Eurythenes atacamensis, holotype female
Eurythenes atacamensis, paratype male


Taxonavigation: Lysianassoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Superclassis: Multicrustacea
Classis: Malacostraca
Subclassis: Eumalacostraca
Superordo: Peracarida
Ordo: Amphipoda
Subordo: Amphilochidea
Infraorder: Lysianassida
Parvordo: Lysianassidira
Superfamilia: Lysianassoidea

Familia: Eurytheneidae
Genus: Eurythenes
Species: Eurythenes atacamensis


Eurythenes atacamensis Weston & Espinosa-Leal in Weston et al., 2021

Holotype: Female, total body length 76.2 mm, MNHNCL AMP-15816, genseq-1 16S (MW042884), COI (MW048996).
Type locality: Atacama Trench, eastern South Pacific Ocean (23° 22.774′ S, 71° 20.683′ W), expedition SO216, station 4, depth 8052 m.
  • Female, total body length 70 mm, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (23° 24.48′ S, 71° 19.91′ W), Atacamex Expedition, station 2, depth 8081 m, MZUC-UCCC 46674.
  • Female, total body length 72 mm, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (23° 24.48′ S, 71° 19.91′ W), Atacamex Expedition, station 2, depth 8081 m, MZUC-UCCC 46675, genseq-2 16S (MW290039), COI (MW288146).
  • Male, total body length 50.8 mm, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (23° 22.384′ S, 71° 23.577′ W), expedition SO216, station 4, depth 7204 m, MNHNCL AMP-15817.
  • Female, type locality, MNHNCL AMP-15822. Intersex, total body length 58.8 mm, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (24° 16.233′ S, 71° 25.386′ W), expedition SO216, station 6, depth 7834 m, MNHNCL AMP-15820, genseq-2 16S (MW042883).
  • Juvenile, total body length 16.1 mm, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (21° 44.497′ S, 71° 15.465′ W), expedition SO216, station 2, depth 6738 m, MNHNCL AMP-15819.
  • Juvenile, total body length 38.4 mm, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (21° 44.497′ S, 71° 15.465′ W), expedition SO216, station 2, depth 6714 m, MNHNCL AMP-15818.
  • Juvenile, Atacama Trench, Pacific Ocean (22° 56.282′ S, 71° 40.686′ W), expedition SO216, station 7, depth 4974 m, MNHNCL AMP-15821.
ZooBank: 51F715E8-AD60-403C-B39A-06F3A3223935


Primary references

  • Weston, J.N.J., Espinosa-Leal, L., Wainwright, J.A., Stewart, E.C.D., González, C.E., Linley, T.D., Reid, W.D.K., Hidalgo, P., Olivia, M.E., Wenzhöfer, F., Glud, R.N., Escribano, R. & Jamieson, A.J. 2021. Eurythenes atacamensis sp. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) exhibits ontogenetic vertical stratification across abyssal and hadal depths in the Atacama Trench, eastern South Pacific Ocean. Marine biodiversity, 51(51): 1–20. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-021-01182-z Open access Reference page. 
    • [original description of Eurythenes atacamensis: p. 6–11; figs. 2–6]
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