Superregna: Archaea – Bacteria
Procaryotes Chatton, 1925, 1937/1938
- Schizophyta Cohn, 1875
- Akaryonta Novák, 1930
- Archaiophyta Vilhelm, 1931
- Plantae holoplastidae Pascher, 1931
- Monera sensu Copeland, 1938, Barkley, 1939, 1949, Stanier & van Niel, 1941, Whittaker, 1959
- Anucleobionta Rothmaler, 1948
- Mychota sensu Barkley, 1949, Copeland, 1956
- Protophyta sensu Krassilnikov, 1949
- Akaryobionta Rothmaler, 1951
- Archezoa sensu Copeland, 1956
- Prokaryonta Fott, 1959 (according to Round, 1973), Möhn, 1984
- protocaryotes Chadefaud, 1960
- Procaryota Christensen, 1962, Allsopp, 1969
- Procaryotae Murray, 1968, Gibbons & Murray, 1978
- Procaryonta Novák, 1969
- Prokaryota Swain, 1969, Fott, 1971, Margulis, 1974, Whittaker & Margulis,1978
- Procytota Jeffrey, 1971
- Bacteria sensu Cavalier-Smith 1981, 1983, 1998, Margulis & Chapman, 2009
- Prokaryotae Parker et al., 1982 [?]
- Prokarya Margulis, 1996 (not Dougherty, 1957, see Katscher, 2004 and Sapp, 2005)
Chatton (1925)
Chatton, É. 1925. Pansporella perplexa, amoebiens à spores protégées parasite de daphnies. Réflections sur la biologie et la phylogénie des protozoaires. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Série 10 VIII: 5–84, . See Kussakin & Drozdov (1994), , Katscher (2004), .
[p. 76ː]
- Procaryotes
- Cyanophycae
- Bacteriacae
- Spirochaetacae
- Eucaryotes
[p. 77ː]
- Procaryotes
- Cyanophycées
- Bacteriacées
- Spirochaetacées
- Eucaryotes
Pascher (1931)
- Pascher, A. 1931. Systematische Übersicht über die mit Flagellaten in Zusammenhang stehenden Algenreihen und Versuch einer Einreihung dieser Algenstämme in die Stämme des Pflanzenreiches. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. Zweite Abteilung 48: 317–332. Biblioteca Digital. Reference page.
- Plantae holoplastideae [p. 330]
- Cyanophyta
- Schizomycophyta
- Plantae euplastideae
- Chrysophyta
- Chrysophyceae
- Diatomeae
- Heterokontae
- Phaeophyta
- Pyrrhophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Chlorophyta
- Charophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Bryophyta
- Pterido-Anthophyta
- Myxophyta
- Phycomykophyta
- Mykophyta
- Chrysophyta
Rothmaler (1948)
Rothmaler, Werner. 1948. Über das natürliche System der Organismen. Biologisches Zentralblatt. 67: 242–250.
- Anucleobionta
- Protobionta
- Cormobionta
- Gastrobionta
Rothmaler (1951)
Rothmaler, Werner. 1951. Die Abteilungen und Klassen der Pflanzen. Feddes Rep Spec Nov Reg Veg 3: 256–266, , .
- Aphanobionta
- Akaryobionta Rothm., nom. nov. – Anucleobionta Rothm. (1948) – Anucleobionten Harms (1946) – Monera Haeckel em. Copeland (1938) non Haeckel (1866) – Protophyta Haeckel (1894) – Mychota Enderlein (1925) – Akaryonta Novak (1930)
- Schizophyta (Cohn) Wettst. (1901) – Archeophyta Haeckel (1894) non Haeckel (1866) – Cyanophyta Schussnig (1925) – Schizomycophyta Pascher (1931)
- Bacterioschiceae Rothm., nom. nov. – Bacteriatae Rothm. (1949) – Schizomycetes Eichler (1883) – Schizomycota Rothm., nom. event.
- Trichoschiceae Rothm., nom. nov. – Trichobacteriatae Rothm. (1949) – Trichomycota Rothm., nom. event .
- Cyanoschiceae Rothm., nom. nov. – Myxophyceae Stitzenb. (1860) – Cryptophyceae Thuret (1863) – Cyanophyceae Sachs (1874) – Phycochromophyceae Rabenh. (1864) – Schizophyceae Cohn (1879) – Myxophykea Wallr. (1833) – Cyanophycatae Rothm. (1949).
- Schizophyta (Cohn) Wettst. (1901) – Archeophyta Haeckel (1894) non Haeckel (1866) – Cyanophyta Schussnig (1925) – Schizomycophyta Pascher (1931)
- Protobionta
- Cormobionta
- Gastrobionta
Chadefaud & Emberger (1960)
Chadefaud, M. & Emberger, L. (eds.). 1960. Traité de botanique systématique. Masson et Cie., Paris. Tome I. Les végétaux non vasculaires (Cryptogamie), par M. Chadefaud, 1960, 1 vol. de 1016 pages, . Tome II. Les végétaux vasculaires, par L. Emberger, 1960, deux fascicules, 1540 pages, , .
Monde vivant
- Protocaryotes (= Schizophytes)
- Cyanoschizophytes (= Cyanophycées, Schyzophycées, Myxophycées, ou Algues bleues)
- Chroococcales, Pleurocapsales, Stigonémales, Chamaesiphonales, Nostocales
- Bactérioschizophytes (= Bactéries, ou Schizomycètes)
- Hémibactéries, Eubactéries, Virobactéries
- Cyanoschizophytes (= Cyanophycées, Schyzophycées, Myxophycées, ou Algues bleues)
- Eucaryotes
Murray (1968)
Murray, R. G. E. 1968. Microbial structure as an aid to microbial classification and taxonomy. SPISY (Faculté des Sciences de l'Université J. E. Purkyne Brno) 34:249–252. From Sapp (2005).
- Kingdom Procaryotae
- Kingdom Eucaryotae
Allsopp (1969)
Allsopp, A. 1969. Phylogenetic relationships of the Procaryota and the origin of the eucaryotic cell. New Phytol. 68:591-612. From Sapp (2005).
- Kingdom Procaryota
- Bacteria
- Cyanophyta
- Kingdom Eucaryota
Buchanan et al. (1974)
Buchanan, R. E. & Gibbons, N. R. (eds.). 1974. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 8th edn. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1974, .
Kingdom Procaryotae
- Division Photobacteria
- Division Scotobacteria
- Class I. The bacteria
- Class II. Obligate intracellular Scotobacteria in eucaryotic cells (Rickettsias)
- Class III. Scotobacteria without cell walls (Mollicutes)
Gibbons & Murray (1978)
Gibbons, N. E. & Murray, R. G. E. 1978. Proposals concerning the higher taxa of bacteria. Int J Syst Bacteriol 28:1–6, (PDF)
Kingdom Procaryotae
- Division Gracilicutes
- Class Photobacteria
- Subclass Oxyphotobacteriae
- Order Cyanobacteriales
- Order Prochlorales
- Subclass Anoxyphotobacteriae
- Order Rhodospirillales
- Order Chlorobiales
- Subclass Oxyphotobacteriae
- Class Scotobacteria
- Class Photobacteria
- Division Firmacutes
- Division Mollicutes
Cavalier-Smith (1981)
Eukaryote kingdoms: seven or nine?, .
- Superkingdom Prokaryota
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Subkingdom Eubacteria
- Subkingdom Archaebacteria
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
Parker et al. (1982)
Parker, S. P. (ed.). 1982. Synopsis and classification of living organisms. 2 vols. McGraw-Hill, New York, , . See Brands (1989–2005),
Superkingdom Prokaryotae
- Kingdom Virus
- Bacterial Viruses
- Plant viruses
- Vertebrate viruses
- Invertebrate viruses
- Kingdom Monera
- Division Bacteria (Haeckel, 1894)
- Division Cyanophycota
- Division Prochlorophycota (Lewin, 1976)
Möhn (1984)
Möhn, E. (1984). System und Phylogenie der Lebewesen. Band 1. Physikalische, chemische und biologische Evolution. Prokaryonta. Eukaryonta (bis Ctenophora). E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, . From Minelli (1993), pp. 215–387, .
Superkingdom Prokaryonta
- Suprakingdom Archaebacteria
- Kingdom Archaebacteriobionta
- Infrakingdom Methanobacteriobionta
- Phylum Methanococcacea
- Phylum Methanospirillacea
- Phylum Methanosarcinacea
- Phylum Methanobacteriacea
- Infrakingdom Halobacteriobionta
- Phylum Halobacteriacea
- Phylum Halococcacea
- Infrakingdom Caldariabionta
- Phylum Sulfolobacea
- Phylum Thermoplasmatacea
- Infrakingdom Methanobacteriobionta
- Kingdom Archaebacteriobionta
- Suprakingdom Neobacteria
- Kingdom Bacteriobionta
- Infrakingdom Eubacteria
- Superphylum Grambacteria
- Phylum Streptococcacea
- Phylum Clostridiacea
- Phylum Bacillacea
- Phylum Mycoplasmatacea
- Phylum Chlamydiacea
- Phylum Micrococcacea
- Phylum Actinomycetacea
- Superphylum Agrambacteria
- Phylum Desulfovibrionacea
- Phylum Rhodobacteriacea
- Phylum Thiobacillacea
- Phylum Azotobacteriacea
- Phylum Pseudomonadacea
- Phylum Photobacteriacea
- Phylum Enterobacteriacea
- Superphylum Grambacteria
- Infrakingdom Spirochaetae
- Phylum Spirochaetacea
- Infrakingdom Myxobacteria
- Infrakingdom Eubacteria
- Kingdom Cyanobionta
- Phylum Cyanophyta
- Phylum Prochlorophyta
- Kingdom Bacteriobionta
Superkingdom Eukaryonta
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 1st ed. (1984–1989)
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 1st ed., 4 vols. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, , .
Kingdom Procaryotae
- Division I. Gracilicutes
- Class I. Scotobacteria (partly vol. 1 and partly vol. 3)
- Class II. Anoxyphotobacteria (vol. 3, section 18)
- Class III. Oxyphotobacteria (vol. 3, section 19)
- Division II. Firmicutes
- Class I. Firmibacteria (vol. 2)
- Class II. Thallobacteria (vol. 4)
- Division III. Tenericutes
- Class I. Mollicutes (vol. 1, section 10)
- Division IV. Mendosicutes
- Class I. Archaeobacteria (vol. 3, section 25)
- Volume 1. Gram-negative Bacteria of general, medical, or industrial importance
- Section 1. Spirochetes
- Order Spirochaetales
- Family Leptospiraceae [II]
- Genus Leptospira
- Family Spirochaetaceae [I]
- Genus Borrelia [IV]
- Genus Cristispira [II]
- Genus Spirochaeta [I]
- Genus Treponema [III]
- Family Leptospiraceae [II]
- [Other Organisms]
- Hindgut Spirochetes of Termites and Cryptocercus punctulatus
- Order Spirochaetales
- Section 2. Aerobic/Microaerophilic, Motile, Helical/Vibrioid gram-negative bacteria
- Genus Aquaspirillum
- Genus Azospirillum
- Genus Bdellovibrio
- Genus Campylobacter
- Genus Oceanospirillum
- Genus Spirillum
- Genus Vampirovibrio
- Section 3. Nonmotile (or rarely motile), gram-negative curved bacteria
- Family Spirosomaceae
- Genus Flectobacillus [III]
- Genus Runella [II]
- Genus Spirosoma [I]
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Brachyarus
- Genus Meniscus
- Genus Microcyclus
- Genus Pelosigma
- Family Spirosomaceae
- Section 4. Gram-negative Aerobic Rods and Cocci
- Family Acetobacteraceae [VI]
- Genus Acetobacter [I]
- Genus Gluconobacter [II]
- Family Azotobacteraceae [II]
- Genus Azotobacter [I]
- Genus Azomonas [II]
- Family Halobacteriaceae [V]
- Genus Halobacterium [I]
- Genus Halococcus [II]
- Family Legionellaceae [VII]
- Genus Legionella [I]
- Family Methylococcaceae [IV]
- Genus Methylococcus [I]
- Genus Methylomonas [II]
- Family Neisseriaceae [VIII]
- Genus Acinetobacter [III]
- Genus Kingella [IV]
- Genus Moraxella [II]
- Genus Neisseria [I]
- Family Pseudomonadaceae [I]
- Genus Frateuria [III]
- Genus Pseudomonas [I]
- Genus Xanthomonas [II]
- Genus Zoogloea [IV]
- Family Rhizobiaceae [III]
- Genus Agrobacterium [III]
- Genus Bradyrhizobium [II]
- Genus Phyllobacterium [IV]
- Genus Rhizobium [I]
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Alcaligens
- Genus Alteromonas
- Genus Beijerinckia
- Genus Bordetella
- Genus Brucella
- Genus Derxia
- Genus Flavobacterium
- Genus Francisella
- Genus Halomonas
- Genus Janthinobacterium
- Genus Lampropedia
- Genus Paracoccus
- Genus Serpens
- Genus Thermomicrobium
- Genus Thermus
- Genus Xanthobacter
- Family Acetobacteraceae [VI]
- Section 5. Facultatively Anaerobic gram-negative rods
- Family Enterobacteriaceae [I]
- Genus Cedecea
- Genus Citrobacter [IV]
- Genus Edwardsiella [X]
- Genus Enterbacter [VI]
- Genus Erwinia [VII]
- Genus Escherichia [I]
- Genus Hafnia [IX]
- Genus Klebsiella [V]
- Genus Kluyvera
- Genus Morganella [XIII]
- Genus Obesumbacterium
- Genus Proteus [XI]
- Genus Provindencia [XII]
- Genus Rahnella
- Genus Salmonella [III]
- Genus Serratia [VIII]
- Genus Shigella [II]
- Genus Tatumella
- Genus Xenorhabdus
- Genus Yersina [XIV]
- Family Pasteurellaceae [III]
- Genus Actinobacillus [III]
- Genus Haemophilus [II]
- Genus Pasteurella [I]
- Family Vibrionaceae [II]
- Genus Aeromonas [III]
- Genus Photobacterium [II]
- Genus Plesiomonas [IV]
- Genus Vibrio [I]
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Calymmatobacterium
- Genus Cardiobacterium
- Genus Gardnerella
- Genus Chromobacterium
- Genus Eikenella
- Genus Streptobacillus
- Genus Zymomonas
- Family Enterobacteriaceae [I]
- Section 6. Anaerobic gram-negative straight, curved and Helical Rods
- Family Bacteroidaceae [I]
- Genus Acetivibrio [XII]
- Genus Anaerobiospirillum [VII]
- Genus Anaerovibrio [X]
- Genus Bacteroides [I]
- Genus Butyrivibrio [IV]
- Genus Fusobacterium [II]
- Genus Lachnospira [XIII]
- Genus Leptotrichia [III]
- Genus Pectinatus [XI]
- Genus Selenomonas [IX]
- Genus Succinimonas [V]
- Genus Succinivibrio [VI]
- Genus Wolinella [VIII]
- Family Bacteroidaceae [I]
- Section 7. Dissimilatory Sulfate-or Sulfur-reducing bacteria
- Genus Desulfobacter
- Genus Desulfobulbus
- Genus Desulfococcus
- Genus Desulfomonas
- Genus Desulfuromonas
- Genus Desulfosarcina
- Genus Desulfovibrio
- Section 8. Anaerobic gram-negative Cocci
- Family Veillonellaceae [I]
- Genus Acidaminococcus [II]
- Genus Megasphaera [III]
- Genus Veillonella [I]
- Family Veillonellaceae [I]
- Section 9. Rickettsias and Chlamydias
- Order Chlamydiales [II]
- Family Chlamydiaceae [I]
- Genus Chlamydia [I]
- Family Chlamydiaceae [I]
- Order Rickettsiales [I]
- Family Anaplasmataceae [III]
- Genus Anaplasma [I]
- Genus Aegyptianella [II]
- Genus Eperythrozoon [IV]
- Genus Haemobartonella [III]
- Family Bartonellaceae [II]
- Genus Bartonella [I]
- Genus Grahamella [II]
- Family Rickettsiaceae [I]
- Tribe Ehrlichieae [II]
- Genus Cowdria [V]
- Genus Ehrlichia [IV]
- Genus Neorickettsia [VI]
- Tribe Rickettsieae [I]
- Genus Coxiella [III]
- Genus Rickettsia [I]
- Genus Rochalimaea [II]
- Tribe Wolbachieae
- Genus Rickettsiella [VIII]
- Genus Wolbachia [VII]
- Tribe Ehrlichieae [II]
- Family Anaplasmataceae [III]
- Order Chlamydiales [II]
- Section 10. Mycoplasmas
- Division Tenericutes
- Class Mollicutes [I]
- Order Mycoplasamatales [I]
- Family Acholeplasmataceae [II]
- Genus Acholeplasma [I]
- Family Mycoplasmataceae [I]
- Genus Mycoplasma [I]
- Genus Ureaplasma [II]
- Family Spiroplasmataceae [III]
- Genus Spiroplasma [I]
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Anaeroplasma
- Genus Thermoplasma
- Mycoplasma-Like Organisms of Plant and Invertebrates
- Family Acholeplasmataceae [II]
- Order Mycoplasamatales [I]
- Class Mollicutes [I]
- Division Tenericutes
- Section 11. Endosymbionts
- [Endosymbionts of Protozoa, Endosymbionts of ciliates, Endosymbionts of flagellates, Endosymbionts of amoebas]
- Genus Caedibacter [II]
- Genus Holospora [I]
- Genus Lyticum [IV]
- Genus Pseudocaedibacter [III]
- Genus Tectibacter [V]
- [Endosymbionts of Insects, Bloodsucking insects, Plant sap-sucking insects, Cellulose and stored grain feeders, Insects feeding on complex diets]
- Genus Blattabacterium
- [Endosymbionts of Fungi and Invertebrates Other Than Arthropods (Fungi, Sponges, Coelenterates, Helminthes, Annelids, Marine worms and mollusks)]
- [Endosymbionts of Protozoa, Endosymbionts of ciliates, Endosymbionts of flagellates, Endosymbionts of amoebas]
- Section 1. Spirochetes
- Volume 2. Gram-positive Bacteria other than Actinomycetes
- Section 12. Gram-positive Cocci
- Family Deinococcaceae [II]
- Genus Deinococcus [I]
- Family Micrococcaceae [I]
- Genus Micrococcus [I]
- Genus Planococcus [III]
- Genus Staphylococcus [IV]
- Genus Stomatococcus [II]
- [Other Genera (Streptococci)]
- Genus Aerococcus
- Genus Coprococcus
- Genus Leuconostoc
- Genus Gemella
- Genus Pediococcus
- Genus Peptostreptococcus
- Genus Ruminococcus
- Genus Sarcina
- Genus Streptococcus [Pyogenic Hemolytic Streptococci, Oral Streptococci, Enterococci, Lactic Acid Streptococci, Anaerobic Streptococci]
- Family Deinococcaceae [II]
- Section 13. Endospore-forming gram-positive Rods and Cocci
- Genus Bacillus
- Genus Clostridium
- Genus Desulfotomaculum
- Genus Oscillospira
- Genus Sporolactobacillus
- Genus Sporosarcina
- Section 14. Regular, nonsporing, gram-positive Rods
- Genus Brochothrix
- Genus Caryophanon
- Genus Erysipelothrix
- Genus Kurthia
- Genus Lactobacillus
- Genus Listeria
- Genus Renibacterium
- Section 15. Irregular, nonsporing, gram-positive Rods
- Genus Acetobacterium
- Genus Actinomyces
- Genus Agromyces
- Genus Arcanobacterium
- Genus Arachnia
- Genus Arthrobacter
- Genus Aureobacterium
- Genus Bifidobacterium
- Genus Brevibacterium
- Genus Butyrivibrio
- Genus Caseobacter
- Genus Cellulomonas
- Genus Corynebacterium (Plant Pathogenic Species of Corynebacterium)
- Genus Curtobacterium
- Genus Eubacterium
- Genus Gardnerella
- Genus Lachnospira
- Genus Microbacterium
- Genus Propionibacterium
- Genus Rothia
- Genus Thermoanaerobacter
- Section 16. Mycobacteria
- Family Mycobacteriaceae
- Genus Mycobacterium
- Family Mycobacteriaceae
- Section 17. Nocardioforms
- Genus Intrasporangium
- Genus Micropolyspora
- Genus Nocardia
- Genus Nocardioides
- Genus Oerskovia
- Genus Promicromonospora
- Genus Rhodococcus
- Genus Pseudonocardia
- Genus Saccharopolyspora
- Section 12. Gram-positive Cocci
- Volume 3. Archaeobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and remaining Gram-negative Bacteria
- Section 18. Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
- [Green Bacteria]
- [Green Sulfur Bacteria]
- Genus Ancalochloris
- Genus Chlorobium
- Genus Chloroherpeton
- Genus Pelodictyon
- Genus Prosthecochloris
- [Multicellular, Filamentous, Green Bacteria]
- Genus Chloroflexus
- Genus Chloronema
- Genus Heliothrix
- Genus "Oscillochloris"
- [Green Sulfur Bacteria]
- [Green Incertae Sedis]
- Genus Erythrobacter
- Genus Heliobacterium
- [Purple bacteria]
- Family Chromatiaceae [I]
- Genus Amoebobacter [VIII]
- Genus Chromatium [I]
- Genus Lamprobacter [V]
- Genus Lamprocystis [VI]
- Genus Thiocapsa [IV]
- Genus Thiocystis [II]
- Genus Thiodictyon [VII]
- Genus Thiopedia [IX]
- Genus Thiospirillum [III]
- Family Ectothiorhodospiraceae [II]
- Genus Ectothiorhodospira
- [Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria]
- Genus Rhodobacter
- Genus Rhodocyclus
- Genus Rhodomicrobium
- Genus Rhodopila
- Genus Rhodopseudomonas
- Genus Rhodospirillum
- Family Chromatiaceae [I]
- [Green Bacteria]
- Section 19. Oxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria
- Group I. Cyanobacteria
- Subsection I. Order Chroococcales [I]
- Genus Chamaesiphon [I]
- Genus Gloeobacter [Synechococcus-Group] [II]
- Genus Gloeothece [Cyanothece-Group, Gloeocapsa-Group, Synechocystis-Group] [III]
- Subsection II. Order Nostocales [IV]
- Family Nostocaceae [I]
- Genus Anabaena [I]
- Genus Aphanizomenon [II]
- Genus Cylindrospermum [IV]
- Genus Nodularia [III]
- Genus Nostoc [V]
- Family Scytonemataceae [II]
- Genus Scytonema [I]
- Family Rivulariaceae [III]
- Genus Calothrix [I]
- Family Nostocaceae [I]
- Subsection III. Order Oscillatoriales [III]
- Genus Arthrospira [II]
- Genus Crinalium [VII]
- Genus Lyngbya [IV]
- Genus Microcoleus [VIII]
- Genus Oscillatoria [III]
- Genus Pseudanabaena [V]
- Genus Spirulina [I]
- Genus Starria [VI]
- Subsection IV. Order Pleurocapsales [II]
- Genus Chroococcidiopsis [Pleurocapsa-Group] [V]
- Genus Dermocarpa [I]
- Genus Dermocarpella [III]
- Genus Mxyosarcina [IV]
- Genus Xenococcus [II]
- Subsection V. Order Stigonematales
- Genus Chlorogloeopsis [I]
- Genus Fischerella [II]
- Genus Geitleria
- Genus Stigonema [III]
- Subsection I. Order Chroococcales [I]
- Group II. Order Prochlorales
- Family Prochloraceae
- Genus Prochloron
- [Other Taxa]
- Genus "Prochlorothrix"
- Family Prochloraceae
- Group I. Cyanobacteria
- Section 20. Aerobic Chemolithotrophic Bacteria and associated organisms
- [Colourless Sulfur Bacteria]
- Genus Acidiphilium
- Genus Macromonas
- Genus Thermothrix
- Genus Thiobacillus
- Genus Thiobacterium
- Genus Thiomicrospira
- Genus Thiosphaera
- Genus Thiospira
- Genus Thiovulum
- [Iron- and Manganese-Oxidizing and/or Depositing Bacteria]
- Family Siderocapsaceae
- Genus Naumanniella [II]
- Genus Ochrobium [IV]
- Genus Siderocapsa [I]
- Genus Siderococcus [III]
- Family Siderocapsaceae
- [Magnetotactic Bacteria]
- Genus Aquaspirillum
- Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum
- Genus "Bilophococcus"
- Genus Aquaspirillum
- [Nitrifying Bacteria]
- Family Nitrobacteraceae
- [Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria]
- Genus Nitrobacter [I]
- Genus Nitrococcus [III]
- Genus Nitrospina [II]
- Genus Nitrospira [IV]
- [Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria]
- Genus Nitrosococcus [VI]
- Genus Nitrosolobus [VIII]
- Genus Nitrosomonas [V]
- Genus Nitrosospira [VII]
- Genus Nitrosovibrio [IX]
- [Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria]
- Family Nitrobacteraceae
- [Obligately Chemolithotrophic Hydrogen Bacteria]
- Genus Hydrogenobacter
- [Colourless Sulfur Bacteria]
- Section 21. Budding and / or appendaged Bacteria
- [Prosthecate Bacteria]
- [Budding Bacteria]
- [Buds Produced at Tip of Prostheca]
- Genus Hyphomicrobium
- Genus Hyphomonas
- Genus Pedomicrobium
- [Buds Produced on Cell Surface]
- Genus Ancalomicrobium
- Genus Labrys
- Genus Prosthecomicrobium
- Genus Stella
- [Buds Produced at Tip of Prostheca]
- [Bacteria That Divide by Binary Transverse Fission]
- Genus Asticcacaulis
- Genus Caulobacter
- Genus Prosthecobacter
- [Budding Bacteria]
- [Nonprosthecate Bacteria]
- [Budding Bacteria]
- [Lack Peptidoglycan]
- Genus Planctomyces
- Genus "Isosphaera"
- [Contain Peptidoglycan]
- [Motile]
- Genus Ensifer
- Genus Blastobacter
- [Nonmotile]
- Genus Angulomicrobium
- Genus Gemmiger
- [Motile]
- [Lack Peptidoglycan]
- [Nonbudding, Stalked Bacteria]
- Genus Gallionella
- Genus Nevskia
- [Other Bacteria]
- [Nonspinate Bacteria]
- Genus "Metallogenium"
- Metallogenium personatum
- Metallogenium symbioticum
- Genus Seliberia
- Genus "Thiodendron"
- Genus "Metallogenium"
- [Spinate Bacteria]
- [Nonspinate Bacteria]
- [Budding Bacteria]
- [Prosthecate Bacteria]
- Section 22. Sheathed Bacteria
- Genus "Clonothix"
- Genus "Crenothrix"
- Genus Haliscomenobacter
- Genus Leptothrix
- Genus "Lieskeella"
- Genus "Phargmidiothrix"
- Genus Sphaerotilus
- Section 23. Nonphotosynthetic, Nonfruiting Gliding Bacteria
- Order Beggiatoales [III]
- Family Beggiatoaceae [I]
- Family "Pelonemataceae"
- Genus "Pelonema" [I]
- Genus "Achroonema" [II]
- Genus "Peloploca" [III]
- Genus "Desmanthos" [IV]
- Genus Toxothrix
- Genus Leucothrix
- Genus Vitreoscilla
- Genus Desulfonema
- Genus Achromatium
- Genus Agitococcus
- Genus Herpetosiphon
- Family Simonsiellaceae
- Genus Simonsiella [I]
- Genus Alysiella [II]
- Order Cytophagales [I]
- Family Cytophagaceae [I]
- Genus Chitinophaga
- Genus Capnocytophaga [II]
- Genus Cytophaga [I]
- Genus Flexibacter
- Genus Flexithrix [III]
- Genus Microscilla
- Genus Sporocytophaga
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Saprospira
- Family Cytophagaceae [I]
- Order Lysobacterales [II]
- Family Lysobacteraceae [I]
- Genus Lysobacter [I]
- Family Lysobacteraceae [I]
- Order Beggiatoales [III]
- Section 24. Fruiting Gliding Bacteria: The Myxobacteria
- Order Myxococcales
- Family Archangiaceae [II]
- Genus Archangium
- Family Cystobacteraceae [III]
- Genus Cystobacter [I]
- Genus Melittangium [II]
- Genus Stigmatella [III]
- Family Myxococcaceae [I]
- Genus Myxococcus
- Family Polyangiaceae [IV]
- Genus Chondromyces [III]
- Genus Nannocystis [II]
- Genus Polyangium [I]
- Family Archangiaceae [II]
- Order Myxococcales
- Section 25. Archaeobacteria
- Group [Archaeobacterial Sulfate Reducers] [II]
- Order "Archaeoglobales"
- Family "Archaeoglobaceae"
- Genus Archaeoglobus
- Family "Archaeoglobaceae"
- Order "Archaeoglobales"
- Group [Cell Wall-Less Archaeobacteria] [IV]
- Genus Thermoplasma
- Group [Extremely Halophilic Archaeobacteria] [III]
- Order Halobacteriales
- Family Halobacteriaceae
- Genus Haloarcula [II]
- Genus Halobacterium [I]
- Genus Halococcus [IV]
- Genus Haloferax [III]
- Genus Natronobacterium [V]
- Genus Natronococcus [VI]
- Family Halobacteriaceae
- Order Halobacteriales
- Group [Extremely Thermophilic S0-Metabolizers] [V]
- Order Thermococcales [I]
- Family Thermococcaceae
- Genus Pyrococcus [II]
- Genus Thermococcus [I]
- Family Thermococcaceae
- Order Sulfolobales [III]
- Family Sulfolobaceae
- Genus Acidianus
- Genus Sulfolobus [I]
- Family Sulfolobaceae
- Order Thermoproteales [II]
- Family Desulfurococcaceae [II]
- Genus Desulfurococcus
- Family Thermoproteaceae [I]
- Genus Thermofilum [II]
- Genus Thermoproteus [I]
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Pyrodictium
- Genus Staphylothermus
- Family Desulfurococcaceae [II]
- Order Thermococcales [I]
- Group [Methanogenic Archaeobacteria] [I]
- Order Methanobacteriales [I]
- Family Methanobacteriaceae [I]
- Genus Methanobacterium [I]
- Genus Methanobrevibacter [II]
- Family Methanothermaceae [II]
- Genus Methanothermus
- Family Methanobacteriaceae [I]
- Order Methanococcales [II]
- Family Methanococcaceae
- Genus Methanococcus
- Family Methanococcaceae
- Order Methanomicrobiales [III]
- Family Methanomicrobiaceae [I]
- Genus Methanogenium [III]
- Genus Methanomicrobium [I]
- Genus Methanospirillum [II]
- Family Methanoplanaceae
- Genus Methanoplanus
- Family Methanosarcinaceae [II]
- Genus Methanococcoides [IV]
- Genus Methanolobus [II]
- Genus Methanosarcina [I]
- Genus Methanothrix [III]
- [Other Genera]
- Genus Methanosphaera
- Family Methanomicrobiaceae [I]
- Order Methanobacteriales [I]
- Group [Archaeobacterial Sulfate Reducers] [II]
- Section 18. Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
- Volume 4. Actinomycetes
- Section 26. Nocardiofrom Actinomycetes
- Genus Actinopolyspora
- Genus Faenia
- Genus Intrasporangium
- Genus Nocardia
- Genus Nocardioides
- Genus Oerskovia
- Genus Promicromonospora
- Genus Pseudonocardia
- Genus Rhodococcus
- Genus Saccharomonospora
- Genus Saccharopolyspora
- Section 27. Actinomycetes with multilocular Sporangia
- Genus Dermatophilus
- Genus Frankia
- Genus Geodermatophilus
- Section 28. Actinoplanetes
- Genus Actinoplanes
- Genus Ampullariella
- Genus Dactylosporangium
- Genus Micromonospora
- Genus Pilimelia
- Section 29. Streptomycetes and related Genera
- Genus Kinesporia
- Genus Sporichthya
- Genus Streptomyces
- Genus Streptoverticillium
- Section 30. Maduromycetes
- Genus Actinomadura
- Genus Microbispora
- Genus Microtetraspora
- Genus Planobispora
- Genus Planomonospora
- Genus Spirillospora
- Genus Streptosporangium
- Section 31. Thermomonospora and related Genera
- Genus Actinosynnema
- Genus Nocardiopsis
- Genus Streptoalloteichus
- Genus Thermomonospora
- Section 32. Thermoactinomycetes
- Genus Thermoactinomyces
- Section 33. Other Genera
- Genus Glycomyces
- Genus Kibdelosporangium
- Genus Kitasatosporia
- Genus Pasteuria
- Genus Saccharothrix
- Section 26. Nocardiofrom Actinomycetes
Cavalier-Smith (1987)
Cavalier-Smith, T. (1987). The origin of eukaryote and archaebacterial cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 503, 17–54.
- Superkingdom 1. Prokaryota
- Kingdom 1. Eubacteria
- Subkingdom 1. Negibacteria
- Branch 1. Murnebacteria
- Branch 2. Planctobacteria
- Subkingdom 2. Posibacteria
- Subkingdom 1. Negibacteria
- Kingdom 2. Archaebacteria (= Metabacteria)
- Kingdom 1. Eubacteria
- Superkingdom 2. Eukaryota
Cavalier-Smith (1998)
A revised six-kingdom system of life (PDF)
Empire or Superkingdom Prokaryota Dougherty 1957 stat. nov. Allsopp 1969
- Kingdom Bacteria Cohn 1870 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1983 (syn. Procaryotae Murray 1968)
- Subkingdom Negibacteria Cavalier-Smith 1987
- Infrakingdom Lipobacteria new infrakingdom
- Infrakingdom Glycobacteria new infrakingdom
- Subkingdom Unibacteria new subkingdom
- Infrakingdom Posibacteria Cavalier-Smith 1987 stat. nov.
- Infrakingdom Archaebacteria Woese & Fox 1977 stat. nov.
- Subkingdom Negibacteria Cavalier-Smith 1987
Gupta (1998)
Gupta, R.S. Protein Phylogenies and Signature Sequences: A Reappraisal of Evolutionary Relationships Among Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, and Eukaryotes. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 1998; 62: 1435–1491, .
- Didermata
- Monodermata
Kussakin & Drozdov (1998)
КусакинО Г., ДроздовА. Л. 1998. Филема органического мира. Часть 2. Прокариоты и низшие эукариоты. С.-Петербург: Наука, .
Kussakin O.G., Drozdov A.L. (1998). Phylema of the living beings. Part 2. Prokaryotes and Lower Eukaryotes. Nauka, St. Petersburg (in Russian).
- Imperia Cellulata Vorontsov, 1965
- Prokaryota, or bacteria
- Dominion Archaebacteria (Woese, 1977) stat. nov. (= Archaea Woese et al., 1990)
- Dominion Eubacteria Woese et Fox, 1977
- Dominion Eukaryota (Chatton, 1925) Moore, 1974
- Prokaryota, or bacteria
Margulis & Chapman (2009)
Kingdoms & Domains, 4th ed.
Superkingdom Prokarya
- Kingdom Bacteria (Prokaryotae, Procaryotae, Monera)
- Subkingdom or domain Archaea (= Archaebacteria)
- Division Mendosicutes
- Phylum Euryarchaeota
- Phylum Crenarchaeota
- Division Mendosicutes
- Subkingdom or domain Eubacteria
- Division Gracilicutes
- Phylum Proteobacteria
- Phylum Spirochaetae
- Phylum Bacteroides–Saprospirae
- Phylum Cyanobacteria
- Phylum Chloroflexa
- Phylum Chlorobia
- Division Tenericutes
- Phylum Aphragmabacteria
- Division Firmicutes
- Phylum Endospora
- Phylum Pirellulae
- Phylum Actinobacteria
- Phylum Deinococci
- Phylum Thermotogae
- Division Gracilicutes
- Subkingdom or domain Archaea (= Archaebacteria)
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, .
- Superkingdom Prokaryota
- Kingdom Archaea [= Archaebacteria]
- Kingdom Bacteria [= Eubacteria]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
See also
- Chatton, E. (1925). Pansporella perplexa. Réflexions sur la biologie et la phylogénie des protozoaires. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. 10e serie, VII:1–84
- Chatton, E. (1937/1938). Titre et travaux scientifique (1906-1937) de Edouard Chatton. Sette, Sottano, Italy
- Christensen, T. 1962. Alger. In: Böcher, T.W., Lange, M. & Sørensen, T. (eds.) Botanik. Bind II. Systematisk botanik. Nr. 2. pp. [1]–178. København: I kommission hos Munksgaard. Reference page.
- Fott, B. (1959). Algenkunde. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 482 p. Translation of: Sinice a řasy. Academia Praha, 1956,
- Fott, B. (1971). Algenkunde. 2nd ed. VEB Fischer, Jena, 581 pp., . Translation of: Sinice a řasy. 2nd ed., Academia Praha, 515 p., 1967,
- Jeffrey, C. 1971. Thallophytes and kingdoms - a critique. Kew. Bull., 25, 291–299. See Brands, S.J. (1989–2015),
- Katscher, F. (2004). The history of the terms Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Protist, 155(2), 257–263,
- Margulis, L. (1974a). The classification and evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In: Handbook of Genetics, Vol. 1, R. C. King, (ed.), Plenum, New York, pp. 1–41
- Margulis, L. (1974b). Five-kingdom classification and the origin and evolution of cells. Evol. Biol. 7, 45–78.
- Margulis, L. (1996). Archaeal-eubacterial mergers in the origin of Eukarya: phylogenetic classification of life. PNAS, 93(3), 1071-1076, (PDF)
- Novák, F. A. (1930). Systematická botanika. Praha
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- Round, F. E. (1973). The Biology of the Algae. 2nd ed., Edward Arnold, London
- Sapp, J. (2005). The prokaryote-eukaryote dichotomy: meanings and mythology. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, 69(2), 292–305,
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- Whittaker, R. H. (1959). On the broad classification of organisms. Quarterly Review of Biology 34: 210–226,
- Whittaker, R. H. & Margulis, L. (1978). Protist classification and the kingdoms of organisms. Biosystems 10, 3–18
The prokaryotes
- Starr, M.P., Stolp, H., Trüper, H.G., Balows, A., & Schlegel, H.G. (eds.) The prokaryotes: a handbook on habitats, isolation and identification of bacteria, 1st ed., 2 vols. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1981.
- Balows, A., Trüper, H.G., Dworkin, M., Harder, W. & Schleifer, K.-H. (eds.). The prokaryotes: a handbook on the biology of bacteria: ecophysiology, isolation, identification, applications, 2nd ed., 4 vols. Springer-Verlag, New York. 1991
- Dworkin, M., Falkow, S., Rosenberg, E., Schleifer, K.-H. & Stackebrandt, E. (eds.). The prokaryotes: a handbook on the biology of bacteria, 2nd ed., 7 vols. Springer-Verlag, New York. 2006.
- Rosenberg, E., DeLong, E.F., Stackebrandt, E., Lory, S. & Thompson, F. (eds.). The prokaryotes, 4th ed., 11 vols. Springer-Verlag, New York. 2013–2014.
Vernacular names
English: Prokaryotes
français: Procaryotes
русский: Прокариоты
тоҷикӣ: Прокариотҳо