Taxonavigation: Hyaloidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Hyalidae
Subfamilia: Hyalinae
Genus: Apohyale
Species: Apohyale freemanae
- Apohyale freemanae Kilgallen, 2011
- Authority for current placement: original
- undisputed by all subsequent authorities
- Combination(s)/spelling(s):
- Original: Apohyale freemanae, Apohyale freemenae [p. 251 (twice: abstract and introduction)]
- Subsequent: nil
- Original genus: Apohyale Bousfield & Hendrycks, 2002
- Original status: valid species
- Primary type: holotype
- Fixation: designated
- Description: [adult] male
- Repository: NIWA 70602
- Type locality: 'Anchorage Bay, Antipodes Islands'
- Authority for current placement: original
Primary references
- Kilgallen, N.M. 2011: New species of Hyalidae (Crustacea, Peracarida, Amphipoda) from New Zealand waters. New Zealand journal of zoology 38(3): 251-259. DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2011.595422
. [253, figs. 1-4, original description (female, male, juvenile)]
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