Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Rhizaria
Phylum: Cercozoa
Subphylum: Endomyxa
Classis: Ascetosporea
Claustrosporida –
Haplosporida –
Paradinida –
Ascetosporea Desportes & Ginsburger-Vogel, 1977
See also
- Order Aplosporidies Caullery and Mesnil, 1899
- Order Haplosporidia Lühe, 1900
- Order Haplosporidies Caullery and Mesnil, 1905
- Order Haplosporidiidea Poche, 1913
- Subclass Haplosporidia Hall, 1953
- Class Haplosporea Caullery, 1953
- Order Haplosporida Honigberg et al., 1964
- Phylum Ascetospora Sprague, 1979
- Order Balanosporida Sprague, 1979
- Phylum Haplospora Margulis & Schwartz, 1998 [?]
- Berthe, F.C.J.; Hine, P.M. 2004: Taxonomic correction: Bonamia exitiosa Hine et al., 2001 is proposed instead of B. exitiosus as the valid name of Bonamia sp. infecting flat oysters Ostrea chilensis in New Zealand. Diseases of aquatic organisms, 57: 181.
- Cavalier-Smith, T. & Chao, E.E. 2003. Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa). Protist 154(3–4): 341–358. PMID: 14658494 DOI: 10.1078/143446103322454112 Reference page.
- Cavalier-Smith T. 2003. Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa. European Journal of Protistology 39: 338–348. DOI: 10.1078/0932-4739-00002 Reference page.
- Hine, P.M.; Cochennec-Laureau, N.; Berthe, F.C.J. 2001: Bonamia exitiosus n. sp. (Haplosporidia) infecting flat oysters Ostrea chilensis in New Zealand. Diseases of aquatic organisms, 47: 63–72.
- Reece, K.S.; Siddall, M.E.; Stokes, N.A.; Burreson, E.M. 2004: Molecular phylogeny of the Haplosporidia based on two independent gene sequences. Journal of parasitology, 90: 1111–1122.
- Reece, K.S.; Stokes, N.A. 2003: Molecular analysis of a haplosporidian parasite from cultured New Zealand abalone Haliotis iris. Diseases of aquatic organisms, 53: 61–66.
Alternative classifications
Cavalier-Smith (2002)
From The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa, .
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Gymnomyxa
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Phylum Cercozoa
- Subphylum Monadofilosa
- Subphylum Reticulofilosa
- Subphylum Endomyxa
- Classes Phytomyxea (e.g. Plasmodiophora, Spongospora) and Ascetosporea classis nov.; diagnosis as phylum Ascetospora Sprague 1979 (p. 42) (orders Haplosporida; Paramyxida)
- Phylum Cercozoa
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
Cavalier-Smith (2003)
From Phylogeny and Classification of Phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa).
Cavalier-Smith & Chao (2003)
- Cavalier-Smith, T. & Chao, E.E. 2003. Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa). Protist 154(3–4): 341–358. PMID: 14658494 DOI: 10.1078/143446103322454112 Reference page.
Cercozoa Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Subphylum 1. Filosa Cavalier-Smith subphyl. nov.
- Subphylum 2. Endomyxa Cavalier-Smith 2002 emend.
- Class 1. Phytomyxea Engler and Prantl 1897
- Class 2. Ascetosporea Sprague 1979 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 2002
- Order 1. Haplosporida Caullery and Mesnil 1889 orth. em. Lühe 1900 (Minchinia, Haplosporidium, Urosporidium, Bonamia, Mikrocytos)
- Order 2. Paramyxida Chatton 1911 (Marteilia, Paramyxa, Paramarteilia)
- Order 3. Claustrosporida Cavalier-Smith ord. nov. (Claustrosporidium)
- Class 3. Gromiidea Cavalier-Smith cl. nov.
- Order Gromiida Claparède and Lachmann 1856 (Gromia)
Adl et al. (2012)
From The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes, .
Eukaryota Chatton, 1925
- Sar Burki et al. 2007
- Rhizaria Cavalier-Smith, 2002
- Cercozoa Cavalier-Smith 1998, emend. Adl et al. 2005
- Ascetosporea Sprague 1979, emend. Cavalier-Smith 2009
- Haplosporida Caullery & Mesnil 1899
- Paramyxida Chatton 1911
- Claustrosporidium Larsson 1987
- Paradiniidae Schiller 1935
- Ascetosporea Sprague 1979, emend. Cavalier-Smith 2009
- Cercozoa Cavalier-Smith 1998, emend. Adl et al. 2005
- Rhizaria Cavalier-Smith, 2002
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
- Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M.D. & Kirk, P.M. 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119248
. [Correction in 10(6): e0130114 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130114
.] Reference page.
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Harosa [= "Supergroup SAR"]
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Phylum Cercozoa
- Subphylum Endomyxa
- Class Ascetosporea
- Order Claustrosporida
- Order Haplosporida
- Order Paradinida
- Order Paramyxida
- Class Ascetosporea
- Subphylum Endomyxa
- Phylum Cercozoa
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Subkingdom Harosa [= "Supergroup SAR"]
- Kingdom Chromista
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