1. Monera Haeckel, 1866
2. Monera sensu Copeland, 1938, Barkley, 1939, 1949, Stanier & van Niel, 1941, Whittaker, 1959
- Synonym
- Prokaryota Margulis & Whittaker, 1978
Haeckel (1866, I)
Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 1, pp. 206-220.
- Thierreich, Animalia
- Protistenreich, Protista
- Spongiae (Porifera)
- Noctilucae (Myxocystoda)
- Rhizopoda (Radiolaria, Actinosphaerida et Acyttaria)
- Protoplasta (Arcellida, Amoebida et Gregarinae)
- Moneres (Protamoebae, Protogenida et Vibriones)
- Flagellata
- Diatomea
- Myxomycetes (Mycetozoa)
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
- Phycophyta (Algae pro parte)
- Characeae
- Nematophyta (Fungi et Lichenes)
- Cormophyta (Phanerogamae omnes et Cryptogamae exclusis Nematophytis, Characeis et Phycophytis)
Haeckel (1866, II)
Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 2. See also plate 1, "Monophyletischer Stammbaum der Organismen", .
- Protistenreich, Protista
- Moneres
- Gymnomoneres
- Lepomoneres
- Protoplasta
- Diatomeae
- Flagellata
- Myxomycetes
- Noctilucae
- Rhizopoda
- Spongiae
- Moneres
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
- Archephyta
- Florideae
- Fucoideae
- Characeae
- Inophyta
- Fungi
- Lichenes
- Cormophyta
- Thierreich, Animalia
Haeckel (1868a)
Haeckel, E. 1868. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 1st ed. Reimer, Berlin, . See Dayrat (2003), .
- "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum der Organismen" [p. 347]
- Plantae
- “Protista” [polyphyletic]
- Labyrinthuleae
- Myxomycetes
- Diatomeae
- Monera Neutra
- Protoplasta
- Rhizopoda
- Flagellata
- Animalia
- "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum des Pflanzenreichs" [p. 382]
- Fucoideae
- Florideae
- Archephyceae
- Archephyta [paraphyletic] + Chlorophyceae [polyphyletic] + Cormophyta
- Lichenes
- Fungi
- "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum des Thierreichs" [p. 392]
- Acephalae
- Spongiae
- Colelminthes
- Acineta
- Archezoa [paraphyletic] + Infusoria
- Ciliata
- Platyelminthes
- Himatega
- Nematelminthes
- "Einstämmiger oder Monophyletisher Stammbaum der Organismen" [plate I, ]
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
- Florideae
- Fucoideae
- Chloralgae + Muscinae + Filicinae + Gymnospermae + Angiospermae
- Lichenes
- Fungi
- Protistenreich, Protista
- Diatomea
- Labyrinthulae
- Myxomycetes
- Monera neutra + Rhizopoda
- Noctilucae
- Flagellata
- Protoplasta
- Thierreich, Animalia
- Coelenterata
- Scolecida
- Vermes (Scolecida + Colelminthes + Himatega) +Arthropoda + Vertebrata + Mollusca
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
Haeckel (1868b)
Haeckel, E. 1868. Monographie der Moneren. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft 4: 64–144, . See p. 122, 129-134.
Translation: Monograph of Monera. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1869, IX: 27-42, 113-134, 219-232, 327-342.
- Monera
- Gymnomonera (Protamaeba, Protogenes, Myxodictyum)
- Lepomonera (Protomonas, Protomyxa, Vampyrella, Myxastrum)
- Flagellata
- Labyrinthulea (Labyrinthulae)
- Diatomea
- Phycochromacea
- Fungi (Mycetes)
- Myxomycetes
- Protoplasta
- Noctilucae
- Rhizopoda
Haeckel (1878)
Haeckel, E., 1878. Das Protistenreich. Eine Populäre Uebersicht über das Formengebiet der Niedersten Lebewesen. Ernst Günther's Verlag, Leipzig, 104 pp, .
Protista [p. 86-104]
- Monera
- Lobomonera (Protamoeba)
- Rhizomonera (Protomyxa, Vampyrella, Bathybius)
- Tachymonera or Schizomycetes (Bacterium, Vibrium, Spirillum)
- Lobosa
- Gregarinae
- Flagellata
- Catallacta
- Ciliata
- Acinetae
- Labyrinthuleae
- Bacillariae
- Fungi
- Myxomycetes
- Thalamophora
- Heliozoa
- Radiolaria
Haeckel (1889)
Haeckel, E. 1889. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 8th ed, . See p. 452, 453, 462, 508.
- Protistenreich
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Klass I. Phytarcha (Phytocytoda)
- Phytomonera
- Ordnung 1. Probiontes
- Chromaceae
- Ordnung 2. Chroococceae
- Ordnung 3. Nostochineae
- Phytomonera
- Klass II. Diatomeae
- Klass III. Cosmariae (Desmidieae)
- Klass IV. Palmellariae (Palmellaceae)
- Klass V. Siphoneae (Coeloblastae)
- Klass I. Phytarcha (Phytocytoda)
- Protozoa (Protista animalia)
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Zoomonera
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria
- Sphaerobacteria
- Rhabdobacteria
- Zoomonera
- Cytarcha
- Lobosa (Amoebina)
- Gregarinae (Sporozoa)
- Infusoria
- Flagellata (Mastigophora)
- Ciliata
- Acinetae (Suctoria)
- Rhizopoda
- Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes)
- Heliozoa
- Thalamaria (Foraminifera)
- Radiolaria
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Pflanzenreich
- Thierreich
Haeckel (1894-1896)
Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). .
[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Probiontes
- Chromaceae (Phycochromaceae)
- Algariae (Paulosporata)
- Paulotomeae
- Conjugatae
- Diatomeae
- Algettae (Zoosporata)
- Mastigota
- Melethallia
- Siphoneae
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi) [Vol. 1, p. 256]
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Coccillida
- Bacillida
- Spirillida
- Zoomonera (= Monera s. str.)
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Fungilli (= Sporozoa)
- Rhizopoda
- Infusoria
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)
Haeckel (1904)
Die Lebenswunder, 1st ed., 1904, . English translation: The wonders of life, 1904, .
- Chromacea
- Bacteria
- Rhizomonera
Copeland (1938)
Copeland, H. F. The kingdoms of organisms. The Quarterly Review Of Biology Vol. 13, No. 4 (Dec., 1938), pp. 383-420, .
Barkley (1939)
Barkley, Fred A. (1939). Keys to the phyla of organisms. Missoula, Montana, .
Stanier & van Niel (1941)
Stanier, R. Y., and van Niel, C. B. 1941. The main outlines of bacterial classification. J. Bact., 42, 437-466, .
- Kingdom Monera
- Division Myxophyta
- Division Schizomycetaea
- Class Eubacteriae
- Order Rhodobacteriales
- Order Eubacteriales
- Order Actinomycetales
- Class Myxobacteriae
- Order Myxobacteriales
- Class Sphirochaetae
- Order Sphirochaetales
- Class Eubacteriae
- Appendix
- Filamentous unsheathed organisms
- Family Leptotrichaceae
- Family Crenothricaceae
- Unicellular organisms multiplying by transverse fission
- Family Achromatiaae
- Unicellular organisms multiplying by longitudinal fission, or budding, or both
- Family Pasteuriaceae
- Filamentous unsheathed organisms
Barkley (1949)
Barkley, Fred A. "Un esbozo de clasificación de los organismos." Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomia, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín. 10: 83–103, .
- Mychota (Monera, Anucleobionta)
- Schizophyta
- Schizomycophyta (Myxothallophyta)
- Vireae (Viriphyta)
- Bacteriophagales (Zoophagi, Phytophagi)
- Rickettsiales
- Schyzomycetes (Eubacteriae)
- Eubacteriales
- Actinomycetales
- Rhodobacteriales
- Pasteuriales
- Spirochaetae
- Spirochaetales
- Vireae (Viriphyta)
- Cyanophyta
- Myxobacteriae
- Myxobacteriales
- Myxophyceae (Cyanophyceae, Schizophyceae, Phycochromaceae)
- Beggiatoales
- Coccogonales (Chroococcales)
- Chaemosiphonales
- Hormogoniales
- Myxobacteriae
- Schizomycophyta (Myxothallophyta)
- Schizophyta
- Protista
- Euplanta
- Euanimalia
Whittaker (1969)
New Concepts of Kingdoms of Organisms, .
- Kingdom Monera
- Branch Myxomonera
- Phylum Cyanophyta
- Phylum Myxobacteriae
- Branch Mastigomonera
- Phylum Eubacteriae
- Phylum Actinomycota
- Phylum Spirochaetae
- Branch Myxomonera
- Kingdom Protista
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Animalia
Parker et al. (1982)
Parker, S. P. (ed.). 1982. Synopsis and classification of living organisms. 2 vols. McGraw-Hill, New York, , . See Brands (1989-2005 ), Superkingdom Prokaryotae
- Kingdom Virus
- Bacterial Viruses
- Plant viruses
- Vertebrate viruses
- Invertebrate viruses
- Kingdom Monera
- Division Bacteria (Haeckel, 1894)
- Division Cyanophycota
- Division Prochlorophycota (Lewin, 1976)
Margulis & Chapman (2009)
Kingdoms & Domains, 4th ed.
Superkingdom Prokarya
- Kingdom Bacteria (Prokaryotae, Procaryotae, Monera)
- Subkingdom or domain Archaea (= Archaebacteria)
- Subkingdom or domain Eubacteria
Shipunov (2009)
Systema Naturae or the outline of living world classification, .
Regnum Monera
- Subregnum Bacteria
- Subregnum Archaebacteria