
(Unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Regnum: Pararnavirae
Phylum: Artverviricota
Classis: Revtraviricetes
Ordo: Ortervirales
Familia: Caulimoviridae
Genera: Badnavirus Caulimovirus Cavemovirus Petuvirus Rosadnavirus Solendovirus Soymovirus Tungrovirus




  • Calvert, L.A., Ospina, M.D. & Shepherd, R.J. 1995: Characterization of cassava vein mosaic virus: a distinct plant pararetrovirus. J. Gen. Virol., 76: 1271–1276.
  • Frank, A., Guilley, H., Jonard, G., Richards, K.E. & Hirth, L. 1980: Nucleotide sequence of cauliflower mosaic virus DNA. Cell, 21: 285–294.
  • Yang, I.C., Hafner, G.J., Dale, J.L. & Harding, R.M. 2003: Genomic characterization of Taro bacilliform virus. Arch. Virol., 148: 937–949.
  • Index of Viruses - Caulimoviridae (2009). In: ICTVdB - The Universal Virus Database, version 4. Büchen-Osmond, C (Ed), Columbia University, New York, USA.

Vernacular names

English: Cauliflower mosaic virus & relatives
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