Superregnum: Eukaryota
Supergroup: Bikonta
Cladus: Archaeplastida
Cladus: Viridiplantae
Cladus: Embryophyta
Divisiones: Anthocerotophyta - Bryophyta - Marchantiophyta - Tracheophyta
[Note: this page is about Embryophyta (= Plantae sensu Margulis, 1971). For other uses of Plantae, see:
- Plantae (L.)
- Archaeplastida or Plantae (= Plantae sensu Cavalier-Smith, 1981, 1998)
- Viridiplantae (= Plantae sensu Copeland, 1938, 1956).]
Embryophyta Engler, 1892
- Cormophyta Endlicher, 1836
- Phyta Barkley, 1939
- Cormobionta Rothmaler, 1948
- Euplanta Barkley, 1949
- Telomobionta Takhtajan, 1964
- Embryobionta Cronquist et al., 1966
- Metaphyta sensu Whittaker, 1969
- Plantae sensu Margulis, 1971
- Embryophyceae Lewis & McCourt, 2004
- Equisetopsida C. Agardh, 1825, sensu M.W.Chase & Reveal, 2009
- Embryopsida Engler ex Pirani & J. Prado, 2012
Endlicher (1836)
Endlicher, S.L. (1836). Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita. pp. [i]-lx, [1-]-160. Vienna, . See Lindley (1846), , Rendle (1904), .
- Regio II. Cormophyta
- Section 3. Acrobrya
- Section 4. Amphybrya
- Section 5. Acramphybrya
Engler (1892)
Engler, A. 1892. Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik [...] [Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, in further editions]. 1st ed., Berlin: Gebr. Borntraeger, .
- Euthallophyta
- Embryophyta zoidiogama (Archegoniatae)
- Embryophyta siphonogama (Phanerogamae)
Barkley (1949)
Barkley, Fred A. "Un esbozo de clasificación de los organismos." Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomia, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín. 10: 83–103, .
- Mychota
- Protista
- Euplanta (Planta, Cormobionta, Cormophyta, Phyta)
- Bryophyta
- Tracheophyta (or Vasculares)
- Psilophyta
- Lepidophyta (or Lycopsida)
- Calamophyta (or Arthrophyta, Sphenopsida)
- Ptenophyta
- Cycadophyta
- Strobilophyta
- Gnetophyta
- Anthophyta
- Euanimalia
Takhtajan (1964)
Takhtajan, A. (1964). The taxa of the higher plants above the rank of order. Taxon 13(5): 160–164, .
Subregnum Telomobionta (= Cormobionta)
- 1. Divisio Psilophyta
- 2. Divisio Bryophyta
- 3. Divisio Lycopodiophyta (= Lycophyta, Lepidophyta)
- 4. Divisio Psilotophyta
- 5. Divisio Equisetophyta (= Sphenophyta, Calamophyta)
- 6. Divisio Polypodiophyta (= Pteridophyta s.str., Pterophyta s.str.)
- 7. Divisio Magnoliophyta (= Spermatophyta)
Cronquist, Takhtajan & Zimmermann (1966)
Cronquist, A., Takhtajan, A. & Zimmermann, W. (1966). On the Higher Taxa of Embryobionta. Taxon, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Apr., 1966), pp. 129–134, .
Subregnum Embryobionta nom. nov. (regio Cormophyta Endl. 1836, Gen. pl.: 42)
- 1. Divisio Rhyniophyta div. nov.
- 2. Divisio Bryophyta A. Br. 1864.
- 3. Divisio Psilotophyta stat. nov.
- 4. Divisio Lycopodiophyta nom. nov.
- 5. Divisio Equisetophyta nom. nov.
- 6. Divisio Polypodiophyta div.nov.
- 7. Divisio Pinophyta div. nov. (classis Gymnospermae Lindl. 1830, Intr. Nat. Syst. Bot.: 245; divisio Gymnospermae Prantl 1874, Lehrb. d. Bot. 131)
- 8. Divisio Magnoliophyta div. nov. (divisio Angiospermae A. Br. et Doell 1857, ex Doell, Fl. Baden. 1: 104).
- Classis Magnoliatae classis nov. (classis Dicotyledoneae DC. 1818, Syst. 1: 123).
- Typus: Magnolia 1753.
- Classis Liliatae classis nov. (classis Monocotyledoneae DC 1818, Syst. 1: 122).
- Typus: Lilium L. 1753.
- Classis Magnoliatae classis nov. (classis Dicotyledoneae DC. 1818, Syst. 1: 123).
Whittaker (1969)
Whittaker, R. H. (1969). New concepts of kingdoms or organisms. Science 163 (3863): 150–160.
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Protista
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Rhodophycophyta
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Subkingdom Phaeophycophyta
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- Subkingdom Euchlorophyta
- Branch Chlorophycophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Charophyta
- Branch Metaphyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Branch Chlorophycophyta
- Subkingdom Rhodophycophyta
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Animalia
Benton (1993)
Benton, M. J. 1993. The fossil record 2. London: Chapman & Hall, .
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Algae [artificial]
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Plantae
- Bryophyta
- Pteridophyta
- Gymnospermophyta
- Magnoliophyta ("Angiospermae")
Margulis & Chapman (2009)
From Kingdoms & Domains, 4th ed.
Superkingdom Prokarya
- Kingdom Bacteria (Prokaryotae, Procaryotae, Monera)
Superkingdom Eukarya (Eukaryotae)
- Kingdom Protoctista
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Bryata
- Phyla Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, Anthocerophyta
- Subkingdom Tracheata
- Phyla Lycophyta, Psilophyta, Sphenophyta (= Equisetophyta), Filicinophyta (= Pterophyta, Pterodatina, Pteridophyta), Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Conipherophyta, Gnetophyta, Anthophyta (= Angiospermophyta, Magnoliophyta)
- Subkingdom Bryata
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, .
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Plantae [= Archaeplastida]
- Subkingdom Biliphyta
- Phylum Glaucophyta
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Subkingdom Viridiplantae
- Infrakingdom Chlorophyta
- Infrakingdom Streptophyta
- Superphylum Charophyta
- Superphylum Embryophyta
- Phylum Anthocerotophyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Phylum Marchantiophyta
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Subkingdom Biliphyta
- Kingdom Plantae [= Archaeplastida]
- Margulis, L. 1971. Whittaker's five kingdoms of organisms: minor revisions suggested by considerations of the origin of mitosis. Evolution 25: 242–245, .
- Pirani, J.R. & Prado, J. 2012. Embryopsida, a new name for the class of land plants. Taxon, 61(5), 1096–1098. ResearchGate
- Rothmaler, W. 1948. ber das natürliche System der Organismen. Biologisches Zentralblatt. 67: 242–250.
- Embryophytes - Taxon details on Tela Botanica.
Vernacular names
polski: Rośliny telomowe, rośliny wyższe
中文: 有胚植物