Taxonavigation: Coniocybales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Coniocybaceae
Genus: Chaenotheca
C. australis –
C. balsamconensis –
C. brachypoda –
C. brunneola –
C. chlorella –
C. chrysocephala –
C. cinerea –
C. citriocephala –
C. confusa –
C. degelii –
C. deludens –
C. erkahomattiorum –
C. ferruginea –
C. floridana –
C. furfuracea –
C. gracilenta –
C. gracillima –
C. hispidula –
C. hygrophila –
C. laevigata –
C. nitidula –
C. olivaceorufa –
C. papuensis –
C. phaeocephala –
C. selvae –
C. servitii –
C. sphaerocephala –
C. stemonea –
C. subroscida –
C. trichialis –
C. xyloxena
Chaenotheca Th.Fr., 1860
Family: Coniocybaceae
Type: Chaenotheca trichialis (Ach.) Th.Fr.
Life habit: Lichenized.
- Th. Fr., Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3, 3: 250 (1860)
- Allen, J. L. and McMullin, R. T. 2015: Chaenotheca balsamconensis, a new calicioid lichen on Trichaptum abietinum from North America that is benefiting from widespread conifer fatalities. The Bryologist 118(1): 54–58. (Article)
- Calatayud Lorente, V. and Sanz Sánchez, M.J. (2001) Guía de Líquenes Epífitos. - Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid. 185 pp. [RLL List # 187 / Rec.# 23295] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Dobson, F.S. (2000) (Fourth edition) Chaenotheca (pp. 112-114) In, Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species. The Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd., Slough, England, 431 pp. [RLL List # 184 / Rec.# 22402] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Goward, T. 1999. The lichens of British Columbia - Illustrated Keys - Part 2 - Fruticose Species. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests Research Program, 319 pp. (RLL List # 176 / Rec.# 6980 - Recent Literature on Lichens) Online Reference page. : Chaenotheca (Th. Fr.) Th. Fr. (pp. 76-88)
- John, V. (1990) Atlas der Flechten in Rheinland-Pfalz. Vol. 1 (text) & Vol. 2 (maps). - Beiträge zur Landespflege in Rheinland-Pfalz, 13, Landesamt für Umweltschutz und Gewerbeaufsicht Rheinland-Pfalz, Oppenheim, Germany. 275 & 272 pp. [RLL List # / Rec.# 9416] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Middelborg, J. and Mattsson, J. (1987) Crustaceous lichenized species of the Caliciales in Norway. - Sommerfeltia 5: 1–70. [RLL List # 134 / Rec.# 12768] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) (Abstract)
- Moberg, R. and Holmåsen, I. (1992) Flechten von Nordund Mitteleuropa. Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Stuttgart: G. Fischer 237 pp. [RLL List # 149 / Rec.# 12883] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
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- Selva, S.B. (1988) The Caliciales of northern Maine. The Bryologist 91(1): 2–17. [RLL List # 134 / Rec.# 17041] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) (JSTOR)
- Selva, S.B. and Tibell, L. (1999) Lichenized and non-lichenized calicioid fungi from North America. - The Bryologist 102(3): 377–397. [RLL List # 176 / Rec.# 17040] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) (JSTOR)
- Tibell, L. (1973) Notes on Caliciales. II. Some species from the Nordic countries. - Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 67: 445–455. [RLL List # 90 / Rec.# 18592] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1975) The Caliciales of boreal North America. Taxonomy, ecological and distributional comparisons with Europe, and ultrastructural investigations in some species. - Symbolae Bot. Upsaliensis 21(2): 1–128. [RLL List # 92-86 / Rec.# 18593] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1977) Lavordningen Caliciales i Sverige. Inledning och slaktet Calicium. The lichen order Caliciales in Sweden. Introduction and the genus Calicium. - Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 71: 239–259. [RLL List # 100 / Rec.# 18596] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1978) Lavordningen Caliciales i Sverige. Slaktena Chaenotheca och Coniocybe. [The lichen order Caliciales in Sweden. The genera Chaenotheca and Coniocybe. - Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 72: 171–188. [RLL List # 103-91 / Rec.# 18599] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1980) The lichen genus Chaenotheca in the Northern Hemisphere. - Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 33: 1–65. [RLL List # 111-80 / Rec.# 18602] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1982) Caliciales of Costa Rica. - Lichenologist 14: 219–254. [RLL List # 117-86 / Rec.# 18607] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) doi:10.1017/S0024282982000449
- Tibell, L. (1983) A new species of Chaenotheca from New Zealand. - Lichenologist 15: 131–134. [RLL List # 119-124 / Rec.# 18608] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) doi:10.1017/S0024282983000201
- Tibell, L. (1984) A reappraisal of the taxonomy of Caliciales. - In: Hertel, H. and Oberwinkler, F. (eds.): Beitrage zur Lichenologie. Festschrift J. Poelt. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 79. J. Cramer, Vaduz, pp. 597-713. [RLL List # 123-108 / Rec.# 18609] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1985) Caliciales Exsiccatae. Fasc. V (No. 101-125). - Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden 16: 1–9. [RLL List # 126-106 / Rec.# 18611] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1987) Australasian Caliciales. - Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 27(1): 1–279. [RLL List # 133 / Rec.# 18614] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1996) Caliciales. - Flora Neotropica, 69, New York Botanical Garden, New York. 78 pp. [RLL List # 164 / Rec.# 18629] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1997) Anamorphs in mazaediate lichenized fungi and the Mycocaliciaeae (Caliciales s. lat.). - In: Tibell, L. and Hedberg, I. (eds.): Lichen Studies Dedicated to Rolf Santesson. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, pp. 291-322. [RLL List # 170 / Rec.# 18631] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (1998) Crustose Mazaediate Lichens and the Mycocaliciaceae in temperate South America. - Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 71, J. Cramer, Stuttgart. 107 pp. [RLL List # 173 / Rec.# 18633] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) (Abstract)
- Tibell, L. (1999) Calicioid lichens and fungi. - In: Ahti, T.; Jørgensen, P.M.; Kristinsson, H.; Moberg, R.; Søchting, U.; Thor, G. (eds.): Nordic Lichen Flora. Volume 1. Introductory Parts. Calicioid Lichens and Fungi. Nordic Lichen Society, Uddevalla, pp. 20-94. [RLL List # 182 / Rec.# 21646] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. (2001) Photobiont association and molecular phylogeny of the lichen genus Chaenotheca. - The Bryologist 104(2): 191–198. [RLL List # 184 / Rec.# 22184] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) (JSTOR)
- Tibell, L. (2002) Morphological variation and ITS phylogeny of Chaenotheca trichialis and C. xyloxena (Coniocybaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes). - Annales Botanici Fennici 39(1): 73–80. [RLL List # 194 / Rec.# 25272] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. and Beck, A. (2002) Morphological variation, photobiont association and ITS phylogeny of Chaenotheca phaeocephala and C. subroscida (Coniocybaceae, lichenized ascomycetes). - Nordic Journal of Botany 21: 651–660. [RLL List # 198 / Rec.# 26601] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
- Tibell, L. and Koffman, A. (2002) Chaenotheca nitidula, a new species of calicioid lichen from northeastern North America. - The Bryologist 105(3): 353–357. [RLL List # 188 / Rec.# 23553] - (Recent Literature on Lichens) (JSTOR)
- Tibell, L. and Ryan, B.D. (2004) Chaenotheca (pp. 57-61) In: Nash III, T.H.; Ryan, B.D.; Diederich, P.; Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 2. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 742 pages.
Vernacular names
日本語: ホソピンゴケ属
Nederlands: Schorssteeltje