1. Bacteria sensu Cohn, 1872b, 1872c [= Prokaryotae, excluding Cyanobacteria]
- Synonyms
- Schizomycetes Nägeli, 1857
- Bacteriaceae Cohn, 1872a
- Schizomycetaceae de Toni and Trevisan, 1889
- Bacteriophyta Schussnig, 1925
2. Bacteria sensu Cavalier-Smith 1981, 1983, 1998, Margulis & Chapman, 2009 [= Prokaryotae]
- Synonyms
- Procaryotae Murray, 1968
3. Bacteria sensu Woese et al., 1990 [= Prokaryotae, excluding Archaea]
- Synonyms
- Eubacteria sensu Woese & Fox, 1977
- Neobacteria Möhn, 1984
Cohn (1872b)
Cohn, F. 1872. Ueber Bakterien, die kleinsten lebenden Wesen. Lüdritz’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Carl Habel, Berlin, . American reprint (1889): .
- Micrococcus
- Bacterium
- Bacillus
- Vibrio
- Spirillum
- Spirochaete
Cohn (1872c)
Cohn, F. 1872. Untersuchungen über Bacterien. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen, 1 (2): 127–224, , . Translation at: Brock, T.D. (1998). Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940. ASM Press, p. 210 (PDF)
- Tribe 1. Sphaerobacteria (sphere bacteria)
- Genus 1. Micrococcus char. emend.
- Tribe 2. Microbacteria (rod bacteria)
- Genus 2. Bacterium char. emend.
- Tribe 3. Desmobacteria (filament bacteria)
- Genus 3. Bacillus n. g.
- Genus 4. Vibrio char. emend.
- Tribe 4. Spirobacteria (corkscrew bacteria)
- Genus 5. Spirillum Ehrenberg
- Genus 6. Spirochaete Ehrenberg
Magnin (1880)
Magnin, A. 1880. The Bacteria. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. Translated by George M. Sternberg.
- Spherobacteria
- Microbacteria
- Desmobacteria
- Spirobacteria
- other colorless Schizophytes
de Bary (1884)
de Bary, A. 1884. Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoa und Bakterien. Leipzig.
Bacterien oder Schizomyceten
- Endospore Bacterien
- Arthrospore Bacterien
Hueppe (1886)
Hueppe, F. 1886. Die Formen der Bakterien und ihre Beziehungen zu de Gattungen und Arten. Wiesbaden, p. 140.
- A. Endospore Bakterien
- Kokkaceen
- Bakteriaceen
- Spirobakteriaceen
- B. Arthrospore Bakterien
- Arthro-Kokkaceen
- Arthro-Bakteriaceen
- Arthro-Spirobakteriaceen
- Leptotricheen
- Cladotricheen
Haeckel (1889)
Haeckel, E. 1889. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 8th ed, . See p. 452, 453, 462, 508.
- Protistenreich
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Phytomonera
- Ordnung 1. Probiontes
- Chromaceae
- Ordnung 2. Chroococceae
- Ordnung 3. Nostochineae
- Phytomonera
- Klass II. Diatomeae
- Klass III. Cosmariae (Desmidieae)
- Klass IV. Palmellariae (Palmellaceae)
- Klass V. Siphoneae (Coeloblastae)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Protozoa (Protista animalia)
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Zoomonera
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria
- Sphaerobacteria
- Rhabdobacteria
- Zoomonera
- Cytarcha
- Lobosa (Amoebina)
- Gregarinae (Sporozoa)
- Infusoria
- Flagellata (Mastigophora)
- Ciliata
- Acinetae (Suctoria)
- Rhizopoda
- Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes)
- Heliozoa
- Thalamaria (Foraminifera)
- Radiolaria
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Pflanzenreich
- Thierreich
Engler (1892)
Engler, Adolf. 1892. Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik [Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, in further editions]. Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 1st ed., 143 p.
- Euthallophyta
- Schizophyta
- Schizophyceae (= Cyanophyceae)
- Schizomycetes (= Bacteria)
- Coccacei
- Bacteriacei
- Leptotrichacei
- Cladotrichacei
- Phragmidiotrichacei
- Dinoflagellata
- Bacillariales
- Gamophyceae
- Fungi
- Schizophyta
Haeckel (1894)
Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). .
[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]
- Pflanzen
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Probiontes
- Chromaceae (Phycochromaceae)
- Algariae (Paulosporata)
- Paulotomeae
- Conjugatae
- Diatomeae
- Algettae (Zoosporata)
- Mastigota
- Melethallia
- Siphoneae
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi) [Vol. 1, p. 256]
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Thieren
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Coccillida
- Bacillida
- Spirillida
- Zoomonera (= Monera s. str.)
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Fungilli (= Sporozoa)
- Rhizopoda
- Infusoria
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
Hueppe (1896)
Hueppe, F. 1896. Naturwissenschaftliche Einfuhrung in die Bakteriologie. C. W. Kreidels Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 25. Principles of bacteriology, translation by E. O. Jordan. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1899, p. 37
- Coccaceae
- Bacteriaceae
- Spirobacteriaceae
- Leptothricheae
- Cladothricheae
Fischer (1895)
Fischer, Alfred 1895. Untersuchungen ülber Bakterien. Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik, 27, 1–163, (PDF)
- Haplobacteriaceï
- Trichobacteriaceï
Fischer (1897)
Fischer, A. Vorlesungen über Bakterien. 1897. 1st ed., p. 32 (2nd ed., 1903).
- Haplobacterinae
- Trichobacterinae
Migula (1897–1900)
Migula, W. 1897–1900. System der Bakterien. Vol. 1, 1897 . Vol. 2, 1900, .
- Eubacteria
- Thiobacteria
Smith (1905)
Smith, Erwin F. 1905. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. Vol. 1.
- Eubacteria
- Thiobacteria
- Myxobacteria
Heim (1906)
Heim, Ludwig. 1906. Lehrbuch der Bakteriologie. 3rd ed., p. 303. ..
- Bakterien (Schizomyzeten)
- Mikrokokken, Bazillen, Spirillen
- Tricomyzeten
- Blastomyzeten
- Hyphomyzeten
Lotsy (1907)
Lotsy, J. P. 1907. Vortrage uber botanische Stammesgeschichte. Vol. 1. Algen und Pilsen, p. 329, 341, .
- Schizophyceen
- Bakterien
- Haplobacterinae
- Trichobacterinae
- Myxobakterien
Kolle & Hetch (1911)
Kolle, W. & Hetch, H. 1911. Die experimentelle Bakteriologie, 3rd ed., p. 17.
- Pilze
- Höhere Pilze
- Spaltpilze oder Bakterien
- Kokken
- Bazilen
- Spirillen
- Algen, Flechten
- Spaltalgen
- Schwefelbakterien [sulfur bacteria]
- Eisenbakterien [iron bacteria]
- Streptothricheen
- Spaltalgen
Schneider (1912)
Schneider, A. 1912. Pharmaceutical Bacteriology.
Bacteria (Schizomycetes)
- Coccaceae
- Bacteriaceae
- Spirillaceae
- Spirochaetaceae
- Mycobacteriaceae
- Chlamydobacteriaceae
- Beggiatoaceae
Engler & Gilg (1919)
Engler, A. & E. Gilg. 1919. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, 8th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 395 p.
- Schizophyta
- Schizomycetes (Bacteria)
- Eubacteria
- Thiobacteria
- Schizophyceae
- Schizomycetes (Bacteria)
Schussnig (1925)
Schussnig, B. 1925. Betrachtungen über das system der niederen Pflanzen. Verhandl. d. zool. bot. Ges. Wien., Bd. 75, p. 196–272.
- II. Stamm: Bacteriophyta
- 1. Klasse: Eubacteria
- 2. Klasse: Mycobacteria
- 3. Klasse: Trichobacteria
- 4. Klasse: Myxobacteria
Kluyver & van Niel (1936)
Kluyver, A. J., and van Niel, C. B. 1936. Prospects for a natural system of classification of bacteria. Centr. Bakt., II, 94, 369–403.
- Pseudomonadaceae
- Micrococcaceae
- Mycobacteriaceae
- Bacteriaceae
Chadefaud & Emberger (1960)
Chadefaud, M. & Emberger, L. (éds.). 1960. Traité de botanique systématique. Masson et Cie., Paris. Tome I. Les végétaux non vasculaires (Cryptogamie), par M. Chadefaud, 1960, 1 vol. de 1016 pages, . Tome II. Les végétaux vasculaires, par L. Emberger, deux fascicules, 1540 pages. ,
Monde vivant
- Protocaryotes (= Schizophytes)
- Cyanoschizophytes (= Cyanophycées, Schyzophycées, Myxophycées, ou Algues bleues)
- Chroococcales, Pleurocapsales, Stigonémales, Chamaesiphonales, Nostocales
- Bactérioschizophytes (= Bactéries, ou Schizomycètes)
- Hémibactéries, Eubactéries, Virobactéries
- Cyanoschizophytes (= Cyanophycées, Schyzophycées, Myxophycées, ou Algues bleues)
- Eucaryotes
Buchanan et al. (1974)
Buchanan, R. E. & Gibbons, N. R. (eds.). 1974. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 8th edn. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Kingdom Prokaryotae
- Division Photobacteria
- Class I. Blue-green photobacteria
- Class II. Red photobacteria
- Class III. Green photobacteria
- Division Scotobacteria
- Class I. The bacteria
- Class II. Obligate intracellular Scotobacteria in eucaryotic cells (Rickettsias)
- Class III. Scotobacteria without cell walls (Mollicutes)
Cavalier-Smith (1981)
Eukaryote kingdoms: seven or nine?, .
- Superkingdom Prokaryota
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Subkingdom Eubacteria
- Subkingdom Archaebacteria
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
Parker et al. (1982)
Parker, S. P. (ed.). 1982. Synopsis and classification of living organisms. 2 vols. McGraw-Hill, New York, , . See Brands (1989–2005),
Superkingdom Prokaryotae
- Kingdom Virus
- Bacterial Viruses
- Plant viruses
- Vertebrate viruses
- Invertebrate viruses
- Kingdom Monera
- Division Bacteria (Haeckel, 1894)
- "Phototrophic bacteria"
- Chlorobiineae
- Rhodospirillineae
- "Gliding bacteria"
- Order Myxobacterales
- Order Cytophagales Leadbetter,1974
- "Sheathed bacteria"
- Genera Lieskeella, Phragmidiothrix, Clonothrix, Crenothrix, Sphaerotilus, Leptothrix, Haliscomenobacter
- "Budding and/or appendaged bacteria"
- "Hyphomicrobium group"
- "Caulobacters"
- "Prosthecomicrobia"
- "Planctomyces group"
- Genera Gallionella Ehrenberg, 1838, Metallogenium, Seliberia, Nevskia, Caulococcus, Kusnezovia, Thiodendron
- "Spirochetes"
- Order Spirochaetales Buchanan, 1917
- "Spiral and curved bacteria"
- Family Spirillaceae Migula, 1894
- "Gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci"
- Family Pseudomonadaceae Winslow et al., 1917
- Family Azotobacteraceae Pribram, 1933
- Family Rhizobiaceae Conn, 1938
- Family Methylmonadaceae
- Family Halobacteriaceae Gibbons, 1974
- "Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods"
- Family Enterobacteriaceae Rahn, 1937
- "Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria"
- Family Bacteroidaceae (Castellani & Chalmers, 1919) Pribram, 1933
- "Gram-negative cocci and coccobacilli"
- Family Neisseriaceae Prévot, 1933
- "Gram-negative anaerobic cocci"
- Family Veillonellaceae Rogosa, 1971
- "Gram-negative, chemolithotrophic bacteria"
- Family Nitrobacteraceae Buchanan, 1917
- Family Siderocapsaceae
- "Organisms Metabolizing Sulfur"
- "Methane-producing Bacteria"
- Family Methanobacteriaceae Barker, 1956
- "Gram-positive cocci"
- Family Micrococcaceae Pribram, 1929
- Family Streptococcaceae (Trevisan, 1889) Deibel & Seeley, 1974
- Family Peptococcaceae Rogosa, 1971
- "Endospore-forming rods and cocci"
- Family Bacillaceae Fischer, 1895
- Genera Sporolactobacillus, Clostridium, Desulfotomaculum, Sporosarcina
- "Gram-positive, asporogenous rod-shaped bacteria"
- Family Lactobacillaceae Winslow et al., 1917
- "Actinomycetes and related organisms"
- "Coryneform group"
- Order Actinomycetales Buchanan, 1917
- "Rickettsias"
- Order Rickettsiales Gieszczkiewicz, 1939
- Order Chlamydiales Storz & Page, 1971
- "Mycoplasmas"
- Class Mollicutes Edward & Freundt, 1967
- "Phototrophic bacteria"
- Division Cyanophycota
- Division Prochlorophycota (Lewin, 1976)
- Division Bacteria (Haeckel, 1894)
Möhn (1984)
Möhn, E. 1984. System und Phylogenie der Lebewesen. Band 1. Physikalische, chemische und biologische Evolution. Prokaryonta. Eukaryonta (bis Ctenophora). E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, . From Minelli (1993), pp. 215–387, .
Superkingdom Prokaryonta
- Suprakingdom Archaebacteria
- Kingdom Archaebacteriobionta
- Infrakingdom Methanobacteriobionta
- Phylum Methanococcacea
- Phylum Methanospirillacea
- Phylum Methanosarcinacea
- Phylum Methanobacteriacea
- Infrakingdom Halobacteriobionta
- Phylum Halobacteriacea
- Phylum Halococcacea
- Infrakingdom Caldariabionta
- Phylum Sulfolobacea
- Phylum Thermoplasmatacea
- Infrakingdom Methanobacteriobionta
- Kingdom Archaebacteriobionta
- Suprakingdom Neobacteria
- Kingdom Bacteriobionta
- Infrakingdom Eubacteria
- Superphylum Grambacteria
- Phylum Streptococcacea
- Phylum Clostridiacea
- Phylum Bacillacea
- Phylum Mycoplasmatacea
- Phylum Chlamydiacea
- Phylum Micrococcacea
- Phylum Actinomycetacea
- Superphylum Agrambacteria
- Phylum Desulfovibrionacea
- Phylum Rhodobacteriacea
- Phylum Thiobacillacea
- Phylum Azotobacteriacea
- Phylum Pseudomonadacea
- Phylum Photobacteriacea
- Phylum Enterobacteriacea
- Superphylum Grambacteria
- Infrakingdom Spirochaetae
- Phylum Spirochaetacea
- Infrakingdom Myxobacteria
- Infrakingdom Eubacteria
- Kingdom Cyanobionta
- Phylum Cyanophyta
- Phylum Prochlorophyta
- Kingdom Bacteriobionta
Superkingdom Eukaryonta
Woese et al. (1990)
- Woese, C.R., Kandler, O. & Wheelis, M.L. 1990. Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 87(12): 4576–4579. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.87.12.4576. Reference page.
- Archaea
- Bacteria
- Eukarya
Holt et al. (1994)
Holt. J. G., and N. R. Krieg. 1994. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed. The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. ,
"Four major categories of bacteria"
- I. Gram-negative Eubacteria that have cell walls
- II. Gram-positive Eubacteria that have cell walls
- III. Eubacteria lacking cell walls
- IV. The Archaeobacteria
Cavalier-Smith (1998)
A revised six-kingdom system of life. (PDF)
Empire or Superkingdom Prokaryota Dougherty, 1957 stat. nov. Allsopp 1969
- Kingdom Bacteria Cohn 1870 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith, 1983 (syn. Procaryotae Murray 1968)
- Subkingdom 1. Negibacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1987 (in content nearly the same as the former phylum Gracilicutes)
- Infrakingdom 1. Lipobacteria* infrak. nov.
- Superphylum‡ 1. Eobacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1982 (as an infrakingdom) stat. nov.
- Division or Phylum‡ 1. Heliobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Phylum 2. Hadobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1992 em.
- Subdivision or subphylum‡ 1. Chlorobacteria§ Cavalier-Smith, 1992 (e.g. Heliothrix, Chloroflexus)
- Subphylum 2. Deinobacteria§ Cavalier-Smith, 1986 (e.g. Deinococcus, Thermus)
- Superphylum 2. Endoflagellata Cavalier-Smith, 1992
- Phylum 1. Spirochaetae Ehrenberg, 1855 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Euspirochaetae subphyl. nov. (e.g. Treponema)
- Subphylum 2. Leptospirae subphyl. nov. (e.g. Leptospira)
- Phylum 1. Spirochaetae Ehrenberg, 1855 stat. nov.
- Superphylum‡ 1. Eobacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1982 (as an infrakingdom) stat. nov.
- Infrakingdom 2. Glycobacteria infrak. nov.
- Superphylum 1. Pimelobacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1992 (as infrakingdom) stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Sphingobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Subphylum 1. Chlorobibacteria subphyl. nov. (Chlorobiaceae, e.g. Chlorobium)
- Subphylum 2. Flavobacteria (e.g. Flavobacterium, Cytophaga)
- Phylum 2. Eurybacteria* phyl. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Selenobacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1992 (as phylum) stat. nov. (e.g. Selenomonas, Sporomusa)
- Subphylum 2. Fusobacteria subphyl. nov. (Fusobacterium, Leptotrichia)
- Subphylum 3. Fibrobacteria subphyl. nov. (Fibrobacter)
- Phylum 3. Cyanobacteria Stanier, 1973
- Subphylum 1. Gloeobacteria subphyl. nov. (Gloeobacter)
- Subphylum 2. Phycobacteria subphyl. nov. (e.g. Anabaena, Nostoc, Prochloron)
- Phylum 4. Proteobacteria Stackebrandt et al., 1986
- Subphylum 1. Rhodobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1987 (as phylum) stat. nov.
- Infradivision or infraphylum‡ 1. Alphabacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1992 (as class) stat. nov. (e.g. Rhodospirillum, Rickettsia, Agrobacterium)
- Infraphylum 2. Chromatibacteria infraphyl. nov. (β- and γ-proteobacteria, e.g. Escherichia, Haemophilus, Spirillum, Chromatium)
- Subphylum 2. Thiobacteria subphyl. nov. (δ- and ε-proteobacteria, e.g. Desulfovibrio, Thiovulum, Bdellovibrio, Myxobacteria, e.g. Myxococcus)
- Subphylum 1. Rhodobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1987 (as phylum) stat. nov.
- Phylum 1. Sphingobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Superphylum 2. Planctobacteria superphyl. nov.
- Phylum Planctobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1987 (Planctomycetales and Chlamydiae)
- Superphylum 1. Pimelobacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1992 (as infrakingdom) stat. nov.
- Infrakingdom 1. Lipobacteria* infrak. nov.
- Subkingdom 2. Unibacteria new subkingdom
- Infrakingdom 1. Posibacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1987 stat. nov.
- Phylum Posibacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Subphylum 1. Teichobacteria subphyl. nov. (includes Firmicutes and Mollicutes; paraphyletic Firmicutes here abandoned as a formal taxon and subdivided between Endobacteria and Actinobacteria)
- Infraphylum 1. Endobacteria infraphyl. nov. (classes Clostridea Cavalier-Smith, 1982, e.g. Bacillus, and Mollicutes, e.g. Mycoplasma)
- Infraphylum 2. Actinobacteria Margulis, 1974 (as phylum) stat. nov. (e.g. Corynebacterium, Streptomyces)
- Subphylum 2. Togobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1992 (as phylum) stat. nov. (Thermotogales and Aquifex)
- Subphylum 1. Teichobacteria subphyl. nov. (includes Firmicutes and Mollicutes; paraphyletic Firmicutes here abandoned as a formal taxon and subdivided between Endobacteria and Actinobacteria)
- Phylum Posibacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Infrakingdom 2. Archaebacteria Woese & Fox, 1977 stat. nov.
- Phylum Mendosicutes Gibbons & Murray, 1978
- Subphylum 1. Euryarcheota Woese, Kandler & Wheelis, 1990 stat. nov.
- Infraphylum 1. Halomebacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1986 (e.g. Halobacterium, Methanospirillum)
- Infraphylum 2. Eurytherma infraphy. nov. (Thermoplasma, Thermococcales, Archaeoglobales)
- Subphylum 2. Sulfobacteria Cavalier-Smith, 1986 stat. nov. (syn. Crenarcheota Woese, Kandler & Wheelis, 1990; Sulfolobales and Thermoproteales; Jim Black Pool thermophiles: e.g. Sulfolobus, Pyrobaculum)
- Subphylum 1. Euryarcheota Woese, Kandler & Wheelis, 1990 stat. nov.
- Phylum Mendosicutes Gibbons & Murray, 1978
- Infrakingdom 1. Posibacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1987 stat. nov.
- Subkingdom 1. Negibacteria* Cavalier-Smith, 1987 (in content nearly the same as the former phylum Gracilicutes)
[* Probably paraphyletic.
† Almost certainly paraphyletic.
‡ All the phyla here should be treated as divisions.
§ Originally treated as separate phyla (Cavalier-Smith, 1992a).]
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed. (2001–2012)
From Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed., 5 vols. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. After Madigan et al. 2012.
Domain Archaea [vol. 1]
- Phylum I. Crenarchaeota phy. nov.
- Phylum II. Euryarchaeota phy. nov.
Domain Bacteria
- [vol. 1]
- Phylum I. Aquificae phy. nov.
- Phylum II. Thermotogae phy. nov.
- Phylum III. Thermodesulfobacteria phy. nov.
- Phylum IV. "Deinococcus-Thermus"
- Phylum V. Chrysiogenetes phy. nov.
- Phylum VI. Chloroflexi phy. nov.
- Phylum VII. Thermomicrobia phy. nov.
- Phylum VIII. Nitrospirae phy. nov.
- Phylum IX. Deferribacteres phy. nov.
- Phylum X. Cyanobacteria
- Phylum XI. Chlorobi phy. nov.
- Phylum XII.Proteobacteria [in part]
- The anoxygenic phototrophic purple bacteria
- Phylum XIII. Firmicutes Gibbons and Murray, 5 emend. Garrity and Holt [in part]
- Class I. "Clostridia"
- Order I. "Clostridiales"
- Family VI. Heliobacteriaceae
- Order I. "Clostridiales"
- Class I. "Clostridia"
- [vol. 2]
- Phylum XII. Proteobacteria phyl. nov
- Class I. Alphaproteobacteria class. nov. [vol. 2C]
- Class II. Betaproteobacteria class. nov. [vol. 2C]
- Class III. Gammaproteobacteria class. nov. [vol. 2B]
- Class IV. Deltaproteobacteria class nov. [vol. 2C]
- Class V. Epsilonproteobacteria class nov. [vol. 2C]
- Phylum XII. Proteobacteria phyl. nov
- [vol. 3]
- Phylum XIII. Firmicutes Gibbons and Murray 1978, 5 (Firmacutes [sic] Gibbons and Murray, 1978, 5)
- Class I. "Bacilli" class. nov.
- Order I. Bacillales Prévot, 1953, 60
- Order II. "Lactobacillales" ord. nov.
- Class II. "Clostridia" class. nov.
- Order I. Clostridiales Prévot 1953
- Order II. Halanaerobiales corrig. Rainey and Zhilina, 1995a, 879 (Effective publication: Rainey, Zhilina, Boulygina, Stackebrandt, Tourova and G.A. Zavarzin, 1995b, 193.)
- Order III. Thermoanaerobacterales ord. nov.
- Class III. Erysipelotrichia class nov.
- Order I. Erysipelotrichales ord. nov.
- Class I. "Bacilli" class. nov.
- Phylum XIII. Firmicutes Gibbons and Murray 1978, 5 (Firmacutes [sic] Gibbons and Murray, 1978, 5)
- [vol. 4]
- Phylum XIV. Bacteroidetes phyl. nov.
- Phylum XV. Spirochaetes Garrity and Holt, 2001
- Phylum XVI. Tenericutes Murray, 1984a, 356
- Phylum XVII. Acidobacteria phyl. nov.
- Phylum XVIII. Fibrobacteres Garrity and Holt, 2001
- Phylum XIX. Fusobacteria Garrity and Holt, 2001, 140
- Phylum XX. Dictyoglomi phyl. nov.
- Phylum XXI. Gemmatimonadetes Zhang, Sekiguchi, Hanada, Hugenholtz, Kim, Kamagata and Nakamura, 2003, 1161
- Phylum XXII. Lentisphaerae Cho, Vergin, Morris and Giovannoni, 2004a, 1005
- Phylum XXIII. Verrucomicrobia phyl. nov.
- Phylum XXIV. Chlamydiae Garrity and Holt, 2001
- Phylum XXV. Planctomycetes Garrity and Holt, 2001, 137 emend. Ward (this volume)
- [vol. 5]
- Phylum XXVI. Actinobacteria phyl. nov.
Cavalier-Smith (2006a)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (2006). Rooting the tree of life by transition analyses. Biology Direct 1: 19, .
- Kingdom Bacteria*
- Subkingdom Negibacteria*
- Infrakingdom Glidobacteria* infraking. nov.
- Superdivision Eobacteria* superking. nov.
- Phylum Chlorobacteria
- Phylum Hadobacteria
- Superdivision Cyanobacteria* superking. nov.
- Phylum Cyanobacteria
- Superdivision Eobacteria* superking. nov.
- Infrakingdom Eurybacteria* infraking. nov.
- Phylum Eurybacteria* div. nov.
- Infrakingdom Gracilicutes infraking. nov.
- Phylum Spirochaetae
- Phylum Sphingobacteria
- Class Chlorobea
- Class Flavobacteria
- Superphylum Exoflagellata
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Subphylum Rhodobacteria
- Subphylum Thiobacteria
- Subphylum Geobacteria
- Phylum Planctobacteria
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Infrakingdom Glidobacteria* infraking. nov.
- Subkingdom Unibacteria*
- Phylum Posibacteria*
- Subphylum Endobacteria
- Subphylum Actinobacteria*
- Phylum Archaebacteria
- Subphylum Euryarchaeota
- Subphylum Crenarchaeota
- Phylum Posibacteria*
- Subkingdom Negibacteria*
[*Probably paraphyletic taxa are marked with an asterisk.]
Cavalier-Smith (2006b)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (2006). Cell evolution and Earth history: stasis and revolution. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 361 (1470): 969–1006, , .
Kingdom Bacteria
- Phylum Chlorobacteria
- Phylum Hadobacteria
- Phylum Cyanobacteria
- Phylum Spirochaetae
- Phylum Sphingobacteria
- Phylum Planctobacteria
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Phylum Eurybacteria
- Phylum Posibacteria
- Subphylum Endobacteria
- Subphylum Actinobacteria
- Phylum Archaebacteria
Garrity et al. (2007)
Garrity, G.M., Lilburn, T.G., Cole, J.R., Harrison, S.H., Euzeby, J., and Tindall, B.J. 2007. Taxonomic Outline of the Bacteria and Archaea, Release 7.7. Michigan State University Board of Trustees, .
- Domain Archaea
- Phylum Crenarchaeota
- Phylum Euryarchaeota
- Domain Bacteria
- Phylum Aquificae
- Phylum Thermotogae
- Phylum Thermodesulfobacteria
- Phylum Deinococcus-Thermus
- Phylum Chrysiogenetes
- Phylum Chloroflexi
- Phylum Thermomicrobia
- Phylum Nitrospira
- Phylum Deferribacteres
- Phylum Cyanobacteria
- Phylum Chlorobi
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Class Alphaproteobacteria
- Class Betaproteobacteria
- Class Gammaproteobacteria
- Class Deltaproteobacteria
- Class Epsilonproteobacteria
- Phylum Firmicutes
- Class "Clostridia"
- Class Mollicutes
- Class "Bacilli"
- Phylum Actinobacteria
- Class "Actinobacteria"
- Phyla Planctomycetes
- Phylum Chlamydiae
- Phylum Spirochaetes
- Phylum Fibrobacteres
- Phylum Acidobacteria
- Phylum Bacteroidetes
- Phylum Fusobacteria
- Phylum Verrucomicrobia
- Phylum Dictyoglomi
- Phylum Gemmatimonadetes
- Phylum Lentisphaerae
Margulis & Chapman (2009)
Kingdoms & Domains, 4th ed.
Superkingdom Prokarya
- Kingdom Bacteria (Prokaryotae, Procaryotae, Monera)
- Subkingdom or domain Archaea (Archaebacteria)
- Division Mendosicutes
- Phylum Euryarchaeota
- Phylum Crenarchaeota
- Division Mendosicutes
- Subkingdom or domain Eubacteria
- Division Gracilicutes (= Hydrobacteria)
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Phylum Spirochaetae
- Phylum Bacteroides–Saprospirae
- Phylum Cyanobacteria
- Phylum Chloroflexa
- Phylum Chlorobia
- Division Tenericutes
- Phylum Aphragmabacteria
- Division Firmicutes
- Phylum Endospora
- Phylum Pirellulae
- Phylum Actinobacteria
- Phylum Deinococci
- Phylum Thermotogae
- Division Gracilicutes (= Hydrobacteria)
- Subkingdom or domain Archaea (Archaebacteria)
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248
Superkingdom Prokaryota
- Kingdom Archaea [= Archaebacteria]
- Kingdom Bacteria [= Eubacteria]
- Subkingdom Negibacteria
- Phylum Acidobacteria
- Class N.N. (Bryobacter)
- Class Acidobacteria
- Order Acidobacteriales
- Class Holophagae
- Order Acanthopleuribacterales
- Order Holophagales
- Phylum Aquificae
- Class Aquificae
- Order Aquificales
- Class Aquificae
- Phylum Armatimonadetes
- Class Armatimonadia
- Order Armatimonadales
- Class Chthonomonadetes
- Order Chthonomonadales
- Class Fimbriimonadia
- Order Fimbriimonadales
- Class Armatimonadia
- Phylum Bacteroidetes
- Class Bacteroidia
- Order Bacteroidales
- Class Cytophagia
- Order Cytophagales
- Class Flavobacteria
- Order Flavobacteriales
- Class Sphingobacteriia
- Order Sphingobacteriales
- Phylum Caldiserica
- Class Caldisericia
- Order Caldisericales
- Class Caldisericia
- Phylum Chlamydiae
- Class Chlamydiae
- Order Chlamydiales
- Class Chlamydiae
- Phylum Chlorobi
- Class Chlorobia
- Order Chlorobiales
- Class Ignavibacteria
- Order Ignavibacteriales
- Class Chlorobia
- Phylum Chrysiogenetes
- Class Chrysiogenetes
- Order Chrysiogenales
- Class Chrysiogenetes
- Phylum Cyanobacteria [= Cyanophyta]
- Class Cyanophyceae [= Phycobacteria]
- Order Chroococcales
- Order Nostocales
- Order Oscillatoriales
- Order Pseudoanabaeniales
- Order Synechococcales
- Class Gloeobacteria [= Gloeobacterophyceae]
- Order Gloeobacterales
- Class Cyanophyceae [= Phycobacteria]
- Phylum Deferribacteres
- Class Deferribacteres
- Order Deferribacterales
- Class Deferribacteres
- Phylum Deinococcus-Thermus [= Hadobacteria]
- Class Deinococci
- Order Deinococcales
- Order Thermales
- Class Deinococci
- Phylum Dictyoglomi
- Class Dictyoglomia
- Order Dictyoglomales
- Class Dictyoglomia
- Phylum Elusimicrobia
- Class Elusimicrobia
- Order Elusimicrobiales
- Class Elusimicrobia
- Phylum Fibrobacteres
- Class Fibrobacteria
- Order Fibrobacterales
- Class Fibrobacteria
- Phylum Fusobacteria
- Class Fusobacteriia
- Order Fusobacteriales
- Class Fusobacteriia
- Phylum Gemmatimonadetes
- Class Gemmatimonadetes
- Order Gemmatimonadales
- Class Gemmatimonadetes
- Phylum Lentisphaerae
- Class Lentisphaeria
- Order Lentisphaerales
- Order Victivallales
- Class Oligosphaeria
- Order Oligosphaerales
- Class Lentisphaeria
- Phylum Nitrospira
- Class "Nitrospira"
- Order "Nitrospirales"
- Class "Nitrospira"
- Phylum Planctomycetes
- Class Phycisphaerae
- Order Phycisphaerales
- Class Planctomycea
- Order Planctomycetales
- Class Phycisphaerae
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Class Alphaproteobacteria
- Order N.N. (e.g., Breoghania)
- Order Caulobacterales
- Order Kiloniellales
- Order Kordiimonadales
- Order Magnetococcales
- Order “Parvularculales”
- Order Rhizobiales
- Order Rhodobacterales
- Order Rhodospirillales
- Order Rickettsiales
- Order Sneathiellales
- Order Sphingomonadales
- Class Betaproteobacteria
- Order N.N. (Chitinivorax)
- Order Burkholderiales
- Order Hydrogenophilales
- Order Methylophilales
- Order Neisseriales
- Order Nitrosomonadales
- Order "Procabacteriales"
- Order Rhodocyclales
- Class Deltaproteobacteria
- Order N.N. (e.g., Deferrisoma)
- Order Bdellovibrionales
- Order Desulfarculales
- Order Desulfobacterales
- Order Desulfovibrionales
- Order Desulfurellales
- Order Desulfuromonadales
- Order Myxococcales
- Order Syntrophobacterales
- Class Epsilonproteobacteria
- Order Campylobacterales
- Order Nautiliales
- Class Gammaproteobacteria
- Order N.N. (e.g., Alkalimonas)
- Order Acidithiobacillales
- Order Aeromonadales
- Order Alteromonadales
- Order Cardiobacteriales
- Order Chromatiales
- Order “Enterobacteriales”
- Order Legionellales
- Order Methylococcales
- Order Oceanospirillales
- Order Orbales
- Order Pasteurellales
- Order Pseudomonadales
- Order “Salinisphaerales”
- Order Thiotrichales
- Order “Vibrionales”
- Order Xanthomonadales
- Class Zetaproteobacteria
- Order Mariprofundales
- Class Alphaproteobacteria
- Phylum Spirochaetae
- Class "Spirochaetes"
- Order Spirochaetales
- Class "Spirochaetes"
- Phylum Synergistetes
- Class Synergistia
- Order Synergistales
- Class Synergistia
- Phylum Thermodesulfobacteria
- Class Thermodesulfobacteria
- Order Thermodesulfobacteriales
- Class Thermodesulfobacteria
- Phylum Thermotogae
- Class Thermotogae
- Order Thermotogales
- Class Thermotogae
- Phylum Verrucomicrobia
- Class Opitutae
- Order Opitutales
- Order Puniceicoccales
- Class Verrucomicrobiae
- Order Verrucomicrobiales
- Class Opitutae
- Phylum Acidobacteria
- Subkingdom Posibacteria
- Phylum Actinobacteria
- Class Actinobacteria
- Order Acidimicrobiales
- Order Actinomycetales
- Order Bifidobacteriales
- Order Coriobacteriales
- Order Euzebyales
- Order Gaiellales
- Order Nitriliruptorales
- Order Rubrobacterales
- Order Solirubrobacterales
- Order Thermoleophilales
- Class Actinobacteria
- Phylum Chloroflexi [= Chlorobacteria]
- Class Anaerolineae
- Order Anaerolineales
- Class Caldilineae
- Order Caldilineales
- Class Chloroflexia
- Order Chloroflexales
- Order Herpetosiphonales
- Class Dehalococcoidia
- Order Dehalococcoidales
- Class Ktedonobacteria
- Order Ktedonobacterales
- Order Thermogemmatisporales
- Class Thermomicrobia
- Order Sphaerobacterales
- Order Thermomicrobiales
- Class Anaerolineae
- Phylum Firmicutes
- Class Bacilli
- Order Bacillales
- Order Lactobacillales
- Class Clostridia
- Order Clostridiales
- Order Halanaerobiales
- Order Natranaerobiales
- Order Thermoanaerobacterales
- Class Erysipelotrichia
- Order Erysipelotrichales
- Class Negativicutes
- Order Selenomonadales
- Class Thermolithobacteria
- Order Thermolithobacterales
- Class Bacilli
- Phylum Tenericutes
- Class Mollicutes
- Order Acholeplasmatales
- Order Anaeroplasmatales
- Order Entomoplasmatales
- Order Haloplasmatales
- Order Mycoplasmatales
- Class Mollicutes
- Phylum Actinobacteria
- Subkingdom Negibacteria
Parte (2016)
Parte, A.C. (2016). List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). Created by J.P. Euzéby in 1997. Curated by A.C. Parte since 2013. Avaiable on: Retrieved 5 April 2016.
Domain Bacteria
- Phylum Acidobacteria Thrash and Coates 2012
- Phylum Actinobacteria Cavalier-Smith 2002, subdivisio nov.
- Phylum Aquificae Reysenbach 2001
- Phylum Armatimonadetes Tamaki et al. 2011
- Phylum Bacteroidetes Krieg et al. 2012
- Phylum Caldiserica Mori et al. 2009
- Phylum Chlamydiae Garrity and Holt 2012
- Phylum Chlorobi Iino et al. 2010
- Phylum Chloroflexi Garrity and Holt 2002 emend. Hugenholtz and Stackebrandt 2004
- Phylum Chrysiogenetes Garrity and Holt 2001
- Phylum Cyanobacteria (ex Stanier 1974) Cavalier-Smith 2002, divisio nov., nom. rev.
- Phylum Deferribacteres Garrity and Holt 2001 emend. Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009
- Phylum Deinococcus-Thermus
- Phylum Dictyoglomi Patel 2012
- Phylum Elusimicrobia Geissinger et al. 2010
- Phylum Fibrobacteres Garrity and Holt 2012
- Phylum Firmicutes corrig. Gibbons and Murray 1978, divisio
- Phylum Fusobacteria Garrity and Holt 2012
- Phylum Gemmatimonadetes Zhang et al. 2003
- Phylum Lentisphaerae Cho et al. 2004
- Phylum Nitrospira or Nitrospirae
- Phylum Planctomycetes or Planctobacteria Cavalier-Smith 2002, divisio nov.
- Phylum Proteobacteria Garrity et al. 2005
- Phylum Spirochaetes or Spirochaetae Cavalier-Smith 2002, divisio nov.
- Phylum Synergistetes Jumas-Bilak et al. 2009
- Phylum Tenericutes Murray 1984, divisio nov.
- Phylum Thermodesulfobacteria Garrity and Holt 2001
- Phylum Thermomicrobia Garrity and Holt 2001
- Phylum Thermotogae Reysenbach 2001
- Phylum Verrucomicrobia Hedlund 2012
See also
- Buchanan, R. E. 1917. Studies in the Nomenclature and Classification of the Bacteria: II. The Primary Subdivisions of the Schizomycetes. J. Bacteriol. 2 (2): 155–64,
- Buchanan, R. E. 1925. General systematic bacteriology: history, nomenclature, groups of bacteria. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company,
- Cohn, F. 1872a. Organismen in der Pockenlymphe. Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin, 55 (1), 229–238,
- Pelentier, B. 2007–2015. Empire Biota: a comprehensive taxonomy,