
(Unranked): Virus
Group: Satellites and other virus-dependent nucleic acids
Group: Satellite nucleic acids
Group: Single stranded DNA satellites
Ordo: -
Familia: Alphasatellitidae
Subfamilia: Geminialphasatellitinae
Genus: Colecusatellite
Species: Ageratum enation alphasatellite Ageratum yellow vein alphasatellite Ageratum yellow vein China alphasatellite Ageratum yellow vein India alphasatellite Bhendi yellow vein alphasatellite Cassava mosaic Madagascar alphasatellite Chilli leaf curl alphasatellite Cotton leaf curl Egypt alphasatellite Cotton leaf curl Gezira alphasatellite Cotton leaf curl Lucknow alphasatellite Cotton leaf curl Multan alphasatellite Gossypium darwinii symptomless alphasatellite Malvastrum yellow mosaic alphasatellite Malvastrum yellow mosaic Cameroon alphasatellite Pedilanthus leaf curl alphasatellite Sida leaf curl alphasatellite Sida yellow vein Vietnam alphasatellite Sunflower leaf curl Karnataka alphasatellite Synedrella leaf curl alphasatellite Tobacco curly shoot alphasatellite Tomato leaf curl Buea alphasatellite Tomato leaf curl Cameroon alphasatellite Tomato yellow leaf curl China alphasatellite Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand alphasatellite Tomato yellow leaf curl Yunnan alphasatellite



Type species: Cotton leaf curl Multan alphasatellite


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