
Taxonavigation: Chloropicales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Chlorophyta
Classis: Chloropicophyceae
Ordo: Chloropicales

Familia: Chloropicaceae
Genus: Chloropicon
Species: Chloropicon primus


Chloropicon primus Lopes dos Santos & Eikrem, in Lopes dos Santos et al., 2017

  • Type locality: Gulf Stream, North East Atlantic.
  • Holotype: Cells embedded in resin block and thin-sections deposited at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, accession number O-A-10002. Figure 4B shows cell from the thin sections. Culture deposited in the Roscoff Culture Collection as RCC15. RCC15 was isolated in 1965 from a sample collected during the Trident cruise 26 in the Gulf Stream, North East Atlantic.
  • Etymology: The first species of the genus to be isolated into culture and have its 18S rRNA gene sequence published.


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