- Algae C. Linnaeus, 1753
Tournefort (1694)
Élémens de botanique, vol. 1, vol. 2 vol. 3. See also Linnaeus (1738), and Le Maout (1852), .
Plantes [vol. 1, pp. xxi-xxii]
- Classe XVII. Sans fleurs ni fruits [pp. 438-448]
- Section I [see Fungi]
- Section II
- Fucus
- Alga
- Acetabulum
- Corallina
- Corallum
- Madrepora
- Lithophyton
- Tubularia
- Spongia
- Eschara
- Alcyonium
Tournefort (1700)
- Classis XVII. De herbis et suffruticibus, quorum flores & fructus vulgò desiderantur. [pp. 550-577]
- Section I. De herbis terrestribus, quarum flores & fructus, vulgò desiderantur.
- Section II. De herbis marinis aut fluviatilibus, quarum flores & fructus vulgò ignorantur.
- Fucus
- Alga
- Acetabulum
- Corallina
- Corallum
- Madrepora
- Lithophyton
- Tubularia
- Spongia
- Eschara
- Alcyonium
Linnaeus (1753)
From Linnæus, C. (1753). Species Plantarum, vol. 2, pp. 1131-1171, , .
- Classis Cryptogamia
- Ordo Algae
- Genera Jungermannia, Targionia, Marchantia, Blasia, Riccia, Anthoceros, Lichen, Chara, Tremella, Fucus, Ulva, Conferva, Byssus, Spongia
- Ordo Algae
de Jussieu (1789)
From Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de (1789). Genera Plantarum, secundum ordines naturales disposita juxta methodum in Horto Regio Parisiensi exaratam. Paris, .
Classis Acotyledones
Roth (1797)
Roth, A.W. (1797). Bemerkungen über das Studium der cryptogamischen Wassergewächse. Hanover. 109 pp. [Druckfehler], .
- Wassergewächse können [aquatic plants]
- Fucus
- Ceramium
- Batrachospermum
- Conferva
- Hydrodictyon
- Ulva
- Rivularia
- Tremella
- Byssus
Roth (1797–1806)
Catalecta botanica, 3 vols, , , .
Cryptogamia [Vol. 1, p. 122]
- Miscellaneae [incl. Chara]
- Filices
- Musci [incl. Trentepohlia]
- Hepaticae
- Algae [incl. Fucus, Ceramium, Conferva, Ulva, Rivularia, Byssus, p. 145-218]
- Fungi
Cryptogamia [Vol. 2, p. 125]
- Miscellaneae [incl. Chara]
- Filices
- Musci [incl. Trentepohlia]
- Hepaticae
- Algae [incl. Fucus, Ceramium, Batrachospermum, Conferva, Hydrodictyon, Ulva, Rivularia, Byssus, p. 158-251]
- Fungi
Cryptogamia [Vol. 3, p. 82]
- Algae [incl. Fucus, Ceramium, Batrachospermum, Conferva, Mertensia, Hydrodictyon, Ulva, Rivularia, Linckia, Tremella]
Candolle (1801)
Candolle, A.P. de (1801). Extrait d'un rapport sur les conferves. Bulletin des Sciences par la Société Philomathique de Paris 3: 17–21, pl. I., .
Famille des Algues
- Tremella
- Rivularia
- Ulva
- Fucus
- Conferva
- Ceramium
- Vaucheria
- Bissus
- Batrachospermum
- Chantrania
- Hydrodictyon
Lamouroux (1813)
From Lamouroux, J.V.F. 1813. Essai sur les genres de la famille de Thalassiophytes, non articulées. Annls Mus. natn. Hit. nat., Paris, 20: 115–139; 267–294, .
Thalassiophytes or algues
- Order Fucacées
- Order Floridées
- Order Dictyotées
- Order Ulvacées
- Order Alcyonidiées
- Order Spongodiées
Martius (1817)
Martius, C.F.P. von (1817). Flora cryptogamica erlangensis sistens vegetabilia e classe ultima Linn. in agro erlangesi hucusque detecta.... pp. [i]-lxviii, [1-2, h. t. and motto], 1-512, 6 folded plates. Norimbergae [Nürnberg]: sumptibus J. L. Schrag, .
- Ordo nonus: Algae
- Algae vegetantes
- Chara
- Batrachospermum
- Hydrodictyon
- Conjugata
- Conferva
- Rivularia
- Linckia
- Botrydium
- Algae infusoriae
- Vaucheria
- Oscillatoria
- Algae vegetantes
Lyngbye (1819)
Lyngbye, H.C. (1819). Tentamen hydrophytologiae danicae continens omnia hydrophyta cryptogama Daniae, Holsatiae, Faeroae, Islandiae, Groenlandiae hucusque cognita, systematice disposita, descripta et iconibus illustrata, adjectis simul speciebus norvegicis. pp. [i]-xxxii, [1]-248, 70 pls. Hafniae [Copenhagen]: typis Schultzianis, in commissis Librariae Gyldendaliae, .
- Sectio I. Phycoidata
- plana (Fucus, Delesseria, Odonthalia, Sphaerococcus, Chondrus, Zonaria, Laminaria, Ulva)
- compressa (Desmia, Himanthalia, Halidrys, Ptilota, Plocamium, Gelidium)
- teretia (Gigartina, Furcellaria, Chordaria, Thorea)
- Sectio II. Soleniata (Scytosiphon, Gastridium, Chorda, Bryopsis, Vaucheria, Bangia, Oscillatoria, Scytonema, Nodularia)
- Sectio III. Stereogonata (Lomentaria, Cladostephus, Sphacelaria, Hutchinsia, Ceramium)
- Sectio IV. Siphonigonata (Callithamnion, Ectocarpus, Bulbochaete, Conferva, Hydrodictyon, Zygnema)
- Sectio V. Homalogonata (Diatoma, Fragilaria)
- Sectio VI. Tremelloidata (Batrachospermum, Draparnaldia, Mesogloja, Chaetophora, Linckia, Nostoc, Alcyonidium, Palmella, Echinella)
Agardh, C. A. (1820–1823)
Agardh, C. A. 1820 (-1823). Species Algarum. 2 vols. Lund: Berling. Vol. 1.1, p. 1 , Vol. 1.2, p. 169 , Vol. 1.2, pp. 168-169, 399 , , Vol 2, pp. 1, 9, 50, see also pp. LXXIII-LXXV .
- Fucoideae
- Fucoideae purae
- Florideo-Fucoideae
- Ulvoideo-Fucoideae
- Cofervoideo-Fucoideae
- Tremellino-Fucoideae
- Florideae
- Florideae genuinae
- Ulvoideo- Florideae
- Confervoideo-Florideae
- Nostochino-Florideae
- Zoophyto-Florideae
- Ulvoideae
- Ulvoideae genuinae
- Confervoideo- Ulvoideae
- Nostochino-Ulvoideae
- Zoophyto-Ulvoideae
- Lemanieae
- Ectocarpeae
- Ceramieae
Bory de Saint-Vincent (1822)
Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. (1822). Dict. Class. Hist. Nat., t. 1, p. 591, .
Famille des Arthrodiées (Arthrodieae)
- Tribe des Fragillaires (Diatoma, Achnanthes, Nematoplata)
- Tribe des Oscillariées (Dilwinella, Oscillaria, Vaginaria, Anabaina)
- Tribe des Conjugées (Leda, Tendaridea, Salmacis, Zygnema)
- Tribe des Zoocarpées (Anthophysis, Tiresias, Cadmus)
Agardh, C. A. (1824)
Agardh, C. A. 1824. Systema Algarum. Lund: Berling, .
[p. XII:]
- Hyalinae
- Virides
- Purpureae
- Olivaceae
- Ordo Diatomeae
- Ordo Nostochinae
- Ordo Confervoideae
- Ordo Ulvaceae
- Ordo Florideae
- Ordo Fucoideae
Agardh, C. A. (1825)
Clavis classium
- I. Acotyledoneae (classes 1-3)
- Classis I. Algae
- Ordo Diatomeae
- Ordo Nostochinae
- Ordo Confervoideae
- Ordo Ulvaceae
- Ordo Florideae
- Ordo Fucoideae
- Classis I. Lichenes
- Classis I. Fungi
- Classis I. Algae
- II. Pseudocotyledoneae (4–7)
- III. Cryptocotyledoneae (8–12)
- IV. Phanerocotyledoneae incompletae (13–16)
- V. Phanerocotyledoneae completae, hypogynae, monopetalae (17)
- VI. Phanerocotyledoneae completae, hypogynae, polypetalae (18–22)
- VII. Phanerocotyledoneae completae, discigynae, monopetalae (classes 1-3)
- VIII. Phanerocotyledoneae completae, discigynae, polypetalae (23)
- IX. Phanerocotyledoneae completae, porigynae (27–33)
Reichenbach (1828)
Reichenbach, H. G. L. (1828). Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis,
Regni Vegetabilis
- Classis I. Fungi
- Classis II. Lichenes
- Classis III. Chlorophyta
- Ordo I. Algae
- Formatio I. Gongylophycae
- Familia XXI. Nostochinae
- Familia XXII. Conferveae
- Formatio II. Ascophycae
- Familia XXIII. Florideae
- Familia XXIV. Fucoideae
- Formatio I. Gongylophycae
- Ordo II. Musci
- Ordo III. Filices
- Ordo I. Algae
- Classis IV. Acroblastae
- Classis V. Synclamydeae (incl. Characeae)
- Classis VI. Sympetalae
- Classis VII. Calycanthae
- Classis VIII. Thalamanthae
Greville (1830)
- Ordo I. Fucoideae
- Ordo II. Lichineae
- Ordo III. Laminarieae
- Ordo IV. Sporochnoideae
- Ordo V. Chordarieae
- Ordo VI. Dictyoteae
- Ordo VII. Furcellarieae
- Ordo VIII. Spongiocarpeae
- Ordo IX. Florideae
- Ordo X. Thaumasieae
- Ordo XI. Gastrocarpeae
- Ordo XII. Caulerpeae
- Ordo XIII. Ulvaceae
- Ordo XIV. Siphoneae
Link (1833)
Link, H. F. (1829–1833). Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse, 3 vols., .
- Classis I. Endogeneae
- Classis II. Exogeneae
- Classis. III. Filices
- Classis. IV. Musci
- Classis. V. Cryptophyta
- Ordo I. Lichenosae
- Ordo II. Algae [vol. 3, 1833, p. 226]
- Subordo I. Fucoideae
- Subordo II. Zonariaceae
- Subordo III. Codiaceae
- Subordo IV. Spongiaceae
- Subordo V. Halimedeae
- Subordo VI. Acetabulariaceae
- Subordo VII. Characeae
- Subordo VIII. Ectocarpaeae
- Subordo IX. Confervaceae
- Subordo X. Conjugatae
- Subordo XI. Annulinae
- Subordo XII. Oscillantes
- Subordo XIII. Dimorphae
- Subordo XIV. Nostochinae
- Subordo XV. Diatomeae
- Subordo XVI. Copulatae
- Ordo III. Fungi
Chevallier (1836)
Chevallier, F.F. (1836). Flore générale des environs de Paris, 2 vols, .
- "Connexion des deux règnes, du règne animal et du règne végétal"
- Oscillatoria
- Règne végétal
- Division I. Agamie
- Algae [pp. 1, 675]
- Classis Neurodineae
- Ordo Nostochineae
- Ordo Ulvaceae
- Ordo Laminarieae
- Ordo Sphaerococceae
- Ordo Delesserieae
- Ordo Thalamophoreae
- Ordo Fucaceae
- Ordo Chordarieae
- Ordo Bryopsideae
- Classis Arthrodineae
- Ordo Ceramieae
- Ordo Batrachospermeae
- Ordo Confervaceae
- Ordo Protonemaceae
- Classis Frustulineae
- Ordo Diatomaceae
- Ordo Meloseireae
- Classis Neurodineae
- Algae [pp. 1, 675]
Harvey (1836)
From Harvey, W.H. (1836). Algae. In: Flora hibernica comprising the Flowering Plants Ferns Characeae Musci Hepaticae Lichenes and Algae of Ireland arranged according to the natural system with a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnaean system. (Mackay, J.T. Eds), pp. 157-254. Dublin, London & Edinburgh: William Curry Jun and Company; Simpkin Marshall and Co; Fraser & Co., , .
Order Algae
- Division Chlorospermae
- Division Melanospermae
- Division Rhodospermae
- Division Diatomaceae
Endlicher (1836)
- Regio I. Thallophyta
- Sectio I. Protophyta
- Classis I. Algae
- Diatomaceae
- Diatomeae
- Desmidieae
- Nostochinae
- Confervaceae
- Characeae
- Ulvaceae
- Florideae
- Fucaceae
- Diatomaceae
- Classis II. Lichenes
- Classis I. Algae
- Sectio II. Hysterophyta
- Classis III. Fungi
- Sectio I. Protophyta
- Regio II. Cormophyta
Endlicher (1836)
- Regio I. Thallophyta
- Sectio I. Protophyta
- Classis I. Algae
- Diatomaceae
- Diatomeae
- Desmidieae
- Nostochinae
- Confervaceae
- Characeae
- Ulvaceae
- Florideae
- Fucaceae
- Diatomaceae
- Classis II. Lichenes
- Classis I. Algae
- Sectio II. Hysterophyta
- Classis III. Fungi
- Sectio I. Protophyta
- Regio II. Cormophyta
Decaisne (1842)
Decaisne, J. (1842). Essais sur une classification des algues et des polypiers calcifères de Lamouroux. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Seconde série 17: 297–380, pls 14-17,
- Zoosporées [p. 305]
- Nostochinées, Confervées, Ulvacées, etc.
- Synsporées
- Conjuguées
- Aplosporées
- Batrachospermées, Fucacées, etc.
- Choristosporées
- Céramiées, Rytiphlées, etc.
Kützing (1843)
Phycologia generalis, . See Lindley .
- Classe Isocarpeae
- Tribus Gymnospermeae
- Tribus Angiospermeae
- Classe Heterocarpeae
- Tribus Paracarpeae
Lindley (1845)
Vegetable kingdom
- Asexual, or flowerless plants
- Class Thalogens
- Alliance Algales
- Order Diatomaceae
- Order Confervaceae
- Order Fucaceae
- Order Ceramiaceae
- Order Characeae
- Alliance Algales
- Class Thalogens
Kützing (1845)
Phycologia Germanica, pp. 54, 118, 277, 282, , .
- Classe Isocarpeae [p. 54]
- Diatomeae
- Tribus Striatae [p. 57]
- Tribus Vittatae [p. 106]
- Tribus Areolatae [p. 113]
- Chlorophyceae
- Tribus Gymnospermae [p. 118]
- Tribus Angiospermeae [p. 277]
- Diatomeae
- Classe Heterocarpeae [p. 282]
- Tribus Paracarpeae
Horaninow (1847)
Characteres essentiales familiarum ac tribuum regni vegetabilis, .
Regnum Vegetabile
- Circulus Sporophorae
- Circulus Pseudospermae
- Circulus Coccospermae
- Circulus Euspermae (Dicotyleae)
Regnum Amphorganicum
- Classis Fungi
- Classis Algae
- Ordo Diatomales
- Ordo Confervales
- Ordo Ulvales
- Ordo Codiales
- Ordo Fucales
- Ordo Floridales
- Ordo Charales
- Classis Polyparii
- Classis Acalephae
Rabenhorst (1847)
Rabenhorst, L. G. (1847). Algen. In: Deutschlands Kryptogamen-Flora [...]. Vol. 2, Div. 1. Leipzig: E. Kummer. 1844—1848.
- Subo. I. Schizophyceae, Spaltalgen
- Subo. II. Gonidiophyceae, Brutalgen
- Subo. III. Ascophyceae, Balg- oder Schlauchalgen
- Subo. IV. Gyrophyceae, Spiralalgen (Characeen), Gyrophykea
Agardh, J. G. (1848–1901)
Agardh, J. G. 1848-1901. Species Genera et Ordines Algarum. Lund: Gleerup.
- Vol 1 (1848), Fucoideae, .
- Vol 2.1 (1851), Florideae, .
- Vol 2.2 (1852), Florideae, .
- Vol 2.3 (1863), Florideae, .
- Vol 3.1 (1876), Florideae, .
- Vol 3.2 (1880), Florideae, .
- Vol 3.3 (1898), Florideae (Delesserieae), .
- Vol 3.4 (1901), Florideae, .
- Ectocarpeae
- Sphacelarieae
- Chordarieae
- Dictyoteae
- Laminerieae
- Sporochnoideae
- Fucaceae
- Gongylospermeae
- Demiospermeae
Kützing (1849)
Species algarum, Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1849, 921 p., .
Algae Roth
- Isocarpeae
- Diatomeae
- Malacophyceae
- Heterocarpeae
- Paracarpeae
- Choristocarpeae
Nägeli (1849)
Gattungen einzelliger Algen physiologisch und systematisch bearbeitet, .
- "einzelligen Algen" [unicelular algae]
- I. Chroococcaceae
- Chroococcus
- Gloeocapsa
- Aphanocapsa
- Coelosphaerium
- Merismopoedia
- Synechococcus
- Gloeothece
- Aphanothece
- II. Diatomaceae
- III. Palmellaceae
- Pleurococcus
- Gloeocystis
- Palmella
- Apiocyslis
- Palmodactylon
- Porphyridium
- Tetraspora
- Dictyosphaerium
- Oocardium
- Stichococcus
- Hormospora
- Nephrocytium
- Mischococcus
- Rhaphidium
- Polyedrium
- Cystococcus
- Dactylococcus
- Characium
- Ophiocytium
- Scenedesmus
- Pediastrum
- a. Pediastrum
- b. Anomopedium
- Coelastrum
- Sorastrum
- IV. Desmidiaceae
- Pleurotaenium
- Closterium
- a. Closterium
- b. Netrium
- Mesotaenium
- Dysphinctium
- a. Actinotaenium
- b. Calocylindrus
- c. Dysphinctium
- Euastrum
- a. Tetracanthium
- b. Cosmarium
- c. Eucosmium
- d. Euastrum
- e. Micrasterias
- Phycastrum
- a. Amblyactinium
- b. Pachyactinium
- c. Stenactinium
- V. Protococcaceae
- VI. Exococcaceae
- Exococcus, etc.
- VII. Valoniaceae
- Valonia, etc.
- VIII. Vaucheriaceae
- Vaucheria, etc.
- I. Chroococcaceae
Robin (1853)
Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites, pp. 253, 290, .
“Végétaux parasites”
- Algae
- Class Isocarpeae
- Subclass Diatomeae
- Subclass Malacophyceae
- Class Isocarpeae
- Fungi
Braun (1855)
Braun, A. Algarum unicellularium genera nova et minus cognita, praemissis observationibus de algis unicellularibus in genere (New and less known genera of unicellular algae, preceded by observations respecting unicellular algae in general). Lipsiae, Apud W. Engelmann, 1855. Translation at: Lankester, E. & Busk, G. (eds.). Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1857, vol. 5, (17), 13-16; (18), 90-96; (19), 143-149.
"Algarum inferiorum" [p. 9-10]
- A. familia
- a) familia individuum biologicum unicum (thallum dissolutum)
- α) ordine cellularum immutato: Hormospora! Palmodactylon! Merismopoedia! Tetraspora, Gloeocapsa, Gloeocystis
- β) ordine cellularum mutato: Nephrocytium, Gloeothece, Aphanothece, Apiocystis
- b) familia coenobiotica, individuis revera distinctis composita: Sciadium
- a) familia individuum biologicum unicum (thallum dissolutum)
- B. coenobium
- a) e zoogonidiis post stadium motorium connexum ineuntibus et in cellulas immobiles excrescentibus
- α) ordine immutato: Hydrodictyon
- β) ordine mutato: Pediastrum
- b) e gonidiis immobilibus in cellulas immobiles excrescentibus
- α) ordine immutato: Scenedesmus, Sorastrum (?)
- β) ordine mutato: Coelastrum
- c) e gonidiis immobilibus in cellulas vibratorias mutatis
- α) ordine immutato: Gonium, Stephanosphaera, Synaphia
- β) ordine mutato: Pandorina
- a) e zoogonidiis post stadium motorium connexum ineuntibus et in cellulas immobiles excrescentibus
"Algarum inferiorum" [p. 10-11]
- A. monocytideae s. unicellulares, cyclo vitali unicellulari
- a) genuinae s. unicellulares strictissimo sensu
- α) eremobiae: Protococcus (Näg.), Hydrocytium, Codiolum, Ophiocytium, Polyedrium (?), (Chytridium) ;
- β) coenobiae: Hydrodictyon
- γ) synoicobiae: Sciadium
- b) ambiguae
- α) eremobiae: Cystococcus, Characium
- β) coenobiae: Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Gonium, Pandorina, Stephanosphaera, Synaphia
- a) genuinae s. unicellulares strictissimo sensu
- B. oligocytideae, cyclo vitali paucicellulari, cellulis binis vel ternis heterogeneis
- C. polycytideae s. multicellulares, cyclo vitali multicellulari
- a) homoeocytideae
- a) schizocytideae
- *) choristobiae: Navicula, Closterium, Pleurococcus, Chroococcus
- **) synoecobiae: Schizonema, Hormospora, Palmodactylon, Palmella, Hydrurus
- b) synechocytideae: Himantidium, Desmidium, Spirogyra, Oscillaria
- a) schizocytideae
- b) heterocytideae: Nostoc, Cylindrospermum, Rivularia, Oedogonium, Bulbochaete etc.
- a) homoeocytideae
Stizenberger (1860)
Stizenberger, E. (1860). Dr. Ludwig Rabenhorst's Algen Sachsens, .
- Myxophyceae
- Pyritophyceae
- Zygophyceae
- Coccophyceae
- Syphophyceae
- Nematophyceae
- Melanophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
Rabenhorst (1863)
Rabenhorst, G. L. Kryptogamen-flora von Sachsen, vol. 1 .
- Algae
- Diatomaceae
- Phycochromaceae
- Chlorophyllaceae
- Melanophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Characeae
- Sphagninae
- Bryinae
- etc.
Rabenhorst (1864–1868)
Flora europaea algarum aquae dulcis et submarinae, 3 parts, , , .
- Diatomophyceae
- Phycochromophyceae
- Chlorophyllophyceae
- (1) Coccophyceae, with the families Palmellaceae, Protococcaceae, and Volvocaceae;
- (2) Zygophyceae, with the families Desmidieae and Zygnemeae;
- (3) Siphophyceae, with the families Hydrogastreae (=Botrydiaceae) and Vaucheriaceae;
- (4) Nematophyceae, with the families Ulvaceae, Sphaeropleaceae, Confervaceae, Oedogoniaceae, Ulotrichaceae, Chroolepidiaceae (=Trentepohliaceae), and Chaetophoraceae.
- Melanophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
Wilson & Cassin (1864)
On a Third Kingdom of Organized Beings, .
- Kingdom Primalia
- Subkingdom Algae
- Subkingdom Lichenes
- Subkingdom Fungi
- Subkingdom Spongiae
- Subkingdom Conjugata
- Kingdom Vegetabilia
- Kingdom Animalia
Haeckel (1866, I)
Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 1, pp. 206-220.
- Thierreich, Animalia
- Vertebrata (Pachycardia et Leptocardia)
- Mollusca (Cephalota et Acephala)
- Articulata (Arthropoda, Vermes et Infusoria)
- Echinodermata
- Coelenterata
- Protistenreich, Protista
- Spongiae (Porifera)
- Noctilucae (Myxocystoda)
- Rhizopoda (Radiolaria, Actinosphaerida et Acyttaria)
- Protoplasta (Arcellida, Amoebida et Gregarinae)
- Moneres (Protamoebae, Protogenida et Vibriones)
- Flagellata
- Diatomea
- Myxomycetes (Mycetozoa)
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
- Phycophyta (Algae pro parte)
- Characeae
- Nematophyta (Fungi et Lichenes)
- Cormophyta (Phanerogamae omnes et Cryptogamae exclusis Nematophytis, Characeis et Phycophytis)
Sachs (1874)
Lehrbuch der Botanik, 4th ed., .
- Gruppe I. Thallophyten
- Klassen I. Protophyten
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Cyanophyceen
- Palmellaceen
- Chlorophyllfreie [forms without chlorophyll]
- Schizomyceten
- Saccharomyces
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Klassen II. Zygosporeen
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Volvocineen
- Conjugaten (incl. der Diatomeen)
- Chlorophyllfreie [forms without chlorophyll]
- Myxomyceten
- Zygomyceten
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Klassen III. Oosporeen
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Sphaeroplea
- Vaucheria
- Oedogonieen
- Fucaceen
- Chlorophyllfreie [forms without chlorophyll]
- Saprolegnieen
- Peronosporeen
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Klassen IV. Carposporeen
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Coleochaeteen
- Florideen
- Characeen
- Chlorophyllfreie [forms without chlorophyll]
- Ascomyceten (incl. der Flechten)
- Aecidiomyceten
- Basidiomyceten
- Chlorophyllhaltige [forms with chlorophyll]
- Klassen I. Protophyten
Kirchner in Cohn (1878)
Kirchner, O. Die Algen, in Cohn's Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien. Vol. 2.1 (1878), .
Algae [p. 41]
- I. Ordnung: Florideae.
- II Ordnung: Confervoideae.
- III. Ordnung: Siphoneae.
- IV. Ordnung: Protococcoideae.
- V. Ordnung: Zygosporeae.
- VI. Ordnung: Schizosporeae.
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora (1880-)
From Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed., Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst.
[See Cryptogamia]
- Pilze [vol. 1]
- Meeresalgen [vol. 2, by Hauck, 1882—1889]
- Farnpflanzen [vol. 3, by Luerssen, 1884—1889]
- Laubmoose [vol. 4]
- Characeen [vol. 5, by Migula, 1895—1897]
- Lebermoose [vol. 6/1, by Müller, 1905—1911; vol. 6/2, by Müller, 1912—1916]
- Kieselalgen (Bacillariaceen) [vol. 7, by Hustedt, 1930-1966]
- Flechtenparasiten [vol. 8, by Keissler, 1930]
- Flechten [vol. 9]
- Flagellatae
- Chrysophyceae [vol. 10/1, not published]
- Silicoflagellatae [vol. 10/2, by Gemeinhardt, 1930]
- Coccolithineae [vol. 10/2, by Schiller, 1930]
- Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae) [vol. 10/3 (1), by Schiller, 1932—1933; vol. 10/3 (2), by Schiller, 1935—1937]
- Cryptomonadales, Chloromonadales und Euglenales [vol. 10/4, not published]
- Heterokonten [vol. 11, by Pascher, 1937—1939]
- Chlorophyceae
- Volvocales und Tetrasporales [vol. 12/1, not published]
- Protococcales [vol. 12/2, not published]
- Ulotrichales [vol. 12/3, not published]
- Oedogoniales [vol. 12/4, by Gemeinhardt, 1938—1940]
- Siphonocladiales und Siphonales [vol. 12/5, not published]
- Conjugatae
- Desmidiales: Desmidiaceen [vol. 13/1 (1), by Krieger, 1933—1937; vol. 13/1 (2), by Krieger, 1939]
- Zygnemales [vol. 13/2, by Kolkwitz & Krieger, 1941—1944]
- Cyanophyceae [vol. 14, by Geitler, 1930—1932]
- Rhodophyceae des Süsswassers [vol. 15, not published]
- Phaeophyceae des Süsswassers [vol. 15, not published]
Falkenberg (1882)
From Schenck's Handbuch der Botanik, .
Algen sensu lato [p. 163, 169]
- Classis Florideen
- Classis Algen sensu stricto
- Subclassis Melanophyceen
- Subclassis Chlorophyceen
- Classis Diatomaceen (Bacillariaceen)
- Classis Schizophyceen
Eichler (1883)
From Syllabus der Vorlesungen über Phanerogamenkunde. See Engler & Gilg (1919), .
- Division I. Thallophyta
- Classis I. Algae
- Group I. Cyanophyceae
- Group II. Diatomeae
- Group III. Chlorophyceae
- Group IV. Phaeophyceae
- Group V. Rhodophyceae
- Classis I. Algae
Warming (1884)
Warming, E., 1884. Haandbog i den systematiske botanik. Anden gjennemsete udgave. 2nd ed. Kjøbenhavn, 434 pp.
German translation: Handbuch der systematischen Botanik, by Emil Knoblauch, 1890, .
- Thallophyta
- Algae
- Class Peridinea
- Class Diatomeae
- Class Schyzophyceae
- Order Cyanophyceae
- Order Bacteria
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Order Conjugatae
- Order Protococcoideae
- Order Confervoideae
- Order Siphoneae
- Order Characeae
- Class Fucoideae
- Class Florideae
- Fungi
- Algae
- Bryophyta
- Pterydophyta
- Gymnospermae
- Angiospermae
Engler & Prantl (1887–1915)
From Engler, A. & Prantl, K., ed. (1887–1915). Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 23 volumes, .
- Schyzophyta
- Flagellatae
- Euphyceae (Algae)
- Eumycetes (Fungi)
de Toni et al. (1889–1924)
Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum, 5 vols., .
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Order Confervoideae
- Order Siphoneae
- Order Protococcoideae
- Order Conjugatae
- Class Bacillariae
- Order Raphideae
- Order Pseudoraphideae
- Class Fucoideae
- Order Cyclosporinae
- Order Tetrasporinae
- Order Phaeozoosporinae
- Class Florideae
- Subclass Bangioideae
- Subclass Eu-florideae
- Class Myxophyceae
- Order Coccogoneae
- Order Hormogoneae
Haeckel (1889)
Haeckel, E. 1889. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 8th ed, . See p. 452, 453, 462, 508.
- Protistenreich
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Phytomonera
- Ordnung 1. Probiontes
- Chromaceae
- Ordnung 2. Chroococceae
- Ordnung 3. Nostochineae
- Phytomonera
- Klass II. Diatomeae
- Klass III. Cosmariae (Desmidieae)
- Klass IV. Palmellariae (Palmellaceae)
- Klass V. Siphoneae (Coeloblastae)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Protozoa (Protista animalia)
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Zoomonera
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria
- Sphaerobacteria
- Rhabdobacteria
- Zoomonera
- Cytarcha
- Lobosa (Amoebina)
- Gregarinae (Sporozoa)
- Infusoria
- Flagellata (Mastigophora)
- Ciliata
- Acinetae (Suctoria)
- Rhizopoda
- Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes)
- Heliozoa
- Thalamaria (Foraminifera)
- Radiolaria
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Pflanzenreich
- Thallota (Thallophyta)
- Algae (Phycophyta)
- Zygnemaceae
- Conferveae
- Fucoideae
- Florideae
- Characeae
- Fungi (Inophyta)
- Mycetes
- Lichenes
- Algae (Phycophyta)
- Prothallota (Mesophyta)
- Bryophyta
- Pteridophyta
- Phanerogamae (Anthophyta)
- Gymnospermae
- Cycadeae
- Coniferae
- Gnetaceae
- Angiospermae
- Monocotylae
- Dicotylae
- Gymnospermae
- Thallota (Thallophyta)
- Thierreich
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata, Zoophyta, Anaemaria)
- Gastraeades
- Spongiae
- Cnidaria
- Platodes
- Coelomaria (Bilaterata, Bilateria, Haemataria)
- Helminthes
- Mollusca
- Echinoderma
- Articulata
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata, Zoophyta, Anaemaria)
Kirchner (1891)
Kirchner, O. (1891). Die mikroskopische Pflanzenwelt des Süßwassers. In: Kirchner, O. & Blochmann, G., Die mikroskopische Pflanzen- und Tierwelt des Süßwassers. 2. Aufl., Teil I. Hamburg: Gräfe & Sillem, , .
- I. Ordnung Florideae
- II. Ordnung Phaeophyceae
- III. Ordnung Characeae
- IV. Ordnung Confervoideae
- V. Ordnung Siphophyceae
- VI. Ordnung Protococcoideae
- VII. Ordnung Conjugatae
- VIII. Ordnung Bacillariaceae
- IX. Ordnung Schizophyceae
Engler (1892)
From Engler, A. (1892). Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik [Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, in further editions]. Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 143 p., .
- Schyzophyta
- Dinoflagellata
- Bacillariales
- Gamophyceae
- Fungi
Engler (1898)
From Engler, A. (1898). Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (2 ed.), Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 214 p., .
- Schyzophyta
- Flagellatae
- Euphyceae
- Eumycetes (Fungi)
Kalberlah & Schoenichen (1900)
Kalberlah, A. & Schoenichen, W. B. (1900). Eyferth's Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches: Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Süsswasserbewohner. 3rd ed. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, .
- Pflanzliche Organismen
- I. Schizophytae
- I. Bacteriaceae
- II. Schizophyceae
- II. Euphyceae (Echte Algen)
- I. Chlorophyceae
- II. Conjugatae
- III. Bacillariaceae
- IV. Peridiniaceae
- V. Characeae
- VI. Phaeophyceae
- VII. Rhodophyceae
- III. Fungi
- I. Schizophytae
- Tierische Organismen
Oltmanns (1904–1905)
Oltmanns, Friedrich (1904–1905). Morphologie und Biologie der Algen. 1st ed., 2 vols. Gustav Fischer, Jena, , .
- Chrysomonadineae
- Heterocontae
- Cryptomonadineae
- Euglenaceae
- Dinoflagellata
- Acontae (Zygophyceae)
- Conjugatae
- Bacillariaceae
- Chlorophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Bangiales
- Rhodophyceae
- Cyanophyceen
West (1904)
From West, G.S. (1904). A Treatise on the British Freshwater Algae, .
- Class Rhodophyceae
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Class Heterokontae
- Class Bacillarieae
- Class Myxophyceae
A. Pascher's Die Süsswasser-flora Mitteleuropas (1913–1936)
From Die Süsswasser-Flora: Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz (oder Die Süsswasser-flora Mitteleuropas), .
- Flagellatae [vol. 1, p. 28-29, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Order I. Pantostomatinae [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Order II. Protomastiginae [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Order III. Distomatinae [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Order IV. Chrysomonadinae [vol. 2, by Pascher, 1913]
- Order V. Cryptomonadinae [vol. 2, by Pascher, 1913]
- Order VI. Eugleninae [vol. 2, by Lemmermann, 1913]
- Order VII. Chloromonadinae [vol. 2, by Pascher, 1913]
- Order Silicoflagellatae
- Order Coccolithophorales
- Order Dinoflagellatae [vol. 3, by Schilling, 1913]
- Order Volvocales (= Phytomonadinae) [vol. 4, Chlorophyceae, by Pascher, 1927]
- Order Heterochloridales [vol. 11, Heterokontae, by Pascher, 1925]
- Chlorophyceae
- Volvocales = Phytomonadinae [vol. 4, by Pascher, 1927]
- Tetrasporales [vol. 5, by Lemmermann, 1915]
- Protococcales [vol. 5, by Brunnthaler, 1915]
- "einzellige Gattungen unsicherer Stellung" [vol. 5, by Pascher, 1915]
- Ulotrichales [vol. 6, by Heering, 1914]
- Mikrosporales [vol. 6, by Heering, 1914]
- Oedogoniales [vol. 6, by Heering, 1914]
- Siphonocladiales [vol. 7, by Heering, 1921]
- Siphonales [vol. 7, by Heering, 1921]
- Desmidiaceae [vol. 8]
- Zygnemales [vol. 9, by Borge & Pascher, 1913; 2nd ed. by Czurda, 1932]
- Bacillariales (Diatomeae) [vol. 10, by Schönfeldt, 1913; Bacillariophyta (Diatomeae), 2n ed., by Hustedt, 1930]
- Heterokontae [vol. 11, by Pascher, 1925]
- Phaeophyta [vol. 11, by Pascher, 1925]
- Rhodophyta [vol. 11, by Schiller, 1925]
- Charophyta [vol. 11, by Migula, 1925]
- Cyanophyceae [vol. 12, by Geitler, 1925]
- Cyanochloridinae = Chlorobacteriaceae [vol. 12, by Geitler & Pascher, 1925]
- Schizomycetes [vol. 13]
- Fungi [vol. 13]
- Lichenes [vol. 13]
- Bryophyta (Sphagnales, Bryales, Hepaticae) [vol. 14, by Warnstorf, Mönkemeyer & Schiffner, 1914; 2nd ed. by Paul, Mönkemeyer & Schiffner, 1931]
- Pteridophyten [vol. 15, by Glück, 1936]
- Phanerogamen [vol. 16]
Pascher (1914)
Pascher, A. (1914). Über Flagellaten und Algen. Ber. dt. Bot. Ges., 32: 136–160, .
- Chrysophyta [p. 158]
- Phaeophyta
- Pyrrophyta
- Desmokontae
- Cryptophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Conjugatae
- Eugleninae
- Chloromonadinae
Oltmanns (1922–1923)
Morphologie und Biologie der Algen, 2nd ed., 1922-1923, .
- Chrysophyceae
- Heterocontae
- Cryptomonadales
- Euglenaceae
- Dinoflagellata
- Conjugatae
- Bacillariaceae
- Chlorophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
West & Fritsch (1927)
From West, G.S. and Fritsch, F.E. (1927). A Treatise on the British Freshwater Algae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, .
- Class Isokontae
- Class Heterokontae
- Class Chrysophyceae
- Class Bacillariales (Diatomales)
- Class Cryptophyceae
- Class Dinophyceae (Peridinieae)
- Class Chloromonadales
- Class Euglenineae
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Class Rhodophyceae
- Class Myxophyceae(Cyanophyceae)
Pascher (1931)
- Pascher, A. 1931. Systematische Übersicht über die mit Flagellaten in Zusammenhang stehenden Algenreihen und Versuch einer Einreihung dieser Algenstämme in die Stämme des Pflanzenreiches. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. Zweite Abteilung 48: 317–332. Biblioteca Digital. Reference page.
- Plantae holoplastideae [p. 330]
- Plantae euplastideae
- Chrysophyta
- Phaeophyta
- Pyrrhophyta
- Cryptophyceae
- Desmokontae
- Dinophyceae
- Euglenophyta
- Chlorophyta
- Charophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Bryophyta
- Pterido-Anthophyta
- Myxophyta
- Phycomykophyta
- Mykophyta
Dangeard (1933)
Dangeard, P. (1933). Traite d'Algologie. Paul Lechvalier and Fils, Paris, .
- Les algues flagellées, Chrysophycées
- Flagellophycées (Chloromonadinées, Euglénidées)
- Dinophycées (Cryptomonadinées, Dinoflagellées)
- Bacillariophycées (Diatomées)
- Xanthophycées (Hétérokontées)
- Chlorophycées (Volvocales, Protococcales, Ulothricales, Siphonocladales, Siphonales, Conjugales)
- Charophycées
- Phéophycées
- Phéosporées (Sphacélariales, Ectocarpales, Dictyosiphonales, Desmarestiales, Chordariales, Laminariales, Cutleriales, Sporochnales)
- Aplanosporées (Tilopteridales, Dictyotales)
- Cyclosporées (Fucales/Fucacées)
- Rhodophycées (Bangiacées, Floridées)
- Myxophycées
Fritsch (1935–1945)
Fritsch, F.E. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol. I, Introduction, Chlorophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless Flagellata, 1935, . Vol. II, Foreword, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Myxophyceae, 1945. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. From Sharma (1986), , .
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Class Xanthophyceae
- Class Chrysophyceae
- Class Bacillariophyceae
- Class Cryptophyceae
- Class Dinophyceae (Peridinieae)
- Class Chloromonadineae
- Class Euglenineae
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Class Rhodophyceae
- Class Myxophyceae (Cyanophyceae)
- Appendix: Colourless Flagellata (Protomastigineae, Pantostomatineae and Distomatineae)
Smith (1938)
Smith, G.M. (1938). Cryptogamic Botany, vol. 1. Algae and fungi. McGraw-Hill, New York, Smith system.
- Division Chlorophyta
- Division Euglenophyta
- Division Pyrrophyta
- Division Chrysophyta
- Division Phaeophyta
- Division Cyanophyta
- Division Rhodophyta
Huber-Pestalozzi's Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers (1938–1983)
Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (ed.). Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, Werke.
[Teil 1, 1938, von Huber-Pestalozzi:]
- I. Klasse: Cyanophyceen
- Ordnung Chroococcales
- Ordnung Chamaesiphonales
- Ordnung Hormogonales
- II. Klasse: Schizomycetes, Bakterien
- III. Klasse: Fungi, Mycetes, Pilze
[Teil 2.1, 1941, von Huber-Pestalozzi:]
- IV. Klasse: Chrysophyceae
- Unterklasse Chrysomonadae (= Euchrysomonadinae = Chrysomonadales)
- Ordnung Chromulinales
- Ordnung Ochromonadales
- Unterklasse Rhizochrysidinae
- Ordnung Rhizochrysidales
- Unterklasse Chrysocapsinae
- Ordnung Chrysocapsales
- Unterklasse Chrysosphaerinae
- Ordnung Chrysosphaerales
- [Unassigned]
- Ordnung Chrysotrichales
- Ordnung Chrysothallales
- Unterklasse Chrysomonadae (= Euchrysomonadinae = Chrysomonadales)
- V. Klasse: Farblose Flagellaten
- VI. Klasse: Heterokontae (Xanthophyceae)
- Ordnung Heterochloridales
- Ordnung Rhizochloridales
- Ordnung Heterocapsales
- Ordnung Heterococcales
- Ordnung Heterotrichales
- Ordnung Heterosiphonales
[Theil 2.2, 1942, von Huber-Pestalozzi:]
- VII. Klasse: Diatomeae (Bacillariophyta)
- Ordnung Centricae (Centrales)
- Ordnung Pennatae (Pennales)
[Theil 3, 1. Aufl., 1950, von Huber-Pestalozzi]
- VII. Klasse: Cryptophyceae
- VIII. Klasse: Chloromonadinae
- IX. Klasse: Peridineae (Dinophyceae)
[Theil 3, 2. Aufl., 1968, von Huber-Pestalozzi & Fott:]
- VII. Klasse: Cryptophyceae
- Unterklasse Monomastiginae
- Unterklasse Cryptomonadinae
- VIII. Klasse: Chloromonadophyceae
- IX. Klasse: Dinophyceae
- Unterklasse Adiniferae
- Unterklasse Dinifera
- Unterklasse Phytodiniformes
[Theil 4, 1955, von Huber-Pestalozzi:]
- X. Klasse: Euglenophyceae
- 1. Reihe: Gefärbte Eugleninen
- Familie Euglenaceae
- Familie Euglenocapsaceae (fam. nov.)
- 2. Reihe: Farblose Eugleninen
- Familie Cyclidiopsidaceae (fam. nov.)
- Familie Astasiaceae
- Familie Peranemaceae
- Familie Rhychopodaceae
- Familie Rhizaspidaceae
- Familie Protaspidaceae
- 1. Reihe: Gefärbte Eugleninen
[Theil 5, 1961, von Huber-Pestalozzi:]
- XI. Klasse: Chlorophyceae
- Order Volvocales
- Unterordnung Polyblepharidineae
- Unterordnung Chlamydomonadineae
- Unterordnung Volvocineae
- Ordnung Tetrasporales
- Ordnung Chlorococcales (= Protococcales)
- Ordnung Ulotrichales
- Ordnung Siphonales
- Ordnung Siphonocladiales
- Ordnung Conjugales (Conjugatae)
- Ordnung Charales (Charophyta)
- Order Volvocales
[Teil 6, 1972, von Fott:]
- Chlorophyta
- 1. Klasse: Chlorophyceae
- Ordnung Volvocales [Band 5, 1961, von Huber-Pestalozzi]
- Ordnung Tetrasporales [Band 6, 1972, von Fott]
- Ordnung Chlorococcales [Band 7.1, 1983, von Komarek und Fott]
- Ordnung Ulotrichales [Band 7.2, not published]
- Ordnung Siphonales
- Ordnung Siphonocladales
- 2. Klasse: Conjugatophyceae [Band 8.1, 1982, von Förster]
- Ordnung Mesotaeniales
- Ordnung Zygnematales
- Ordnung Desmidiales
- 3. Klasse: Charophyceae
- Ordnung Charales
- 1. Klasse: Chlorophyceae
Papenfuss (1946)
Papenfuss, G. F. 1946. Proposed names for the phyla of algae. Bull Torrey Bot Club: 217–218, .
- Chrysophycophyta
- Phaeophycophyta
- Pyrrhophycophyta
- Euglenophycophyta
- Chlorophycophyta
- Charophycophyta
- Rhodophycophyta
- Schizophyta
- Cyanophyceae
Smith (1950)
Smith, G. M. 1950. The fresh-water algae of the. United States. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York. 719 p.
- Cyanophyta
- Myxophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Charophyceae
- Phaeophyta
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyta
- Rhodophyceae
- Euglenophyta
- Euglenophyceae
- Pyrrophyta
- Desmokontae
- Dinophyceae
- Chysophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
Papenfuss (1955)
Papenfuss (1955). Classification of the Algae. In: A Century of Progress in the Natural Sciences 1853-1953. pp. 115-224, .
- Chlorophycophyta
- Charophycophyta
- Euglenophycophyta
- Chrysophycophyta
- Pyrrhophycophyta
- Classes of uncertain systematic position
- Cryptophyceae
- Chloromonadophyceae
- Phaeophycophyta
- Schizophyta
- Cyanophyceae
- Rhodophycophyta
Chadefaud & Emberger (1960)
Chadefaud, M. & Emberger, L. (éds.). Traité de botanique systématique. Masson et Cie., Paris.
- Tome I. Les végétaux non vasculaires (Cryptogamie), par M. Chadefaud, 1960, 1 vol. de 1016 pages,
- Tome II. Les végétaux vasculaires, par L. Emberger, 1960, deux fascicules, 1540 pages, ,
Monde vivant
- Protocaryotes (= Schizophytes)
- Eucaryotes
- Algues Eucaryotes (= Phycophytes)
- Rhodophycophytes (= Rhodophycées, Érythrophycées, ou Algues rouges)
- Protofloridées
- Bangiées (Bangiales)
- Compsogonées (Compsogonales)
- Floridées
- Éo-Floridées, Méso-Floridées, Méta-Floridées
- Protofloridées
- Chromophycophytes (= Chromophycées, ou Algues brunes et leurs alliées)
- Propyrrophycées
- Pocillophycinées
- Paracryptophycinées
- Pyrrophycées
- Cryptophycinées (= Cryptophycées)
- Dinophycinées (= Dinophycées)
- Raphidophycinées (= Chloromonadines)
- Euglénophycinées (= Euglénomonadines, Eugléniens)
- Chrysophycées (lato sensu)
- Chrysophycinées (= Chrysophycées str. sensu, algues brun doré, ou algues brunes)
- Chrysotrichales
- Chrysosphaerales (= Chrysococcales)
- Chrysomonadales
- Chrysorhizidales
- Protozoaires chryso- et xanthoflagellés (incl. Labyrinthulides [= Filoplasmodidés]: Labyrinthorhiza et Labyrinthula)
- Xanthophycinées (= Xanthophycées, Hétérokontes, ou algues vert jaune)
- Xanthotrichales (= Hétérotrichales)
- Xanthosiphonales + Vauchériales (= Hétérosiphonales)
- Xanthosphaerales (= Hétérococcales)
- Xanthomonadales (= Hétérochloridales)
- Xanthorhizidales (= Hétérorhizidales)
- Protozoaires chryso- et xanthoflagellés (incl. Labyrinthulides [= Filoplasmodidés]: Labyrinthorhiza et Labyrinthula)
- Silicophycinées (= Silicomonadines, ou Silicoflagellés)
- Silicomonadales
- Craspédophycinées (= Craspédomonadines, ou Choanoflagellés)
- Bacillariophycinées (= Diatomées)
- Chrysophycinées (= Chrysophycées str. sensu, algues brun doré, ou algues brunes)
- Phéophycées
- Phéophycinées (algues brunes stricto sensu)
- Phéosporées
- Cyclosporées (= Fucoïdées)
- Phéophycinées (algues brunes stricto sensu)
- Propyrrophycées
- Chlorophycophytes (= Algues vertes, stricto sensu)
- Zygophycées (= Chlorophycées conjuguées)
- Mésoténiales, Zygnémales, Desmidales
- Euchlorophycées (= Chlorophycées typiques) [first alternative classification]
- Euchlorophycées pluricellulaires
- Ulotrichales [Ulotrichales+Ulvales], Oedogoniales, Microsporales, Trentepohliales, Pleurococcales, Prasiolales
- Euchlorophycées hémisiphonées
- Sphaeropléales, Cladophorales
- Euchlorophycées cystosiphonées
- Chlorochytriales, Siphonocladales, Dasycladales
- Euchlorophycées eusiphonées
- Derbésiales, Codiales (= Siphonales), Caulerpales, Dichotomosiphonales
- Euchlorophycées cocoïdes (= Chlorococcales)
- Euchlorophycées monadoïdes (= Volvocales)
- Euchlorophycées pluricellulaires
- Euchlorophycées (= Chlorophycées typiques) [second alternative classification, p. 331, 336]
- Prasinophycinées
- Prasinococcales (Halosphaera viridis)
- Prasinovolvocales
- Euchlorophycinées
- Euchlorococcales
- Euchlorovolvocales
- [the rest of cited orders, except Chlorococcales and Volvocales]
- Prasinophycinées
- Charophycées
- Zygophycées (= Chlorophycées conjuguées)
- Rhodophycophytes (= Rhodophycées, Érythrophycées, ou Algues rouges)
- Champignons (= Mycophytes)
- Plantes a cormus, Plantes supérieures, Cormophytes, ou Archégoniates
- Animaux, ou Zoaires (Protozoaires, Métazoaires)
- Algues Eucaryotes (= Phycophytes)
Chapman (1962)
- Myxophycota
- Cyanophyceae
- Euphycophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Charophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Pyrrophycota
- Cryptophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Chysophycota
- Chrysophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
- “In the present work the Euglenoids (Euglena) are regarded as true flagellates and not as algae even in the modern more extended usage of that word.”
Prescott (1962)
From Algae of the western Great Lakes area, .
- Division Chlorophyta
- Division Chrysophyta
- Division Euglenophyta
- Division Chloromonadophyta
- Division Pyrrhophyta
- Division Cyanophyta
- Division Rhodophyta
Christensen (1962)
- Christensen, T. 1962. Alger. In: Böcher, T.W., Lange, M. & Sørensen, T. (eds.) Botanik. Bind II. Systematisk botanik. Nr. 2. pp. [1]–178. København: I kommission hos Munksgaard. Reference page.
- Procaryota (Monera)
- Cyanophyta
- Cyanophyceae
- Cyanophyta
- Eucaryota
- Aconta
- Rhodophyta
- Rhodophyceae
- Rhodophyta
- Contophora
- Chromophyta
- Cryptophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Raphidophyceae
- Chrysophyceae
- Haptophyceae
- Craspedophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Euglenophyceae
- Loxophyceae
- Prasinophyceae
- Chlorophyceae
- Chromophyta
- Aconta
Silva (1962)
Silva, P.C. (1962). Classification of algae. In: Lewin, R.A. (ed.). Physiology and biochemistry of algae. Academic Press, New York and London, pp. 827–837, ,
- Cyanophyta
- Cyanophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Phaeophyta
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyta
- Bangiophyceae
- Florideophyceae
- Cryptophyta
- Cryptophyceae
- Pyrrophyta
- Desmophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Euglenophyta
- Euglenophyceae
- Chysophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Xanthophyta
- Xanthophyceae
- Bacillariophyta
- Centrobacillariophyceae
- Pennatibacillariophyceae
Pringsheim (1963)
Pringsheim, E.G. 1963. Farblose Algen. Ein beitrag zur Evolutionsforschung. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 471 pp., .
"Gruppen mit farblosen Formen kursiv gesetzt sind." [Groups of algae with colorless forms in italics.] [p. 95]
- I. Cyanophyceae (Myxophyceae)
- 1. Chroococcaceae [No colorless species.]
- 2. Chaemosiphonaceae
- 3. Oscillatoriaceae
- 4. Achromaticaceae
- 5. Beggiatoaceae
- 6. Thiothrichaceae
- "Unter den übrigen Blaualgen sind keine farblosen Arten." [Among the other blue-green algae are not colorless species.]
- II. Chrysophyta
- 1. Chrysophyceae
- 2. Heterokontae (Xanthophyceae)
- 3. Bacillariophyceae (Diatomeae)
- III. Cryptophyta
- 1. Cryptomonadaceae
- 2. Kathablepharidaceae
- IV. Dinophyta (Peridinieae)
- 1. Dinomonadaceae
- 2. Desmomonadaceae
- V. Euglenophyta (Euglenineae)
- Euglenomonadaceae
- VI. Chloromonadophyta
- Chloromonadaceae
- VII. Chlorophyta (Isokontae)
- 1. Volvocales
- a) Chalmydomonadaceae
- b) Tetrasporaceae
- c) Volvocaceae [No colorless species.]
- d) Chlorodendraceae [No colorless species.]
- 2. Chlorococcales
- a) Chlorococcaceae [No colorless species.]
- b) Eremosphaeraceae [No colorless species.]
- c) Chlorellaceae
- d) Oocystaceae
- e) Selenastraceae
- f) Dictyosphaeraceae [No colorless species.]
- g) Hydrodictyaceae [No colorless species.]
- h) Coelastraceae [No colorless species.]
- "Unter den übrigen Grünalgn sind keine farblosen Arten." [Among the other green algae there are not colorless species.]
- 1. Volvocales
- VIII. Rhodophyta
- "Eine Anzahl parasitischer Arten [A number of parasitic species]."
- IX. Phaeophyta
- "Keine farblosen arten. [No colorless species]."
Skuja (1964)
Skuja, H. (1964): Grundzüge der Algenflora und Algenvegetation der Fjeldgegenden um Abisko in Schwedisch-Lappland. 69 Taf. – Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis Ser. 4, 18, 3: 1–465, Uppsala. Nachdruck: (Koeltz) Königstein, .
- I. Bacteriophyta
- II. Cyanophyta
- III. Glaucophyta
- IV. Chlorophyta
- V. Euglenophyta
- VI. Chrysophyta
- VII. Pyrrophyta
- VIII. Rhodophyta
- IX. Mycophyta
- X. Protozoa (Appendix)
Scagel et al. (1965)
Scagel, R. F., R. J. Bandoni, G. E. Rouse, W. B. Schofield, J. R. Stein, and T. M. C. Taylor. (1965). An Evolutionary Survey of the Plant Kingdom. Wadsworth Pub. Co., Belmont, California.
- Cyanophyta
- Cyanophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Charophyceae
- Phaeophyta
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyta
- Rhodophyceae
- Euglenophyta
- Euglenophyceae
- Chysophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Xanthophyta
- Xanthophyceae
- Chloromonadophyceae
- Pyrrophyta
- Dinophyceae
- Cryptophyceae
Bourrelly (1966–1970)
Bourrelly, P. Les algues d'eau douce. Initiation à la systématique. Éditions Boubée: Paris.
- Tome I. Les algues vertes, 1966, . Réimpressions revues et augmentées, 1972, 1990. Compléments, 1988, .
- Tome II. Les algues jaunes et brunes. Chrysophycées, Phéophycées, Xanthophycées et Diatomées, 1968, . Réimpression revue et augmentée, 1981.
- Tome III. Les algues bleues et rouges. Les Eugléniens, Péridiniens et Cryptomonadines, 1970, . Réimpression revue et augmentée, 1985, .
[Tome I, p. 11-12:]
- Algues
- Cyanophytes
- Rhodophytes
- Chrysophytes
- Chrysophycées
- Xanthophycées
- Bacillariophycées (= Diatomées)
- Phéophytes
- Pyrrhophytes (incl. Euglénophycées et Chloromonadophycées)
- Chlorophytes
[Tome III, p. 457:]
- Algues
- [Protocaryotes]
- [Schizophyta]
- [Bactéries]
- Cyanophycées (= Schizophycées = Myxophycées)
- [Schizophyta]
- [Eucaryotes]
- Rhodophytes
- Pyrrhophytes
- Chromophytes
- Chrysophycées
- Phéophycées
- Xanthophycées
- Bacillariophycées
- Chlorophytes
- Euglénophytes
- Raphidophytes
- [Protocaryotes]
[Tome I:]
- Chlorophytes (ou Chlorophycophytes)
- Class 1. Euchlorophycées
- Order 1. Volvocales
- Order 2. Tétrasporales
- Order 3. Chlorococcales
- Class 2. Ulotrichophycées
- Order 4. Ulotrichales
- Order 5. Ulvales
- Order 6. Chaetophorales
- Order 7. Trentépohliales
- Order 8. Oedogoniales
- Order 9. Sphaeropléales
- Order 10. Siphonocladales
- Order 11. Siphonales
- Order 12. Dichotomosiphonales
- Class 3. Zygophycées
- Order 13. Zygnémales
- Class 4. Charophycées
- Order 14. Charales
- Class 1. Euchlorophycées
[Tome II:]
- Chromophytes
- Class Chrysophycées
- Subclass Acontochrysophycidées
- Order Phaeoplacales
- Order Stichoglhroeales
- Order Chrysosaccales
- Order Rhizochrysidales
- Subclass Hétérochrysophycidées
- Order Chromulinales
- Order Ochromonadales
- Subclass Isochrysophycidées
- Order Isochrysidales
- Order Prymnésiales
- Subclass Craspédomonadophycidées (= Craspédomonadines = Choanoflagellés)
- Order Monosigales
- Family Monosigacées
- Family Salpingoecacées
- Family Phalanstériacées
- Order Monosigales
- Subclass Acontochrysophycidées
- Class Phéophycées
- Class Xanthophycées
- Class Diatomophycées (= Bacillariophycées)
- Class Chrysophycées
[Tome III:]
- Pyrrhophytes
- Class Cryptophycées
- Order Cryptomonadales
- Order Tétragonidiales
- Class Dinophycées
- Subclass Adinophycidées
- Order Desmomastigales
- Order Prorocentrales
- Subclass Dinophycidées
- Order Péridiniales
- Order Dinococcales
- Subclass Adinophycidées
- Class Cryptophycées
- Raphidophytes
- Class Raphidophycées
- Family Vacuolariacées
- Family Thaumatomastigacées
- Class Raphidophycées
- Euglénophytes
- Order Euglénales
- Suborder Eugleninées
- Suborder Péranéminées
- Order Colaciales
- Order Euglénales
- Rhodophytes
- Class Rhodophycées
- Subclass Bangiophycidées
- Subclass Floridéophycidées
- Class Rhodophycées
- Cyanophycées
- Subclass Coccogonophycidées
- Subclass Hormonogonophycidées
Prescott (1969)
- Cyanophyta
- Subphylum Coccogoneae
- Subphylum Hormogoneae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Charophyceae
- Phaeophyta
- Isogeneratae
- Heterogeneratae
- Cyclosporeae
- Rhodophyta
- Subphylum Bangioideae
- Subphylum Florideae
- Euglenophyta
- Euglenophyceae
- Pyrrhophyta [sic, with "h"]
- Desmokontae (Desmophyceae)
- Dinophyceae
- Cryptophyta
- Chloromonadophyta
- Chysophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
Fott (1971)
Fott, B. (1971). Algenkunde. 2nd ed. VEB Fischer, Jena, 581 pp., , .
- Cyanophyta
- Chromophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Rhodophyta
- Rhodophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Conjugatophyceae (Conjugatae)
- Charophyceae
- "Flagellaten unsicherer systematischer Stellung" [Flagellates of uncertain systematic position]
- Euglenophyceae
- Cryptophyceae
- Chloromonadophyceae
Round (1973)
The biology of the algae, 2n ed., .
- Procaryota
- Phylum Cyanophyta (Myxophyceae)
- Eucaryota (Caryonta, Plantae euplastidae)
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- Phylum Xanthophyta (Heterokontae)
- Class Xanthophyceae
- Class Eustigmatophyceae
- Phylum Haptophyta
- Phylum Bacillariophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta (Isokontae)
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Prasinophyta
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- Phylum Dinophyta
- Phylum Cryptophyta
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- Phylum Rhodophyta
Bold & Wynne (1978)
Bold, H.C. & Wynne, M.J. (1978). Introduction to the algae: structure and reproduction (1st ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, .
- Division Cyanochloronta
- Division Chlorophycophyta
- Division Charophyta
- Division Euglenophycophyta
- Division Phaeophycophyta
- Division Chrysophycophyta
- Class Chrysophyceae
- Class Prymnesiophyceae
- Class Xanthophyceae
- Class Eustigmatophyceae
- Class Chloromonadophyceae
- Class Bacillariophyceae
- Division Pyrrhophycophyta
- Division Rhodophycophyta
- Subclass Bangiophycidae
- Subclass Florideophycidae
- Division Cryptophycophyta
Trainor (1978)
Trainor, F.R. (1978). Introductory Phycology. Wiley. New York. pp. 4, 343.
- Cyanophyta
- Cyanophyceae
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophyceae
- Charophyceae
- Rhodohyta
- Rhodophyceae
- Chromophyta
- Phaeophyceae
- Bacillariophycea
- Xanthophyceae
- Chrysophyceae
- Haptophyceae
- Eustigmatophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Cryptophyta
- Cryptophyceae
A. Pascher's Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa (1978-)
From Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa (or Freshwater Flora of Central Europe), 2nd ed., Adolf Pascher. Some volumes not published.
- Chrysophyceae [Bd. 1, 1985, von Starmach]
- Haptophyceae [Bd. 1, 1985, von Starmach]
- Synurophyceae [Bd. 1/2, 2007, von Kristiansen & Preisig]
- Bacillariophyceae [Bd. 2, 1986-2004, von Krammer & Lange-Bertalot]
- Xanthophyceae [Bd. 3/1, 1978, von Ettl; Vaucheriales, Bd. 4, 1980, von Rieth]
- Cryptophyceae [Bd. 5]
- Raphidophyceae [Bd. 5]
- Dinophyceae (Dinoflagellida) [Bd. 6, 1990, von Popovský & Pfiester]
- Rhodophyta [Bd. 7, 2011, von Eloranta et al.]
- Phaeophyceae [Bd. 7, 2011, von Eloranta et al.]
- Euglenophyceae [Bd. 8]
- Chlorophyta
- "Phytomonadina" [Bd. 9, 1983, von Ettl]
- Prasinophyceae
- Chlorophyceae [p.p.]
- Dunaliellales
- Chlamydophyceae [p.p.]
- Chlamydophyceae [p.p.] [Bd. 10, 1988, von Ettl & Gartner]
- Chlorophyceae [p.p.]
- Gloeodendrales [Bd. 10, 1988, von Ettl & Gartner]
- Chlorellales [Bd. 11]
- Protosiphonales [Bd. 11]
- Stichococcales [Bd. 12]
- Microsporales [Bd. 12]
- Chaetophorales [Bd. 13]
- Trentepohliales [Bd. 13]
- Chlorosphaerales [Bd. 13]
- Codiolophyceae [Bd. 12]
- Ulotrichales
- Monostromatales
- Oedogoniophyceae [Bd. 14, 1985, von Mrozinska]
- Oedoginiales
- Bryopsidophyceae [Bd. 15]
- Conjugatophyceae
- Zygnemales [Bd. 16, 1984, von Kadlubowska]
- Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiales [Bd. 17]
- Charophyceae [Bd. 18, 1997, von Krause]
- "Phytomonadina" [Bd. 9, 1983, von Ettl]
- Cyanoprokaryota
- Chroococcales [Bd. 19/1, 1998, von Komárek]
- Oscillatoriales [Bd. 19/2, 2005, von Komárek & Anagnostidis]
- Nostocales [Bd. 19/3, 2013, von Komárek & Anagnostidis]
- Schizomycetes [Bd. 20, 1982, von Häusler]
- Fungi [Bd. 21/1, 2009, von Thüs & Schultz]
- Bryophyta [Bd. 22]
- Pteridophyta and Anthophyta [Bd. 23, 1980 und Bd. 24, 1981, von Casper & Krausch,]
van den Hoek & Jahns (1978)
van den Hoek, C. and Jahns, H.M. (1978). Algen. Einführung in die Phykologie. 1st ed. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, , , . 2nd, unrevised ed., 1984.
- Cyanophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Heterokontophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Chloromonadophyceae
- Haptophyta
- Eustigmatophyta
- Cryptophyta
- Dinophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophytina
- Chlorophyceae
- Prasinophyceae
- Charophyceae
- Bryophytina
- Tracheophytina
- Chlorophytina
Silva (1980)
Silva, P. C. (1980). Names of classes and families of living algae: with special reference to their use in the Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum). Regnum Vegetabile 103: 1–156, .
- 1. Class Bacillariophyceae Haeckel (1878, p. 95, 'Bacillariae', nom. typificatum).
- 2. Class Bodonophyceae P. C . Silva, class. nov.
- 3. Class Charophyceae Rabenhorst (1863, pp. xiv, 282, 'Characeae' , nom. typificatum)
- 4. Class Chlorophyceae Wille (in Warming, 1884, p. 22, nom. descript.)
- 5. Class Chrysophyceae Fritsch (in G. S. West & Fritsch, 1927, pp. 22, 314, nom. descript.)
- 6. Class Craspedophyceae Chadefaud ex P. C. Silva, class. nov. (nom. descript.)
- 7. Class Cryptophyceae Fritsch (in G. S. West & Fritsch, 1927, pp. 23, 387, nom. descript.)
- 8. Class Cyanophyceae Schaffner (1909, p. 446, nom. descript.)
- 9. Class Dictyochophyceae P. C. Silva, nom. class. nov. typificatum pro Silicoflagellatae Lemmermann (1901a, p. 254), Silicophyceae Rothmaler (1951, p. 260), et Silicoflagellatophyceae Gleser (1966, p. 218), nom. class. descriptiva
- 10. Class Dinophyceae Fritsch (in G. S. West & Fritsch, 1927, pp. 23, 392, nom. descript.)
- 11. Class Ebriophyceae A. R. Loeblich III (1970, pp. 879, 901, nom. typificatum)
- 12. Class Ellobiophyceae A. R. Loeblich III (1970, pp. 879, 902, nom. descript.)
- 13. Class Euglenophyceae Schoenichen (1925, pp. 115, 198, 'Eugleninae', nom. typificatum)
- 14. Class Eustigmatophyceae Hibberd et Leedale (1971, p. 524, nom. descript.)
- 15. Class Haptophyceae T. Christensen ex P. C. Silva, nom. class. nov. descriptivum pro Prymnesiophyceae Hibberd (1916, p. 77), nom. class. typificatum
- 16. Class Hexamitophyceae P. C. Silva, nom. class. nov. typificatum pro Distomatinae Schoenichen (1925, pp. 115; 256, 'Distomatigae' lapsus), nom. class. descriptivum
- 17. Class Phaeophyceae Kjellman (1891, p. 176, nom. descipt.)
- 18. Class Prasinophyceae T. Christensen ex P. C. Silva, class. nov. (nom. descipt.)
- 19. Class Prochlorophyceae R. Lewin (1977, p. 211)
- 20. Class Raphidophyceae Chadefaud ex P. C. Silva, nom. class. nov. typificatum pro Chloromonadinae Schoenichen (1925, pp. 115, 196), nom. class. descriptivum
- 21. Class Rhodophyceae Rabenhorst (l863, p. 277, nom. descript.)
- 22. Class Trichomonadophyceae P. C. Silva, class. nov.
- 23. Class Trypanosomatophyceae P. C. Silva, class. nov.
- 24. Class Xanthophyceae P. Allorge ex Fritsch (1935, p. 470, nom. descipt.)
- 25. Flagellates not assigned to classes
- 26. Algae incertae sedis
- Cyanidiaceae Geitler (l933, p. 624)
Tappan (1980)
Tappan, H. N. (1980). The paleobiology of plant protists. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, .
- Schizophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Acritarcha or Hystrichophyta
- Pyrrhophyta
- Ebiophyta
- Xanthophyta
- Chrysophyta
- Bacillariophyta
- Haptophyta
- Prasinophyta
- Chlorophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Charophyta
Bold & Wynne (1985)
Bold, H.C. & Wynne, M.J. (1985). Introduction to the algae: structure and reproduction (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, .
- Cyanophyta
- Prochlorophyta
- Chlorophyta (16 orders)
- Charophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Phaeophyta (13 orders)
- Chrysophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Prymnesiophyceae
- Xanthophyceae
- Eustigmatophyceae
- Raphidophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
- Pyrrhophyta
- Cryptophyta
- Rhodophyta
Atlas du phytoplancton marin (1986–1990)
Sournia, A. (1986). Atlas du phytoplancton marin. Volume I: Cyanophycées, Dictyophycées, Dinophycées, Raphidophycées. pp. [1]-219. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Ricard, M. (1987). Atlas du phytoplancton marin. Volume II. Diatomophycées. pp. 1-215. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Chrétiennot-Dinet, M.-J. (1990). Atlas du phytoplancton marin. Volume III: Chlorarachnophycées, Chlorophycées, Chrysophycées, Cryptophycées, Euglénophycées, Eustigmatophycées, Prasinophycées, Prymnesiophycées, Rhodophycées et Tribophycées. Avec la collaboration de Chantal Billiard et Alain Sournia. pp. [1]-261. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
- Cyanophyceae
- Dictyophyceae
- Raphidophyceae
- Diatomophyceae
- Chlorarachniophyceae
- Chlorophyceae
- Chrysophyceae
- Cryptophyceae
- Euglenophyceae
- Eustigmatophyceae
- Prasinophyceae
- Prymnesiophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Tribophyceae
Benton (1993)
Benton, M. J. 1993. The fossil record 2. London: Chapman & Hall, .
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Algae [artificial]
- Chlorophyta
- Charophyta
- Xanthophyta
- Haptophyta
- Bacillariophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Prasinophyta
- Dinophyta
- Acritarcha
- Rhodophyta
- Algae incertae sedis
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Plantae
Chrétiennot-Dinet et al. (1993)
M-J. Chrétiennot-Dinet, A. Sournia, M. Ricard, and C. Billiard (1993). A classification of the marine phytoplankton of the world from class to genus. Phycologia: May 1993, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 159-179, .
- Charophyceae Rabenhorst 1863 sensu Mattox et Stewart 1984
- Chlorarachniophyceae Hibberd et Norris 1984
- Chlorophyceae Wille sensu Silva 1982
- Chrysophyceae Pascher sensu Hibberd 1976
- Cryptophyceae G.S. West et Fritsch 1927
- Cyanophyceae Schaffner 1909
- Diatomophyceae Rabenhorst 1864
- Dictyochophyceae Silva 1980
- Dinophyceae G.S. West et Fritsch 1927
- Euglenophyceae Schoenichen 1925
- Eustigmatophyceae Hibberd 1981
- Micromonadophyceae Mattox et Stewart 1984
- Pedinophyceae Moestrup 1991
- Prasinophyceae Christensen sensu Moestrup et Throndsen 1988
- Prymnesiophyceae Hibberd 1976
- Raphidophyceae Chadefaud ex Silva 1980
- Rhodophyceae Rabenhorst 1863
- Tribophyceae Hibberd 1981
van den Hoek, Mahn & Jahns (1993, 1995)
van den Hoek, C., Mann, D. G., & Jahns, H. M. (1993). Algen. Einführung in die Phykologie. 3rd ed. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, . English translation (1995): Algae. An Introduction to Phycology. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Hoek, Mann and Jahns system.
- Division Cyanophyta (= Cyanobacteria)
- Division Prochlorophyta
- Division Glaucophyta
- Division Rhodophyta
- Division Heterokontophyta
- Class Chrysophyceae
- Class Parmophyceae
- Class Sarcinophyceae
- Class Xanthophyceae
- Class Eustigmatophyceae
- Class Bacillariophyceae
- Class Raphidophyceae
- Class Dictyochophyceae
- Class Phaeophyceae
- [Non-algal groups:]
- Class Bicocoecida
- Class Oomycetes
- Class Hyphochytridiomycetes
- Class Labyrinthulomycetes
- Division Haptophyta (= Prymnesiophyta)
- Division Cryptophyta
- Division Dinophyta
- Divisão Euglenophyta
- Division Chlorarachniophyta
- Division Chlorophyta
John, Whitton & Brook (2002)
John, D.M, Whitton, B.A. & Brook, A.J. (eds). The freshwater algal flora of the British Isles. An identification guide to freshwater and terrestrial algae. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, , .
- Phylum Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- Phylum Cryptophyta
- Phylum Pyrrophyta
- Phylum Raphidophyta
- Phylum Haptophyta (Prymnesiophyta)
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- Phylum Xanthophyta
- Phylum Eustigmatophyta
- Phylum Bacillariophyta
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- Phylum Prasinophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Glaucophyta
Reviers (2002–2003)
Reviers, B. de (2002–2003). Biologie et phylogénie des algues. Tome 1, 352 p. Tome 2, 255 p. Paris: Belin.
[Note: (*) indicates divisions and classes classified as “algae” at a given time; some non-algal groups not listed]
- Regnum Archaebacteria (or Archaea)
- Regnum Eubacteria (or Bacteria)
- Subregnum Glycobacteria
- Divisio, phylum Cyanophyta (or Cyanobacteria) (*)
- Classis Cyanophyceae (or Oxyphotobacteria; incl. “prochlorophytes”) (*)
- Divisio, phylum Cyanophyta (or Cyanobacteria) (*)
- Subregnum Glycobacteria
- Regnum Plantae (or Primoplastobiota)
- Subregnum Glaucobionta
- Divisio, phylum Glaucophyta (or Glaucocystophyta) (*)
- Classis Glaucophyceae (or Glaucocystophyceae) (*)
- Divisio, phylum Glaucophyta (or Glaucocystophyta) (*)
- Subregnum Rhodobionta
- Divisio, phylum Rhodophyta (*)
- Classis Cyanidiophyceae (*)
- Classis “Bangiophyceae” (paraphyletic) (*)
- Classis Florideophyceae (*)
- Divisio, phylum Rhodophyta (*)
- Subregnum Viridiplantae (or Chlorobionta)
- Branch of Chlorophyta (*)
- Classis “Prasinophyceae” (paraphyletic) (*)
- Classis Pedinophyceae (*)
- Classis “Ulvophyceae” lato sensu (paraphyletic) (*)
- Classis Chlorophyceae stricto sensu (*)
- Classis Trebouxiophyceae (*)
- Branch of Streptophyta
- “Streptophycophytes” (paraphyletic)
- Classis Mesostigmatophyceae (*)
- Classis Zygnematophyceae (*)
- Classis Chlorokybophyceae (*)
- Classis Klebsormidiophyceae (*)
- Classis Coleochaetophyceae (*)
- Classis Charophyceae (*)
- Embryophyta (extant classes)
- Classis Takakiopsida (genus Takakia)
- Classis Bryopsida
- Classis Marchantiopsida
- Classis Jungermanniopsida
- Classis Anthocerothopsida
- Classis Sphenopsida
- Classis Lycopsida
- Classis Filicopsida (or Pteropsida)
- Classis Ginkgopsida (Ginkgo)
- Classis Coniferopsida
- Classis Cycadopsida (Cycas)
- Classis Gnetopsida (Gnetum, Ephedra)
- Angiospermae
- Classis "Magnoliopsida" (paraphyletic)
- Classis Hamamelidopsida
- Classis Liliopsida
- “Streptophycophytes” (paraphyletic)
- Branch of Chlorophyta (*)
- Subregnum Glaucobionta
- Regnum Opisthokonta
- Subregnum Eumycota
- Divisio, phylum Archemycota
- Classis Chytridiomycetes
- Classis Zygomycetes
- Divisio, phylum Ascomycota
- Classis Ascomycetes
- Divisio, phylum Basidiomycota
- Classis Basidiomycetes
- Divisio, phylum Archemycota
- Subregnum Animalia (or Metazoa)
- Opisthokonta incertae sedis
- Divisio, phylum Microsporidia
- Divisio, phylum Choanozoa (*)
- Classis Choanoflagellida (or Craspedophyceae) (*)
- Subregnum Eumycota
- Eukaryota incertae sedis
- Subregnum Cryptista
- Divisio, phylum Cryptophyta (or Cryptomonadida) (*)
- Classis Cryptophyceae (or Cryptomonadea) (*)
- Divisio, phylum Cryptophyta (or Cryptomonadida) (*)
- Subregnum Discicristata
- Divisio, phylum Euglenozoa
- Classis Euglenophyceae (or Euglenoidea) (*)
- Classis Kinetoplastea
- Classis Diplonemea
- Genera Diplonema, Rhynchopus
- Divisio, phylum Euglenozoa
- Subregnum Sarcomastigota
- Divisio, phylum Cercozoa
- Subphylum Reticulofilosa (*)
- Classis Chlorarachniophyceae (*)
- Subphylum Monadofilosa (Euglyphida, Paulinellidae [Paulinella chromatophora (*)], Cercomonadida, Thaumatomonadida)
- Subphylum Reticulofilosa (*)
- Divisio, phylum Cercozoa
- Subregnum Haptobionta
- Divisio, phylum Haptophyta (*)
- Classis Pavlovophyceae (*)
- Classis Prymnesiophyceae (or Haptophyceae; incl. heterotrophic genus Reticulosphaera) (*)
- Divisio, phylum Haptophyta (*)
- Subregnum Stramenopiles (or Heterokonta)
- Stramenopiles incertae sedis
- Incertae sedis: genus Wobblia
- Classis Blastocystea
- Classis Proteromonadea
- Classis Opalinea
- Classis Bicoecea
- Classis Labyrinthulomycetes (or Labyrinthulea)
- Classis Oomycetes
- Classis Hyphochytridiomycetes (or Hyphochytrea)
- Classis Bigyromonadea
- Divisio, phylum Ochrophyta (*)
- Classis Diatomophyceae (or Bacillariophyceae) (*)
- Classis Bolidophyceae (*)
- Classis Parmophyceae (*)
- Classis Pelagophyceae lato sensu (incl. Sarcinochrysophyceae) (*)
- Classis Dictyochophyceae (incl. Pedinellophyceae) (*)
- Classis Pinguiophyceae (*)
- Classis Raphidophyceae (*)
- Classis Phaeothamniophyceae (*)
- Classis Chrysomerophyceae (*)
- Classis Xanthophyceae (or Tribophyceae) (*)
- Classis Phaeophyceae (*)
- Classis Eustigmatophyceae (*)
- Classis Chrysophyceae (incl. Synurophyceae, Oikomonadea) (*)
- Stramenopiles incertae sedis
- Subregnum Alveolata
- Divisio, phylum Predinoflagellata (*)
- Divisio, phylum Dinophyta (or Dinoflagellata) (*)
- Classis Syndiniophyceae (*)
- Classis Blastodiniphyceae (*)
- Classis Noctiluciphyceae (*)
- Classis Dinophyceae (*)
- Divisio, phylum Perkinsozoa (genus Perkinsus)
- Divisio, phylum Sporozoa (or Apicomplexa; non-functional plastid)
- Divisio, phylum Ciliophora (or Ciliata)
- Subregnum Cryptista
Wehr & Sheath (2003)
Wehr, J.D. & Sheath, R.G. (eds). Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. Academic Press, USA: 935 pp., 2003, .
Bicudo & Menezes (2006)
Bicudo, C.E.M. & Menezes, M. (org.). Gêneros de algas de águas continentais do Brasil [Genera of algae of inland waters from Brazil]. São Carlos, Brazil: Rima, 2nd ed., 2006. (1st ed., 1970, .)
John, Whitton & Brook (2011)
John, D.M, Whitton, B.A. & Brook, A.J. (eds). The freshwater algal flora of the British Isles. An identification guide to freshwater and terrestrial algae. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, .
- Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyta)
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- Phylum Cryptophyta
- Phylum Dinophyta
- Phylum Raphidophyta
- Phylum Haptophyta (Prymnesiophyta)
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- Phylum Xanthophyta (Tribophyta)
- Phylum Eustigmatophyta
- Phylum Bacillariophyta
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- Primitive gree algae (‘Prasinophyta’)
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Glaucophyta
Ettl & Gärtner (2014)
Ettl, H. & Gärtner, G. (2014). Syllabus der Boden-, Luft- und Flechtenalgen. 2., ergänzte Auflage. pp. [i]-viii, [1]-773. Berlin & Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum, .
Wehr, Sheath & Kociolek (2015)
Wehr, J.D., Sheath, R.G. & Kociolek, J.P. (eds). Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. Academic Press, USA, 2015, .
- Mauch, E., Schmedtje, U., Maetze, A. & Fischer, F. 2003: Taxaliste der Gewässerorganismen Deutschlands zur Kodierung biologischer Befunde, . (With a list of commented determinative literature.)
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