A) Gonium pectorale B) Eudorina elegans
C) Pleodorina californica D) Volvox carteri


Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Chlorophyta

Subdivisiones = Subphyla: Chlorophytina  Prasinophytina

Classes: Chlorodendrophyceae  Chlorophyceae  Chloropicophyceae  Mamiellophyceae  Nephrophyceae  Palmophyllophyceae  Pedinophyceae  Picocystophyceae  Pyramimonadophyceae  Trebouxiophyceae  Ulvophyceae

Genera (classis, ordo, familia incertae sedis): †Asphaltinella  Chloremys Colonella  Ovillaria  Paramastix  Pseudostichococcus  Smithsoniella  Sphaerosiphon  Uvella


Chlorophyta Reichenbach, 1834: 5.


Primary references

  • Reichenbach, H.G.L. 1834. Das Pflanzenreich in seinen natürlichen Classen und Familien: entwickelt und durch mehr als Tausend in Kupfer gestochene übersichtliche-bildliche Darstellungen für Anfänger und Freunde der Botanik erläutert. pp. [i]–iv, [1]–62. Leipzig: Verlag der Expedition des Naturfreundes. online Reference page. : 5

Additional references

  • Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2020. Chlorophyta. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Accessed 2020-02-06.
  • Chlorophyta – Taxon details on AlgaeBase.

Vernacular names

Boarisch: Greahoing
беларуская: Зялёныя водарасці
Deutsch: Grünalgen
English: Green algae
español: Algas Verdes
eesti: Rohevetiktaimed
français: Algues Vertes, Chlorophytes
magyar: Valódi zöldmoszatok
italiano: Alghe Verdi, Clorofite
日本語: 緑藻植物門(緑色植物門)
한국어: 녹조식물문
Lëtzebuergesch: Gréngalgen
lietuvių: Žaliadumbliai
македонски: Зелени алги
Nederlands: Groenwieren
norsk: grønnalger
polski: Zielenice
português: Algas Verdes, Clorófita
română: Alge verzi
русский: Зелёные водоросли
svenska: grönalger
ไทย: สาหร่ายสีเขียว
Türkçe: Yeşil algler
українська: Зелені водорості
中文: 绿藻门
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Alternative classifications

Reichenbach (1828)

Reichenbach, H. G. L. (1828). Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis,

Regni Vegetabilis

  • Classis III. Chlorophyta

Blackman & Tansley (1902)

From Blackman, F.E. et Tansley, A.G. (1902). A revision of the classification of the green algae. New Phytology, 1: 17–24, 67-77- 89-96, 114-120, 133-144, 163-168, 189-192, 213-220, 258-264.

Green Algae

Pascher et al. (1913-1936)

From Die Süsswasser-Flora: Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz (oder Die Süsswasser-flora Mitteleuropas), .

[see Algae]

  • Chlorophyceae
    • Volvocales = Phytomonadinae [vol. 4, by Pascher, 1927]
    • Tetrasporales [vol. 5, by Lemmermann, 1915]
    • Protococcales [vol. 5, by Brunnthaler, 1915]
    • Ulotrichales [vol. 6, by Heering, 1914]
    • Mikrosporales [vol. 6, by Heering, 1914]
    • Oedogoniales [vol. 6, by Heering, 1914]
    • Siphonocladiales [vol. 7, by Heering, 1921]
    • Siphonales [vol. 7, by Heering, 1921]
    • Desmidiaceae [vol. 8]
    • Zygnemales [vol. 9, by Borge & Pascher, 1913; 2nd ed. by Czurda, 1932]

Pascher (1914)

Pascher, A. (1914). Über Flagellaten und Algen. Ber. dt. Bot. Ges., 32: 136–160, .

Pascher (1931)

Smith (1938)

Cryptogamic Botany, vol. 1, .

Division Chlorophyta

  • Order 5. Schizogoniales
  • Family Schizogoniaceae
  • Order 10. Siphonales
  • Order 11. Siphonocladiales

Huber-Pestalozzi's Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers (1961-1983)

Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (ed.). Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, Werke.

[See Algae]

[Theil 5, 1961, von Huber-Pestalozzi:]

[Teil 6, 1972, von Fott:]

Christensen (1962)

  • Christensen, T. 1962. Alger. In: Böcher, T.W., Lange, M. & Sørensen, T. (eds.) Botanik. Bind II. Systematisk botanik. Nr. 2. pp. [1]–178. København: I kommission hos Munksgaard. Reference page. 


Round (1963)

Round, F.E. (1963). The taxonomy of the Chlorophyta. British Phycological Bulletin, 2 (4): 224–235. .


Bourrelly (1966-1970)

Bourrelly, P. Les algues d'eau douce. Initiation à la systématique. Éditions Boubée.

  • Tome I. Les algues vertes, 1966, . Réimpressions revues et augmentées, 1972, 1990. Compléments, 1988, .
  • Tome II. Les algues jaunes et brunes. Chrysophycées, Phéophycées, Xanthophycées et Diatomées, 1968, . Réimpression revue et augmentée, 1981.
  • Tome III. Les algues bleues et rouges. Les Eugléniens, Péridiniens et Cryptomonadines, 1970, . Réimpression revue et augmentée, 1985, .

[Tome I:]

  • Chlorophytes (= Chlorophycophytes)
    • Class 1. Euchlorophycées
      • Order 1. Volvocales
        • Suborder 1. Pyramimonadinées
        • Suborder 2. Volvocinées
        • Suborder 3. Pédinomonadinées
      • Order 2. Tétrasporales
      • Order 3. Chlorococcales
    • Class 2. Ulotrichophycées
      • Order 4. Ulotrichales
      • Order 5. Ulvales
      • Order 6. Chaetophorales
      • Order 7. Trentépohliales
      • Order 8. Oedogoniales
      • Order 9. Sphaeropléales
      • Order 10. Siphonocladales
      • Order 11. Siphonales
      • Order 12. Dichotomosiphonales
    • Class 3. Zygophycées
      • Order 13. Zygnémales
    • Class 4. Charophycées
      • Order 14. Charales

[Tome III:]

  • Chlorophytes
    • Prasinophycées
      • Pyramimonadales (= Prasinovolvocales Chadefaud)
      • Pédinomonadales
      • Halosphaerales (= Prasinococcales Chadefaud)
      • Prasinocladales
    • Chlorophycées
    • Zygophycées
    • Charophycées

Fott (1971)

Fott, B. (1971). Algenkunde. 2nd ed. VEB Fischer, Jena, 581 pp., , .


  • Suborder Chlorosarcineae
  • Suborder Ulotrichineae
  • Suborder Oedogoniineae
  • Suborder Chaetophorineae

Round (1971)

Round, F.E. (1971). "The taxonomy of the Chlorophyta, 2". Brit. phycol. J. 6 (2): 235–264, .

Pickett-Heaps (1975)

Pickett-Heaps, J.D. (1975). Green Algae. Structure, Reproduction and Evolution in Selected Genera. Sinauer Assoc., Stamford, CT; 606 pages.

green algae

Stewart & Mattox (1975)

Stewart, K. D. & Mattox, K. R. (1975). Comparative cytology, evolution and classification of the green algae with some consideration of the origin of other organisms with chlorophylls A and B, .

“Green algae”

Stewart & Mattox (1978)

Stewart, K. D. & Mattox, K. R. (1978). Structural evolution in the flagellated cells of green algae and land plants. BioSystems 10 (1–2): 145–152.


A. Pascher's Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa (1978-)

From Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa (or Freshwater Flora of Central Europe), 2nd ed., Adolf Pascher. Some volumes not published.

[See Algae]

Ettl (1981)

Ettl, H. (1981). Die neue Klasse Chlamydophyceae, eine natürliche Gruppe der Grünalgen (Chlorophyta). Pl. Syst. Evol. 137, 107–126, .


Mattox & Stewart (1984)

Mattox, K. R. & Stewart, K. D. 1984. Classification of the green algae: a concept based on comparative cytology. Pp. 29‐72, In Irvine, D. E. G. & John, D. M. (eds.), The systematics of Green Algae. The Systematics Association, Special Vol. 27, Academic Press, London.

Bold & Wynne (1985)

Bold, H.C. & Wynne, M.J. (1985). Introduction to the algae: structure and reproduction (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, .

van den Hoek, Stam & Olsen (1988)

van den Hoek, C., Stam, W.T., and Olsen, J.L. (1988). The emergence of a new chlorophytan system, and Dr. Kornmann’s contribution thereto. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 42: 339–383, .


Melkonian in Margulis et al. (1990)

Melkonian, M., 1990. 32. Phylum Chlorophyta: Introduction to the Chlorophyta. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 597-599. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), .

Kingdom Protoctista

van den Hoek, Stam & Olsen (1992)

van den Hoek, C., Stam, W.T. & Olsen, J.L. (1992). The Chlorophyta: Systematics and phylogeny. In: Stabenau, H. (Ed.), Phylogenetic Changes in Peroxisomes of Algae: Phylogeny of Plant Peroxisomes. pp. 330-368. University of Oldenburg, Germany, .


van den Hoek, Mann and Jahns (1995)

van den Hoek, C., Mann, D. G., & Jahns, H. M. (1995): Algae. An Introduction to Phycology. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, .


[In a note added in proof, an alternative classification is presented for the class Chlorophyceae:]

Reviers (2002-2003)

Reviers, B. de (2002-2003). Biologie et phylogénie des algues. Tome 1, 352 p. Tome 2, 255 p. Paris: Belin.

[Note: (*) indicates divisions and classes classified as “algae” at a given time; some non-algal groups not listed]


Lewis & McCourt (2004)

Pombert et al. (2005)

Pombert, J.-F. et al. (2005). The Chloroplast Genome Sequence of the Green Alga... Mol. Biol. Evol. 22(9) 1903–1918, .


Adl et al. (2012)

The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes, .


[Notes: M, monotypic group with only one described species; P, paraphyletic group; R, ribogroup assembled from phylogenetic studies.]

Leliaert et al. (2012)

Ruggiero et al. (2015)

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