Taxonavigation: Cichliformes |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cichlidae
Subfamilia: Cichlasomatinae
Genus: Amphilophus
Species: A. alfari - A. altifrons - A. amarillo - A. astorquii - A. bussingi - A. calobrense - A. chancho - A. citrinellus - A. diquis - A. erythraeus - A. flaveolus - A. globosus - A. granadense - A. hogaboomorum - A. labiatus - A. longimanus - A. lyonsi - A. macracanthus - A. margaritiferus - A. nourissati - A. rhytisma - A. robertsoni - A. rostratus - A. sagittae - A. supercilius - A. tolteca – A. viridis – A. xiloaensis - A. zaliosus
- Agassiz, L. 1859: [Remarks on new fishes from Lake Nicaragua.] Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 6 (1856-1859): 407–408. BHL
- Geiger, M.F.; McCrary, J.K.; Stauffer, J.R., jr. 2010: Description of two new species of the Midas cichlid complex (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Apoyo, Nicaragua. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 123: 159–173. DOI: 10.2988/09-20.1
- Kullander, S.O. & Hartel, K.E. 1997: The systematic status of cichlid genera described by Louis Agassiz in 1859: Amphilophus, Baiodon, Hypsophrys and Parachromis (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Ichthyological exploration of freshwaters, 7 (3): 193–202.
- Recknagel, H., Kusche, H., Elmer, K.R. & Meyer, A. 2013. Two new endemic species in the Midas cichlid species complex from Nicaraguan crater lakes: Amphilophus tolteca and Amphilophus viridis (Perciformes, Cichlidae). Aqua: International Journal of Ichthyology 19(4): 207–224. Abstract Reference page.
- Říčan, O., Piálek, L., Dragová, K. & Novák, J. 2016. Diversity and evolution of the Middle American cichlid fishes (Teleostei: Cichlidae) with revised classification. Vertebrate Zoology 66(1): 1–102. PDF. Reference page.