A., Marchal-Papier, F. & Grauvogel-Stamm, L. 2010. The oldest occurrence of immature Diptera (Insecta), Middle Triassic, France. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (n.s.) 46(1–2): 4–22. DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2010.10697636
. Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D. & Przhiboro, A.A. 2011. New Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) with elongate proboscises from the Late Jurassic of Mongolia. ZooKeys 130: 307–322. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.130.1555
. Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D. 2012. [Phylogeny of Ptychopteroidea (Insecta: Diptera)]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 2012(5): 32–40. (in Russian) [English translation: Paleontological Journal 46(5): 476–484. DOI: 10.1134/s003103011205005x
- Lukashevich, E.D. & Przhiboro, A.A. 2012. Pupae of Mesozoic Jurochlus Kalugina, 1985 (Diptera: Chironomidae), with description of four new species. Zootaxa 3478: 434–452. Preview Reference page.
- Blagoderov, V.A. & Lukashevich, E.D. 2013. New Axymyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Mesozoic of East Siberia. Polish Journal of Entomology 82: 257–271. DOI: 10.2478/v10200-012-0040-9
- Lara, M.B. & Lukashevich, E.D. 2013. The first Triassic dipteran (Insecta) from South America, with review of Hennigmatidae. Zootaxa 3710(1): 81–92. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3710.1.6
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D. & Przhiboro, A.A. 2014 (Online): A new tribe of Diamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia. Cretaceous research 52(B): 562–569. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2014.03.016 Reference page.
- Ribeiro, G.C. & Lukashevich, E.D. 2014. New Leptotarsus from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil and Spain: the oldest members of the family Tipulidae (Diptera). Zootaxa 3753(4): 347–363. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.4.4 Reference page.
- Ovtshinnikova, O.G., Galinskaya, T.V. & Lukashevich, E.D. 2018. Skeleton and musculature of the male abdomen in Tanyderidae (Diptera, Nematocera) of the Southern Hemisphere. Zookeys, 809: 55–77. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.809.29032 Reference page.
- Kopylov, D.S., Rasnitsyn, A.P., Aristov, D.S., Bashkuev, A.S., Bazhenova, N.V., Dmitriev, V.Yu., Gorochov, A.V., Ignatov, M.S., Ivanov, V.D., Khramov, A.V., Legalov, A.A., Lukashevich, E.D., Mamontov, Yu.S., Melnitsky, S.I., Ogłaza, B., Ponomarenko, A.G., Prokin, A.A., Ryzhkova, O.V., Shmakov, A.S., Sinitshenkova, N.D., Solodovnikov, A.Yu., Strelnikova, O.D., Sukacheva, I.D., Uliakhin, A.V., Vasilenko, D.V., Wegierek, P., Yan E.V. & Zmarzły, M. 2020. The Khasurty Fossil Insect Lagerstätte. Paleontological Journal 54(11): 1221–1394. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030120110027
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Lukashevich, E.D. & Blagoderov, V.A. 2020. Review of Mesozoic Perissommatidae (Insecta: Diptera). Zootaxa 4718(4): 481–496. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4718.4.3
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
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