
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Classis: Chromadorea
Ordo: Rhabditida
Subordo: Rhabditina
Infraordo: Rhabditomorpha
Familia: Angiostomatidae
Genus: Angiostoma
Species: A. asamati A. aspersae A. carettae A. coloaense A. dentiferum A. kimmeriense A. lamotheargumedoi A. limacis A. milacis A. onychodactyla A. plethodontis A. schizoglossae A. spiridonovi A. stammeri A. zonitidis

[list of species after Falcón–Ordaz et al. (2008), Ivanova & Wilson (2009: 123)]


Angiostoma Dujardin, 1845



Type species

  • Angiostoma limacis Dujardin, 1845


cited sources

Additional references

  • Bursey, C.R.; Goldberg, S.R. 2000: Angiostoma onychodactyla sp. n. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae) and other intestinal helminths of the Japanese clawed salamander, Onychodactylus japonicus (Caudata: Hynobiidae), from Japan. Comparative parasitology, 67: 60–65.
  • Bursey, C.R.; Manire, C.A. 2006: Angiostoma carettae n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae) from the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta (Testudines: Cheloniidae), Florida, U.S.A. Comparative parasitology, 73: 253–256. DOI: 10.1654/4200.1
  • Morand, S.; Barker, G.M. 1995: Angiostoma schizoglossae n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae) from the New Zealand endemic slug Schizoglossa novoseelandica (Gastropoda: Rhytididae). Journal of parasitology, 81: 94–98.
  • Van Luc, P.; Spiridonov, S.E.; Wilson, M.J. 2005: Aulacnema monodelphis n. g., n. sp. and Angiostoma coloaense n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Angiostomatidae) from terrestrial molluscs of Vietnam. Systematic parasitology, 60: 91–97. DOI: 10.1007/s11230-004-1381-x
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